Lubomír Sedlář 4544b454f8 Stop using .message attribute on exceptions
It does not exist on Python 3. Converting the exception to string works

The validate methods on many phases are simplified by not calling the
parent (which does not do anything).

Signed-off-by: Lubomír Sedlář <lsedlar@redhat.com>
2018-05-15 14:17:46 +02:00

143 lines
5.4 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from kobo import shortcuts
from collections import defaultdict
from .base import PhaseBase
from ..util import get_format_substs, get_file_size
'Config option "media_checksum_one_file" requires only one checksum'
' to be configured in "media_checksums".'
class ImageChecksumPhase(PhaseBase):
"""Go through images specified in image manifest and generate their
checksums. The manifest will be updated with the checksums.
name = 'image_checksum'
def __init__(self, compose):
super(ImageChecksumPhase, self).__init__(compose)
self.checksums = self.compose.conf['media_checksums']
self.one_file = self.compose.conf['media_checksum_one_file']
def skip(self):
# Skipping this phase does not make sense:
# * if there are no images, it doesn't do anything and is quick
# * if there are images, they must have checksums computed or else
# writing metadata will fail
return False
def validate(self):
errors = []
if self.one_file and len(self.checksums) != 1:
if errors:
raise ValueError('\n'.join(errors))
def _get_images(self):
"""Returns a mapping from directories to sets of ``Image``s.
The paths to dirs are absolute.
top_dir = self.compose.paths.compose.topdir()
images = {}
for variant in self.compose.im.images:
for arch in self.compose.im.images[variant]:
for image in self.compose.im.images[variant][arch]:
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(top_dir, image.path))
images.setdefault((variant, arch, path), set()).add(image)
return images
def _get_base_filename(self, variant, arch, **kwargs):
base_checksum_name = self.compose.conf['media_checksum_base_filename']
if base_checksum_name:
substs = get_format_substs(self.compose, variant=variant, arch=arch, **kwargs)
base_checksum_name = (base_checksum_name % substs).format(**substs)
base_checksum_name += '-'
return base_checksum_name
def run(self):
topdir = self.compose.paths.compose.topdir()
make_checksums(topdir, self.compose.im, self.checksums, self.one_file, self._get_base_filename)
def _compute_checksums(results, cache, variant, arch, path, images,
checksum_types, base_checksum_name_gen, one_file):
for image in images:
filename = os.path.basename(image.path)
full_path = os.path.join(path, filename)
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
filesize = image.size or get_file_size(full_path)
if full_path not in cache:
# Source ISO is listed under each binary architecture. There's no
# point in checksumming it twice, so we can just remember the
# digest from first run..
cache[full_path] = shortcuts.compute_file_checksums(full_path, checksum_types)
digests = cache[full_path]
for checksum, digest in digests.items():
# Update metadata with the checksum
image.add_checksum(None, checksum, digest)
# If not turned of, create the file-specific checksum file
if not one_file:
checksum_filename = os.path.join(path, '%s.%sSUM' % (filename, checksum.upper()))
results[checksum_filename].add((filename, filesize, checksum, digest))
if one_file:
dirname = os.path.basename(path)
base_checksum_name = base_checksum_name_gen(variant, arch, dirname=dirname)
checksum_filename = base_checksum_name + 'CHECKSUM'
base_checksum_name = base_checksum_name_gen(variant, arch)
checksum_filename = '%s%sSUM' % (base_checksum_name, checksum.upper())
checksum_path = os.path.join(path, checksum_filename)
results[checksum_path].add((filename, filesize, checksum, digest))
def make_checksums(topdir, im, checksum_types, one_file, base_checksum_name_gen):
results = defaultdict(set)
cache = {}
for (variant, arch, path), images in get_images(topdir, im).items():
_compute_checksums(results, cache, variant, arch, path, images,
checksum_types, base_checksum_name_gen, one_file)
for file in results:
dump_checksums(file, results[file])
def dump_checksums(checksum_file, data):
"""Write checksums to file.
:param checksum_file: where to write the checksums
:param data: an iterable of tuples (filename, filesize, checksum_type, hash)
with open(checksum_file, 'w') as f:
for filename, filesize, alg, checksum in sorted(data):
f.write('# %s: %s bytes\n' % (filename, filesize))
f.write('%s (%s) = %s\n' % (alg.upper(), filename, checksum))
def get_images(top_dir, manifest):
"""Returns a mapping from directories to sets of ``Image``s.
The paths to dirs are absolute.
images = {}
for variant in manifest.images:
for arch in manifest.images[variant]:
for image in manifest.images[variant][arch]:
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(top_dir, image.path))
images.setdefault((variant, arch, path), []).append(image)
return images