# coding=utf-8 import argparse import os import subprocess import tempfile from shutil import rmtree from typing import AnyStr, List, Dict, Optional import createrepo_c as cr import requests import yaml from dataclasses import dataclass, field from .create_packages_json import PackagesGenerator, RepoInfo @dataclass class ExtraRepoInfo(RepoInfo): modules: List[AnyStr] = field(default_factory=list) packages: List[AnyStr] = field(default_factory=list) is_remote: bool = True class CreateExtraRepo(PackagesGenerator): def __init__( self, repos: List[ExtraRepoInfo], bs_auth_token: AnyStr, local_repository_path: AnyStr, clear_target_repo: bool = True, ): self.repos = [] # type: List[ExtraRepoInfo] super().__init__(repos, [], []) self.auth_headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {bs_auth_token}', } # modules data of modules.yaml.gz from an existing local repo self.local_modules_data = [] self.local_repository_path = local_repository_path # path to modules.yaml, which generated by the class self.default_modules_yaml_path = os.path.join( local_repository_path, 'modules.yaml', ) if clear_target_repo: if os.path.exists(self.local_repository_path): rmtree(self.local_repository_path) os.makedirs(self.local_repository_path, exist_ok=True) else: self._read_local_modules_yaml() def _read_local_modules_yaml(self): """ Read modules data from an existin local repo """ repomd_file_path = os.path.join( self.local_repository_path, 'repodata', 'repomd.xml', ) repomd_object = self._parse_repomd(repomd_file_path) for repomd_record in repomd_object.records: if repomd_record.type != 'modules': continue modules_yaml_path = os.path.join( self.local_repository_path, repomd_record.location_href, ) self.local_modules_data = list(self._parse_modules_file( modules_yaml_path, )) break def _dump_local_modules_yaml(self): """ Dump merged modules data to an local repo """ if self.local_modules_data: with open(self.default_modules_yaml_path, 'w') as yaml_file: yaml.dump_all( self.local_modules_data, yaml_file, ) @staticmethod def get_repo_info_from_bs_repo( auth_token: AnyStr, build_id: AnyStr, arch: AnyStr, packages: Optional[List[AnyStr]] = None, modules: Optional[List[AnyStr]] = None, ) -> List[ExtraRepoInfo]: """ Get info about a BS repo and save it to an object of class ExtraRepoInfo :param auth_token: Auth token to Build System :param build_id: ID of a build from BS :param arch: an architecture of repo which will be used :param packages: list of names of packages which will be put to an local repo from a BS repo :param modules: list of names of modules which will be put to an local repo from a BS repo :return: list of ExtraRepoInfo with info about the BS repos """ bs_url = 'https://build.cloudlinux.com' api_uri = 'api/v1' bs_repo_suffix = 'build_repos' repos_info = [] # get the full info about a BS repo repo_request = requests.get( url=os.path.join( bs_url, api_uri, 'builds', build_id, ), headers={ 'Authorization': f'Bearer {auth_token}', }, ) repo_request.raise_for_status() result = repo_request.json() for build_platform in result['build_platforms']: platform_name = build_platform['name'] for architecture in build_platform['architectures']: # skip repo with unsuitable architecture if architecture != arch: continue repo_info = ExtraRepoInfo( path=os.path.join( bs_url, bs_repo_suffix, build_id, platform_name, ), folder=architecture, name=f'{build_id}-{platform_name}-{architecture}', arch=architecture, is_remote=True, packages=packages, modules=modules, ) repos_info.append(repo_info) return repos_info def _create_local_extra_repo(self): """ Call `createrepo_c ` for creating a local repo """ subprocess.call( f'createrepo_c {self.local_repository_path}', shell=True, ) # remove an unnecessary temporary modules.yaml if os.path.exists(self.default_modules_yaml_path): os.remove(self.default_modules_yaml_path) def get_remote_file_content( self, file_url: AnyStr, ) -> AnyStr: """ Get content from a remote file and write it to a temp file :param file_url: url of a remote file :return: path to a temp file """ file_request = requests.get( url=file_url, # for the case when we get a file from BS headers=self.auth_headers, ) file_request.raise_for_status() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as file_stream: file_stream.write(file_request.content) return file_stream.name def _download_rpm_to_local_repo( self, package_location: AnyStr, repo_info: ExtraRepoInfo, ) -> None: """ Download a rpm package from a remote repo and save it to a local repo :param package_location: relative uri of a package in a remote repo :param repo_info: info about a remote repo which contains a specific rpm package """ rpm_package_remote_path = os.path.join( repo_info.path, repo_info.folder, package_location, ) rpm_package_local_path = os.path.join( self.local_repository_path, os.path.basename(package_location), ) rpm_request = requests.get( url=rpm_package_remote_path, headers=self.auth_headers, ) rpm_request.raise_for_status() with open(rpm_package_local_path, 'wb') as rpm_file: rpm_file.write(rpm_request.content) def _download_packages( self, packages: Dict[AnyStr, cr.Package], repo_info: ExtraRepoInfo ): """ Download all defined packages from a remote repo :param packages: information about all of packages (including modularity) in a remote repo :param repo_info: information about a remote repo """ for package in packages.values(): package_name = package.name # Skip a current package from a remote repo if we defined # the list packages and a current package doesn't belong to it if repo_info.packages and \ package_name not in repo_info.packages: continue self._download_rpm_to_local_repo( package_location=package.location_href, repo_info=repo_info, ) def _download_modules( self, modules_data: List[Dict], repo_info: ExtraRepoInfo, packages: Dict[AnyStr, cr.Package] ): """ Download all defined modularity packages and their data from a remote repo :param modules_data: information about all modules in a remote repo :param repo_info: information about a remote repo :param packages: information about all packages (including modularity) in a remote repo """ for module in modules_data: module_data = module['data'] # Skip a current module from a remote repo if we defined # the list modules and a current module doesn't belong to it if repo_info.modules and \ module_data['name'] not in repo_info.modules: continue # we should add info about a module if the local repodata # doesn't have it if module not in self.local_modules_data: self.local_modules_data.append(module) # just skip a module's record if it doesn't have rpm artifact if module['document'] != 'modulemd' or \ 'artifacts' not in module_data or \ 'rpms' not in module_data['artifacts']: continue for rpm in module['data']['artifacts']['rpms']: # Empty repo_info.packages means that we will download # all packages from repo including # the modularity packages if not repo_info.packages: break # skip a rpm if it doesn't belong to a processed repo if rpm not in packages: continue self._download_rpm_to_local_repo( package_location=packages[rpm].location_href, repo_info=repo_info, ) def create_extra_repo(self): """ 1. Get from the remote repos the specific (or all) packages/modules 2. Save them to a local repo 3. Save info about the modules to a local repo 3. Call `createrepo_c` which creates a local repo with the right repodata """ for repo_info in self.repos: packages = {} # type: Dict[AnyStr, cr.Package] repomd_records = self._get_repomd_records( repo_info=repo_info, ) # parse the repodata (including modules.yaml.gz) modules_data = self._parse_module_repomd_record( repo_info=repo_info, repomd_records=repomd_records, ) # convert the packages dict to more usable form # for future checking that a rpm from the module's artifacts # belongs to a processed repository packages = { f'{package.name}-{package.epoch}:{package.version}-' f'{package.release}.{package.arch}': package for package in packages.values() } self._download_modules( modules_data=modules_data, repo_info=repo_info, packages=packages, ) self._download_packages( packages=packages, repo_info=repo_info, ) self._dump_local_modules_yaml() self._create_local_extra_repo() def create_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--bs-auth-token', help='Auth token for Build System', required=True, ) parser.add_argument( '--local-repo-path', help='Path to a local repo. E.g. /var/repo/test_repo', required=True, ) parser.add_argument( '--clear-local-repo', help='Clear a local repo before creating a new', action='store_true', default=False, ) parser.add_argument( '--repo', action='append', help='Path to a folder with repofolders or build id. E.g. ' '"http://koji.cloudlinux.com/mirrors/rhel_mirror" or ' '"601809b3c2f5b0e458b14cd3"', required=True, ) parser.add_argument( '--repo-folder', action='append', help='A folder which contains folder repodata . E.g. "baseos-stream"', required=True, ) parser.add_argument( '--repo-arch', action='append', help='What architecture packages a repository contains. E.g. "x86_64"', required=True, ) parser.add_argument( '--packages', action='append', type=str, default=[], help='A list of packages names which we want to download to local ' 'extra repo. We will download all of packages if param is empty', required=True, ) parser.add_argument( '--modules', action='append', type=str, default=[], help='A list of modules names which we want to download to local ' 'extra repo. We will download all of modules if param is empty', required=True, ) return parser def cli_main(): args = create_parser().parse_args() repos_info = [] for repo, repo_folder, repo_arch, packages, modules in zip( args.repo, args.repo_folder, args.repo_arch, args.packages, args.modules, ): modules = modules.split() packages = packages.split() if repo.startswith('http://'): repos_info.append( ExtraRepoInfo( path=repo, folder=repo_folder, name=repo_folder, arch=repo_arch, modules=modules, packages=packages, ) ) else: repos_info.extend( CreateExtraRepo.get_repo_info_from_bs_repo( auth_token=args.bs_auth_token, build_id=repo, arch=repo_arch, modules=modules, packages=packages, ) ) cer = CreateExtraRepo( repos=repos_info, bs_auth_token=args.bs_auth_token, local_repository_path=args.local_repo_path, clear_target_repo=args.clear_local_repo, ) cer.create_extra_repo() if __name__ == '__main__': cli_main()