Jesse Keating 997c6bdf15 Get all potential matches for deps, let install time figure
the best one to use.

Remove code stolen from anaconda as it isnt needed anymore.
This may bloat the compose, but we need the multiarch stuff
and potential matches so that install time can figure out what
to use.
2007-03-15 14:17:53 -04:00

379 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import yum
import os
import shutil
import sys
class Gather(yum.YumBase):
def __init__(self, config, pkglist):
self.workdir = os.path.join(config.get('default', 'destdir'),
config.get('default', 'flavor'),
config.get('default', 'arch'))
# Create a yum object to use
self.config = config
self.doConfigSetup(fn=config.get('default', 'yumconf'), debuglevel=6, errorlevel=6, root=os.path.join(self.workdir, 'yumroot'))
self.config.cachedir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'yumcache')
self.cleanMetadata() # clean metadata that might be in the cache from previous runs
self.cleanSqlite() # clean metadata that might be in the cache from previous runs
if config.get('default', 'arch') == 'i386':
arches = yum.rpmUtils.arch.getArchList('i686')
self.compatarch = 'i686'
elif config.get('default', 'arch') == 'ppc':
arches = yum.rpmUtils.arch.getArchList('ppc64')
self.compatarch = 'ppc64'
arches = yum.rpmUtils.arch.getArchList(config.get('default', 'arch'))
self.compatarch = config.get('default', 'arch')
self.doSackSetup(archlist=arches) # work around temp break in yum api
self.logger = yum.logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.pungi")
self.pkglist = pkglist
self.polist = []
self.srpmlist = []
self.resolved_deps = {} # list the deps we've already resolved, short circuit.
# Create a comps object and add our comps file for group definitions
self.compsobj = yum.comps.Comps()
self.compsobj.add(self.config.get('default', 'comps'))
def doLoggingSetup(self, debuglevel, errorlevel):
"""Setup the logging facility."""
logdir = os.path.join(self.config.get('default', 'destdir'), 'logs')
if not os.path.exists(logdir):
logfile = os.path.join(logdir, '%s.%s.log' % (self.config.get('default', 'flavor'),
self.config.get('default', 'arch')))
yum.logging.basicConfig(level=yum.logging.DEBUG, filename=logfile)
def doFileLogSetup(self, uid, logfile):
# This function overrides a yum function, allowing pungi to control
# the logging.
def getPackageDeps(self, po):
"""Return the dependencies for a given package, as well
possible solutions for those dependencies.
Returns the deps as a list"""
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
self.logger.info('Checking deps of %s.%s' % (po.name, po.arch))
reqs = po.requires
provs = po.provides
pkgresults = {}
for req in reqs:
if self.resolved_deps.has_key(req):
(r,f,v) = req
if r.startswith('rpmlib(') or r.startswith('config('):
if req in provs:
deps = self.whatProvides(r, f, v).returnPackages()
if deps is None:
self.logger.warning("Unresolvable dependency %s in %s" % (r, po.name))
for dep in deps:
if not pkgresults.has_key(dep):
pkgresults[dep] = None
self.resolved_deps[req] = None
return pkgresults.keys()
def getPackagesFromGroup(self, group):
"""Get a list of package names from a comps object
Returns a list of package names"""
packages = []
optional = None
nodefaults = None
# Check for an option regarding default/optional packages
last = group.split()[-1]
if last == '--optional':
optional = True
group = group.split(' --optional')[0]
if last == '--nodefaults':
nodefaults = True
group = group.split(' --nodefaults')[0]
# Check if we have the group
if not self.compsobj.has_group(group):
self.logger.error("Group %s not found in comps!" % group)
return packages
# Get the group object to work with
groupobj = self.compsobj.return_group(group)
# Add the mandatory packages
# Add the default packages unless we don't want them
if not nodefaults:
# Add the optional packages if we want them
if optional:
# Deal with conditional packages
# Populate a dict with the name of the required package and value
# of the package objects it would bring in. To be used later if
# we match the conditional.
for condreq, cond in groupobj.conditional_packages.iteritems():
pkgs = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=condreq)
if pkgs:
pkgs = self.bestPackagesFromList(pkgs)
if self.tsInfo.conditionals.has_key(cond):
self.tsInfo.conditionals[cond] = pkgs
return packages
def getPackageObjects(self):
"""Cycle through the list of packages, get package object
matches, and resolve deps.
Returns a list of package objects"""
unprocessed_pkgs = {} # list of packages yet to depsolve ## Use dicts for speed
final_pkgobjs = {} # The final list of package objects
searchlist = [] # The list of package names/globs to search for
grouplist = []
excludelist = []
addlist = []
# Cycle through the package list and pull out the groups
for line in self.pkglist:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('#'):
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
self.logger.info('Skipping comment: %s' % line)
if line.startswith('@'):
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
self.logger.info('Adding group: %s' % line)
if line.startswith('-'):
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
self.logger.info('Adding exclude: %s' % line)
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
self.logger.info('Adding package: %s' % line)
# First remove the excludes
# Get a list of packages from groups
for group in grouplist:
# Add the adds
# Make the search list unique
searchlist = yum.misc.unique(searchlist)
# Search repos for things in our searchlist, supports globs
(exactmatched, matched, unmatched) = yum.packages.parsePackages(self.pkgSack.returnPackages(), searchlist, casematch=1)
matches = exactmatched + matched
# Get the newest results from the search, if not "excluded" (catches things added by globs)
mysack = yum.packageSack.ListPackageSack(matches)
for match in mysack.returnNewestByNameArch():
if not match.name in excludelist:
unprocessed_pkgs[match] = None
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
for pkg in unprocessed_pkgs.keys():
self.logger.info('Found %s.%s' % (pkg.name, pkg.arch))
for pkg in unmatched:
self.logger.warn('Could not find a match for %s' % pkg)
if len(unprocessed_pkgs) == 0:
raise yum.Errors.MiscError, 'No packages found to download.'
while len(unprocessed_pkgs) > 0: # Our fun loop
for pkg in unprocessed_pkgs.keys():
if not final_pkgobjs.has_key(pkg):
final_pkgobjs[pkg] = None # Add the pkg to our final list
deplist = self.getPackageDeps(pkg) # Get the deps of our package
for dep in deplist: # Cycle through deps, if we don't already have it, add it.
if not unprocessed_pkgs.has_key(dep) and not final_pkgobjs.has_key(dep):
unprocessed_pkgs[dep] = None
del unprocessed_pkgs[pkg] # Clear the package out of our todo list.
self.polist = final_pkgobjs.keys()
def getSRPMList(self):
"""Cycle through the list of package objects and
find the sourcerpm for them. Requires yum still
configured and a list of package objects"""
for po in self.polist:
srpm = po.sourcerpm.split('.src.rpm')[0]
if not srpm in self.srpmlist:
def downloadPackages(self):
"""Cycle through the list of package objects and
download them from their respective repos."""
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
downloads = []
for pkg in self.polist:
downloads.append('%s.%s' % (pkg.name, pkg.arch))
self.logger.info("Download list: %s" % downloads)
# Package location within destdir, name subject to change/config
pkgdir = os.path.join(self.config.get('default', 'destdir'), self.config.get('default', 'version'),
self.config.get('default', 'flavor'),
self.config.get('default', 'arch'),
self.config.get('default', 'osdir'),
self.config.get('default', 'product_path'))
if not os.path.exists(pkgdir):
for pkg in self.polist:
repo = self.repos.getRepo(pkg.repoid)
remote = pkg.relativepath
local = os.path.basename(remote)
local = os.path.join(self.config.get('default', 'cachedir'), local)
if (os.path.exists(local) and
str(os.path.getsize(local)) == pkg.packagesize):
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
self.logger.info("%s already exists and appears to be complete" % local)
target = os.path.join(pkgdir, os.path.basename(remote))
if os.path.exists(target):
os.remove(target) # avoid traceback after interrupted download
os.link(local, target)
# Disable cache otherwise things won't download
repo.cache = 0
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
self.logger.info('Downloading %s' % os.path.basename(remote))
pkg.localpath = local # Hack: to set the localpath to what we want.
# do a little dance for file:// repos...
path = repo.getPackage(pkg)
if not os.path.exists(local) or not os.path.samefile(path, local):
shutil.copy2(path, local)
os.link(local, os.path.join(pkgdir, os.path.basename(remote)))
def downloadSRPMs(self):
"""Cycle through the list of srpms and
find the package objects for them, Then download them."""
srpmpolist = []
# Work around for yum bug
for sack in self.pkgSack.sacks.values():
sack.added = {}
sack.excludes = {}
self.pkgSack.excludes = {}
# We need to reset the yum object
self.pkgSack = None
# Setup the sack with just src arch
for srpm in self.srpmlist:
(sname, sver, srel) = srpm.rsplit('-', 2)
srpmpo = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=sname, ver=sver, rel=srel)[0]
if not srpmpo in srpmpolist:
except IndexError:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: Cannot find a source rpm for %s" % srpm
# do the downloads
pkgdir = os.path.join(self.config.get('default', 'destdir'), self.config.get('default', 'version'),
self.config.get('default', 'flavor'), 'source', 'SRPMS')
if not os.path.exists(pkgdir):
for pkg in srpmpolist:
repo = self.repos.getRepo(pkg.repoid)
remote = pkg.relativepath
local = os.path.basename(remote)
local = os.path.join(self.config.get('default', 'cachedir'), local)
if os.path.exists(local) and str(os.path.getsize(local)) == pkg.packagesize:
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
self.logger.info("%s already exists and appears to be complete" % local)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pkgdir, os.path.basename(remote))) and str(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(pkgdir, os.path.basename(remote)))) == pkg.packagesize:
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
self.logger.info("%s already exists in tree and appears to be complete" % local)
os.link(local, os.path.join(pkgdir, os.path.basename(remote)))
# Disable cache otherwise things won't download
repo.cache = 0
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
self.logger.info('Downloading %s' % os.path.basename(remote))
pkg.localpath = local # Hack: to set the localpath to what we want.
# do a little dance for file:// repos...
path = repo.getPackage(pkg)
if not os.path.exists(local) or not os.path.samefile(path, local):
shutil.copy2(path, local)
os.link(local, os.path.join(pkgdir, os.path.basename(remote)))