These are tests written by Daniel Mach originally for Distill-NG. They are ported to current Pungi. The test repositories are committed in the tests/fixtures/ directory. This is the same data that is used for test compose, but the actual RPM files are not present. Some tests are adapted from dmach's fork of Pungi. Some of the packages are marked with a comment saying they are important. These are the packages that the test is specifically trying to get included in the package set. There are also explicit tests for packages that should not be included. Two tests are skipped for now as there is a bug preventing them from passing. This is related to fulltree being done for packages that are explicitly multilib. The depsolver is called by invoking a separate executable, so the coverage data is wrong. Signed-off-by: Lubomír Sedlář <>
339 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
339 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
import os
import selinux
import sys
here = sys.path[0]
if here != '/usr/bin':
# Git checkout
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(here))
from pungi import get_full_version
import pungi.gather
import pungi.config
import pungi.ks
def main():
config = pungi.config.Config()
(opts, args) = get_arguments(config)
# Read the config to create "new" defaults
# reparse command line options so they take precedence
config = pungi.config.Config(pungirc=opts.pungirc)
(opts, args) = get_arguments(config)
# You must be this high to ride if you're going to do root tasks
if os.geteuid () != 0 and (opts.do_all or opts.do_buildinstall):
print >> sys.stderr, "You must run pungi as root"
return 1
if opts.do_all or opts.do_buildinstall:
enforcing = selinux.security_getenforce()
print >> sys.stdout, "INFO: selinux disabled"
enforcing = False
if enforcing:
print >> sys.stdout, "WARNING: SELinux is enforcing. This may lead to a compose with selinux disabled."
print >> sys.stdout, "Consider running with setenforce 0."
# Set up the kickstart parser and pass in the kickstart file we were handed
ksparser = pungi.ks.get_ksparser(ks_path=opts.config)
if opts.sourceisos:
config.set('pungi', 'arch', 'source')
for part in ksparser.handler.partition.partitions:
if part.mountpoint == 'iso':
config.set('pungi', 'cdsize', str(part.size))
config.set('pungi', 'force', str(opts.force))
if config.get('pungi', 'workdirbase') == '/work':
config.set('pungi', 'workdirbase', "%s/work" % config.get('pungi', 'destdir'))
# Set up our directories
if not os.path.exists(config.get('pungi', 'destdir')):
os.makedirs(config.get('pungi', 'destdir'))
except OSError, e:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: Cannot create destination dir %s" % config.get('pungi', 'destdir')
print >> sys.stdout, "Warning: Reusing existing destination directory."
if not os.path.exists(config.get('pungi', 'workdirbase')):
os.makedirs(config.get('pungi', 'workdirbase'))
except OSError, e:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: Cannot create working base dir %s" % config.get('pungi', 'workdirbase')
print >> sys.stdout, "Warning: Reusing existing working base directory."
cachedir = config.get('pungi', 'cachedir')
if not os.path.exists(cachedir):
except OSError, e:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: Cannot create cache dir %s" % cachedir
# Set debuginfo flag
if opts.nodebuginfo:
config.set('pungi', 'debuginfo', "False")
if opts.greedy:
config.set('pungi', 'greedy', opts.greedy)
# XXX: compatibility
if opts.nogreedy:
config.set('pungi', 'greedy', "none")
config.set('pungi', 'greedy', "all")
config.set('pungi', 'resolve_deps', str(bool(opts.resolve_deps)))
if opts.isfinal:
config.set('pungi', 'isfinal', "True")
if opts.nohash:
config.set('pungi', 'nohash', "True")
if opts.full_archlist:
config.set('pungi', 'full_archlist', "True")
if opts.arch:
config.set('pungi', 'arch', opts.arch)
if opts.multilib:
config.set('pungi', 'multilib', " ".join(opts.multilib))
if opts.lookaside_repos:
config.set('pungi', 'lookaside_repos', " ".join(opts.lookaside_repos))
if opts.no_dvd:
config.set('pungi', 'no_dvd', "True")
if opts.nomacboot:
config.set('pungi', 'nomacboot', "True")
config.set("pungi", "fulltree", str(bool(opts.fulltree)))
config.set("pungi", "selfhosting", str(bool(opts.selfhosting)))
config.set("pungi", "nosource", str(bool(opts.nosource)))
config.set("pungi", "nodebuginfo", str(bool(opts.nodebuginfo)))
if opts.lorax_conf:
config.set("lorax", "conf_file", opts.lorax_conf)
if opts.installpkgs:
config.set("lorax", "installpkgs", " ".join(opts.installpkgs))
# Actually do work.
mypungi = pungi.gather.Pungi(config, ksparser)
with mypungi.yumlock:
if not opts.sourceisos:
if opts.do_all or opts.do_gather or opts.do_buildinstall:
mypungi._inityum() # initialize the yum object for things that need it
if opts.do_all or opts.do_gather:
if opts.nodownload:
for line in mypungi.list_packages():
flags_str = ",".join(line["flags"])
if flags_str:
flags_str = "(%s)" % flags_str
sys.stdout.write("RPM%s: %s\n" % (flags_str, line["path"]))
if not opts.nodebuginfo:
if opts.nodownload:
for line in mypungi.list_debuginfo():
flags_str = ",".join(line["flags"])
if flags_str:
flags_str = "(%s)" % flags_str
sys.stdout.write("DEBUGINFO%s: %s\n" % (flags_str, line["path"]))
if not opts.nosource:
if opts.nodownload:
for line in mypungi.list_srpms():
flags_str = ",".join(line["flags"])
if flags_str:
flags_str = "(%s)" % flags_str
sys.stdout.write("SRPM%s: %s\n" % (flags_str, line["path"]))
print "RPM size: %s MiB" % (mypungi.size_packages() / 1024 ** 2)
if not opts.nodebuginfo:
print "DEBUGINFO size: %s MiB" % (mypungi.size_debuginfo() / 1024 ** 2)
if not opts.nosource:
print "SRPM size: %s MiB" % (mypungi.size_srpms() / 1024 ** 2)
# Furthermore (but without the yumlock...)
if not opts.sourceisos:
if opts.do_all or opts.do_createrepo:
if opts.do_all or opts.do_buildinstall:
if not opts.norelnotes:
if opts.do_all or opts.do_createiso:
# Do things slightly different for src.
if opts.sourceisos:
# we already have all the content gathered
mypungi.topdir = os.path.join(config.get('pungi', 'destdir'),
config.get('pungi', 'version'),
config.get('pungi', 'variant'),
'source', 'SRPMS')
if opts.do_all or opts.do_createiso:
print "All done!"
if __name__ == '__main__':
from optparse import OptionParser
import sys
import time
today = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime())
def get_arguments(config):
parser = OptionParser("%prog [--help] [options]", version="%%prog %s" % get_full_version())
def set_config(option, opt_str, value, parser, config):
config.set('pungi', option.dest, value)
# Pulled in from config file to be cli options as part of pykickstart conversion
parser.add_option("--name", dest="family", type="string",
action="callback", callback=set_config, callback_args=(config, ),
help='the name for your distribution (defaults to "Fedora"), DEPRECATED')
parser.add_option("--family", dest="family", type="string",
action="callback", callback=set_config, callback_args=(config, ),
help='the family name for your distribution (defaults to "Fedora")')
parser.add_option("--ver", dest="version", type="string",
action="callback", callback=set_config, callback_args=(config, ),
help='the version of your distribution (defaults to datestamp)')
parser.add_option("--flavor", dest="variant", type="string",
action="callback", callback=set_config, callback_args=(config, ),
help='the flavor of your distribution spin (optional), DEPRECATED')
parser.add_option("--variant", dest="variant", type="string",
action="callback", callback=set_config, callback_args=(config, ),
help='the variant of your distribution spin (optional)')
parser.add_option("--destdir", dest="destdir", type="string",
action="callback", callback=set_config, callback_args=(config, ),
help='destination directory (defaults to current directory)')
parser.add_option("--cachedir", dest="cachedir", type="string",
action="callback", callback=set_config, callback_args=(config, ),
help='package cache directory (defaults to /var/cache/pungi)')
parser.add_option("--bugurl", dest="bugurl", type="string",
action="callback", callback=set_config, callback_args=(config, ),
help='the url for your bug system (defaults to')
parser.add_option("--selfhosting", action="store_true", dest="selfhosting",
help='build a self-hosting tree by following build dependencies (optional)')
parser.add_option("--fulltree", action="store_true", dest="fulltree",
help='build a tree that includes all packages built from corresponding source rpms (optional)')
parser.add_option("--nosource", action="store_true", dest="nosource",
help='disable gathering of source packages (optional)')
parser.add_option("--nodebuginfo", action="store_true", dest="nodebuginfo",
help='disable gathering of debuginfo packages (optional)')
parser.add_option("--nodownload", action="store_true", dest="nodownload",
help='disable downloading of packages. instead, print the package URLs (optional)')
parser.add_option("--norelnotes", action="store_true", dest="norelnotes",
help='disable gathering of release notes (optional); DEPRECATED')
parser.add_option("--nogreedy", action="store_true", dest="nogreedy",
help='disable pulling of all providers of package dependencies (optional)')
parser.add_option("--nodeps", action="store_false", dest="resolve_deps", default=True,
help='disable resolving dependencies')
parser.add_option("--sourceisos", default=False, action="store_true", dest="sourceisos",
help='Create the source isos (other arch runs must be done)')
parser.add_option("--force", default=False, action="store_true",
help='Force reuse of an existing destination directory (will overwrite files)')
parser.add_option("--isfinal", default=False, action="store_true",
help='Specify this is a GA tree, which causes betanag to be turned off during install')
parser.add_option("--nohash", default=False, action="store_true",
help='disable hashing the Packages trees')
parser.add_option("--full-archlist", action="store_true",
help='Use the full arch list for x86_64 (include i686, i386, etc.)')
help='Override default (uname based) arch')
parser.add_option("--greedy", metavar="METHOD",
help='Greedy method; none, all, build')
parser.add_option("--multilib", action="append", metavar="METHOD",
help='Multilib method; can be specified multiple times; recommended: devel, runtime')
parser.add_option("--lookaside-repo", action="append", dest="lookaside_repos", metavar="NAME",
help='Specify lookaside repo name(s) (packages will used for depsolving but not be included in the output)')
parser.add_option("--workdirbase", dest="workdirbase", type="string",
action="callback", callback=set_config, callback_args=(config, ),
help='base working directory (defaults to destdir + /work)')
parser.add_option("--no-dvd", default=False, action="store_true", dest="no_dvd",
help='Do not make a install DVD/CD only the netinstall image and the tree')
parser.add_option("--lorax-conf", type="string",
help='Path to lorax.conf file (optional)')
parser.add_option("-i", "--installpkgs", default=[],
action="append", metavar="STRING",
help="Package glob for lorax to install before runtime-install.tmpl runs. (may be listed multiple times)")
parser.add_option("--multilibconf", default=None, type="string",
action="callback", callback=set_config, callback_args=(config, ),
help="Path to multilib conf files. Default is /usr/share/pungi/multilib/")
parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config",
help='Path to kickstart config file')
parser.add_option("--all-stages", action="store_true", default=True, dest="do_all",
help="Enable ALL stages")
parser.add_option("-G", action="store_true", default=False, dest="do_gather",
help="Flag to enable processing the Gather stage")
parser.add_option("-C", action="store_true", default=False, dest="do_createrepo",
help="Flag to enable processing the Createrepo stage")
parser.add_option("-B", action="store_true", default=False, dest="do_buildinstall",
help="Flag to enable processing the BuildInstall stage")
parser.add_option("-I", action="store_true", default=False, dest="do_createiso",
help="Flag to enable processing the CreateISO stage")
parser.add_option("--relnotepkgs", dest="relnotepkgs", type="string",
action="callback", callback=set_config, callback_args=(config, ),
help='Rpms which contain the release notes')
parser.add_option("--relnotefilere", dest="relnotefilere", type="string",
action="callback", callback=set_config, callback_args=(config, ),
help='Which files are the release notes -- GPL EULA')
parser.add_option("--nomacboot", action="store_true", dest="nomacboot", help='disable setting up macboot as no hfs support ')
parser.add_option("--pungirc", dest="pungirc", default='~/.pungirc',
action="callback", callback=set_config, callback_args=(config, ),
help='Read pungi options from config file ')
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not opts.config:
parser.error("Please specify a config file")
if not config.get('pungi', 'variant').isalnum() and not config.get('pungi', 'variant') == '':
parser.error("Variant must be alphanumeric")
if opts.do_gather or opts.do_createrepo or opts.do_buildinstall or opts.do_createiso:
opts.do_all = False
if opts.arch and (opts.do_all or opts.do_buildinstall):
parser.error("Cannot override arch while the BuildInstall stage is enabled")
# set the iso_basename.
if not config.get('pungi', 'variant') == '':
config.set('pungi', 'iso_basename', '%s-%s' % (config.get('pungi', 'family'), config.get('pungi', 'variant')))
config.set('pungi', 'iso_basename', config.get('pungi', 'family'))
return (opts, args)