# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import os import copy import fnmatch import pipes from kobo.shortcuts import run from pungi.util import get_arch_variant_data, pkg_is_rpm from pungi.arch import split_name_arch from pungi.wrappers.scm import get_file_from_scm, get_dir_from_scm from pungi.phases.base import PhaseBase class ExtraFilesPhase(PhaseBase): """EXTRA_FILES""" name = "extra_files" config_options = ( { "name": "extra_files", "expected_types": [list], "optional": True }, ) def __init__(self, compose, pkgset_phase): PhaseBase.__init__(self, compose) # pkgset_phase provides package_sets and path_prefix self.pkgset_phase = pkgset_phase def run(self): for arch in self.compose.get_arches() + ["src"]: for variant in self.compose.get_variants(arch=arch): copy_extra_files(self.compose, arch, variant, self.pkgset_phase.package_sets) def copy_extra_files(compose, arch, variant, package_sets): if "extra_files" not in compose.conf: return var_dict = { "arch": arch, "variant_id": variant.id, "variant_id_lower": variant.id.lower(), "variant_uid": variant.uid, "variant_uid_lower": variant.uid.lower(), } msg = "Getting extra files (arch: %s, variant: %s)" % (arch, variant) # no skip (yet?) compose.log_info("[BEGIN] %s" % msg) os_tree = compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch, variant) extra_files_dir = compose.paths.work.extra_files_dir(arch, variant) for scm_dict in get_arch_variant_data(compose.conf, "extra_files", arch, variant): scm_dict = copy.deepcopy(scm_dict) # if scm is "rpm" and repo contains a package name, find the package(s) in package set if scm_dict["scm"] == "rpm" and not (scm_dict["repo"].startswith("/") or "://" in scm_dict["repo"]): rpms = [] for pkgset_file in package_sets[arch]: pkg_obj = package_sets[arch][pkgset_file] if not pkg_is_rpm(pkg_obj): continue pkg_name, pkg_arch = split_name_arch(scm_dict["repo"] % var_dict) if fnmatch.fnmatch(pkg_obj.name, pkg_name) and pkg_arch is None or pkg_arch == pkg_obj.arch: rpms.append(pkg_obj.file_path) scm_dict["repo"] = rpms if "file" in scm_dict: get_file_from_scm(scm_dict, os.path.join(extra_files_dir, scm_dict.get("target", "").lstrip("/")), logger=compose._logger) else: get_dir_from_scm(scm_dict, os.path.join(extra_files_dir, scm_dict.get("target", "").lstrip("/")), logger=compose._logger) if os.listdir(extra_files_dir): cmd = "cp -av --remove-destination %s/* %s/" % (pipes.quote(extra_files_dir), pipes.quote(os_tree)) run(cmd) compose.log_info("[DONE ] %s" % msg)