Lubomír Sedlář cdfa3cb45f image-build: Drop suffixes from configuration
The file extension in configuration is only used to tell Pungi which
files from the task results should be downloaded. The user has to get it
right or the phase will fail. Each format has a single valid suffix.

Pungi should not require users to specify the suffix, since it can just
as well just know the right value.

The old configuration will continue working, only the extension will be

Fixes: https://pagure.io/pungi/issue/753
Signed-off-by: Lubomír Sedlář <lsedlar@redhat.com>
2017-11-01 12:47:36 +01:00

254 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import copy
import os
import time
from kobo import shortcuts
from pungi.util import makedirs, get_mtime, get_file_size, failable
from pungi.util import translate_path, get_repo_urls, version_generator
from pungi.phases import base
from pungi.linker import Linker
from pungi.wrappers.kojiwrapper import KojiWrapper
from kobo.threads import ThreadPool, WorkerThread
from kobo.shortcuts import force_list
from productmd.images import Image
# This is a mapping from formats to file extensions. The format is what koji
# image-build command expects as argument, and the extension is what the file
# name will be ending with. The extensions are used to filter out which task
# results will be pulled into the compose.
'docker': 'tar.gz',
'liveimg-squashfs': 'liveimg.squashfs',
'qcow': 'qcow',
'qcow2': 'qcow2',
'raw': 'raw',
'raw-xz': 'raw.xz',
'rhevm-ova': 'rhevm.ova',
'tar-gz': 'tar.gz',
'vagrant-hyperv': 'vagrant-hyperv.box',
'vagrant-libvirt': 'vagrant-libvirt.box',
'vagrant-virtualbox': 'vagrant-virtualbox.box',
'vagrant-vmware-fusion': 'vagrant-vmware-fusion.box',
'vdi': 'vdi',
'vmdk': 'vdmk',
'vpc': 'vhd',
'vsphere-ova': 'vsphere.ova',
class ImageBuildPhase(base.PhaseLoggerMixin, base.ImageConfigMixin, base.ConfigGuardedPhase):
"""class for wrapping up koji image-build"""
name = "image_build"
def __init__(self, compose):
super(ImageBuildPhase, self).__init__(compose)
self.pool = ThreadPool(logger=self.logger)
def _get_install_tree(self, image_conf, variant):
Get a path to os tree for a variant specified in `install_tree_from` or
current variant. If the config is set, it will be removed from the
if variant.type != 'variant':
# Buildinstall only runs for top-level variants. Nested variants
# need to re-use install tree from parent.
variant = variant.parent
install_tree_from = image_conf.pop('install_tree_from', variant.uid)
if '://' in install_tree_from:
return install_tree_from
install_tree_source = self.compose.all_variants.get(install_tree_from)
if not install_tree_source:
raise RuntimeError(
'There is no variant %s to get install tree from when building image for %s.'
% (install_tree_from, variant.uid))
return translate_path(
self.compose.paths.compose.os_tree('$arch', install_tree_source, create_dir=False)
def _get_repo(self, image_conf, variant):
Get a comma separated list of repos. First included are those
explicitly listed in config, followed by by repo for current variant
if it's not included in the list already.
repos = shortcuts.force_list(image_conf.get('repo', []))
if not variant.is_empty and variant.uid not in repos:
return ",".join(get_repo_urls(self.compose, repos, arch='$arch'))
def _get_arches(self, image_conf, arches):
if 'arches' in image_conf['image-build']:
arches = set(image_conf['image-build'].get('arches', [])) & arches
return sorted(arches)
def _set_release(self, image_conf):
"""If release is set explicitly to None, replace it with date and respin."""
if 'release' in image_conf:
image_conf['release'] = (version_generator(self.compose, image_conf['release']) or
def run(self):
for variant in self.compose.get_variants():
arches = set([x for x in variant.arches if x != 'src'])
for image_conf in self.get_config_block(variant):
# We will modify the data, so we need to make a copy to
# prevent problems in next iteration where the original
# value is needed.
image_conf = copy.deepcopy(image_conf)
# image_conf is passed to get_image_build_cmd as dict
image_conf["image-build"]['arches'] = self._get_arches(image_conf, arches)
if not image_conf["image-build"]['arches']:
# Replace possible ambiguous ref name with explicit hash.
ksurl = self.get_ksurl(image_conf['image-build'])
if ksurl:
image_conf["image-build"]['ksurl'] = ksurl
image_conf["image-build"]["variant"] = variant
image_conf["image-build"]["install_tree"] = self._get_install_tree(image_conf['image-build'], variant)
release = self.get_release(image_conf['image-build'])
if release:
image_conf['image-build']['release'] = release
image_conf['image-build']['version'] = self.get_version(image_conf['image-build'])
image_conf['image-build']['target'] = self.get_config(image_conf['image-build'], 'target')
# Pungi config can either contain old [(format, suffix)], or
# just list of formats, or a single format.
formats = []
for format in force_list(image_conf["image-build"]["format"]):
formats.append(format[0] if isinstance(format, tuple) else format)
image_conf["image-build"]["format"] = formats
image_conf["image-build"]['repo'] = self._get_repo(image_conf['image-build'], variant)
can_fail = image_conf['image-build'].pop('failable', [])
if can_fail == ['*']:
can_fail = image_conf['image-build']['arches']
if can_fail:
image_conf['image-build']['can_fail'] = sorted(can_fail)
cmd = {
"image_conf": image_conf,
"conf_file": self.compose.paths.work.image_build_conf(
"image_dir": self.compose.paths.compose.image_dir(variant),
"relative_image_dir": self.compose.paths.compose.image_dir(
variant, relative=True
"link_type": self.compose.conf["link_type"],
"scratch": image_conf['image-build'].pop('scratch', False),
self.pool.queue_put((self.compose, cmd))
class CreateImageBuildThread(WorkerThread):
def fail(self, compose, cmd):
self.pool.log_error("CreateImageBuild failed.")
def process(self, item, num):
compose, cmd = item
variant = cmd["image_conf"]["image-build"]["variant"]
subvariant = cmd["image_conf"]["image-build"].get("subvariant", variant.uid)
self.failable_arches = cmd["image_conf"]['image-build'].get('can_fail', '')
self.can_fail = self.failable_arches == cmd['image_conf']['image-build']['arches']
with failable(compose, self.can_fail, variant, '*', 'image-build', subvariant,
self.worker(num, compose, variant, subvariant, cmd)
def worker(self, num, compose, variant, subvariant, cmd):
arches = cmd["image_conf"]["image-build"]['arches']
formats = '-'.join(cmd['image_conf']['image-build']['format'])
dash_arches = '-'.join(arches)
log_file = compose.paths.log.log_file(
"imagebuild-%s-%s-%s" % (variant.uid, subvariant, formats)
msg = ("Creating image (formats: %s, arches: %s, variant: %s, subvariant: %s)"
% (formats, dash_arches, variant, subvariant))
self.pool.log_info("[BEGIN] %s" % msg)
koji_wrapper = KojiWrapper(compose.conf["koji_profile"])
# writes conf file for koji image-build
self.pool.log_info("Writing image-build config for %s.%s into %s" % (
variant, dash_arches, cmd["conf_file"]))
koji_cmd = koji_wrapper.get_image_build_cmd(cmd["image_conf"],
# avoid race conditions?
# Kerberos authentication failed: Permission denied in replay cache code (-1765328215)
time.sleep(num * 3)
output = koji_wrapper.run_blocking_cmd(koji_cmd, log_file=log_file)
self.pool.log_debug("build-image outputs: %s" % (output))
if output["retcode"] != 0:
self.fail(compose, cmd)
raise RuntimeError("ImageBuild task failed: %s. See %s for more details."
% (output["task_id"], log_file))
# copy image to images/
image_infos = []
paths = koji_wrapper.get_image_paths(output["task_id"])
for arch, paths in paths.items():
for path in paths:
for format in cmd['image_conf']['image-build']['format']:
suffix = EXTENSIONS[format]
if path.endswith(suffix):
image_infos.append({'path': path, 'suffix': suffix, 'type': format, 'arch': arch})
# The usecase here is that you can run koji image-build with multiple --format
# It's ok to do it serialized since we're talking about max 2 images per single
# image_build record
linker = Linker(logger=self.pool._logger)
for image_info in image_infos:
image_dir = cmd["image_dir"] % {"arch": image_info['arch']}
relative_image_dir = cmd["relative_image_dir"] % {"arch": image_info['arch']}
# let's not change filename of koji outputs
image_dest = os.path.join(image_dir, os.path.basename(image_info['path']))
linker.link(image_info['path'], image_dest, link_type=cmd["link_type"])
# Update image manifest
img = Image(compose.im)
img.type = image_info['type']
img.format = image_info['suffix']
img.path = os.path.join(relative_image_dir, os.path.basename(image_dest))
img.mtime = get_mtime(image_dest)
img.size = get_file_size(image_dest)
img.arch = image_info['arch']
img.disc_number = 1 # We don't expect multiple disks
img.disc_count = 1
img.bootable = False
img.subvariant = subvariant
setattr(img, 'can_fail', self.can_fail)
setattr(img, 'deliverable', 'image-build')
compose.im.add(variant=variant.uid, arch=image_info['arch'], image=img)
self.pool.log_info("[DONE ] %s (task id: %s)" % (msg, output['task_id']))