Haibo Lin c5cdd498ac Revert "Do not clone the same repository multiple times, re-use already cloned repository"
This reverts commit 330ba9b9c4.

As of RHELCMP-8874, revert this patch as a quick fix.

Signed-off-by: Haibo Lin <hlin@redhat.com>
2022-04-13 16:21:55 +08:00

473 lines
17 KiB

from __future__ import absolute_import
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <https://gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import shutil
import glob
import six
from six.moves import shlex_quote
from six.moves.urllib.request import urlretrieve
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import kobo.log
from kobo.shortcuts import run, force_list
from pungi.util import explode_rpm_package, makedirs, copy_all, temp_dir, retry
from .kojiwrapper import KojiWrapper
class ScmBase(kobo.log.LoggingBase):
def __init__(self, logger=None, command=None, compose=None):
kobo.log.LoggingBase.__init__(self, logger=logger)
self.command = command
self.compose = compose
@retry(interval=60, timeout=300, wait_on=RuntimeError)
def retry_run(self, cmd, **kwargs):
@param cmd - cmd passed to kobo.shortcuts.run()
@param **kwargs - args passed to kobo.shortcuts.run()
return run(cmd, **kwargs)
def run_process_command(self, cwd):
if self.command:
self.log_debug('Running "%s"' % self.command)
retcode, output = run(
if retcode != 0:
self.log_error("Output was: %r" % output)
raise RuntimeError(
"%r failed with exit code %s" % (self.command, retcode)
class FileWrapper(ScmBase):
def export_dir(self, scm_root, scm_dir, target_dir, scm_branch=None):
"Exporting directory %s from current working directory..." % (scm_dir)
if scm_root:
raise ValueError("FileWrapper: 'scm_root' should be empty.")
dirs = glob.glob(scm_dir)
if not dirs:
raise RuntimeError("No directories matched, can not export.")
for i in dirs:
copy_all(i, target_dir)
def export_file(self, scm_root, scm_file, target_dir, scm_branch=None):
if scm_root:
raise ValueError("FileWrapper: 'scm_root' should be empty.")
"Exporting file %s from current working directory..." % (scm_file)
files = glob.glob(scm_file)
if not files:
raise RuntimeError("No files matched, can not export.")
for i in files:
target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, os.path.basename(i))
shutil.copy2(i, target_path)
class CvsWrapper(ScmBase):
def export_dir(self, scm_root, scm_dir, target_dir, scm_branch=None):
scm_dir = scm_dir.lstrip("/")
scm_branch = scm_branch or "HEAD"
with temp_dir() as tmp_dir:
"Exporting directory %s from CVS %s (branch %s)..."
% (scm_dir, scm_root, scm_branch)
copy_all(os.path.join(tmp_dir, scm_dir), target_dir)
def export_file(self, scm_root, scm_file, target_dir, scm_branch=None):
scm_file = scm_file.lstrip("/")
scm_branch = scm_branch or "HEAD"
with temp_dir() as tmp_dir:
target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, os.path.basename(scm_file))
"Exporting file %s from CVS %s (branch %s)..."
% (scm_file, scm_root, scm_branch)
shutil.copy2(os.path.join(tmp_dir, scm_file), target_path)
class GitWrapper(ScmBase):
def _clone(self, repo, branch, destdir):
"""Get a single commit from a repository.
We can't use git-archive as that does not support arbitrary hash as
commit, and git-clone can only get a branch too. Thus the workaround is
to create a new local repo, fetch the commit from remote and then check
it out. If that fails, we get a full clone.
Finally the post-processing command is ran.
if "://" not in repo:
repo = "file://%s" % repo
run(["git", "init"], workdir=destdir)
run(["git", "fetch", "--depth=1", repo, branch], workdir=destdir)
run(["git", "checkout", "FETCH_HEAD"], workdir=destdir)
except RuntimeError as e:
# Fetch failed, to do a full clone we add a remote to our empty
# repo, get its content and check out the reference we want.
"Trying to do a full clone because shallow clone failed: %s %s"
% (e, e.output)
# Re-run git init in case of previous failure breaking .git dir
run(["git", "init"], workdir=destdir)
run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", repo], workdir=destdir)
self.retry_run(["git", "remote", "update", "origin"], workdir=destdir)
run(["git", "checkout", branch], workdir=destdir)
except RuntimeError:
if self.compose:
debugdir = os.path.join(
self.compose.topdir, os.path.basename(destdir)
"Copying %s to %s for debugging" % (destdir, debugdir)
copy_all(destdir, debugdir)
def export_dir(self, scm_root, scm_dir, target_dir, scm_branch=None):
scm_dir = scm_dir.lstrip("/")
scm_branch = scm_branch or "master"
with temp_dir() as tmp_dir:
"Exporting directory %s from git %s (branch %s)..."
% (scm_dir, scm_root, scm_branch)
self._clone(scm_root, scm_branch, tmp_dir)
copy_all(os.path.join(tmp_dir, scm_dir), target_dir)
def export_file(self, scm_root, scm_file, target_dir, scm_branch=None):
scm_file = scm_file.lstrip("/")
scm_branch = scm_branch or "master"
with temp_dir() as tmp_dir:
target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, os.path.basename(scm_file))
"Exporting file %s from git %s (branch %s)..."
% (scm_file, scm_root, scm_branch)
self._clone(scm_root, scm_branch, tmp_dir)
shutil.copy2(os.path.join(tmp_dir, scm_file), target_path)
class RpmScmWrapper(ScmBase):
def _list_rpms(self, pats):
for pat in force_list(pats):
for rpm in glob.glob(pat):
yield rpm
def export_dir(self, scm_root, scm_dir, target_dir, scm_branch=None):
for rpm in self._list_rpms(scm_root):
scm_dir = scm_dir.lstrip("/")
with temp_dir() as tmp_dir:
"Extracting directory %s from RPM package %s..." % (scm_dir, rpm)
explode_rpm_package(rpm, tmp_dir)
# "dir" includes the whole directory while "dir/" includes it's content
if scm_dir.endswith("/"):
copy_all(os.path.join(tmp_dir, scm_dir), target_dir)
"cp -a %s %s/"
% (
shlex_quote(os.path.join(tmp_dir, scm_dir)),
def export_file(self, scm_root, scm_file, target_dir, scm_branch=None):
for rpm in self._list_rpms(scm_root):
scm_file = scm_file.lstrip("/")
with temp_dir() as tmp_dir:
"Exporting file %s from RPM file %s..." % (scm_file, rpm)
explode_rpm_package(rpm, tmp_dir)
for src in glob.glob(os.path.join(tmp_dir, scm_file)):
dst = os.path.join(target_dir, os.path.basename(src))
shutil.copy2(src, dst)
class KojiScmWrapper(ScmBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(KojiScmWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
wrapper = KojiWrapper(kwargs["compose"])
self.koji = wrapper.koji_module
self.proxy = wrapper.koji_proxy
def export_dir(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise RuntimeError("Only files can be exported from Koji")
def export_file(self, scm_root, scm_file, target_dir, scm_branch=None):
if scm_branch:
self._get_latest_from_tag(scm_branch, scm_root, scm_file, target_dir)
self._get_from_build(scm_root, scm_file, target_dir)
def _get_latest_from_tag(self, koji_tag, package, file_pattern, target_dir):
"Exporting file %s from latest Koji package %s in tag %s",
builds = self.proxy.listTagged(
koji_tag, package=package, inherit=True, latest=True
if len(builds) != 1:
raise RuntimeError("No package %s in tag %s", package, koji_tag)
self._download_build(builds[0], file_pattern, target_dir)
def _get_from_build(self, build_id, file_pattern, target_dir):
self.log_debug("Exporting file %s from Koji build %s", file_pattern, build_id)
build = self.proxy.getBuild(build_id)
self._download_build(build, file_pattern, target_dir)
def _download_build(self, build, file_pattern, target_dir):
for archive in self.proxy.listArchives(build["build_id"]):
filename = archive["filename"]
if not fnmatch(filename, file_pattern):
typedir = self.koji.pathinfo.typedir(build, archive["btype"])
file_path = os.path.join(typedir, filename)
url = file_path.replace(self.koji.config.topdir, self.koji.config.topurl)
target_file = os.path.join(target_dir, filename)
urlretrieve(url, target_file)
def _get_wrapper(scm_type, *args, **kwargs):
"file": FileWrapper,
"cvs": CvsWrapper,
"git": GitWrapper,
"rpm": RpmScmWrapper,
"koji": KojiScmWrapper,
cls = SCM_WRAPPERS[scm_type]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Unknown SCM type: %s" % scm_type)
return cls(*args, **kwargs)
def get_file_from_scm(scm_dict, target_path, compose=None):
Copy one or more files from source control to a target path. A list of files
created in ``target_path`` is returned.
:param scm_dict:
A dictionary describing the source control repository; this can
optionally be a path to a directory on the local filesystem or reference
an RPM. Supported keys for the dictionary are ``scm``, ``repo``,
``file``, and ``branch``. ``scm`` is the type of version control system
used ('git', 'cvs', 'rpm', etc.), ``repo`` is the URL of the repository
(or, if 'rpm' is the ``scm``, the package name), ``file`` is either a
path or list of paths to copy, and ``branch`` is the branch to check
out, if any.
:param target_path:
The destination path for the files being copied.
:param logger:
The logger to use for any logging performed.
>>> scm_dict = {
>>> 'scm': 'git',
>>> 'repo': 'https://pagure.io/pungi.git',
>>> 'file': ['share/variants.dtd'],
>>> }
>>> target_path = '/tmp/path/'
>>> get_file_from_scm(scm_dict, target_path)
if isinstance(scm_dict, six.string_types):
scm_type = "file"
scm_repo = None
scm_file = os.path.abspath(scm_dict)
scm_branch = None
command = None
scm_type = scm_dict["scm"]
scm_repo = scm_dict["repo"]
scm_file = scm_dict["file"]
scm_branch = scm_dict.get("branch", None)
command = scm_dict.get("command")
logger = compose._logger if compose else None
scm = _get_wrapper(scm_type, logger=logger, command=command, compose=compose)
files_copied = []
for i in force_list(scm_file):
with temp_dir(prefix="scm_checkout_") as tmp_dir:
scm.export_file(scm_repo, i, scm_branch=scm_branch, target_dir=tmp_dir)
files_copied += copy_all(tmp_dir, target_path)
return files_copied
def get_file(source, destination, compose, overwrite=False):
Download from SCM or copy a file to the target ``destination``.
The (str) ``destination`` path is returned.
:param source: Either a (str) location of the file or an scm_dict.
:param destination: string.
:param compose: The compose object.
:param overwrite: Whether or not to overwrite the destination file if exists.
:return: (str) A path to the copied file.
if not source:
return None
msg = "Getting the configuration file %s" % source
if not overwrite and os.path.exists(destination):
compose.log_warning("[SKIP ] %s" % msg)
return destination
compose.log_info("[BEGIN] %s" % msg)
if isinstance(source, dict):
if source["scm"] == "file":
source["file"] = os.path.join(compose.config_dir, source["file"])
with temp_dir(prefix="get_file_") as temporary_directory:
temporary_configuration_location = get_file_from_scm(
source, temporary_directory, compose=compose
temporary_configuration_location_abs = os.path.join(
temporary_directory, temporary_configuration_location[0]
shutil.move(temporary_configuration_location_abs, destination)
compose.log_info("[DONE ] %s" % msg)
return destination
def get_dir_from_scm(scm_dict, target_path, compose=None):
Copy a directory from source control to a target path. A list of files
created in ``target_path`` is returned.
:param scm_dict:
A dictionary describing the source control repository; this can
optionally be a path to a directory on the local filesystem or reference
an RPM. Supported keys for the dictionary are ``scm``, ``repo``,
``dir``, and ``branch``. ``scm`` is the type of version control system
used ('git', 'cvs', 'rpm', etc.), ``repo`` is the URL of the repository
(or, if 'rpm' is the ``scm``, the package name), ``dir`` is the
directory to copy, and ``branch`` is the branch to check out, if any.
:param target_path:
The destination path for the directory being copied.
:param logger:
The logger to use for any logging performed.
>>> scm_dict = {
>>> 'scm': 'git',
>>> 'repo': 'https://pagure.io/pungi.git',
>>> 'dir': 'share,
>>> }
>>> target_path = '/tmp/path/'
>>> get_dir_from_scm(scm_dict, target_path)
['/tmp/path/share/variants.dtd', '/tmp/path/share/rawhide-fedora.ks', ...]
if isinstance(scm_dict, six.string_types):
scm_type = "file"
scm_repo = None
scm_dir = os.path.abspath(scm_dict)
scm_branch = None
command = None
scm_type = scm_dict["scm"]
scm_repo = scm_dict.get("repo", None)
scm_dir = scm_dict["dir"]
scm_branch = scm_dict.get("branch", None)
command = scm_dict.get("command")
logger = compose._logger if compose else None
scm = _get_wrapper(scm_type, logger=logger, command=command, compose=compose)
with temp_dir(prefix="scm_checkout_") as tmp_dir:
scm.export_dir(scm_repo, scm_dir, scm_branch=scm_branch, target_dir=tmp_dir)
files_copied = copy_all(tmp_dir, target_path)
# Make sure the directory has permissions set to 755. This is a workaround
# for a problem where sometimes the directory will be 700 and it will not
# be accessible via httpd.
os.chmod(target_path, 0o755)
return files_copied