#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import glob import distutils.command.sdist from setuptools import setup # override default tarball format with bzip2 distutils.command.sdist.sdist.default_format = {"posix": "bztar"} # recursively scan for python modules to be included package_root_dirs = ["pungi"] packages = set() for package_root_dir in package_root_dirs: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(package_root_dir): if "__init__.py" in files: packages.add(root.replace("/", ".")) packages = sorted(packages) setup( name = "pungi", version = "4.0.2", # make sure it matches with pungi.__version__ description = "Distribution compose tool", url = "http://fedorahosted.org/pungi", author = "Dennis Gilmore", author_email = "dgilmore@fedoraproject.org", license = "GPLv2", packages = packages, scripts = [ 'bin/pungi', 'bin/pungi-koji', 'bin/comps_filter', ], data_files = [ ('/usr/share/pungi', glob.glob('share/*.xsl')), ('/usr/share/pungi', glob.glob('share/*.ks')), ('/usr/share/pungi', glob.glob('share/*.dtd')), ('/usr/share/pungi/multilib', glob.glob('share/multilib/*')), ], test_suite = "tests", )