Lubomír Sedlář 463088d580 Refactor failables
This is a breaking change as big part of current failable_deliverables
options will be ignored.

There is no change for buildinstall and creatiso phase.

Failability for artifacts in other phases is now configured per
artifact. It already works correctly for ostree and ostree_installer
phases (even per-arch). For OSBS phase there is currently only a binary
switch as it does not handle multiple arches yet. When it gains that
support, the option should contain list of non-blocking architectures.

For live images, live media and image build phases each config block can
configure list of failable arches. If the list is not empty, it can
fail. Once we have a way to fail only some arches, the config will not
need to change.

Signed-off-by: Lubomír Sedlář <lsedlar@redhat.com>
2016-07-27 13:06:01 +02:00

400 lines
16 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import os
import sys
import time
import pipes
import shutil
from kobo.threads import ThreadPool, WorkerThread
from kobo.shortcuts import run, save_to_file, force_list
from productmd.images import Image
from pungi.wrappers.kojiwrapper import KojiWrapper
from pungi.wrappers.iso import IsoWrapper
from pungi.phases import base
from pungi.util import get_arch_variant_data, makedirs, get_mtime, get_file_size, failable
from pungi.paths import translate_path
# HACK: define cmp in python3
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
def cmp(a, b):
return (a > b) - (a < b)
class LiveImagesPhase(base.ImageConfigMixin, base.ConfigGuardedPhase):
name = "live_images"
config_options = (
"name": "live_target",
"expected_types": [str],
"optional": True,
"name": "live_images",
"expected_types": [list],
"optional": True,
"name": "signing_key_id",
"expected_types": [str],
"optional": True,
"name": "signing_key_password_file",
"expected_types": [str],
"optional": True,
"name": "signing_command",
"expected_types": [str],
"optional": True,
"name": "live_images_no_rename",
"expected_types": [bool],
"optional": True,
"name": "live_images_ksurl",
"expected_types": [str],
"optional": True,
"name": "live_images_release",
"expected_types": [str, type(None)],
"optional": True,
"name": "live_images_version",
"expected_types": [str],
"optional": True,
def __init__(self, compose):
super(LiveImagesPhase, self).__init__(compose)
self.pool = ThreadPool(logger=self.compose._logger)
def _get_extra_repos(self, arch, variant, extras):
repo = []
for extra in extras:
v = self.compose.variants.get(extra)
if not v:
raise RuntimeError(
'There is no variant %s to get repo from when building live image for %s.'
% (extra, variant.uid))
self.compose, self.compose.paths.compose.repository(arch, v, create_dir=False)))
return repo
def _get_repos(self, arch, variant, data):
repos = []
if not variant.is_empty:
self.compose, self.compose.paths.compose.repository(arch, variant, create_dir=False)))
# additional repos
repos.extend(data.get("additional_repos", []))
repos.extend(self._get_extra_repos(arch, variant, force_list(data.get('repo_from', []))))
return repos
def run(self):
symlink_isos_to = self.compose.conf.get("symlink_isos_to", None)
commands = []
for variant in self.compose.variants.values():
for arch in variant.arches + ["src"]:
for data in get_arch_variant_data(self.compose.conf, self.name, arch, variant):
subvariant = data.get('subvariant', variant.uid)
type = data.get('type', 'live')
if type == 'live':
dest_dir = self.compose.paths.compose.iso_dir(arch, variant, symlink_to=symlink_isos_to)
elif type == 'appliance':
dest_dir = self.compose.paths.compose.image_dir(variant, symlink_to=symlink_isos_to)
dest_dir = dest_dir % {'arch': arch}
raise RuntimeError('Unknown live image type %s' % type)
if not dest_dir:
cmd = {
"name": data.get('name'),
"version": self.get_config(data, 'version'),
"release": self.get_release(data),
"dest_dir": dest_dir,
"build_arch": arch,
"ks_file": data['kickstart'],
"ksurl": self.get_ksurl(data),
# Used for images wrapped in RPM
"specfile": data.get("specfile", None),
# Scratch (only taken in consideration if specfile
# specified) For images wrapped in rpm is scratch
# disabled by default For other images is scratch
# always on
"scratch": data.get("scratch", False),
"sign": False,
"type": type,
"label": "", # currently not used
"subvariant": subvariant,
"failable_arches": data.get('failable', []),
cmd["repos"] = self._get_repos(arch, variant, data)
# Signing of the rpm wrapped image
if not cmd["scratch"] and data.get("sign"):
cmd["sign"] = True
cmd['filename'] = self._get_file_name(arch, variant, cmd['name'], cmd['version'])
commands.append((cmd, variant, arch))
for (cmd, variant, arch) in commands:
self.pool.queue_put((self.compose, cmd, variant, arch))
def _get_file_name(self, arch, variant, name=None, version=None):
if self.compose.conf.get('live_images_no_rename', False):
return None
disc_type = self.compose.conf.get('disc_types', {}).get('live', 'live')
format = "%(compose_id)s-%(variant)s-%(arch)s-%(disc_type)s%(disc_num)s%(suffix)s"
# Custom name (prefix)
if name:
custom_iso_name = name
if version:
custom_iso_name += "-%s" % version
format = custom_iso_name + "-%(variant)s-%(arch)s-%(disc_type)s%(disc_num)s%(suffix)s"
# XXX: hardcoded disc_num
return self.compose.get_image_name(arch, variant, disc_type=disc_type,
disc_num=None, format=format)
class CreateLiveImageThread(WorkerThread):
EXTS = ('.iso', '.raw.xz')
def process(self, item, num):
compose, cmd, variant, arch = item
self.failable_arches = cmd.get('failable_arches', [])
# TODO handle failure per architecture; currently not possible in single task
self.can_fail = bool(self.failable_arches)
with failable(compose, self.can_fail, variant, arch, 'live', cmd.get('subvariant')):
self.worker(compose, cmd, variant, arch, num)
def worker(self, compose, cmd, variant, arch, num):
self.basename = '%(name)s-%(version)s-%(release)s' % cmd
log_file = compose.paths.log.log_file(arch, "liveimage-%s" % self.basename)
subvariant = cmd.pop('subvariant')
imgname = "%s-%s-%s-%s" % (compose.ci_base.release.short, subvariant,
'Live' if cmd['type'] == 'live' else 'Disk',
msg = "Creating ISO (arch: %s, variant: %s): %s" % (arch, variant, self.basename)
self.pool.log_info("[BEGIN] %s" % msg)
koji_wrapper = KojiWrapper(compose.conf["koji_profile"])
_, version = compose.compose_id.rsplit("-", 1)
name = cmd["name"] or imgname
version = cmd["version"] or version
archive = False
if cmd["specfile"] and not cmd["scratch"]:
# Non scratch build are allowed only for rpm wrapped images
archive = True
target = compose.conf.get("live_target", "rhel-7.0-candidate") # compatability for hardcoded target
koji_cmd = koji_wrapper.get_create_image_cmd(name, version, target,
# avoid race conditions?
# Kerberos authentication failed: Permission denied in replay cache code (-1765328215)
time.sleep(num * 3)
output = koji_wrapper.run_blocking_cmd(koji_cmd, log_file=log_file)
if output["retcode"] != 0:
raise RuntimeError("LiveImage task failed: %s. See %s for more details." % (output["task_id"], log_file))
# copy finished image to isos/
image_path = [path for path in koji_wrapper.get_image_path(output["task_id"])
if self._is_image(path)]
if len(image_path) != 1:
raise RuntimeError('Got %d images from task %d, expected 1.'
% (len(image_path), output['task_id']))
image_path = image_path[0]
filename = cmd.get('filename') or os.path.basename(image_path)
destination = os.path.join(cmd['dest_dir'], filename)
shutil.copy2(image_path, destination)
# copy finished rpm to isos/ (if rpm wrapped ISO was built)
if cmd["specfile"]:
rpm_paths = koji_wrapper.get_wrapped_rpm_path(output["task_id"])
if cmd["sign"]:
# Sign the rpm wrapped images and get their paths
compose.log_info("Signing rpm wrapped images in task_id: %s (expected key ID: %s)"
% (output["task_id"], compose.conf.get("signing_key_id")))
signed_rpm_paths = self._sign_image(koji_wrapper, compose, cmd, output["task_id"])
if signed_rpm_paths:
rpm_paths = signed_rpm_paths
for rpm_path in rpm_paths:
shutil.copy2(rpm_path, cmd["dest_dir"])
if cmd['type'] == 'live':
# ISO manifest only makes sense for live images
self._add_to_images(compose, variant, subvariant, arch, cmd['type'], self._get_format(image_path), destination)
self.pool.log_info("[DONE ] %s" % msg)
def _add_to_images(self, compose, variant, subvariant, arch, type, format, path):
"""Adds the image to images.json"""
img = Image(compose.im)
img.type = 'raw-xz' if type == 'appliance' else type
img.format = format
img.path = os.path.relpath(path, compose.paths.compose.topdir())
img.mtime = get_mtime(path)
img.size = get_file_size(path)
img.arch = arch
img.disc_number = 1 # We don't expect multiple disks
img.disc_count = 1
img.bootable = True
img.subvariant = subvariant
setattr(img, 'can_fail', self.can_fail)
setattr(img, 'deliverable', 'live')
compose.im.add(variant=variant.uid, arch=arch, image=img)
def _is_image(self, path):
for ext in self.EXTS:
if path.endswith(ext):
return True
return False
def _get_format(self, path):
"""Get format based on extension."""
for ext in self.EXTS:
if path.endswith(ext):
return ext[1:]
raise RuntimeError('Getting format for unknown image %s' % path)
def _write_manifest(self, iso_path):
"""Generate manifest for ISO at given path.
:param iso_path: (str) absolute path to the ISO
dir, filename = os.path.split(iso_path)
iso = IsoWrapper()
run("cd %s && %s" % (pipes.quote(dir), iso.get_manifest_cmd(filename)))
def _sign_image(self, koji_wrapper, compose, cmd, koji_task_id):
signing_key_id = compose.conf.get("signing_key_id")
signing_command = compose.conf.get("signing_command")
if not signing_key_id:
compose.log_warning("Signing is enabled but signing_key_id is not specified")
compose.log_warning("Signing skipped")
return None
if not signing_command:
compose.log_warning("Signing is enabled but signing_command is not specified")
compose.log_warning("Signing skipped")
return None
# Prepare signing log file
signing_log_file = compose.paths.log.log_file(cmd["build_arch"],
"live_images-signing-%s" % self.basename)
# Sign the rpm wrapped images
sign_builds_in_task(koji_wrapper, koji_task_id, signing_command,
except RuntimeError:
compose.log_error("Error while signing rpm wrapped images. See log: %s" % signing_log_file)
# Get pats to the signed rpms
signing_key_id = signing_key_id.lower() # Koji uses lowercase in paths
rpm_paths = koji_wrapper.get_signed_wrapped_rpms_paths(koji_task_id, signing_key_id)
# Wait untill files are available
if wait_paths(rpm_paths, 60 * 15):
# Files are ready
return rpm_paths
# Signed RPMs are not available
compose.log_warning("Signed files are not available: %s" % rpm_paths)
compose.log_warning("Unsigned files will be used")
return None
def wait_paths(paths, timeout=60):
started = time.time()
remaining = paths[:]
while True:
for path in remaining[:]:
if os.path.exists(path):
if not remaining:
if timeout >= 0 and (time.time() - started) > timeout:
return False
return True
def sign_builds_in_task(koji_wrapper, task_id, signing_command, log_file=None, signing_key_password=None):
# Get list of nvrs that should be signed
nvrs = koji_wrapper.get_build_nvrs(task_id)
if not nvrs:
# No builds are available (scratch build, etc.?)
# Append builds to sign_cmd
for nvr in nvrs:
signing_command += " '%s'" % nvr
# Log signing command before password is filled in it
if log_file:
save_to_file(log_file, signing_command, append=True)
# Fill password into the signing command
if signing_key_password:
signing_command = signing_command % {"signing_key_password": signing_key_password}
# Sign the builds
run(signing_command, can_fail=False, show_cmd=False, logfile=log_file)