Jan Kaluza fcf1442f71 Support generating ISOs when using link_type="symlink".
When `link_type = "symlink"` is used, the packages are in fact symlinks
to /mnt/koji. When graft points file is generated, the paths in this graft
points file point to symlinks and therefore symlinks are copied into the
generated ISO file instead of real files.

In this commit, the code to generate the graft points file is changed
so it resolves the symlink to real file stored on /mnt/koji. To make
this code safer, it does such resolving only in case the symlink points
outside of `compose.paths.compose.topdir()`. Therefore you can still
generate ISO file with symlink pointing to file stored within the ISO
file itself, although this is not done currently afaik.

The main reason for this is to be able to generate ISO files even
without hardlinks (which would need read-write access on /mnt/koji)
and without copying all the packages from /mnt/koji to local storage.

Signed-off-by: Jan Kaluza <jkaluza@redhat.com>
2020-01-06 12:30:13 +00:00

437 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <https://gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import contextlib
from six.moves import shlex_quote
from kobo.shortcuts import force_list, relative_path, run
from pungi import util
def get_boot_options(arch, createfrom, efi=True, hfs_compat=True):
"""Checks to see what we need as the -b option for mkisofs"""
if arch in ("arm", "armhfp"):
result = []
return result
if arch in ("aarch64", ):
result = [
'-e', 'images/efiboot.img',
return result
if arch in ("i386", "i686", "x86_64"):
result = [
'-b', 'isolinux/isolinux.bin',
'-c', 'isolinux/boot.cat',
'-boot-load-size', '4',
# EFI args
if arch == "x86_64":
'-e', 'images/efiboot.img',
return result
if arch == "ia64":
result = [
'-b', 'images/boot.img',
return result
if arch in ("ppc", "ppc64") or (arch == "ppc64le" and hfs_compat):
result = [
'-sysid', 'PPC',
"-map", os.path.join(createfrom, 'mapping'), # -map %s/ppc/mapping
'-hfs-bless', "/ppc/mac", # must be the last
return result
if arch == "ppc64le" and not hfs_compat:
result = [
'-sysid', 'PPC',
return result
if arch == "sparc":
result = [
'-G', '/boot/isofs.b',
'-B', '...',
'-s', '/boot/silo.conf',
'-sparc-label', '"sparc"',
return result
if arch in ("s390", "s390x"):
result = [
'-eltorito-boot', 'images/cdboot.img',
return result
raise ValueError("Unknown arch: %s" % arch)
def _truncate_volid(volid):
if len(volid) > 32:
volid = volid.replace("-", "")
if len(volid) > 32:
volid = volid.replace(" ", "")
if len(volid) > 32:
volid = volid.replace("Supplementary", "Supp")
if len(volid) > 32:
raise ValueError("Volume ID must be less than 32 character: %s" % volid)
return volid
def get_mkisofs_cmd(iso, paths, appid=None, volid=None, volset=None, exclude=None, verbose=False, boot_args=None, input_charset="utf-8", graft_points=None):
# following options are always enabled
untranslated_filenames = True
translation_table = True
joliet = True
joliet_long = True
rock = True
cmd = ["/usr/bin/genisoimage"]
if appid:
cmd.extend(["-appid", appid])
if untranslated_filenames:
if volid:
cmd.extend(["-volid", _truncate_volid(volid)])
if joliet:
if joliet_long:
if volset:
cmd.extend(["-volset", volset])
if rock:
if verbose:
if translation_table:
if input_charset:
cmd.extend(["-input-charset", input_charset])
if exclude:
for i in force_list(exclude):
cmd.extend(["-x", i])
if boot_args:
cmd.extend(["-o", iso])
if graft_points:
cmd.extend(["-path-list", graft_points])
# we're either using graft points or file lists, not both
return cmd
def get_implantisomd5_cmd(iso_path, supported=False):
cmd = ["/usr/bin/implantisomd5"]
if supported:
return cmd
def get_checkisomd5_cmd(iso_path, just_print=False):
cmd = ["/usr/bin/checkisomd5"]
if just_print:
return cmd
def get_checkisomd5_data(iso_path, logger=None):
cmd = get_checkisomd5_cmd(iso_path, just_print=True)
retcode, output = run(cmd, universal_newlines=True)
items = [line.strip().rsplit(":", 1) for line in output.splitlines()]
items = dict([(k, v.strip()) for k, v in items])
md5 = items.get(iso_path, '')
if len(md5) != 32:
# We have seen cases where the command finished successfully, but
# returned garbage value. We need to handle it, otherwise there would
# be a crash once we try to write image metadata.
# This only logs information about the problem and leaves the hash
# empty, which is valid from productmd point of view.
if logger:
logger.critical('Implanted MD5 in %s is not valid: %r', iso_path, md5)
logger.critical('Ran command %r; exit code %r; output %r', cmd, retcode, output)
return None
return items
def get_implanted_md5(iso_path, logger=None):
return (get_checkisomd5_data(iso_path, logger=logger) or {}).get(iso_path)
def get_isohybrid_cmd(iso_path, arch):
# isohybrid is in syslinux which is x86 only
cmd = ["/usr/bin/isohybrid"]
# uefi is only supported on x86_64
if arch == "x86_64":
return cmd
def get_manifest_cmd(iso_name):
return "isoinfo -R -f -i %s | grep -v '/TRANS.TBL$' | sort >> %s.manifest" % (
shlex_quote(iso_name), shlex_quote(iso_name))
def get_volume_id(path):
cmd = ["isoinfo", "-d", "-i", path]
retcode, output = run(cmd, universal_newlines=True)
for line in output.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("Volume id:"):
return line[11:].strip()
raise RuntimeError("Could not read Volume ID")
def get_graft_points(compose, paths, exclusive_paths=None, exclude=None):
# path priority in ascending order (1st = lowest prio)
# paths merge according to priority
# exclusive paths override whole dirs
result = {}
exclude = exclude or []
exclusive_paths = exclusive_paths or []
for i in paths:
if isinstance(i, dict):
tree = i
tree = _scan_tree(i)
result = _merge_trees(result, tree)
for i in exclusive_paths:
tree = _scan_tree(i)
result = _merge_trees(result, tree, exclusive=True)
# Resolve possible symlinks pointing outside of the compose.topdir.
# This fixes an issue if link_type is set to "symlink" and therefore
# the RPM packages are symbolic links to /mnt/koji filesystem.
# Without this, the symbolic links would be simply copied into the ISO
# without the real RPMs.
topdir = compose.paths.compose.topdir()
for key in result.keys():
path = result[key]
if os.path.islink(path):
real_path = os.readlink(path)
abspath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), real_path))
if not abspath.startswith(topdir):
result[key] = abspath
# TODO: exclude
return result
def _paths_from_list(root, paths):
root = os.path.abspath(root).rstrip("/") + "/"
result = {}
for i in paths:
i = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, i))
key = i[len(root):]
result[key] = i
return result
def _scan_tree(path):
path = os.path.abspath(path)
result = {}
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for f in files:
abspath = os.path.join(root, f)
relpath = relative_path(abspath, path.rstrip("/") + "/")
result[relpath] = abspath
# include empty dirs
if root != path:
abspath = os.path.join(root, "")
relpath = relative_path(abspath, path.rstrip("/") + "/")
result[relpath] = abspath
return result
def _merge_trees(tree1, tree2, exclusive=False):
# tree2 has higher priority
result = tree2.copy()
all_dirs = set([os.path.dirname(i).rstrip("/") for i in result if os.path.dirname(i) != ""])
for i in tree1:
dn = os.path.dirname(i)
if exclusive:
match = False
for a in all_dirs:
if dn == a or dn.startswith("%s/" % a):
match = True
if match:
if i in result:
result[i] = tree1[i]
return result
def write_graft_points(file_name, h, exclude=None):
exclude = exclude or []
result = {}
seen_dirs = set()
for i in sorted(h, reverse=True):
dn = os.path.dirname(i)
if not i.endswith("/"):
result[i] = h[i]
found = False
for j in seen_dirs:
if j.startswith(dn):
found = True
if not found:
result[i] = h[i]
f = open(file_name, "w")
for i in sorted(result, key=graft_point_sort_key):
# make sure all files required for boot come first,
# otherwise there may be problems with booting (large LBA address, etc.)
found = False
for excl in exclude:
if fnmatch(i, excl):
found = True
if found:
f.write("%s=%s\n" % (i, h[i]))
def _is_rpm(path):
return path.endswith(".rpm")
def _is_image(path):
if path.startswith("images/"):
return True
if path.startswith("isolinux/"):
return True
if path.startswith("EFI/"):
return True
if path.startswith("etc/"):
return True
if path.startswith("ppc/"):
return True
if path.endswith(".img"):
return True
if path.endswith(".ins"):
return True
return False
def graft_point_sort_key(x):
Images are sorted first, followed by other files. RPMs always come last.
In the same group paths are sorted alphabetically.
return (0 if _is_image(x) else 2 if _is_rpm(x) else 1, x)
def mount(image, logger=None, use_guestmount=True):
"""Mount an image and make sure it's unmounted.
The yielded path will only be valid in the with block and is removed once
the image is unmounted.
with util.temp_dir(prefix='iso-mount-') as mount_dir:
ret, __ = run(["which", "guestmount"], can_fail=True)
# return code 0 means that guestmount is available
guestmount_available = use_guestmount and not bool(ret)
if guestmount_available:
# use guestmount to mount the image, which doesn't require root privileges
# LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct: running qemu directly without libvirt
cmd = ["guestmount", "-a", image, "-m", "/dev/sda", mount_dir]
env = {}
cmd = ["mount", "-o", "loop", image, mount_dir]
ret, out = run(cmd, env=env, can_fail=True, universal_newlines=True)
if ret != 0:
# The mount command failed, something is wrong. Log the output and raise an exception.
if logger:
logger.error('Command %s exited with %s and output:\n%s'
% (cmd, ret, out))
raise RuntimeError('Failed to mount %s' % image)
yield mount_dir
if guestmount_available:
util.run_unmount_cmd(['fusermount', '-u', mount_dir], path=mount_dir)
util.run_unmount_cmd(['umount', mount_dir], path=mount_dir)