================== Gathering packages ================== A compose created by Pungi consists of one or more variants. A variant contains a subset of the content targeted at a particular use case. There are different types of variants. The type affects how packages are gathered into the variant. The inputs for gathering are defined by the ``gather_source`` option. It provides a list of package names, comps groups names and a list of packages that should be filtered out. Next, ``gather_method`` defines how the list is processed. For ``nodeps``, the results from source are used pretty much as is [#]_. For ``deps`` method, a process will be launched to figure out what dependencies are needed and those will be pulled in. .. [#] The lists are filtered based on what packages are available in the package set, but nothing else will be pulled in. Variant types ============= *Variant* is a base type that has no special behaviour. *Addon* is built on top of a regular variant. Any packages that should go to both the addon and its parent will be removed from addon. Packages that are only in addon but pulled in because of ``gather_fulltree`` option will be moved to parent. *Integrated Layered Product* works similarly to *addon*. Additionally, all packages from addons on the same parent variant are removed integrated layered products. The main difference between an *addon* and *integrated layered product* is that *integrated layered product* has its own identity in the metadata (defined with product name and version). .. note:: There's also *Layered Product* as a term, but this is not related to variants. It's used to describe a product that is not a standalone operating system and is instead meant to be used on some other base system. *Optional* contains packages that complete the base variants' package set. It always has ``fulltree`` and ``selfhosting`` enabled, so it contains build dependencies and packages which were not specifically requested for base variant. Some configuration options are overridden for particular variant types. .. table:: Depsolving configuration +-----------+--------------+--------------+ | Variant | Fulltree | Selfhosting | +===========+==============+==============+ | base | configurable | configurable | +-----------+--------------+--------------+ | addon/ILP | enabled | disabled | +-----------+--------------+--------------+ | optional | enabled | enabled | +-----------+--------------+--------------+ Profiling ========= Profiling data on the ``pungi-gather`` tool can be enabled by setting the ``gather_profiler`` configuration option to ``True``.