#!/usr/bin/python -tt # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import yum import os import shutil import sys import gzip import pypungi import logging import urlgrabber.progress class CallBack(urlgrabber.progress.TextMeter): """A call back function used with yum.""" def progressbar(self, current, total, name=None): return class PungiYum(yum.YumBase): """Subclass of Yum""" def __init__(self, config): self.pungiconfig = config yum.YumBase.__init__(self) def doLoggingSetup(self, debuglevel, errorlevel): """Setup the logging facility.""" logdir = os.path.join(self.pungiconfig.get('default', 'destdir'), 'logs') if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir) if self.pungiconfig.get('default', 'flavor'): logfile = os.path.join(logdir, '%s.%s.log' % (self.pungiconfig.get('default', 'flavor'), self.pungiconfig.get('default', 'arch'))) else: logfile = os.path.join(logdir, '%s.log' % (self.pungiconfig.get('default', 'arch'))) yum.logging.basicConfig(level=yum.logging.DEBUG, filename=logfile) self.logger.error('foobar') def doFileLogSetup(self, uid, logfile): # This function overrides a yum function, allowing pungi to control # the logging. pass class Gather(pypungi.PungiBase): def __init__(self, config, ksparser): pypungi.PungiBase.__init__(self, config) # Set our own logging name space self.logger = logging.getLogger('Pungi.Gather') # Create the stdout/err streams and only send INFO+ stuff there formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s') console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setFormatter(formatter) console.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.logger.addHandler(console) self.ksparser = ksparser self.polist = [] self.srpmlist = [] self.resolved_deps = {} # list the deps we've already resolved, short circuit. # Create a yum object to use self.ayum = PungiYum(config) self.ayum.doLoggingSetup(6, 6) yumconf = yum.config.YumConf() yumconf.debuglevel = 6 yumconf.errorlevel = 6 yumconf.cachedir = self.config.get('default', 'cachedir') yumconf.persistdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'yumlib') yumconf.installroot = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'yumroot') yumconf.uid = os.geteuid() yumconf.cache = 0 yumconf.failovermethod = 'priority' yumvars = yum.config._getEnvVar() yumvars['releasever'] = self.config.get('default', 'version') yumvars['basearch'] = yum.rpmUtils.arch.getBaseArch(myarch=self.config.get('default', 'arch')) yumconf.yumvar = yumvars self.ayum._conf = yumconf self.ayum.repos.setCacheDir(self.ayum.conf.cachedir) arch = self.config.get('default', 'arch') if arch == 'i386': yumarch = 'athlon' elif arch == 'ppc': yumarch = 'ppc64' elif arch == 'sparc': yumarch = 'sparc64v' else: yumarch = arch self.ayum.compatarch = yumarch arches = yum.rpmUtils.arch.getArchList(yumarch) arches.append('src') # throw source in there, filter it later # deal with our repos try: ksparser.handler.repo.methodToRepo() except: pass for repo in ksparser.handler.repo.repoList: self.logger.info('Adding repo %s' % repo.name) thisrepo = yum.yumRepo.YumRepository(repo.name) thisrepo.name = repo.name # add excludes and such here when pykickstart gets them if repo.mirrorlist: thisrepo.mirrorlist = yum.parser.varReplace(repo.mirrorlist, self.ayum.conf.yumvar) self.logger.info('Mirrorlist for repo %s is %s' % (thisrepo.name, thisrepo.mirrorlist)) else: thisrepo.baseurl = yum.parser.varReplace(repo.baseurl, self.ayum.conf.yumvar) self.logger.info('URL for repo %s is %s' % (thisrepo.name, thisrepo.baseurl)) thisrepo.basecachedir = self.ayum.conf.cachedir thisrepo.enablegroups = True thisrepo.failovermethod = 'priority' # This is until yum uses this failover by default thisrepo.exclude = repo.excludepkgs thisrepo.includepkgs = repo.includepkgs self.ayum.repos.add(thisrepo) self.ayum.repos.enableRepo(thisrepo.id) self.ayum._getRepos(thisrepo=thisrepo.id, doSetup = True) self.ayum.repos.setProgressBar(CallBack()) self.ayum.repos.callback = CallBack() # Set the metadata and mirror list to be expired so we always get new ones. for repo in self.ayum.repos.listEnabled(): repo.metadata_expire = 0 repo.mirrorlist_expire = 0 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(repo.cachedir, 'repomd.xml')): os.remove(os.path.join(repo.cachedir, 'repomd.xml')) self.logger.info('Getting sacks for arches %s' % arches) self.ayum._getSacks(archlist=arches) def _filtersrc(self, po): """Filter out package objects that are of 'src' arch.""" if po.arch == 'src': return False return True def verifyCachePkg(self, po, path): # Stolen from yum """check the package checksum vs the cache return True if pkg is good, False if not""" (csum_type, csum) = po.returnIdSum() try: filesum = yum.misc.checksum(csum_type, path) except yum.Errors.MiscError: return False if filesum != csum: return False return True def getPackageDeps(self, po): """Add the dependencies for a given package to the transaction info""" self.logger.info('Checking deps of %s.%s' % (po.name, po.arch)) reqs = po.requires provs = po.provides for req in reqs: if self.resolved_deps.has_key(req): continue (r,f,v) = req if r.startswith('rpmlib(') or r.startswith('config('): continue if req in provs: continue deps = self.ayum.whatProvides(r, f, v).returnPackages() if not deps: self.logger.warn("Unresolvable dependency %s in %s.%s" % (r, po.name, po.arch)) continue depsack = yum.packageSack.ListPackageSack(deps) for dep in depsack.returnNewestByNameArch(): self.ayum.tsInfo.addInstall(dep) self.logger.info('Added %s.%s for %s.%s' % (dep.name, dep.arch, po.name, po.arch)) self.resolved_deps[req] = None def getPackagesFromGroup(self, group): """Get a list of package names from a ksparser group object Returns a list of package names""" packages = [] # Check if we have the group if not self.ayum.comps.has_group(group.name): self.logger.error("Group %s not found in comps!" % group) return packages # Get the group object to work with groupobj = self.ayum.comps.return_group(group.name) # Add the mandatory packages packages.extend(groupobj.mandatory_packages.keys()) # Add the default packages unless we don't want them if group.include == 1: packages.extend(groupobj.default_packages.keys()) # Add the optional packages if we want them if group.include == 2: packages.extend(groupobj.default_packages.keys()) packages.extend(groupobj.optional_packages.keys()) # Deal with conditional packages # Populate a dict with the name of the required package and value # of the package objects it would bring in. To be used later if # we match the conditional. for condreq, cond in groupobj.conditional_packages.iteritems(): pkgs = self.ayum.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=condreq) if pkgs: pkgs = self.ayum.bestPackagesFromList(pkgs, arch=self.ayum.compatarch) if self.ayum.tsInfo.conditionals.has_key(cond): self.ayum.tsInfo.conditionals[cond].extend(pkgs) else: self.ayum.tsInfo.conditionals[cond] = pkgs return packages def getPackageObjects(self): """Cycle through the list of packages, get package object matches, and resolve deps. Returns a list of package objects""" final_pkgobjs = {} # The final list of package objects searchlist = [] # The list of package names/globs to search for matchdict = {} # A dict of objects to names # First remove the excludes self.ayum.conf.exclude.extend(self.ksparser.handler.packages.excludedList) self.ayum.excludePackages() # Always add the core groiup self.ksparser.handler.packages.add(['@core']) # Check to see if we need the base group if self.ksparser.handler.packages.addBase: self.ksparser.handler.packages.add(['@base']) # Get a list of packages from groups for group in self.ksparser.handler.packages.groupList: searchlist.extend(self.getPackagesFromGroup(group)) # Add the adds searchlist.extend(self.ksparser.handler.packages.packageList) # Make the search list unique searchlist = yum.misc.unique(searchlist) # Search repos for things in our searchlist, supports globs (exactmatched, matched, unmatched) = yum.packages.parsePackages(self.ayum.pkgSack.returnPackages(), searchlist, casematch=1) matches = filter(self._filtersrc, exactmatched + matched) # Populate a dict of package objects to their names for match in matches: matchdict[match.name] = match # Get the newest results from the search mysack = yum.packageSack.ListPackageSack(matches) for match in mysack.returnNewestByNameArch(): self.ayum.tsInfo.addInstall(match) self.logger.debug('Found %s.%s' % (match.name, match.arch)) for pkg in unmatched: if not pkg in matchdict.keys(): self.logger.warn('Could not find a match for %s in any configured repo' % pkg) if len(self.ayum.tsInfo) == 0: raise yum.Errors.MiscError, 'No packages found to download.' moretoprocess = True while moretoprocess: # Our fun loop moretoprocess = False for txmbr in self.ayum.tsInfo: if not final_pkgobjs.has_key(txmbr.po): final_pkgobjs[txmbr.po] = None # Add the pkg to our final list self.getPackageDeps(txmbr.po) # Get the deps of our package moretoprocess = True self.polist = final_pkgobjs.keys() self.logger.info('Finished gathering package objects.') def getSRPMList(self): """Cycle through the list of package objects and find the sourcerpm for them. Requires yum still configured and a list of package objects""" for po in self.polist: srpm = po.sourcerpm.split('.src.rpm')[0] if not srpm in self.srpmlist: self.srpmlist.append(srpm) def _downloadPackageList(self, polist, relpkgdir): """Cycle through the list of package objects and download them from their respective repos.""" downloads = [] for pkg in polist: downloads.append('%s.%s' % (pkg.name, pkg.arch)) downloads.sort() self.logger.info("Download list: %s" % downloads) pkgdir = os.path.join(self.config.get('default', 'destdir'), self.config.get('default', 'version'), self.config.get('default', 'flavor'), relpkgdir) # Ensure the pkgdir exists, force if requested, and make sure we clean it out pypungi._ensuredir(pkgdir, self.logger, force=self.config.getboolean('default', 'force'), clean=True) probs = self.ayum.downloadPkgs(polist) if len(probs.keys()) > 0: self.logger.error("Errors were encountered while downloading packages.") for key in probs.keys(): errors = yum.misc.unique(probs[key]) for error in errors: self.logger.error("%s: %s" % (key, error)) sys.exit(1) for po in polist: basename = os.path.basename(po.relativepath) local = po.localPkg() target = os.path.join(pkgdir, basename) # Link downloaded package in (or link package from file repo) try: pypungi._link(local, target, self.logger, force=True) continue except: self.logger.error("Unable to link %s from the yum cache." % po.name) sys.exit(1) self.logger.info('Finished downloading packages.') def downloadPackages(self): """Download the package objects obtained in getPackageObjects().""" self._downloadPackageList(self.polist, os.path.join(self.config.get('default', 'arch'), self.config.get('default', 'osdir'), self.config.get('default', 'product_path'))) def makeCompsFile(self): """Gather any comps files we can from repos and merge them into one.""" # get our list of repos repos = self.ayum.repos.repos.values() compsstub = '\n\n\n' closestub = '\n\n' ourcompspath = os.path.join(self.workdir, '%s-%s-comps.xml' % (self.config.get('default', 'name'), self.config.get('default', 'version'))) ourcomps = open(ourcompspath, 'w') ourcomps.write(compsstub) # iterate through the list and get what comps we can. # Strip the first three lines and the last line of substance off # once done, write it to our comps file for repo in repos: try: groupfile = repo.getGroups() except yum.Errors.RepoMDError, e: self.logger.warn("No group data found for %s" % repo.id) pass else: # Check to see if we got a gzipped comps file if groupfile.endswith('.gz'): compslines = gzip.open(groupfile, 'r').readlines() else: compslines = open(groupfile, 'r').readlines() for line in compslines: if line.startswith('> sys.stderr, "Error: Cannot find a source rpm for %s" % srpm sys.exit(1) # do the downloads self._downloadPackageList(srpmpolist, os.path.join('source', 'SRPMS'))