Lubomír Sedlář 32d5d32a6e
Clean up requirements
* dict.sorted and funcsigs are not used anywhere anymore
* urlgrabber is used only in the yum based gather.py module, and thus
  only needed on Python 2
* py3 doesn't need to reinstall mock as that is part of stdlib now

Signed-off-by: Lubomír Sedlář <lsedlar@redhat.com>
(cherry picked from commit c96b5358ba)
2024-08-30 13:40:02 +03:00

71 lines
1.5 KiB

envlist = bandit, flake8, black, py27, py3
deps =
allowlist_externals = sh
commands =
sh -c "flake8 pungi pungi_utils setup.py tests/*py"
basepython = python3
skip_install = true
deps = bandit
commands =
bandit -r -ll pungi pungi_utils
ignore_outcome = True
basepython = python3
allowlist_externals = sh
deps =
commands =
black --check --diff pungi pungi_utils setup.py tests --exclude tests/_composes
sitepackages = true
deps =
allowlist_externals =
commands =
sh -c 'find . -name "*.pyc" -exec rm -f \{\} +'
pip install --force-reinstall pytest mock
make test-coverage
coverage xml
sitepackages = true
deps =
allowlist_externals =
commands =
sh -c 'find . -name "__pycache__" -exec rm -rf \{\} +'
pip install --force-reinstall pytest
pytest {posargs}
exclude = doc/*,*.pyc,*.py~,*.in,*.spec,*.sh,*.rst
filename = *.py
max-line-length = 88
# E402: module level import not at top of file
# H301: one import per line
# H306: imports not in alphabetical order
# E226: missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
# W503: line break occured before a binary operator
# E203: whitespace before ':'
ignore = E402,H301,H306,E226,W503,E203
addopts = --ignore=tests/_composes