# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This script creates unified ISOs for a specified compose. Unified ISOs are created per architecture and contain all variant packages and repos. TODO: * jigdo """ from __future__ import print_function import copy import errno import glob import json import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import productmd import productmd.compose import productmd.images import productmd.treeinfo from kobo.shortcuts import run import pungi.linker import pungi.wrappers.createrepo from pungi.util import makedirs from pungi.compose_metadata.discinfo import write_discinfo as create_discinfo from pungi.wrappers import iso from pungi.phases.image_checksum import make_checksums def ti_merge(one, two): assert one.tree.arch == two.tree.arch for variant in two.variants.get_variants(recursive=False): if variant.uid in one.variants: continue var = productmd.treeinfo.Variant(one) var.id = variant.id var.uid = variant.uid var.name = variant.name var.type = variant.type for i in ( "debug_packages", "debug_repository", "packages", "repository", "source_packages", "source_repository", ): setattr(var, i, getattr(variant, i, None)) one.variants.add(var) DEFAULT_CHECKSUMS = ["md5", "sha1", "sha256"] class UnifiedISO(object): def __init__(self, compose_path, output_path=None, arches=None): self.compose_path = os.path.abspath(compose_path) compose_subdir = os.path.join(self.compose_path, "compose") if os.path.exists(compose_subdir): self.compose_path = compose_subdir self.compose = productmd.compose.Compose(compose_path) self.ci = self.compose.info self.linker = pungi.linker.Linker() temp_topdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.compose_path, "..", "work")) makedirs(temp_topdir) self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="unified_isos_", dir=temp_topdir) self.treeinfo = {} # {arch/src: TreeInfo} self.repos = {} # {arch/src: {variant: new_path} self.comps = {} # {arch/src: {variant: old_path} self.productid = {} # {arch/stc: {variant: old_path} self.conf = self.read_config() self.images = None # productmd.images.Images instance self.arches = arches def create(self, delete_temp=True): print("Creating unified ISOs for: {0}".format(self.compose_path)) try: self.link_to_temp() self.createrepo() self.discinfo() self.createiso() self.update_checksums() self.dump_manifest() except RuntimeError as exc: if hasattr(exc, "output"): print(exc.output) raise finally: if delete_temp: shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir) def dump_manifest(self): dest = os.path.join(self.compose_path, "metadata", "images.json") tmp_file = dest + ".tmp" try: self.get_image_manifest().dump(tmp_file) except Exception: # We failed, clean up the temporary file. if os.path.exists(tmp_file): os.remove(tmp_file) raise # Success, move the temp file to proper location. os.rename(tmp_file, dest) def _link_tree(self, dir, variant, arch): blacklist_files = [ ".treeinfo", ".discinfo", "boot.iso", "media.repo", "extra_files.json", ] blacklist_dirs = ["repodata"] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for i in blacklist_dirs: if i in dirs: dirs.remove(i) for fn in files: if fn in blacklist_files: continue old_path = os.path.join(root, fn) if fn.endswith(".rpm"): new_path = os.path.join( self.temp_dir, "trees", arch, variant.uid, fn ) self.repos.setdefault(arch, {})[variant.uid] = os.path.dirname( new_path ) else: old_relpath = os.path.relpath(old_path, dir) new_path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "trees", arch, old_relpath) makedirs(os.path.dirname(new_path)) # Resolve symlinks to external files. Symlinks within the # provided `dir` are kept. if os.path.islink(old_path): real_path = os.readlink(old_path) abspath = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(old_path), real_path) ) if not abspath.startswith(dir): old_path = real_path try: self.linker.link(old_path, new_path) except OSError as exc: print( "Failed to link %s to %s: %s" % (old_path, new_path, exc.strerror), file=sys.stderr, ) raise def link_to_temp(self): # copy files to new location; change RPM location to $variant_uid for variant in self.ci.get_variants(recursive=False): for arch in variant.arches: if self.arches and arch not in self.arches: continue print("Processing: {0}.{1}".format(variant.uid, arch)) try: tree_dir = os.path.join( self.compose_path, variant.paths.os_tree[arch] ) except KeyError: # The path in metadata is missing: no content there continue ti = productmd.treeinfo.TreeInfo() try: ti.load(os.path.join(tree_dir, ".treeinfo")) except IOError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise print( "Tree %s.%s has no .treeinfo, skipping..." % (variant.uid, arch), file=sys.stderr, ) continue arch_ti = self.treeinfo.get(arch) if arch_ti is None: arch_ti = ti self.treeinfo[arch] = arch_ti else: ti_merge(arch_ti, ti) if arch_ti.tree.arch != arch: raise RuntimeError("Treeinfo arch mismatch") # override paths arch_ti[variant.uid].repository = variant.uid arch_ti[variant.uid].packages = variant.uid comps_path = glob.glob( os.path.join( self.compose_path, variant.paths.repository[arch], "repodata", "*comps*.xml", ) ) if comps_path: self.comps.setdefault(arch, {})[variant.uid] = comps_path[0] productid_path = os.path.join( self.compose_path, variant.paths.repository[arch], "repodata", "productid", ) self.productid.setdefault(arch, {})[variant.uid] = productid_path self._link_tree(tree_dir, variant, arch) # sources print("Processing: {0}.{1}".format(variant.uid, "src")) tree_dir = os.path.join( self.compose_path, variant.paths.source_tree[arch] ) ti = productmd.treeinfo.TreeInfo() ti.load(os.path.join(tree_dir, ".treeinfo")) arch_ti = self.treeinfo.get("src") if arch_ti is None: arch_ti = ti self.treeinfo["src"] = arch_ti else: ti_merge(arch_ti, ti) if arch_ti.tree.arch != "src": raise RuntimeError("Treeinfo arch mismatch") # override paths arch_ti[variant.uid].repository = variant.uid arch_ti[variant.uid].packages = variant.uid # set to None, replace with source_*; requires productmd # changes or upstream version # arch_ti[variant.uid].source_repository = variant.uid # arch_ti[variant.uid].source_packages = variant.uid self._link_tree(tree_dir, variant, "src") # Debuginfo print("Processing: {0}.{1} debuginfo".format(variant.uid, arch)) tree_dir = os.path.join( self.compose_path, variant.paths.debug_tree[arch] ) debug_arch = "debug-%s" % arch # We don't have a .treeinfo for debuginfo trees. Let's just # copy the one from binary tree. self.treeinfo.setdefault(debug_arch, copy.deepcopy(self.treeinfo[arch])) self._link_tree(tree_dir, variant, debug_arch) def createrepo(self): # remove old repomd.xml checksums from treeinfo for arch, ti in self.treeinfo.items(): print("Removing old repomd.xml checksums from treeinfo: {0}".format(arch)) for i in ti.checksums.checksums.keys(): if "repomd.xml" in i: del ti.checksums.checksums[i] # write new per-variant repodata cr = pungi.wrappers.createrepo.CreaterepoWrapper(createrepo_c=True) for arch in self.repos: ti = self.treeinfo[arch] for variant in self.repos[arch]: print("Creating repodata: {0}.{1}".format(variant, arch)) tree_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "trees", arch) repo_path = self.repos[arch][variant] comps_path = self.comps.get(arch, {}).get(variant, None) cmd = cr.get_createrepo_cmd( repo_path, groupfile=comps_path, update=True ) run(cmd, show_cmd=True) productid_path = self.productid.get(arch, {}).get(variant, None) if productid_path: print("Adding productid to repodata: {0}.{1}".format(variant, arch)) repo_dir = os.path.join(self.repos[arch][variant], "repodata") new_path = os.path.join(repo_dir, os.path.basename(productid_path)) if os.path.exists(productid_path): shutil.copy2(productid_path, new_path) cmd = cr.get_modifyrepo_cmd( repo_dir, new_path, compress_type="gz" ) run(cmd) else: print( "WARNING: productid not found in {0}.{1}".format( variant, arch ) ) print( "Inserting new repomd.xml checksum to treeinfo: {0}.{1}".format( variant, arch ) ) # insert new repomd.xml checksum to treeinfo repomd_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "repodata", "repomd.xml") ti.checksums.add( os.path.relpath(repomd_path, tree_dir), "sha256", root_dir=tree_dir ) # write treeinfo for arch, ti in self.treeinfo.items(): print("Writing treeinfo: {0}".format(arch)) ti_path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "trees", arch, ".treeinfo") makedirs(os.path.dirname(ti_path)) ti.dump(ti_path) def discinfo(self): # write discinfo and media repo for arch, ti in self.treeinfo.items(): di_path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "trees", arch, ".discinfo") description = "%s %s" % (ti.release.name, ti.release.version) if ti.release.is_layered: description += " for %s %s" % ( ti.base_product.name, ti.base_product.version, ) create_discinfo(di_path, description, arch.split("-", 1)[-1]) def read_config(self): try: conf_dump = glob.glob( os.path.join( self.compose_path, "../logs/global/config-dump*.global.log" ) )[0] except IndexError: print( "Config dump not found, can not adhere to previous settings. " "Expect weird naming and checksums.", file=sys.stderr, ) return {} with open(conf_dump) as f: return json.load(f) def createiso(self): # create ISOs im = self.get_image_manifest() for typed_arch, ti in self.treeinfo.items(): source_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "trees", typed_arch) arch = typed_arch.split("-", 1)[-1] debuginfo = typed_arch.startswith("debug-") # XXX: HARDCODED disc_type = "dvd" iso_arch = arch if arch == "src": iso_arch = "source" elif debuginfo: iso_arch = arch + "-debuginfo" iso_name = "%s-%s-%s.iso" % (self.ci.compose.id, iso_arch, disc_type) iso_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "iso", iso_arch) iso_path = os.path.join(iso_dir, iso_name) print("Creating ISO for {0}: {1}".format(arch, iso_name)) makedirs(iso_dir) volid = "%s %s %s" % (ti.release.short, ti.release.version, arch) if debuginfo: volid += " debuginfo" # create ISO run( iso.get_mkisofs_cmd( iso_path, [source_dir], volid=volid, exclude=["./lost+found"] ), universal_newlines=True, ) # implant MD5 supported = True run(iso.get_implantisomd5_cmd(iso_path, supported)) # write manifest file run(iso.get_manifest_cmd(iso_path)) img = productmd.images.Image(im) # temporary path, just a file name; to be replaced with # variant specific path img.path = os.path.basename(iso_path) img.mtime = int(os.stat(iso_path).st_mtime) img.size = os.path.getsize(iso_path) img.arch = arch # XXX: HARDCODED img.type = "dvd" if not debuginfo else "dvd-debuginfo" img.format = "iso" img.disc_number = 1 img.disc_count = 1 img.bootable = False img.unified = True img.implant_md5 = iso.get_implanted_md5(iso_path) try: img.volume_id = iso.get_volume_id(iso_path) except RuntimeError: pass if arch == "src": all_arches = [i for i in self.treeinfo if i != "src"] else: all_arches = [arch] for tree_arch in all_arches: if tree_arch.startswith("debug-"): continue ti = self.treeinfo[tree_arch] for variant_uid in ti.variants: variant = ti.variants[variant_uid] # We don't want to copy the manifest. img.parent = None variant_img = copy.deepcopy(img) variant_img.parent = im variant_img.subvariant = variant.id variant_img.additional_variants = [ var.uid for var in self.ci.get_variants(recursive=False) if var.uid != variant_uid ] paths_attr = "isos" if arch != "src" else "source_isos" paths = getattr(self.ci.variants[variant.uid].paths, paths_attr) path = paths.get( tree_arch, os.path.join(variant.uid, tree_arch, "iso") ) if variant_img.type == "dvd-debuginfo": prefix, isodir = path.rsplit("/", 1) path = os.path.join(prefix, "debug", isodir) variant_img.path = os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(img.path)) im.add(variant.uid, tree_arch, variant_img) dst = os.path.join(self.compose_path, variant_img.path) print("Linking {0} -> {1}".format(iso_path, dst)) makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) self.linker.link(iso_path, dst) self.linker.link(iso_path + ".manifest", dst + ".manifest") def _get_base_filename(self, variant, arch): substs = { "compose_id": self.compose.info.compose.id, "release_short": self.compose.info.release.short, "version": self.compose.info.release.version, "date": self.compose.info.compose.date, "respin": self.compose.info.compose.respin, "type": self.compose.info.compose.type, "type_suffix": self.compose.info.compose.type_suffix, "label": self.compose.info.compose.label, "label_major_version": self.compose.info.compose.label_major_version, "variant": variant, "arch": arch, } base_name = self.conf.get("media_checksum_base_filename", "") if base_name: base_name = (base_name % substs).format(**substs) base_name += "-" return base_name def update_checksums(self): make_checksums( self.compose_path, self.get_image_manifest(), self.conf.get("media_checksums", DEFAULT_CHECKSUMS), self.conf.get("media_checksum_one_file", False), self._get_base_filename, ) def get_image_manifest(self): if not self.images: try: self.images = self.compose.images except RuntimeError: self.images = productmd.images.Images() self.images.compose.id = self.compose.info.compose.id self.images.compose.type = self.compose.info.compose.type self.images.compose.date = self.compose.info.compose.date self.images.compose.respin = self.compose.info.compose.respin return self.images