It's possible a variant is excluded via tree_variants option and the section does not match anything. It can be confusing to users why nothing is happening. This patch lets Pungi log all unmatched patterns. Fixes: https://pagure.io/pungi/issue/692 Signed-off-by: Lubomír Sedlář <lsedlar@redhat.com>
333 lines
13 KiB
333 lines
13 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <https://gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import sys
import time
import pipes
import shutil
from kobo.threads import ThreadPool, WorkerThread
from kobo.shortcuts import run, save_to_file, force_list
from productmd.images import Image
from pungi.wrappers.kojiwrapper import KojiWrapper
from pungi.wrappers import iso
from pungi.phases import base
from pungi.util import makedirs, get_mtime, get_file_size, failable
from pungi.util import get_repo_urls
# HACK: define cmp in python3
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
def cmp(a, b):
return (a > b) - (a < b)
class LiveImagesPhase(base.PhaseLoggerMixin, base.ImageConfigMixin, base.ConfigGuardedPhase):
name = "live_images"
def __init__(self, compose):
super(LiveImagesPhase, self).__init__(compose)
self.pool = ThreadPool(logger=self.logger)
def _get_repos(self, arch, variant, data):
repos = []
if not variant.is_empty:
repos.extend(force_list(data.get('repo', [])))
return get_repo_urls(self.compose, repos, arch=arch)
def run(self):
symlink_isos_to = self.compose.conf.get("symlink_isos_to")
commands = []
for variant in self.compose.all_variants.values():
for arch in variant.arches + ["src"]:
for data in self.get_config_block(variant, arch):
subvariant = data.get('subvariant', variant.uid)
type = data.get('type', 'live')
if type == 'live':
dest_dir = self.compose.paths.compose.iso_dir(arch, variant, symlink_to=symlink_isos_to)
elif type == 'appliance':
dest_dir = self.compose.paths.compose.image_dir(variant, symlink_to=symlink_isos_to)
dest_dir = dest_dir % {'arch': arch}
raise RuntimeError('Unknown live image type %s' % type)
if not dest_dir:
cmd = {
"name": data.get('name'),
"version": self.get_version(data),
"release": self.get_release(data),
"dest_dir": dest_dir,
"build_arch": arch,
"ks_file": data['kickstart'],
"ksurl": self.get_ksurl(data),
# Used for images wrapped in RPM
"specfile": data.get("specfile", None),
# Scratch (only taken in consideration if specfile
# specified) For images wrapped in rpm is scratch
# disabled by default For other images is scratch
# always on
"scratch": data.get("scratch", False),
"sign": False,
"type": type,
"label": "", # currently not used
"subvariant": subvariant,
"failable_arches": data.get('failable', []),
cmd["repos"] = self._get_repos(arch, variant, data)
# Signing of the rpm wrapped image
if not cmd["scratch"] and data.get("sign"):
cmd["sign"] = True
cmd['filename'] = self._get_file_name(arch, variant, cmd['name'], cmd['version'])
commands.append((cmd, variant, arch))
for (cmd, variant, arch) in commands:
self.pool.queue_put((self.compose, cmd, variant, arch))
def _get_file_name(self, arch, variant, name=None, version=None):
if self.compose.conf['live_images_no_rename']:
return None
disc_type = self.compose.conf['disc_types'].get('live', 'live')
format = "%(compose_id)s-%(variant)s-%(arch)s-%(disc_type)s%(disc_num)s%(suffix)s"
# Custom name (prefix)
if name:
custom_iso_name = name
if version:
custom_iso_name += "-%s" % version
format = custom_iso_name + "-%(variant)s-%(arch)s-%(disc_type)s%(disc_num)s%(suffix)s"
# XXX: hardcoded disc_num
return self.compose.get_image_name(arch, variant, disc_type=disc_type,
disc_num=None, format=format)
class CreateLiveImageThread(WorkerThread):
EXTS = ('.iso', '.raw.xz')
def process(self, item, num):
compose, cmd, variant, arch = item
self.failable_arches = cmd.get('failable_arches', [])
self.can_fail = bool(self.failable_arches)
with failable(compose, self.can_fail, variant, arch, 'live', cmd.get('subvariant'),
self.worker(compose, cmd, variant, arch, num)
def worker(self, compose, cmd, variant, arch, num):
self.basename = '%(name)s-%(version)s-%(release)s' % cmd
log_file = compose.paths.log.log_file(arch, "liveimage-%s" % self.basename)
subvariant = cmd.pop('subvariant')
imgname = "%s-%s-%s-%s" % (compose.ci_base.release.short, subvariant,
'Live' if cmd['type'] == 'live' else 'Disk',
msg = "Creating ISO (arch: %s, variant: %s): %s" % (arch, variant, self.basename)
self.pool.log_info("[BEGIN] %s" % msg)
koji_wrapper = KojiWrapper(compose.conf["koji_profile"])
_, version = compose.compose_id.rsplit("-", 1)
name = cmd["name"] or imgname
version = cmd["version"] or version
archive = False
if cmd["specfile"] and not cmd["scratch"]:
# Non scratch build are allowed only for rpm wrapped images
archive = True
target = compose.conf["live_target"]
koji_cmd = koji_wrapper.get_create_image_cmd(name, version, target,
# avoid race conditions?
# Kerberos authentication failed: Permission denied in replay cache code (-1765328215)
time.sleep(num * 3)
output = koji_wrapper.run_blocking_cmd(koji_cmd, log_file=log_file)
if output["retcode"] != 0:
raise RuntimeError("LiveImage task failed: %s. See %s for more details." % (output["task_id"], log_file))
# copy finished image to isos/
image_path = [path for path in koji_wrapper.get_image_path(output["task_id"])
if self._is_image(path)]
if len(image_path) != 1:
raise RuntimeError('Got %d images from task %d, expected 1.'
% (len(image_path), output['task_id']))
image_path = image_path[0]
filename = cmd.get('filename') or os.path.basename(image_path)
destination = os.path.join(cmd['dest_dir'], filename)
shutil.copy2(image_path, destination)
# copy finished rpm to isos/ (if rpm wrapped ISO was built)
if cmd["specfile"]:
rpm_paths = koji_wrapper.get_wrapped_rpm_path(output["task_id"])
if cmd["sign"]:
# Sign the rpm wrapped images and get their paths
self.pool.log_info("Signing rpm wrapped images in task_id: %s (expected key ID: %s)"
% (output["task_id"], compose.conf.get("signing_key_id")))
signed_rpm_paths = self._sign_image(koji_wrapper, compose, cmd, output["task_id"])
if signed_rpm_paths:
rpm_paths = signed_rpm_paths
for rpm_path in rpm_paths:
shutil.copy2(rpm_path, cmd["dest_dir"])
if cmd['type'] == 'live':
# ISO manifest only makes sense for live images
self._add_to_images(compose, variant, subvariant, arch, cmd['type'], self._get_format(image_path), destination)
self.pool.log_info("[DONE ] %s (task id: %s)" % (msg, output['task_id']))
def _add_to_images(self, compose, variant, subvariant, arch, type, format, path):
"""Adds the image to images.json"""
img = Image(compose.im)
img.type = 'raw-xz' if type == 'appliance' else type
img.format = format
img.path = os.path.relpath(path, compose.paths.compose.topdir())
img.mtime = get_mtime(path)
img.size = get_file_size(path)
img.arch = arch
img.disc_number = 1 # We don't expect multiple disks
img.disc_count = 1
img.bootable = True
img.subvariant = subvariant
setattr(img, 'can_fail', self.can_fail)
setattr(img, 'deliverable', 'live')
compose.im.add(variant=variant.uid, arch=arch, image=img)
def _is_image(self, path):
for ext in self.EXTS:
if path.endswith(ext):
return True
return False
def _get_format(self, path):
"""Get format based on extension."""
for ext in self.EXTS:
if path.endswith(ext):
return ext[1:]
raise RuntimeError('Getting format for unknown image %s' % path)
def _write_manifest(self, iso_path):
"""Generate manifest for ISO at given path.
:param iso_path: (str) absolute path to the ISO
dir, filename = os.path.split(iso_path)
run("cd %s && %s" % (pipes.quote(dir), iso.get_manifest_cmd(filename)))
def _sign_image(self, koji_wrapper, compose, cmd, koji_task_id):
signing_key_id = compose.conf.get("signing_key_id")
signing_command = compose.conf.get("signing_command")
if not signing_key_id:
self.pool.log_warning("Signing is enabled but signing_key_id is not specified")
self.pool.log_warning("Signing skipped")
return None
if not signing_command:
self.pool.log_warning("Signing is enabled but signing_command is not specified")
self.pool.log_warning("Signing skipped")
return None
# Prepare signing log file
signing_log_file = compose.paths.log.log_file(cmd["build_arch"],
"live_images-signing-%s" % self.basename)
# Sign the rpm wrapped images
sign_builds_in_task(koji_wrapper, koji_task_id, signing_command,
except RuntimeError:
self.pool.log_error("Error while signing rpm wrapped images. See log: %s" % signing_log_file)
# Get pats to the signed rpms
signing_key_id = signing_key_id.lower() # Koji uses lowercase in paths
rpm_paths = koji_wrapper.get_signed_wrapped_rpms_paths(koji_task_id, signing_key_id)
# Wait untill files are available
if wait_paths(rpm_paths, 60 * 15):
# Files are ready
return rpm_paths
# Signed RPMs are not available
self.pool.log_warning("Signed files are not available: %s" % rpm_paths)
self.pool.log_warning("Unsigned files will be used")
return None
def wait_paths(paths, timeout=60):
started = time.time()
remaining = paths[:]
while True:
for path in remaining[:]:
if os.path.exists(path):
if not remaining:
if timeout >= 0 and (time.time() - started) > timeout:
return False
return True
def sign_builds_in_task(koji_wrapper, task_id, signing_command, log_file=None, signing_key_password=None):
# Get list of nvrs that should be signed
nvrs = koji_wrapper.get_build_nvrs(task_id)
if not nvrs:
# No builds are available (scratch build, etc.?)
# Append builds to sign_cmd
for nvr in nvrs:
signing_command += " '%s'" % nvr
# Log signing command before password is filled in it
if log_file:
save_to_file(log_file, signing_command, append=True)
# Fill password into the signing command
if signing_key_password:
signing_command = signing_command % {"signing_key_password": signing_key_password}
# Sign the builds
run(signing_command, can_fail=False, show_cmd=False, logfile=log_file)