# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . import os import random import shutil import stat import productmd.treeinfo from productmd.images import Image from kobo.threads import ThreadPool, WorkerThread from kobo.shortcuts import run, relative_path from six.moves import shlex_quote from pungi.wrappers import iso from pungi.wrappers.createrepo import CreaterepoWrapper from pungi.wrappers import kojiwrapper from pungi.phases.base import PhaseBase, PhaseLoggerMixin from pungi.util import (makedirs, get_volid, get_arch_variant_data, failable, get_file_size, get_mtime) from pungi.media_split import MediaSplitter, convert_media_size from pungi.compose_metadata.discinfo import read_discinfo, write_discinfo from pungi.runroot import Runroot from .. import createiso class CreateisoPhase(PhaseLoggerMixin, PhaseBase): name = "createiso" def __init__(self, compose, buildinstall_phase): super(CreateisoPhase, self).__init__(compose) self.pool = ThreadPool(logger=self.logger) self.bi = buildinstall_phase def _find_rpms(self, path): """Check if there are some RPMs in the path.""" for _, _, files in os.walk(path): for fn in files: if fn.endswith(".rpm"): return True return False def _is_bootable(self, variant, arch): if arch == "src": return False if variant.type != "variant": return False skip = get_arch_variant_data(self.compose.conf, "buildinstall_skip", arch, variant) if skip == [True]: # Buildinstall is skipped for this tree. Can't create a bootable ISO. return False return self.compose.conf["bootable"] def run(self): symlink_isos_to = self.compose.conf.get("symlink_isos_to") disc_type = self.compose.conf['disc_types'].get('dvd', 'dvd') deliverables = [] commands = [] for variant in self.compose.get_variants(types=["variant", "layered-product", "optional"]): if variant.is_empty: continue for arch in variant.arches + ["src"]: skip_iso = get_arch_variant_data(self.compose.conf, "createiso_skip", arch, variant) if skip_iso == [True]: self.logger.info("Skipping createiso for %s.%s due to config option" % (variant, arch)) continue volid = get_volid(self.compose, arch, variant, disc_type=disc_type) os_tree = self.compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch, variant) iso_dir = self.compose.paths.compose.iso_dir(arch, variant, symlink_to=symlink_isos_to) if not iso_dir: continue if not self._find_rpms(os_tree): self.logger.warn("No RPMs found for %s.%s, skipping ISO" % (variant.uid, arch)) continue bootable = self._is_bootable(variant, arch) if bootable and not self.bi.succeeded(variant, arch): self.logger.warning( 'ISO should be bootable, but buildinstall failed. Skipping for %s.%s' % (variant, arch)) continue split_iso_data = split_iso(self.compose, arch, variant, no_split=bootable, logger=self.logger) disc_count = len(split_iso_data) for disc_num, iso_data in enumerate(split_iso_data): disc_num += 1 filename = self.compose.get_image_name( arch, variant, disc_type=disc_type, disc_num=disc_num) iso_path = self.compose.paths.compose.iso_path( arch, variant, filename, symlink_to=symlink_isos_to) if os.path.isfile(iso_path): self.logger.warn("Skipping mkisofs, image already exists: %s" % iso_path) continue deliverables.append(iso_path) graft_points = prepare_iso(self.compose, arch, variant, disc_num=disc_num, disc_count=disc_count, split_iso_data=iso_data) cmd = { "iso_path": iso_path, "bootable": bootable, "cmd": [], "label": "", # currently not used "disc_num": disc_num, "disc_count": disc_count, } if os.path.islink(iso_dir): cmd["mount"] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(iso_dir), os.readlink(iso_dir))) opts = createiso.CreateIsoOpts( output_dir=iso_dir, iso_name=filename, volid=volid, graft_points=graft_points, arch=arch, supported=self.compose.supported, hfs_compat=self.compose.conf["iso_hfs_ppc64le_compatible"], ) if bootable: opts = opts._replace(buildinstall_method=self.compose.conf['buildinstall_method']) if self.compose.conf['create_jigdo']: jigdo_dir = self.compose.paths.compose.jigdo_dir(arch, variant) opts = opts._replace(jigdo_dir=jigdo_dir, os_tree=os_tree) script_file = os.path.join(self.compose.paths.work.tmp_dir(arch, variant), 'createiso-%s.sh' % filename) with open(script_file, 'w') as f: createiso.write_script(opts, f) cmd['cmd'] = ['bash', script_file] commands.append((cmd, variant, arch)) if self.compose.notifier: self.compose.notifier.send('createiso-targets', deliverables=deliverables) for (cmd, variant, arch) in commands: self.pool.add(CreateIsoThread(self.pool)) self.pool.queue_put((self.compose, cmd, variant, arch)) self.pool.start() class CreateIsoThread(WorkerThread): def fail(self, compose, cmd, variant, arch): self.pool.log_error("CreateISO failed, removing ISO: %s" % cmd["iso_path"]) try: # remove incomplete ISO os.unlink(cmd["iso_path"]) # TODO: remove jigdo & template except OSError: pass if compose.notifier: compose.notifier.send('createiso-imagefail', file=cmd['iso_path'], arch=arch, variant=str(variant)) def process(self, item, num): compose, cmd, variant, arch = item can_fail = compose.can_fail(variant, arch, 'iso') with failable(compose, can_fail, variant, arch, 'iso', logger=self.pool._logger): self.worker(compose, cmd, variant, arch, num) def worker(self, compose, cmd, variant, arch, num): mounts = [compose.topdir] if "mount" in cmd: mounts.append(cmd["mount"]) bootable = cmd['bootable'] log_file = compose.paths.log.log_file( arch, "createiso-%s" % os.path.basename(cmd["iso_path"])) msg = "Creating ISO (arch: %s, variant: %s): %s" % ( arch, variant, os.path.basename(cmd["iso_path"])) self.pool.log_info("[BEGIN] %s" % msg) try: run_createiso_command(num, compose, bootable, arch, cmd['cmd'], mounts, log_file) except Exception: self.fail(compose, cmd, variant, arch) raise add_iso_to_metadata(compose, variant, arch, cmd["iso_path"], cmd["bootable"], cmd["disc_num"], cmd["disc_count"]) # Delete staging directory if present. staging_dir = compose.paths.work.iso_staging_dir( arch, variant, filename=os.path.basename(cmd["iso_path"]) ) if os.path.exists(staging_dir): shutil.rmtree(staging_dir) self.pool.log_info("[DONE ] %s" % msg) if compose.notifier: compose.notifier.send('createiso-imagedone', file=cmd['iso_path'], arch=arch, variant=str(variant)) def add_iso_to_metadata( compose, variant, arch, iso_path, bootable, disc_num=1, disc_count=1, additional_variants=None, ): img = Image(compose.im) img.path = iso_path.replace(compose.paths.compose.topdir(), '').lstrip('/') img.mtime = get_mtime(iso_path) img.size = get_file_size(iso_path) img.arch = arch # XXX: HARDCODED img.type = "dvd" img.format = "iso" img.disc_number = disc_num img.disc_count = disc_count img.bootable = bootable img.subvariant = variant.uid img.implant_md5 = iso.get_implanted_md5(iso_path, logger=compose._logger) if additional_variants: img.unified = True img.additional_variants = additional_variants setattr(img, 'can_fail', compose.can_fail(variant, arch, 'iso')) setattr(img, 'deliverable', 'iso') try: img.volume_id = iso.get_volume_id(iso_path) except RuntimeError: pass if arch == "src": for variant_arch in variant.arches: compose.im.add(variant.uid, variant_arch, img) else: compose.im.add(variant.uid, arch, img) return img def run_createiso_command(num, compose, bootable, arch, cmd, mounts, log_file, with_jigdo=True): packages = ["coreutils", "genisoimage", "isomd5sum"] if with_jigdo and compose.conf['create_jigdo']: packages.append('jigdo') if bootable: extra_packages = { 'lorax': ['lorax', 'which'], 'buildinstall': ['anaconda'], } packages.extend(extra_packages[compose.conf["buildinstall_method"]]) runroot = Runroot(compose) build_arch = arch if runroot.runroot_method == "koji" and not bootable: runroot_tag = compose.conf["runroot_tag"] koji_wrapper = kojiwrapper.KojiWrapper(compose.conf["koji_profile"]) koji_proxy = koji_wrapper.koji_proxy tag_info = koji_proxy.getTag(runroot_tag) if not tag_info: raise RuntimeError('Tag "%s" does not exist.' % runroot_tag) tag_arches = tag_info["arches"].split(" ") if "x86_64" in tag_arches: # assign non-bootable images to x86_64 if possible build_arch = "x86_64" elif build_arch == "src": # pick random arch from available runroot tag arches build_arch = random.choice(tag_arches) runroot.run( cmd, log_file=log_file, arch=build_arch, packages=packages, mounts=mounts, weight=compose.conf['runroot_weights'].get('createiso')) def split_iso(compose, arch, variant, no_split=False, logger=None): """ Split contents of the os/ directory for given tree into chunks fitting on ISO. All files from the directory are taken except for possible boot.iso image. Files added in extra_files phase are put on all disks. If `no_split` is set, we will pretend that the media is practically infinite so that everything goes on single disc. A warning is printed if the size is bigger than configured. """ if not logger: logger = compose._logger media_size = compose.conf['iso_size'] media_reserve = compose.conf['split_iso_reserve'] split_size = convert_media_size(media_size) - convert_media_size(media_reserve) real_size = None if no_split else split_size ms = MediaSplitter(real_size, compose, logger=logger) os_tree = compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch, variant) extra_files_dir = compose.paths.work.extra_files_dir(arch, variant) # scan extra files to mark them "sticky" -> they'll be on all media after split extra_files = set() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(extra_files_dir): for fn in files: path = os.path.join(root, fn) rel_path = relative_path(path, extra_files_dir.rstrip("/") + "/") extra_files.add(rel_path) packages = [] all_files = [] all_files_ignore = [] ti = productmd.treeinfo.TreeInfo() ti.load(os.path.join(os_tree, ".treeinfo")) boot_iso_rpath = ti.images.images.get(arch, {}).get("boot.iso", None) if boot_iso_rpath: all_files_ignore.append(boot_iso_rpath) if all_files_ignore: logger.debug("split_iso all_files_ignore = %s" % ", ".join(all_files_ignore)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os_tree): for dn in dirs[:]: repo_dir = os.path.join(root, dn) if repo_dir == os.path.join(compose.paths.compose.repository(arch, variant), "repodata"): dirs.remove(dn) for fn in files: path = os.path.join(root, fn) rel_path = relative_path(path, os_tree.rstrip("/") + "/") sticky = rel_path in extra_files if rel_path in all_files_ignore: logger.info("split_iso: Skipping %s" % rel_path) continue if root.startswith(compose.paths.compose.packages(arch, variant)): packages.append((path, os.path.getsize(path), sticky)) else: all_files.append((path, os.path.getsize(path), sticky)) for path, size, sticky in all_files + packages: ms.add_file(path, size, sticky) logger.debug('Splitting media for %s.%s:' % (variant.uid, arch)) result = ms.split() if no_split and result[0]['size'] > split_size: logger.warn('ISO for %s.%s does not fit on single media! ' 'It is %s bytes too big. (Total size: %s B)' % (variant.uid, arch, result[0]['size'] - split_size, result[0]['size'])) return result def prepare_iso(compose, arch, variant, disc_num=1, disc_count=None, split_iso_data=None): tree_dir = compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch, variant) filename = compose.get_image_name(arch, variant, disc_num=disc_num) iso_dir = compose.paths.work.iso_dir(arch, filename) # modify treeinfo ti_path = os.path.join(tree_dir, ".treeinfo") ti = load_and_tweak_treeinfo(ti_path, disc_num, disc_count) copy_boot_images(tree_dir, iso_dir) if disc_count > 1: # remove repodata/repomd.xml from checksums, create a new one later if "repodata/repomd.xml" in ti.checksums.checksums: del ti.checksums.checksums["repodata/repomd.xml"] # rebuild repodata createrepo_c = compose.conf["createrepo_c"] createrepo_checksum = compose.conf["createrepo_checksum"] repo = CreaterepoWrapper(createrepo_c=createrepo_c) file_list = "%s-file-list" % iso_dir packages_dir = compose.paths.compose.packages(arch, variant) file_list_content = [] for i in split_iso_data["files"]: if not i.endswith(".rpm"): continue if not i.startswith(packages_dir): continue rel_path = relative_path(i, tree_dir.rstrip("/") + "/") file_list_content.append(rel_path) if file_list_content: # write modified repodata only if there are packages available run("cp -a %s/repodata %s/" % (shlex_quote(tree_dir), shlex_quote(iso_dir))) with open(file_list, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(file_list_content)) cmd = repo.get_createrepo_cmd( tree_dir, update=True, database=True, skip_stat=True, pkglist=file_list, outputdir=iso_dir, workers=compose.conf["createrepo_num_workers"], checksum=createrepo_checksum, ) run(cmd) # add repodata/repomd.xml back to checksums ti.checksums.add("repodata/repomd.xml", createrepo_checksum, root_dir=iso_dir) new_ti_path = os.path.join(iso_dir, ".treeinfo") ti.dump(new_ti_path) # modify discinfo di_path = os.path.join(tree_dir, ".discinfo") data = read_discinfo(di_path) data["disc_numbers"] = [disc_num] new_di_path = os.path.join(iso_dir, ".discinfo") write_discinfo(new_di_path, **data) if not disc_count or disc_count == 1: data = iso.get_graft_points([tree_dir, iso_dir]) else: data = iso.get_graft_points([iso._paths_from_list(tree_dir, split_iso_data["files"]), iso_dir]) if compose.conf["createiso_break_hardlinks"]: compose.log_debug( "Breaking hardlinks for ISO %s for %s.%s" % (filename, variant, arch) ) break_hardlinks( data, compose.paths.work.iso_staging_dir(arch, variant, filename) ) # Create hardlinks for files with duplicate contents. compose.log_debug( "Creating hardlinks for ISO %s for %s.%s" % (filename, variant, arch) ) create_hardlinks( compose.paths.work.iso_staging_dir(arch, variant, filename), log_file=compose.paths.log.log_file(arch, "iso-hardlink-%s.log" % variant.uid), ) # TODO: /content /graft-points gp = "%s-graft-points" % iso_dir iso.write_graft_points(gp, data, exclude=["*/lost+found", "*/boot.iso"]) return gp def load_and_tweak_treeinfo(ti_path, disc_num=1, disc_count=1): """Treeinfo on the media should not contain any reference to boot.iso and it should also have a valid [media] section. """ ti = productmd.treeinfo.TreeInfo() ti.load(ti_path) ti.media.totaldiscs = disc_count or 1 ti.media.discnum = disc_num # remove boot.iso from all sections paths = set() for platform in ti.images.images: if "boot.iso" in ti.images.images[platform]: paths.add(ti.images.images[platform].pop("boot.iso")) # remove boot.iso from checksums for i in paths: if i in ti.checksums.checksums.keys(): del ti.checksums.checksums[i] return ti def copy_boot_images(src, dest): """When mkisofs is called it tries to modify isolinux/isolinux.bin and images/boot.img. Therefore we need to make copies of them. """ for i in ("isolinux/isolinux.bin", "images/boot.img"): src_path = os.path.join(src, i) dst_path = os.path.join(dest, i) if os.path.exists(src_path): makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst_path)) shutil.copy2(src_path, dst_path) def break_hardlinks(graft_points, staging_dir): """Iterate over graft points and copy any file that has more than 1 hardlink into the staging directory. Replace the entry in the dict. """ for f in graft_points: info = os.stat(graft_points[f]) if stat.S_ISREG(info.st_mode) and info.st_nlink > 1: dest_path = os.path.join(staging_dir, graft_points[f].lstrip("/")) makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest_path)) shutil.copy2(graft_points[f], dest_path) graft_points[f] = dest_path def create_hardlinks(staging_dir, log_file): """Create hardlinks within the staging directory. Should happen after break_hardlinks() """ cmd = ["/usr/sbin/hardlink", "-c", "-vv", staging_dir] run(cmd, logfile=log_file, show_cmd=True)