=============== Configuration =============== Please read `productmd documentation `_ for `terminology `_ and other release and compose related details. Minimal Config Example ====================== :: # RELEASE release_name = "Fedora" release_short = "Fedora" release_version = "23" # GENERAL SETTINGS comps_file = "comps-f23.xml" variants_file = "variants-f23.xml" # KOJI koji_profile = "koji" runroot = False # PKGSET sigkeys = [None] pkgset_source = "koji" pkgset_koji_tag = "f23" # CREATEREPO createrepo_checksum = "sha256" # GATHER gather_source = "comps" gather_method = "deps" greedy_method = "build" multilib_methods = [] check_deps = False # BUILDINSTALL bootable = True buildinstall_method = "lorax" buildinstall_upgrade_image = True Release ======= Following **mandatory** options describe a release. Options ------- **release_name** [mandatory] (*str*) -- release name **release_short** [mandatory] (*str*) -- release short name, without spaces and special characters **release_version** [mandatory] (*str*) -- release version **release_type** = "ga" (*str*) -- release type, "ga" or "updates" **release_is_layered** = False (*bool*) -- typically False for an operating system, True otherwise Example ------- :: release_name = "Fedora" release_short = "Fedora" release_version = "23" # release_type = "ga" Base Product ============ Base product options are **optional** and we need to them only if we're composing a layered product built on another (base) product. Options ------- **base_product_name** (*str*) -- base product name **base_product_short** (*str*) -- base product short name, without spaces and special characters **base_product_version** (*str*) -- base product **major** version Example ------- :: release_name = "RPM Fusion" release_short = "rf" release_version = "23.0" release_is_layered = True base_product_name = "Fedora" base_product_short = "Fedora" base_product_version = "23" General Settings ================ Options ------- **comps_file** [mandatory] (*scm_dict*, *str* or None) -- reference to comps XML file with installation groups **variants_file** [mandatory] (*scm_dict* or *str*) -- reference to variants XML file that defines release variants and architectures Example ------- :: comps_file = { "scm": "git", "repo": "https://git.fedorahosted.org/git/comps.git", "branch": None, "file": "comps-f23.xml.in", } variants_file = { "scm": "git", "repo": "https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora.git ", "branch": None, "file": "variants-fedora.xml", } Createrepo Settings =================== Options ------- **createrepo_checksum** [mandatory] (*str*) -- specify checksum type for createrepo; expected values: sha256, sha **createrepo_c** = True (*bool*) -- use createrepo_c (True) or legacy createrepo (False) Example ------- :: createrepo_checksum = "sha256" Package Set Settings ==================== Options ------- **sigkeys** ([*str* or None]) -- priority list of sigkeys, *None* means unsigned **pkgset_source** [mandatory] (*str*) -- "koji" (any koji instance) or "repos" (arbitrary yum repositories) **pkgset_koji_tag** [mandatory] (*str*) -- tag to read package set from **pkgset_koji_inherit** = True (*bool*) -- inherit builds from parent tags; we can turn it off only if we have all builds tagged in a single tag Example ------- :: sigkeys = [None] pkgset_source = "koji" pkgset_koji_tag = "f23" Buildinstall Settings ===================== Script or process that creates bootable images with Anaconda installer is historically called `buildinstall `_. Options: * bootable (*bool*) -- * buildinstall_method (*str*) -- "lorax" (f16+, rhel7+) or "buildinstall" (older releases) * buildinstall_upgrade_image (*bool*) -- build upgrade images, applicable on "lorax" buildinstall method Example:: bootable = True buildinstall_method = "lorax" .. note:: It is advised to run buildinstall (lorax) in koji, i.e. with **runroot enabled** for clean build environments, better logging, etc. .. warning:: Lorax installs RPMs into a chroot. This involves running %post scriptlets and they frequently run executables in the chroot. If we're composing for multiple architectures, we **must** use runroot for this reason. Gather Settings =============== Options ------- **gather_source** [mandatory] (*str*) -- from where to read initial package list; expected values: "comps", "none" **gather_method** [mandatory] (*str*) -- "deps", "nodeps" **greedy_method** (*str*) -- see :doc:`gather`, recommended value: "build" **multilib_methods** = [] ([*str*]) -- see :doc:`gather`, recommended value: ["devel", "runtime"] **multilib_arches** ([*str*] or None) -- list of compose architectures entitled for multilib; set to None to apply multilib on all compose arches **additional_packages** (*list*) -- additional packages to be included in a variant and architecture; format: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [package_globs]})] **filter_packages** (*list*) -- packages to be excluded from a variant and architecture; format: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [package_globs]})] **multilib_blacklist** (*dict*) -- multilib blacklist; format: {arch|*: [package_globs]} **multilib_whitelist** (*dict*) -- multilib blacklist; format: {arch|*: [package_globs]} **gather_lookaside_repos** = [] (*list*) -- lookaside repositories used for package gathering; format: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [repo_urls]})] **hashed_directories** = False (*bool*) -- put packages into "hashed" directories, for example Packages/k/kernel-4.0.4-301.fc22.x86_64.rpm Example ------- :: gather_source = "comps" gather_method = "deps" greedy_method = "build" multilib_methods = ["devel", "runtime"] multilib_arches = ["ppc64", "s390x", "x86_64"] check_deps = False hashed_directories = True additional_packages = [ # bz#123456 ('^(Workstation|Server)$', { '*': [ 'grub2', 'kernel', ], }), ] filter_packages = [ # bz#111222 ('^.*$', { '*': [ 'kernel-doc', ], }), ] multilib_blacklist = { "*": [ "gcc", ], } multilib_whitelist = { "*": [ "alsa-plugins-*", ], } # gather_lookaside_repos = [ # ('^.*$', { # 'x86_64': [ # "https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/22/Everything/x86_64/os/", # "https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/22/Everything/source/SRPMS/", # ] # }), # ] .. note:: It is a good practice to attach bug/ticket numbers to additional_packages, filter_packages, multilib_blacklist and multilib_whitelist to track decisions. Koji Settings ============= Options ------- **koji_profile** (*str*) -- koji profile name **runroot** [mandatory] (*bool*) -- run some tasks such as buildinstall or createiso in koji build root (True) or locally (False) **runroot_channel** (*str*) -- name of koji channel **runroot_tag** (*str*) -- name of koji **build** tag used for runroot Example ------- :: koji_profile = "koji" runroot = True runroot_channel = "runroot" runroot_tag = "f23-build" Extra Files Settings ==================== Options ------- **extra_files** (*list*) -- references to external files to be placed in os/ directory and media; format: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [scm_dicts]})] Example ------- :: extra_files = [ ('^.*$', { '*': [ # GPG keys { "scm": "rpm", "repo": "fedora-repos", "branch": None, "file": [ "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-22-fedora", ], "target": "", }, # GPL { "scm": "git", "repo": "https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora", "branch": None, "file": [ "GPL", ], "target": "", }, ], }), ] Productimg Settings =================== Product images are placed on installation media and provide additional branding and Anaconda changes specific to product variants. Options ------- **productimg** = False (*bool*) -- create product images; requires bootable=True **productimg_install_class** (*scm_dict*, *str*) -- reference to install class **file** **productimg_po_files** (*scm_dict*, *str*) -- reference to a **directory** with po files for install class translations Example ------- :: productimg = True productimg_install_class = { "scm": "git", "repo": "http://git.example.com/productimg.git", "branch": None, "file": "fedora23/%(variant_id)s.py", } productimg_po_files = { "scm": "git", "repo": "http://git.example.com/productimg.git", "branch": None, "dir": "po", } CreateISO Settings ================== Options ------- **createiso_skip** = False (*list*) -- mapping that defines which variants and arches to skip during createiso; format: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: True})] **create_jigdo** = True (*bool*) -- controls the creation of jigdo from ISO .. note:: Source architecture needs to be listed explicitly. Excluding '*' applies only on binary arches. Jigdo causes significant increase of time to ISO creation. Example ------- :: createiso_skip = [ ('^Workstation$', { '*': True, 'src': True }), ] Image Build Settings ==================== **image_build** (*list*) -- config for koji image-build; format: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [{opt: value}])] .. note:: Config can contain anything what is accepted by ``koji image-build --config configfile.ini`` Repo is currently the only option which is being automatically transformed into a string. Please don't set install_tree as it would get overriden by pungi. The 'format' attr is [('image_type', 'image_suffix'), ...]. productmd should ideally contain all of image types and suffixes. If ``ksurl`` ends with ``#HEAD``, Pungi will figure out the SHA1 hash of current HEAD and use that instead. Example ------- :: image_build = [ ('^Server$', { 'x86_64': [ { 'format': [('docker', 'tar.gz'), ('qcow2', 'qcow2')] 'name': 'fedora-qcow-and-docker-base', 'target': 'koji-target-name', 'ksversion': 'F23', # value from pykickstart 'version': '23', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': 'https://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?somedirectoryifany#HEAD', 'kickstart': "fedora-docker-base.ks", 'repo': ["http://someextrarepos.org/repo", "ftp://rekcod.oi/repo]. # 'install_tree': 'http://sometpath', # this is set automatically by pungi to os_dir for given variant/$arch 'distro': 'Fedora-20', 'disk_size': 3 }, { 'format': [('qcow2','qcow2')] 'name': 'fedora-qcow-base', 'target': 'koji-target-name', 'ksversion': 'F23', # value from pykickstart 'version': '23', 'ksurl': 'https://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?somedirectoryifany#HEAD', 'kickstart': "fedora-docker-base.ks", 'distro': 'Fedora-23' } ] }), ] Media Checksums Settings ======================== **media_checksums** (*list*) -- list of checksum types to compute, allowed values are ``md5``, ``sha1`` and ``sha256`` **media_checksum_one_file** (*bool*) -- when ``True``, only one ``CHECKSUM`` file will be created per directory; this option requires ``media_checksums`` to only specify one type **media_checksum_base_filename** (*str*) -- when not set, all checksums will be save to a file named either ``CHECKSUM`` or based on the digest type; this option allows adding any prefix to that name It is possible to use format strings that will be replace by actual values. The allowed keys are ``%(release_showrt)s``, ``%(release_short)s``, ``%(release_id)s``, ``%(variant)s``, ``%(version)s``, ``%(date)s``, ``%(type_suffix)s`` and ``%(respin)s`` For example, for Fedora the prefix should be ``%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(version)s-%(date)s%(type_suffix)s.%(respin)s``. Translate Paths Settings ======================== **translate_paths** (*list*) -- list of paths to translate; format: [(path,translated_path)] .. note:: This feature becomes useful when you need to transform compose location into e.g. a http repo which is can be passed to koji image-build. Translation needs to be invoked by a function call in pungi. os.path.normpath() is applied on both path and translated_path Example config -------------- :: translate_paths = [ ("/mnt/a", "http://b/dir"), ] Example usage ------------- :: >>> from pungi.paths import translate_paths >>> print translate_paths(compose_object_with_mapping, "/mnt/a/c/somefile") http://b/dir/c/somefile