# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- try: import unittest2 as unittest except ImportError: import unittest import os import sys from pungi.graph import SimpleAcyclicOrientedGraph sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) class SimpleAcyclicOrientedGraphTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.g = SimpleAcyclicOrientedGraph() def test_simple_graph(self): graph_data = ( ('Client', 'Base'), ('Server', 'Base'), ('Workstation', 'Base'), ) for start, end in graph_data: self.g.add_edge(start, end) spanning_line = self.g.prune_graph() self.assertEqual(4, len(spanning_line)) # 'Base' as a lookaside should be at the end of the spanning line, order of others is not crucial self.assertEqual("Base", spanning_line[-1]) def test_complex_graph(self): graph_data = ( ('1', '3'), # 1 --> 3 --> 4 --> 5 ... ('3', '4'), ('4', '5'), ('4', '6'), ('2', '4'), ('7', '6'), ('6', '5'), ) for start, end in graph_data: self.g.add_edge(start, end) spanning_line = self.g.prune_graph() # spanning line have to match completely to given graph self.assertEqual(['1', '3', '2', '4', '7', '6', '5'], spanning_line) def test_cyclic_graph(self): graph_data = ( ('1', '2'), ('2', '3'), ('3', '1'), ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): for start, end in graph_data: self.g.add_edge(start, end) def test_two_separate_graph_lines(self): graph_data = ( ('1', '3'), # 1st graph ('3', '2'), # 1st graph ('6', '5'), # 2nd graph ) for start, end in graph_data: self.g.add_edge(start, end) spanning_line = self.g.prune_graph() spanning_line_str = ''.join(spanning_line) self.assertEqual(5, len(spanning_line)) # Particular parts should match. Order of these parts is not crucial. self.assertTrue( "132" in spanning_line_str and "65" in spanning_line_str, "Spanning line '%s' does not match to graphs" % spanning_line_str ) def alternative_route_in_graph(self): graph_data = ( ('1', '3'), ('3', '2'), ('1', '2'), ) for start, end in graph_data: self.g.add_edge(start, end) spanning_line = self.g.prune_graph() # spanning line have to match completely to given graph self.assertEqual(['1', '3', '2'], spanning_line)