# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . import os from kobo.shortcuts import force_list from kobo.threads import ThreadPool, WorkerThread import productmd.treeinfo from productmd.extra_files import ExtraFiles from pungi import createiso from pungi import metadata from pungi.phases.base import ConfigGuardedPhase, PhaseBase, PhaseLoggerMixin from pungi.phases.createiso import ( add_iso_to_metadata, copy_boot_images, run_createiso_command, load_and_tweak_treeinfo, ) from pungi.util import failable, get_format_substs, get_variant_data, get_volid from pungi.wrappers import iso from pungi.wrappers.scm import get_dir_from_scm, get_file_from_scm class ExtraIsosPhase(PhaseLoggerMixin, ConfigGuardedPhase, PhaseBase): name = "extra_isos" def __init__(self, compose): super(ExtraIsosPhase, self).__init__(compose) self.pool = ThreadPool(logger=self.logger) def validate(self): for variant in self.compose.get_variants(types=["variant"]): for config in get_variant_data(self.compose.conf, self.name, variant): extra_arches = set(config.get("arches", [])) - set(variant.arches) if extra_arches: self.compose.log_warning( "Extra iso config for %s mentions non-existing arches: %s" % (variant, ", ".join(sorted(extra_arches))) ) def run(self): commands = [] for variant in self.compose.get_variants(types=["variant"]): for config in get_variant_data(self.compose.conf, self.name, variant): arches = set(variant.arches) if config.get("arches"): arches &= set(config["arches"]) if not config["skip_src"]: arches.add("src") for arch in sorted(arches): commands.append((config, variant, arch)) for (config, variant, arch) in commands: self.pool.add(ExtraIsosThread(self.pool)) self.pool.queue_put((self.compose, config, variant, arch)) self.pool.start() class ExtraIsosThread(WorkerThread): def process(self, item, num): self.num = num compose, config, variant, arch = item can_fail = arch in config.get("failable_arches", []) with failable( compose, can_fail, variant, arch, "extra_iso", logger=self.pool._logger ): self.worker(compose, config, variant, arch) def worker(self, compose, config, variant, arch): filename = get_filename(compose, variant, arch, config.get("filename")) volid = get_volume_id(compose, variant, arch, config.get("volid", [])) iso_dir = compose.paths.compose.iso_dir(arch, variant) iso_path = os.path.join(iso_dir, filename) prepare_media_metadata(compose, variant, arch) msg = "Creating ISO (arch: %s, variant: %s): %s" % (arch, variant, filename) self.pool.log_info("[BEGIN] %s" % msg) get_extra_files(compose, variant, arch, config.get("extra_files", [])) bootable = arch != "src" and bool(compose.conf.get("buildinstall_method")) graft_points = get_iso_contents( compose, variant, arch, config["include_variants"], filename, bootable=bootable, inherit_extra_files=config.get("inherit_extra_files", False), ) opts = createiso.CreateIsoOpts( output_dir=iso_dir, iso_name=filename, volid=volid, graft_points=graft_points, arch=arch, supported=compose.supported, hfs_compat=compose.conf["iso_hfs_ppc64le_compatible"], ) if compose.conf["create_jigdo"]: jigdo_dir = compose.paths.compose.jigdo_dir(arch, variant) os_tree = compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch, variant) opts = opts._replace(jigdo_dir=jigdo_dir, os_tree=os_tree) if bootable: opts = opts._replace( buildinstall_method=compose.conf["buildinstall_method"] ) script_file = os.path.join( compose.paths.work.tmp_dir(arch, variant), "extraiso-%s.sh" % filename ) with open(script_file, "w") as f: createiso.write_script(opts, f) run_createiso_command( self.num, compose, bootable, arch, ["bash", script_file], [compose.topdir], log_file=compose.paths.log.log_file( arch, "extraiso-%s" % os.path.basename(iso_path) ), with_jigdo=compose.conf["create_jigdo"], ) img = add_iso_to_metadata( compose, variant, arch, iso_path, bootable, additional_variants=config["include_variants"], ) img._max_size = config.get("max_size") self.pool.log_info("[DONE ] %s" % msg) def get_extra_files(compose, variant, arch, extra_files): """Clone the configured files into a directory from where they can be included in the ISO. """ extra_files_dir = compose.paths.work.extra_iso_extra_files_dir(arch, variant) filelist = [] for scm_dict in extra_files: getter = get_file_from_scm if "file" in scm_dict else get_dir_from_scm target = scm_dict.get("target", "").lstrip("/") target_path = os.path.join(extra_files_dir, target).rstrip("/") filelist.extend( os.path.join(target, f) for f in getter(scm_dict, target_path, compose=compose) ) if filelist: metadata.populate_extra_files_metadata( ExtraFiles(), variant, arch, extra_files_dir, filelist, compose.conf["media_checksums"], ) def get_iso_contents( compose, variant, arch, include_variants, filename, bootable, inherit_extra_files ): """Find all files that should be on the ISO. For bootable image we start with the boot configuration. Then for each variant we add packages, repodata and extra files. Finally we add top-level extra files. """ iso_dir = compose.paths.work.iso_dir(arch, filename) files = {} if bootable: buildinstall_dir = compose.paths.work.buildinstall_dir(arch, create_dir=False) if compose.conf["buildinstall_method"] == "lorax": buildinstall_dir = os.path.join(buildinstall_dir, variant.uid) copy_boot_images(buildinstall_dir, iso_dir) files = iso.get_graft_points( compose.paths.compose.topdir(), [buildinstall_dir, iso_dir] ) # We need to point efiboot.img to compose/ tree, because it was # modified in buildinstall phase and the file in work/ has different # checksum to what is in the .treeinfo. if "images/efiboot.img" in files: files["images/efiboot.img"] = os.path.join( compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch, variant), "images/efiboot.img" ) variants = [variant.uid] + include_variants for variant_uid in variants: var = compose.all_variants[variant_uid] # Get packages... package_dir = compose.paths.compose.packages(arch, var) for k, v in iso.get_graft_points( compose.paths.compose.topdir(), [package_dir] ).items(): files[os.path.join(var.uid, "Packages", k)] = v # Get repodata... tree_dir = compose.paths.compose.repository(arch, var) repo_dir = os.path.join(tree_dir, "repodata") for k, v in iso.get_graft_points( compose.paths.compose.topdir(), [repo_dir] ).items(): files[os.path.join(var.uid, "repodata", k)] = v if inherit_extra_files: # Get extra files... extra_files_dir = compose.paths.work.extra_files_dir(arch, var) for k, v in iso.get_graft_points( compose.paths.compose.topdir(), [extra_files_dir] ).items(): files[os.path.join(var.uid, k)] = v extra_files_dir = compose.paths.work.extra_iso_extra_files_dir(arch, variant) original_treeinfo = os.path.join( compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch=arch, variant=variant), ".treeinfo" ) tweak_treeinfo( compose, include_variants, original_treeinfo, os.path.join(extra_files_dir, ".treeinfo"), ) # Add extra files specific for the ISO files.update( iso.get_graft_points(compose.paths.compose.topdir(), [extra_files_dir]) ) gp = "%s-graft-points" % iso_dir iso.write_graft_points(gp, files, exclude=["*/lost+found", "*/boot.iso"]) return gp def tweak_treeinfo(compose, include_variants, source_file, dest_file): ti = load_and_tweak_treeinfo(source_file) for variant_uid in include_variants: variant = compose.all_variants[variant_uid] var = productmd.treeinfo.Variant(ti) var.id = variant.id var.uid = variant.uid var.name = variant.name var.type = variant.type ti.variants.add(var) for variant_id in ti.variants: var = ti.variants[variant_id] var.paths.packages = os.path.join(var.uid, "Packages") var.paths.repository = var.uid ti.dump(dest_file) def get_filename(compose, variant, arch, format): disc_type = compose.conf["disc_types"].get("dvd", "dvd") base_filename = compose.get_image_name( arch, variant, disc_type=disc_type, disc_num=1 ) if not format: return base_filename kwargs = { "arch": arch, "disc_type": disc_type, "disc_num": 1, "suffix": ".iso", "filename": base_filename, "variant": variant, } args = get_format_substs(compose, **kwargs) try: return (format % args).format(**args) except KeyError as err: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to create image name: unknown format element: %s" % err ) def get_volume_id(compose, variant, arch, formats): disc_type = compose.conf["disc_types"].get("dvd", "dvd") # Get volume ID for regular ISO so that we can substitute it in. volid = get_volid(compose, arch, variant, disc_type=disc_type) return get_volid( compose, arch, variant, disc_type=disc_type, formats=force_list(formats), volid=volid, ) def prepare_media_metadata(compose, variant, arch): """Write a .discinfo and media.repo files to a directory that will be included on the ISO. It's possible to overwrite the files by using extra files. """ md_dir = compose.paths.work.extra_iso_extra_files_dir(arch, variant) description = metadata.get_description(compose, variant, arch) metadata.create_media_repo( os.path.join(md_dir, "media.repo"), description, timestamp=None ) metadata.create_discinfo(os.path.join(md_dir, ".discinfo"), description, arch)