Ondrej Nosek 1f0739831c Update tests for Python 2.6
Signed-off-by: Ondrej Nosek <onosek@redhat.com>
2018-03-29 16:34:52 +02:00

384 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <https://gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import copy
import lxml.etree
def get_variants_dtd(logger=None):
Find the DTD for variants file. First look into the system directory, and
fall back to local directory.
variants_dtd = "/usr/share/pungi/variants.dtd"
if not os.path.isfile(variants_dtd):
devel_variants_dtd = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "share", "variants.dtd")))
msg = "Variants DTD not found: %s" % variants_dtd
if os.path.isfile(devel_variants_dtd):
if logger:
logger.warning("%s", msg)
logger.warning("Using alternative DTD: %s", devel_variants_dtd)
variants_dtd = devel_variants_dtd
raise RuntimeError(msg)
return variants_dtd
class VariantsXmlParser(object):
def __init__(self, file_obj, tree_arches=None, tree_variants=None, logger=None):
self.tree = lxml.etree.parse(file_obj)
with open(get_variants_dtd(logger), 'r') as f:
self.dtd = lxml.etree.DTD(f)
self.addons = {}
self.layered_products = {}
self.tree_arches = tree_arches
self.tree_variants = tree_variants
self.logger = logger
def _is_true(self, value):
if value == "true":
return True
if value == "false":
return False
raise ValueError("Invalid boolean value in variants XML: %s" % value)
def validate(self):
if not self.dtd.validate(self.tree):
errors = [str(i) for i in self.dtd.error_log.filter_from_errors()]
raise ValueError("Variants XML doesn't validate:\n%s" % "\n".join(errors))
def parse_variant_node(self, variant_node, parent=None):
variant_dict = {
"id": str(variant_node.attrib["id"]),
"name": str(variant_node.attrib["name"]),
"type": str(variant_node.attrib["type"]),
"arches": [str(i) for i in variant_node.xpath("arches/arch/text()")],
"groups": [],
"modules": None,
"modular_koji_tags": None,
"environments": [],
"buildinstallpackages": [],
"is_empty": bool(variant_node.attrib.get("is_empty", False)),
"parent": parent,
if self.tree_arches:
variant_dict["arches"] = [i for i in variant_dict["arches"] if i in self.tree_arches]
if not variant_dict["arches"]:
if self.logger:
self.logger.info('Excluding variant %s: all its arches are filtered.' % variant_dict['id'])
return None
for grouplist_node in variant_node.xpath("groups"):
for group_node in grouplist_node.xpath("group"):
group = {
"name": str(group_node.text),
"glob": self._is_true(group_node.attrib.get("glob", "false")),
"default": None,
"uservisible": None,
default = group_node.attrib.get("default")
if default is not None:
group["default"] = self._is_true(default)
uservisible = group_node.attrib.get("uservisible")
if uservisible is not None:
group["uservisible"] = self._is_true(uservisible)
for modulelist_node in variant_node.xpath("modules"):
variant_dict["modules"] = variant_dict["modules"] or []
for module_node in modulelist_node.xpath("module"):
module = {
"name": str(module_node.text),
"glob": self._is_true(module_node.attrib.get("glob", "false"))
for kojitag_node in modulelist_node.xpath("kojitag"):
kojitag = {
"name": str(kojitag_node.text),
variant_dict["modular_koji_tags"] = variant_dict["modular_koji_tags"] or []
for environments_node in variant_node.xpath("environments"):
for environment_node in environments_node.xpath("environment"):
environment = {
"name": str(environment_node.text),
"display_order": None,
display_order = environment_node.attrib.get("display_order")
if display_order is not None:
environment["display_order"] = int(display_order)
for buildinstallpackages_node in variant_node.xpath("buildinstallpackages"):
for package_node in buildinstallpackages_node.xpath("package"):
variant = Variant(**variant_dict)
if variant.type == "layered-product":
release_node = variant_node.xpath("release")[0]
variant.release_name = str(release_node.attrib["name"])
variant.release_version = str(release_node.attrib["version"])
variant.release_short = str(release_node.attrib["short"])
contains_optional = False
for child_node in variant_node.xpath("variants/variant"):
child_variant = self.parse_variant_node(child_node, variant)
if not self.add_child(child_variant, variant):
if child_variant.type == "optional":
contains_optional = True
has_optional = self._is_true(variant_node.attrib.get("has_optional", "false"))
if has_optional and not contains_optional:
optional = Variant(id="optional", name="optional", type="optional",
arches=variant.arches, groups=[], parent=variant)
self.add_child(optional, variant)
for ref in variant_node.xpath("variants/ref/@id"):
child_variant = self.parse_variant_node(self.addons[ref], variant)
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError("Variant %s references non-existing variant %s"
% (variant.uid, ref))
self.add_child(child_variant, variant)
# XXX: top-level optional
# for ref in variant_node.xpath("variants/ref/@id"):
# variant["variants"].append(copy.deepcopy(addons[ref]))
return variant
def _is_excluded(self, variant):
if self.tree_variants and variant.uid not in self.tree_variants:
if self.logger:
self.logger.info('Excluding variant %s: filtered by configuration.' % variant)
return True
return False
def add_child(self, child, parent):
if not child or self._is_excluded(child):
return None
return child
def parse(self):
# we allow top-level addon definitions which can be referenced in variants
for variant_node in self.tree.xpath("/variants/variant[@type='addon']"):
variant_id = str(variant_node.attrib["id"])
self.addons[variant_id] = variant_node
for variant_node in self.tree.xpath("/variants/variant[@type='layered-product']"):
variant_id = str(variant_node.attrib["id"])
self.addons[variant_id] = variant_node
result = {}
for variant_node in self.tree.xpath("/variants/variant[@type='variant']"):
variant = self.parse_variant_node(variant_node)
if not variant or self._is_excluded(variant):
result[variant.id] = variant
return result
class Variant(object):
def __init__(self, id, name, type, arches, groups, environments=None,
buildinstallpackages=None, is_empty=False, parent=None,
modules=None, modular_koji_tags=None):
environments = environments or []
buildinstallpackages = buildinstallpackages or []
self.id = id
self.name = name
self.type = type
self.arches = sorted(copy.deepcopy(arches))
self.groups = sorted(copy.deepcopy(groups), key=lambda x: x["name"])
self.environments = sorted(copy.deepcopy(environments), key=lambda x: x["name"])
self.modules = copy.deepcopy(modules)
if self.modules:
self.modules = sorted(self.modules, key=lambda x: x["name"])
self.modular_koji_tags = copy.deepcopy(modular_koji_tags)
if self.modular_koji_tags:
self.modular_koji_tags = sorted(self.modular_koji_tags, key=lambda x: x["name"])
self.buildinstallpackages = sorted(buildinstallpackages)
self.variants = {}
self.parent = parent
self.is_empty = is_empty
self.pkgset = None
self.mmds = []
self.arch_mmds = {}
self.module_uid_to_koji_tag = {}
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self.variants[name]
def __str__(self):
return self.uid
def __repr__(self):
return 'Variant(id="{0.id}", name="{0.name}", type="{0.type}", parent={0.parent})'.format(self)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.type == other.type and self.uid == other.uid
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __lt__(self, other):
ORDERING = {'variant': 0, 'addon': 1, 'layered-product': 1, 'optional': 2}
return (ORDERING[self.type], self.uid) < (ORDERING[other.type], other.uid)
def __le__(self, other):
return self < other or self == other
def __gt__(self, other):
return not (self <= other)
def __ge__(self, other):
return not (self < other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.type, self.uid))
def uid(self):
if self.parent:
return "%s-%s" % (self.parent, self.id)
return self.id
def add_variant(self, variant):
"""Add a variant object to the child variant list."""
if variant.id in self.variants:
if self.type != "variant":
raise RuntimeError("Only 'variant' can contain another variants.")
if variant.id == self.id:
# due to os/<variant.id> path -- addon id would conflict with parent variant id
raise RuntimeError("Child variant id must be different than parent variant id: %s" % variant.id)
# sometimes an addon or layered product can be part of multiple variants with different set of arches
arches = sorted(set(self.arches).intersection(set(variant.arches)))
if self.arches and not arches:
raise RuntimeError("%s: arch list %s does not intersect with parent arch list: %s" % (variant, variant.arches, self.arches))
variant.arches = arches
self.variants[variant.id] = variant
variant.parent = self
def get_groups(self, arch=None, types=None, recursive=False):
"""Return list of groups, default types is ["self"]"""
types = types or ["self"]
result = copy.deepcopy(self.groups)
for variant in self.get_variants(arch=arch, types=types,
if variant == self:
for group in variant.get_groups(arch=arch, types=types, recursive=recursive):
if group not in result:
return result
def get_modules(self, arch=None, types=None, recursive=False):
"""Return list of modules, default types is ["self"]"""
if self.modules is None:
return []
types = types or ["self"]
result = copy.deepcopy(self.modules)
for variant in self.get_variants(arch=arch, types=types,
if variant == self:
for module in variant.get_modules(arch=arch, types=types,
if module not in result:
return result
def get_modular_koji_tags(self, arch=None, types=None, recursive=False):
"""Return list of modular koji tags, default types is ["self"]"""
if self.modular_koji_tags is None:
return []
types = types or ["self"]
result = copy.deepcopy(self.modular_koji_tags)
for variant in self.get_variants(arch=arch, types=types,
if variant == self:
for koji_tag in variant.get_modular_koji_tags(
arch=arch, types=types, recursive=recursive):
if koji_tag not in result:
return result
def get_variants(self, arch=None, types=None, recursive=False):
Return all variants of given arch and types.
Supported variant types:
self - include the top-level ("self") variant as well
types = types or []
result = []
if arch and arch not in self.arches + ["src"]:
return result
if "self" in types:
for variant in self.variants.values():
if types and variant.type not in types:
if arch and arch not in variant.arches + ["src"]:
if recursive:
result.extend(variant.get_variants(types=[i for i in types if i != "self"], recursive=True))
return result
def get_addons(self, arch=None):
"""Return all 'addon' child variants. No recursion."""
return self.get_variants(arch=arch, types=["addon"], recursive=False)
def get_layered_products(self, arch=None):
"""Return all 'layered-product' child variants. No recursion."""
return self.get_variants(arch=arch, types=["layered-product"], recursive=False)
def get_optional(self, arch=None):
"""Return all 'optional' child variants. No recursion."""
return self.get_variants(arch=arch, types=["optional"], recursive=False)