# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ This module exports a couple functions for checking configuration and environment. Validation of the configuration is the most complicated part here: here is the outline of the process: 1. The configuration is checked against JSON schema. The errors encountered are reported as string. The validator also populates default values. 2. The requirements/conflicts among options are resolved separately. This is because expressing those relationships in JSON Schema is very verbose and the error message is not very descriptive. 3. Extra validation can happen in ``validate()`` method of any phase. When a new config option is added, the schema must be updated (see the ``_make_schema`` function). The dependencies should be encoded into ``CONFIG_DEPS`` mapping. """ import os.path import platform import jsonschema import re from . import util def _will_productimg_run(conf): return conf.get('productimg', False) and conf.get('bootable', False) def is_jigdo_needed(conf): return conf.get('create_jigdo', True) def is_isohybrid_needed(conf): """The isohybrid command is needed locally only for productimg phase and createiso phase without runroot. If that is not going to run, we don't need to check for it. Additionally, the syslinux package is only available on x86_64 and i386. """ runroot = conf.get('runroot', False) if runroot and not _will_productimg_run(conf): return False if platform.machine() not in ('x86_64', 'i686', 'i386'): msg = ('Not checking for /usr/bin/isohybrid due to current architecture. ' 'Expect failures in productimg phase.') print msg return False return True def is_genisoimage_needed(conf): """This is only needed locally for productimg and createiso without runroot. """ runroot = conf.get('runroot', False) if runroot and not _will_productimg_run(conf): return False return True def is_createrepo_c_needed(conf): return conf.get('createrepo_c', True) # The first element in the tuple is package name expected to have the # executable (2nd element of the tuple). The last element is an optional # function that should determine if the tool is required based on # configuration. tools = [ ("isomd5sum", "/usr/bin/implantisomd5", None), ("isomd5sum", "/usr/bin/checkisomd5", None), ("jigdo", "/usr/bin/jigdo-lite", is_jigdo_needed), ("genisoimage", "/usr/bin/genisoimage", is_genisoimage_needed), ("gettext", "/usr/bin/msgfmt", None), ("syslinux", "/usr/bin/isohybrid", is_isohybrid_needed), # modifyrepo can always be called ("createrepo", "/usr/bin/modifyrepo", None), # createrepo and mergerepo are not needed by default, only when # createrepo_c is not configured ("createrepo", "/usr/bin/createrepo", lambda conf: not is_createrepo_c_needed(conf)), ("createrepo", "/usr/bin/mergerepo", lambda conf: not is_createrepo_c_needed(conf)), ("createrepo_c", "/usr/bin/createrepo_c", is_createrepo_c_needed), ("createrepo_c", "/usr/bin/mergerepo_c", is_createrepo_c_needed), ("yum-utils", "/usr/bin/repoquery", None), ("git", "/usr/bin/git", None), ("cvs", "/usr/bin/cvs", None), ] imports = [ ("kobo", "kobo"), ("kobo-rpmlib", "kobo.rpmlib"), ("python-lxml", "lxml"), ("koji", "koji"), ("python-productmd", "productmd"), ("python-kickstart", "pykickstart.parser"), ("libselinux-python", "selinux"), ] def check(conf): """Check runtime environment and report errors about missing dependencies.""" fail = False # Check python modules for package, module in imports: try: __import__(module) except ImportError: print("Module '%s' doesn't exist. Install package '%s'." % (module, package)) fail = True # Check tools for package, path, test_if_required in tools: if test_if_required and not test_if_required(conf): # The config says this file is not required, so we won't even check it. continue if not os.path.exists(path): print("Program '%s' doesn't exist. Install package '%s'." % (path, package)) fail = True return not fail def check_umask(logger): """Make sure umask is set to something reasonable. If not, log a warning.""" mask = os.umask(0) os.umask(mask) if mask > 0o022: logger.warning('Unusually strict umask detected (0%03o), ' 'expect files with broken permissions.', mask) def _validate_requires(schema, conf, valid_options): """ Check if all requires and conflicts are ok in configuration. :param conf: Python dict with configuration to check :param valid_options: mapping with option dependencies :param with_default: a set of options that have default value :returns: list of errors """ errors = [] def has_default(x): return schema['properties'].get(x, {}).get('default') == conf[x] for name, opt in valid_options.iteritems(): value = conf.get(name) errors.extend(_check_dep(name, value, opt.get('conflicts', []), lambda x: x in conf and not has_default(x), CONFLICTS)) errors.extend(_check_dep(name, value, opt.get('requires', []), lambda x: x not in conf, REQUIRES)) return errors def _check_dep(name, value, lst, matcher, fmt): for deps in [deps for (func, deps) in lst if func(value)]: for dep in [d for d in deps if matcher(d)]: yield fmt.format(name, value, dep) def validate(config): """Test the configuration against schema. Undefined values for which a default value exists will be filled in. """ schema = _make_schema() DefaultValidator = _extend_with_default_and_alias(jsonschema.Draft4Validator) validator = DefaultValidator(schema, {'array': (tuple, list), 'regex': (str, unicode)}) errors = [] warnings = [] for error in validator.iter_errors(config): if isinstance(error, ConfigDeprecation): warnings.append(REMOVED.format('.'.join(error.path), error.message)) elif not error.path and error.validator == 'additionalProperties': allowed_keys = set(error.schema['properties'].keys()) used_keys = set(error.instance.keys()) for key in used_keys - allowed_keys: suggestion = _get_suggestion(key, allowed_keys) if suggestion: warnings.append(UNKNOWN_SUGGEST.format(key, suggestion)) else: warnings.append(UNKNOWN.format(key)) else: errors.append('Failed validation in %s: %s' % ( '.'.join([str(x) for x in error.path]), error.message)) return (errors + _validate_requires(schema, config, CONFIG_DEPS), warnings) def _get_suggestion(desired, names): """Find a value in ``names`` that is the closest match for ``desired``. The edit distance must be at most half the length of target string. """ closest = None closest_match = len(desired) + 1 for name in names: match = util.levenshtein(desired, name) if match < closest_match and match < len(desired) // 2: closest = name closest_match = match return closest CONFLICTS = 'ERROR: Config option {0}={1} conflicts with option {2}.' REQUIRES = 'ERROR: Config option {0}={1} requires {2} which is not set.' REMOVED = 'WARNING: Config option {0} was removed and has no effect; {1}.' UNKNOWN = 'WARNING: Unrecognized config option: {0}.' UNKNOWN_SUGGEST = 'WARNING: Unrecognized config option: {0}. Did you mean {1}?' def _extend_with_default_and_alias(validator_class): validate_properties = validator_class.VALIDATORS["properties"] validate_type = validator_class.VALIDATORS['type'] validate_required = validator_class.VALIDATORS['required'] validate_additional_properties = validator_class.VALIDATORS['additionalProperties'] def _replace_alias(properties, instance, schema): """ If 'alias' is defined for a property, and the property is not present in instance, add the property with value from the alias property to instance before remove the alias property. If both the propery and its alias are present, it will yield an error. """ for property, subschema in properties.iteritems(): if "alias" in subschema: if property in instance and subschema['alias'] in instance: # the order of validators is in random, so we remove the alias # property at the first time when it's found, then validators # won't raise the same error later. instance.pop(subschema['alias']) yield jsonschema.ValidationError( "%s is an alias of %s, only one can be used." % ( subschema['alias'], property) ) if property not in instance and subschema['alias'] in instance: instance.setdefault(property, instance.pop(subschema['alias'])) def set_defaults_and_aliases(validator, properties, instance, schema): """ Assign default values to options that have them defined and are not specified. And if a property has 'alias' defined and the property is not specified, look for the alias property and copy alias property's value to that property before remove the alias property. """ for property, subschema in properties.iteritems(): if "default" in subschema and property not in instance: instance.setdefault(property, subschema["default"]) for error in _replace_alias(properties, instance, schema): yield error for error in validate_properties(validator, properties, instance, schema): yield error def ignore_alias_properties(validator, aP, instance, schema): """ If there is a property has alias defined in schema, and the property is not present in instance, set the property with the value of alias property, remove alias property from instance. """ properties = schema.get("properties", {}) for error in _replace_alias(properties, instance, schema): yield error for error in validate_additional_properties(validator, aP, instance, schema): yield error def validate_required_with_alias(validator, required, instance, schema): properties = schema.get("properties", {}) for error in _replace_alias(properties, instance, schema): yield error for error in validate_required(validator, required, instance, schema): yield error def error_on_deprecated(validator, properties, instance, schema): """Unconditionally raise deprecation error if encountered.""" yield ConfigDeprecation(properties) def validate_regex_type(validator, properties, instance, schema): """ Extend standard type validation to check correctness in regular expressions. """ if properties == 'regex': try: re.compile(instance) except re.error as exc: yield jsonschema.ValidationError( 'incorrect regular expression: %s' % str(exc), ) else: # Not a regular expression, delegate to original validator. for error in validate_type(validator, properties, instance, schema): yield error return jsonschema.validators.extend( validator_class, {"properties": set_defaults_and_aliases, "deprecated": error_on_deprecated, "type": validate_regex_type, "required": validate_required_with_alias, "additionalProperties": ignore_alias_properties}, ) class ConfigDeprecation(jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError): pass def _make_schema(): return { "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "title": "Pungi Configuration", "definitions": { "multilib_list": { "type": "object", "patternProperties": { "^.+$": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}, }, "additionalProperties": False, }, "package_mapping": _variant_arch_mapping( {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"} ), "scm_dict": { "type": "object", "properties": { "scm": { "type": "string", "enum": ["file", "cvs", "git", "rpm"], }, "repo": {"type": "string"}, "branch": {"$ref": "#/definitions/optional_string"}, "file": {"type": "string"}, "dir": {"type": "string"}, }, "additionalProperties": False, }, "str_or_scm_dict": { "anyOf": [ {"type": "string"}, {"$ref": "#/definitions/scm_dict"}, ] }, "source_repo_dict": { "type": "object", "properties": { "name": {"type": "string"}, "baseurl": {"type": "string"}, "exclude": {"type": "string"}, "gpgcheck": {"type": "boolean"}, }, "additionalProperties": False, }, "list_of_strings": { "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, }, "list_of_source_repo_dicts": { "type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/source_repo_dict"}, }, "strings": { "anyOf": [ {"type": "string"}, {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}, ] }, "optional_string": { "anyOf": [ {"type": "string"}, {"type": "null"}, ], }, "live_image_config": { "type": "object", "properties": { "kickstart": {"type": "string"}, "ksurl": {"type": "string"}, "name": {"type": "string"}, "subvariant": {"type": "string"}, "version": {"type": "string"}, "repo": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strings", "alias": "additional_repos", }, "repo_from": {"$ref": "#/definitions/strings"}, "specfile": {"type": "string"}, "scratch": {"type": "boolean"}, "type": {"type": "string"}, "sign": {"type": "boolean"}, "failable": {"type": "boolean"}, "release": {"$ref": "#/definitions/optional_string"}, }, "required": ["kickstart"], "additionalProperties": False, "type": "object", }, "string_tuples": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "array", "items": [ {"type": "string"}, {"type": "string"}, ], "additionalItems": False, } } }, "type": "object", "properties": { "release_name": {"type": "string"}, "release_short": {"type": "string"}, "release_version": {"type": "string"}, "release_type": { "type": "string", "enum": ["fast", "ga", "updates", "eus", "aus", "els"], "default": "ga", }, "release_is_layered": {"type": "boolean"}, "release_internal": {"type": "boolean", "default": False}, "release_discinfo_description": {"type": "string"}, "base_product_name": {"type": "string"}, "base_product_short": {"type": "string"}, "base_product_version": {"type": "string"}, "base_product_type": { "type": "string", "default": "ga" }, "runroot": { "type": "boolean", "default": False, }, "create_jigdo": { "type": "boolean", "default": True, }, "check_deps": { "type": "boolean", "default": True }, "bootable": { "type": "boolean", "default": False }, "gather_method": { "type": "string", "enum": ["deps", "nodeps"], }, "gather_source": { "type": "string", "enum": ["module", "json", "comps", "none"], }, "gather_fulltree": { "type": "boolean", "default": False, }, "gather_selfhosting": { "type": "boolean", "default": False, }, "gather_prepopulate": {"$ref": "#/definitions/str_or_scm_dict"}, "gather_source_mapping": {"type": "string"}, "dnf_gather": {"type": "boolean", "default": False}, "pkgset_source": { "type": "string", "enum": ["koji", "repos"], }, "createrepo_c": { "type": "boolean", "default": True, }, "createrepo_checksum": { "type": "string", "default": "sha256", "enum": ["sha", "sha256"], }, "createrepo_use_xz": { "type": "boolean", "default": False, }, "repoclosure_backend": { "type": "string", "default": "yum", "enum": ["yum", "dnf"], }, "hashed_directories": { "type": "boolean", "default": False, }, "multilib_whitelist": { "$ref": "#/definitions/multilib_list", "default": {}, }, "multilib_blacklist": { "$ref": "#/definitions/multilib_list", "default": {}, }, "greedy_method": { "type": "string", "enum": ["none", "all", "build"], "default": "none", }, "additional_packages": { "$ref": "#/definitions/package_mapping", "default": [], }, "filter_packages": { "$ref": "#/definitions/package_mapping", "default": [], }, "sigkeys": { "type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/optional_string"}, }, "variants_file": {"$ref": "#/definitions/str_or_scm_dict"}, "comps_file": {"$ref": "#/definitions/str_or_scm_dict"}, "comps_filter_environments": { "type": "boolean", "default": True }, "pkgset_repos": { "type": "object", "patternProperties": { ".+": {"$ref": "#/definitions/strings"}, }, "additionalProperties": False, }, "create_optional_isos": { "type": "boolean", "default": False }, "symlink_isos_to": {"type": "string"}, "createiso_skip": _variant_arch_mapping({"type": "boolean"}), "multilib": _variant_arch_mapping({ "$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings" }), "runroot_tag": {"type": "string"}, "runroot_channel": { "$ref": "#/definitions/optional_string", }, "runroot_weights": { "type": "object", "default": {}, "properties": { "buildinstall": {"type": "number"}, "createiso": {"type": "number"}, "ostree": {"type": "number"}, "ostree_installer": {"type": "number"}, }, "additionalProperties": False, }, "createrepo_deltas": { "type": "boolean", "default": False, }, "buildinstall_method": { "type": "string", "enum": ["lorax", "buildinstall"], }, "buildinstall_kickstart": {"$ref": "#/definitions/str_or_scm_dict"}, "global_ksurl": {"type": "string"}, "global_version": {"type": "string"}, "global_target": {"type": "string"}, "global_release": {"$ref": "#/definitions/optional_string"}, "pdc_url": {"type": "string"}, "pdc_develop": {"type": "boolean", "default": False}, "pdc_insecure": {"type": "boolean", "default": False}, "koji_profile": {"type": "string"}, "pkgset_koji_tag": {"type": "string"}, "pkgset_koji_inherit": { "type": "boolean", "default": True }, "disc_types": { "type": "object", "default": {}, }, "paths_module": {"type": "string"}, "skip_phases": { "$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings", "default": [], }, "image_name_format": {"type": "string"}, "image_volid_formats": { "$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings", "default": [ "{release_short}-{version} {variant}.{arch}", "{release_short}-{version} {arch}", ], }, "image_volid_layered_product_formats": { "$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings", "default": [ "{release_short}-{version} {base_product_short}-{base_product_version} {variant}.{arch}", "{release_short}-{version} {base_product_short}-{base_product_version} {arch}", ], }, "volume_id_substitutions": { "type": "object", "default": {}, }, "live_images_no_rename": { "type": "boolean", "default": False, }, "live_images_ksurl": {"type": "string"}, "live_images_release": {"$ref": "#/definitions/optional_string"}, "live_images_version": {"type": "string"}, "image_build_ksurl": {"type": "string"}, "image_build_target": {"type": "string"}, "image_build_release": {"$ref": "#/definitions/optional_string"}, "image_build_version": {"type": "string"}, "live_media_ksurl": {"type": "string"}, "live_media_target": {"type": "string"}, "live_media_release": {"$ref": "#/definitions/optional_string"}, "live_media_version": {"type": "string"}, "media_checksums": { "$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings", "default": ['md5', 'sha1', 'sha256'] }, "media_checksum_one_file": { "type": "boolean", "default": False }, "media_checksum_base_filename": { "type": "string", "default": "" }, "filter_system_release_packages": { "type": "boolean", "default": True, }, "keep_original_comps": { "deprecated": "remove tag from respective variant in variants XML" }, "link_type": { "type": "string", "enum": ["hardlink", "copy", "hardlink-or-copy", "symlink", "abspath-symlink"], "default": "hardlink-or-copy" }, "product_id": {"$ref": "#/definitions/str_or_scm_dict"}, "product_id_allow_missing": { "type": "boolean", "default": False }, "live_target": { "type": "string", "default": "rhel-7.0-candidate", }, "tree_arches": { "$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings", "default": [] }, "tree_variants": { "$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings", "default": [] }, "translate_paths": { "$ref": "#/definitions/string_tuples", "default": [], }, "failable_deliverables": _variant_arch_mapping({ "$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings" }), "live_media": { "type": "object", "patternProperties": { # Warning: this pattern is a variant uid regex, but the # format does not let us validate it as there is no regular # expression to describe all regular expressions. ".+": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "install_tree_from": {"type": "string"}, "kickstart": {"type": "string"}, "ksversion": {"type": "string"}, "ksurl": {"type": "string"}, "version": {"type": "string"}, "scratch": {"type": "boolean"}, "skip_tag": {"type": "boolean"}, "name": {"type": "string"}, "subvariant": {"type": "string"}, "title": {"type": "string"}, "repo": {"$ref": "#/definitions/strings"}, "repo_from": {"$ref": "#/definitions/strings"}, "target": {"type": "string"}, "arches": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}, "failable": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}, "release": {"$ref": "#/definitions/optional_string"}, }, "required": ["name", "kickstart"], "additionalProperties": False, }, } }, "additionalProperties": False, }, "ostree": _variant_arch_mapping({ "type": "object", "properties": { "treefile": {"type": "string"}, "config_url": {"type": "string"}, "repo_from": { "type": "string", "alias": "source_repo_from", }, "repo": { "$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_source_repo_dicts", "alias": "extra_source_repos", }, "keep_original_sources": {"type": "boolean"}, "ostree_repo": {"type": "string"}, "failable": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}, "update_summary": {"type": "boolean"}, "version": {"type": "string"}, "config_branch": {"type": "string"}, "tag_ref": {"type": "boolean"}, }, "required": ["treefile", "config_url", "repo_from", "ostree_repo"], "additionalProperties": False, }), "ostree_installer": _variant_arch_mapping({ "type": "object", "properties": { "repo": {"$ref": "#/definitions/strings"}, "repo_from": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strings", "alias": "source_repo_from", }, "release": {"$ref": "#/definitions/optional_string"}, "failable": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}, "installpkgs": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}, "add_template": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}, "add_arch_template": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}, "add_template_var": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}, "add_arch_template_var": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}, "rootfs_size": {"type": "string"}, "template_repo": {"type": "string"}, "template_branch": {"type": "string"}, }, "required": ["repo_from"], "additionalProperties": False, }), "live_images": _variant_arch_mapping({ "anyOf": [ {"$ref": "#/definitions/live_image_config"}, { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/live_image_config" } } ] }), "image_build": { "type": "object", "patternProperties": { # Warning: this pattern is a variant uid regex, but the # format does not let us validate it as there is no regular # expression to describe all regular expressions. ".+": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "image-build": { "type": "object", "properties": { "failable": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}, "disc_size": {"type": "number"}, "distro": {"type": "string"}, "name": {"type": "string"}, "kickstart": {"type": "string"}, "arches": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}, "repo_from": {"$ref": "#/definitions/strings"}, "install_tree_from": {"type": "string"}, "subvariant": {"type": "string"}, "format": {"$ref": "#/definitions/string_tuples"}, }, }, "factory-parameters": { "type": "object", }, }, "required": ["image-build"], "additionalProperties": False, } } }, "additionalProperties": False, }, "lorax_options": _variant_arch_mapping({ "type": "object", "properties": { "bugurl": {"type": "string"}, "nomacboot": {"type": "boolean"}, "noupgrade": {"type": "boolean"}, }, "additionalProperties": False, }), "signing_key_id": {"type": "string"}, "signing_key_password_file": {"type": "string"}, "signing_command": {"type": "string"}, "productimg": { "type": "boolean", "default": False }, "productimg_install_class": {"$ref": "#/definitions/str_or_scm_dict"}, "productimg_po_files": {"$ref": "#/definitions/str_or_scm_dict"}, "iso_size": { "anyOf": [ {"type": "string"}, {"type": "number"}, ], "default": 4700000000, }, "split_iso_reserve": { "anyOf": [ {"type": "string"}, {"type": "number"}, ], "default": 10 * 1024 * 1024 }, "osbs": { "type": "object", "patternProperties": { # Warning: this pattern is a variant uid regex, but the # format does not let us validate it as there is no regular # expression to describe all regular expressions. ".+": { "type": "object", "properties": { "url": {"type": "string"}, "target": {"type": "string"}, "name": {"type": "string"}, "version": {"type": "string"}, "scratch": {"type": "boolean"}, "priority": {"type": "number"}, "repo": {"$ref": "#/definitions/strings"}, "repo_from": {"$ref": "#/definitions/strings"}, "gpgkey": {"type": "string"}, }, "required": ["url", "target"] } }, "additionalProperties": False, }, "extra_files": _variant_arch_mapping({ "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "scm": {"type": "string"}, "repo": {"type": "string"}, "branch": {"$ref": "#/definitions/optional_string"}, "file": {"$ref": "#/definitions/strings"}, "dir": {"type": "string"}, "target": {"type": "string"}, }, "additionalProperties": False, } }), "gather_lookaside_repos": _variant_arch_mapping({ "$ref": "#/definitions/strings", }), # Deprecated options "multilib_arches": { "deprecated": "use multilib instead" }, "multilib_methods": { "deprecated": "use multilib instead" }, "additional_packages_multiarch": { "deprecated": "use multilib_whitelist instead" }, "filter_packages_multiarch": { "deprecated": "use multilib_blacklist instead" }, "buildinstall_upgrade_image": { "deprecated": "use lorax_options instead" }, "pkgset_koji_path_prefix": { "deprecated": "use koji_profile instead", }, "pkgset_koji_url": { "deprecated": "use koji_profile instead", }, }, "required": ["release_name", "release_short", "release_version", "release_is_layered", "variants_file", "sigkeys", "runroot", "pkgset_source", "gather_source", "gather_method"], "additionalProperties": False, } def _variant_arch_mapping(value): return { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "array", "items": [ {"type": "regex"}, { "type": "object", "patternProperties": {".+": value}, "additionalProperties": False } ], "additionalItems": False, "minItems": 2, }, "default": [] } # This is a mapping of configuration option dependencies and conflicts. # # The key in this mapping is the trigger for the check. When the option is # encountered and its value satisfies the lambda, an error is reported for each # missing (for requires) option in the list. CONFIG_DEPS = { "gather_source": { "conflicts": [ (lambda val: val != 'json', ['gather_source_mapping']), (lambda val: val != 'comps', ['comps_file']), ], "requires": [ (lambda val: val == 'json', ['gather_source_mapping']), (lambda val: val == 'comps', ['comps_file']), ] }, "productimg": { "requires": ( (lambda x: bool(x), ["productimg_install_class"]), (lambda x: bool(x), ["productimg_po_files"]), ), }, "bootable": { "requires": ( (lambda x: x, ["buildinstall_method"]), ), "conflicts": ( (lambda x: not x, ["buildinstall_method"]), ), }, "buildinstall_method": { "conflicts": ( (lambda val: val == "buildinstall", ["lorax_options"]), (lambda val: not val, ["lorax_options", "buildinstall_kickstart"]), ), }, "release_is_layered": { "requires": ( (lambda x: x, ["base_product_name", "base_product_short", "base_product_version", "base_product_type"]), ), "conflicts": ( (lambda x: not x, ["base_product_name", "base_product_short", "base_product_version", "base_product_type"]), ), }, "runroot": { "requires": ( (lambda x: x, ["koji_profile", "runroot_tag", "runroot_channel"]), ), "conflicts": ( (lambda x: not x, ["runroot_tag", "runroot_channel", "runroot_weights"]), ), }, "product_id": { "conflicts": [ (lambda x: not x, ['product_id_allow_missing']), ], }, "pkgset_source": { "requires": [ (lambda x: x == "koji", ["pkgset_koji_tag"]), (lambda x: x == "repos", ["pkgset_repos"]), ], "conflicts": [ (lambda x: x == "koji", ["pkgset_repos"]), (lambda x: x == "repos", ["pkgset_koji_tag", "pkgset_koji_inherit"]), ], }, }