# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ Expected product.img paths ========================== RHEL 6 ------ installclasses/$variant.py locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/comps.mo RHEL 7 ------ run/install/product/installclasses/$variant.py run/install/product/locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/comps.mo Compatibility symlinks ---------------------- installclasses -> run/install/product/installclasses locale -> run/install/product/locale run/install/product/pyanaconda/installclasses -> ../installclasses """ import os import fnmatch import tempfile import shutil import pipes from kobo.shortcuts import run from pungi.arch import split_name_arch from pungi.util import makedirs, pkg_is_rpm from pungi.phases.base import PhaseBase from pungi.wrappers.iso import IsoWrapper from pungi.wrappers.scm import get_file_from_scm, get_dir_from_scm class ProductimgPhase(PhaseBase): """PRODUCTIMG""" name = "productimg" def __init__(self, compose, pkgset_phase): PhaseBase.__init__(self, compose) # pkgset_phase provides package_sets and path_prefix self.pkgset_phase = pkgset_phase def skip(self): if PhaseBase.skip(self): return True if not self.compose.conf["productimg"]: msg = "Config option 'productimg' not set. Skipping creating product images." self.compose.log_debug(msg) return True if not self.compose.conf["bootable"]: msg = "Not a bootable product. Skipping creating product images." self.compose.log_debug(msg) return True return False def run(self): # create PRODUCT.IMG for variant in self.compose.get_variants(): if variant.type != "variant" or variant.is_empty: continue create_product_img(self.compose, "global", variant) # copy PRODUCT.IMG for arch in self.compose.get_arches(): for variant in self.compose.get_variants(arch=arch): if variant.type != "variant" or variant.is_empty: continue image = self.compose.paths.work.product_img(variant) os_tree = self.compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch, variant) target_dir = os.path.join(os_tree, "images") target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, "product.img") if not os.path.isfile(target_path): makedirs(target_dir) shutil.copy2(image, target_path) for arch in self.compose.get_arches(): for variant in self.compose.get_variants(arch=arch): if variant.type != "variant" or variant.is_empty: continue rebuild_boot_iso(self.compose, arch, variant, self.pkgset_phase.package_sets) def create_product_img(compose, arch, variant): # product.img is noarch (at least on rhel6 and rhel7) arch = "global" msg = "Creating product.img (arch: %s, variant: %s)" % (arch, variant) image = compose.paths.work.product_img(variant) if os.path.exists(image): compose.log_warning("[SKIP ] %s" % msg) return compose.log_info("[BEGIN] %s" % msg) product_tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="product_img_") install_class = compose.conf["productimg_install_class"].copy() install_class["file"] = install_class["file"] % {"variant_id": variant.id.lower()} install_dir = os.path.join(product_tmp, "installclasses") makedirs(install_dir) get_file_from_scm(install_class, target_path=install_dir, logger=None) po_files = compose.conf["productimg_po_files"] po_tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="pofiles_") get_dir_from_scm(po_files, po_tmp, logger=compose._logger) for po_file in os.listdir(po_tmp): if not po_file.endswith(".po"): continue lang = po_file[:-3] target_dir = os.path.join(product_tmp, "locale", lang, "LC_MESSAGES") makedirs(target_dir) run(["msgfmt", "--output-file", os.path.join(target_dir, "comps.mo"), os.path.join(po_tmp, po_file)]) shutil.rmtree(po_tmp) mount_tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="product_img_mount_") cmds = [ # allocate image "dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=1k count=5760" % pipes.quote(image), # create file system "mke2fs -F %s" % pipes.quote(image), "mount -o loop %s %s" % (pipes.quote(image), pipes.quote(mount_tmp)), "mkdir -p %s/run/install/product" % pipes.quote(mount_tmp), "cp -rp %s/* %s/run/install/product/" % (pipes.quote(product_tmp), pipes.quote(mount_tmp)), "mkdir -p %s/run/install/product/pyanaconda" % pipes.quote(mount_tmp), # compat symlink: installclasses -> run/install/product/installclasses "ln -s run/install/product/installclasses %s" % pipes.quote(mount_tmp), # compat symlink: locale -> run/install/product/locale "ln -s run/install/product/locale %s" % pipes.quote(mount_tmp), # compat symlink: run/install/product/pyanaconda/installclasses -> ../installclasses "ln -s ../installclasses %s/run/install/product/pyanaconda/installclasses" % pipes.quote(mount_tmp), "umount %s" % pipes.quote(mount_tmp), # tweak last mount path written in the image "tune2fs -M /run/install/product %s" % pipes.quote(image), ] run(" && ".join(cmds)) shutil.rmtree(mount_tmp) shutil.rmtree(product_tmp) compose.log_info("[DONE ] %s" % msg) def rebuild_boot_iso(compose, arch, variant, package_sets): os_tree = compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch, variant) buildinstall_dir = compose.paths.work.buildinstall_dir(arch) boot_iso = os.path.join(os_tree, "images", "boot.iso") product_img = compose.paths.work.product_img(variant) buildinstall_boot_iso = os.path.join(buildinstall_dir, "images", "boot.iso") buildinstall_method = compose.conf["buildinstall_method"] log_file = compose.paths.log.log_file(arch, "rebuild_boot_iso-%s.%s" % (variant, arch)) msg = "Rebuilding boot.iso (arch: %s, variant: %s)" % (arch, variant) if not os.path.isfile(boot_iso): # nothing to do compose.log_warning("[SKIP ] %s" % msg) return compose.log_info("[BEGIN] %s" % msg) iso = IsoWrapper() # read the original volume id volume_id = iso.get_volume_id(boot_iso) # remove the original boot.iso (created during buildinstall) from the os dir os.remove(boot_iso) tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="boot_iso_") mount_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="boot_iso_mount_") cmd = "mount -o loop %s %s" % (pipes.quote(buildinstall_boot_iso), pipes.quote(mount_dir)) run(cmd, logfile=log_file, show_cmd=True) images_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "images") os.makedirs(images_dir) shutil.copy2(product_img, os.path.join(images_dir, "product.img")) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mount_dir, "isolinux", "isolinux.bin")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "isolinux")) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(mount_dir, "isolinux", "isolinux.bin"), os.path.join(tmp_dir, "isolinux")) graft_points = iso.get_graft_points([mount_dir, tmp_dir]) graft_points_path = os.path.join(compose.paths.work.topdir(arch=arch), "boot-%s.%s.iso-graft-points" % (variant, arch)) iso.write_graft_points(graft_points_path, graft_points, exclude=["*/TRANS.TBL", "*/boot.cat"]) mkisofs_kwargs = {} boot_files = None if buildinstall_method == "lorax": # TODO: $arch instead of ppc mkisofs_kwargs["boot_args"] = iso.get_boot_options(arch, "/usr/share/lorax/config_files/ppc") elif buildinstall_method == "buildinstall": boot_files = explode_anaconda(compose, arch, variant, package_sets) mkisofs_kwargs["boot_args"] = iso.get_boot_options(arch, boot_files) # ppc(64) doesn't seem to support utf-8 if arch in ("ppc", "ppc64"): mkisofs_kwargs["input_charset"] = None mkisofs_cmd = iso.get_mkisofs_cmd(boot_iso, None, volid=volume_id, exclude=["./lost+found"], graft_points=graft_points_path, **mkisofs_kwargs) run(mkisofs_cmd, logfile=log_file, show_cmd=True) cmd = "umount %s" % pipes.quote(mount_dir) run(cmd, logfile=log_file, show_cmd=True) if arch == "x86_64": isohybrid_cmd = "isohybrid --uefi %s" % pipes.quote(boot_iso) run(isohybrid_cmd, logfile=log_file, show_cmd=True) elif arch == "i386": isohybrid_cmd = "isohybrid %s" % pipes.quote(boot_iso) run(isohybrid_cmd, logfile=log_file, show_cmd=True) # implant MD5SUM to iso isomd5sum_cmd = iso.get_implantisomd5_cmd(boot_iso, compose.supported) isomd5sum_cmd = " ".join([pipes.quote(i) for i in isomd5sum_cmd]) run(isomd5sum_cmd, logfile=log_file, show_cmd=True) if boot_files: shutil.rmtree(boot_files) shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) shutil.rmtree(mount_dir) compose.log_info("[DONE ] %s" % msg) def explode_anaconda(compose, arch, variant, package_sets): tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="anaconda_") scm_dict = { "scm": "rpm", "repo": "anaconda.%s" % arch, "file": [ "/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/boot/*", ] } # if scm is "rpm" and repo contains a package name, find the package(s) in package set if scm_dict["scm"] == "rpm" and not (scm_dict["repo"].startswith("/") or "://" in scm_dict["repo"]): rpms = [] for pkgset_file in package_sets[arch]: pkg_obj = package_sets[arch][pkgset_file] if not pkg_is_rpm(pkg_obj): continue pkg_name, pkg_arch = split_name_arch(scm_dict["repo"]) if fnmatch.fnmatch(pkg_obj.name, pkg_name) and (pkg_arch is None or pkg_arch == pkg_obj.arch): compose.log_critical("%s %s %s" % (pkg_obj.name, pkg_name, pkg_arch)) rpms.append(pkg_obj.file_path) scm_dict["repo"] = rpms if not rpms: return None get_file_from_scm(scm_dict, tmp_dir, logger=compose._logger) return tmp_dir