# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import subprocess import os import shutil import sys import hashlib import errno import pipes import re import urlparse import contextlib import traceback from kobo.shortcuts import run, force_list from productmd.common import get_major_version def _doRunCommand(command, logger, rundir='/tmp', output=subprocess.PIPE, error=subprocess.PIPE, env=None): """Run a command and log the output. Error out if we get something on stderr""" logger.info("Running %s" % subprocess.list2cmdline(command)) p1 = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=rundir, stdout=output, stderr=error, universal_newlines=True, env=env, close_fds=True) (out, err) = p1.communicate() if out: logger.debug(out) if p1.returncode != 0: logger.error("Got an error from %s" % command[0]) logger.error(err) raise OSError, "Got an error (%d) from %s: %s" % (p1.returncode, command[0], err) def _link(local, target, logger, force=False): """Simple function to link or copy a package, removing target optionally.""" if os.path.exists(target) and force: os.remove(target) #check for broken links if force and os.path.islink(target): if not os.path.exists(os.readlink(target)): os.remove(target) try: os.link(local, target) except OSError, e: if e.errno != 18: # EXDEV logger.error('Got an error linking from cache: %s' % e) raise OSError, e # Can't hardlink cross file systems shutil.copy2(local, target) def _ensuredir(target, logger, force=False, clean=False): """Ensure that a directory exists, if it already exists, only continue if force is set.""" # We have to check existance of a logger, as setting the logger could # itself cause an issue. def whoops(func, path, exc_info): message = 'Could not remove %s' % path if logger: logger.error(message) else: sys.stderr(message) sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(target) and not os.path.isdir(target): message = '%s exists but is not a directory.' % target if logger: logger.error(message) else: sys.stderr(message) sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isdir(target): os.makedirs(target) elif force and clean: shutil.rmtree(target, onerror=whoops) os.makedirs(target) elif force: return else: message = 'Directory %s already exists. Use --force to overwrite.' % target if logger: logger.error(message) else: sys.stderr(message) sys.exit(1) def _doCheckSum(path, hash, logger): """Generate a checksum hash from a provided path. Return a string of type:hash""" # Try to figure out what hash we want to do try: sum = hashlib.new(hash) except ValueError: logger.error("Invalid hash type: %s" % hash) return False # Try to open the file, using binary flag. try: myfile = open(path, 'rb') except IOError, e: logger.error("Could not open file %s: %s" % (path, e)) return False # Loop through the file reading chunks at a time as to not # put the entire file in memory. That would suck for DVDs while True: chunk = myfile.read(8192) # magic number! Taking suggestions for better blocksize if not chunk: break # we're done with the file sum.update(chunk) myfile.close() return '%s:%s' % (hash, sum.hexdigest()) def makedirs(path, mode=0o775): try: os.makedirs(path, mode=mode) except OSError as ex: if ex.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise def rmtree(path, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None): """shutil.rmtree ENOENT (ignoring no such file or directory) errors""" try: shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors, onerror) except OSError as ex: if ex.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def explode_rpm_package(pkg_path, target_dir): """Explode a rpm package into target_dir.""" pkg_path = os.path.abspath(pkg_path) makedirs(target_dir) run("rpm2cpio %s | cpio -iuvmd && chmod -R a+rX ." % pipes.quote(pkg_path), workdir=target_dir) def pkg_is_rpm(pkg_obj): if pkg_is_srpm(pkg_obj): return False if pkg_is_debug(pkg_obj): return False return True def pkg_is_srpm(pkg_obj): if isinstance(pkg_obj, str): # string, probably N.A, N-V-R.A, N-V-R.A.rpm for i in (".src", ".nosrc", ".src.rpm", ".nosrc.rpm"): if pkg_obj.endswith(i): return True else: # package object if pkg_obj.arch in ("src", "nosrc"): return True return False def pkg_is_debug(pkg_obj): if pkg_is_srpm(pkg_obj): return False if isinstance(pkg_obj, str): # string if "-debuginfo" in pkg_obj: return True else: # package object if "-debuginfo" in pkg_obj.name: return True return False # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [data]})] def get_arch_variant_data(conf, var_name, arch, variant): result = [] for conf_variant, conf_data in conf.get(var_name, []): if variant is not None and not re.match(conf_variant, variant.uid): continue for conf_arch in conf_data: if conf_arch != "*" and conf_arch != arch: continue if conf_arch == "*" and arch == "src": # src is excluded from '*' and needs to be explicitly added to the mapping continue if isinstance(conf_data[conf_arch], list): result.extend(conf_data[conf_arch]) else: result.append(conf_data[conf_arch]) return result def is_arch_multilib(conf, arch): """Check if at least one variant has multilib enabled on this variant.""" return bool(get_arch_variant_data(conf, 'multilib', arch, None)) def _get_git_ref(fragment): if fragment == 'HEAD': return fragment if fragment.startswith('origin/'): branch = fragment.split('/', 1)[1] return 'refs/heads/' + branch return None def resolve_git_url(url): """Given a url to a Git repo specifying HEAD or origin/ as a ref, replace that specifier with actual SHA1 of the commit. Otherwise, the original URL will be returned. Raises RuntimeError if there was an error. Most likely cause is failure to run git command. """ r = urlparse.urlsplit(url) ref = _get_git_ref(r.fragment) if not ref: return url baseurl = urlparse.urlunsplit((r.scheme, r.netloc, r.path, '', '')) _, output = run(['git', 'ls-remote', baseurl, ref]) lines = [line for line in output.split('\n') if line] if len(lines) != 1: # This should never happen. HEAD can not match multiple commits in a # single repo, and there can not be a repo without a HEAD. raise RuntimeError('Failed to resolve %s', url) fragment = lines[0].split()[0] result = urlparse.urlunsplit((r.scheme, r.netloc, r.path, r.query, fragment)) if '?#' in url: # The urlparse library drops empty query string. This hack puts it back in. result = result.replace('#', '?#') return result # fomat: {arch|*: [data]} def get_arch_data(conf, var_name, arch): result = [] for conf_arch, conf_data in conf.get(var_name, {}).items(): if conf_arch != "*" and conf_arch != arch: continue if conf_arch == "*" and arch == "src": # src is excluded from '*' and needs to be explicitly added to the mapping continue if isinstance(conf_data, list): result.extend(conf_data) else: result.append(conf_data) return result def get_variant_data(conf, var_name, variant): """Get configuration for variant. Expected config format is a mapping from variant_uid regexes to lists of values. :param var_name: name of configuration key with which to work :param variant: Variant object for which to get configuration :rtype: a list of values """ result = [] for conf_variant, conf_data in conf.get(var_name, {}).iteritems(): if not re.match(conf_variant, variant.uid): continue if isinstance(conf_data, list): result.extend(conf_data) else: result.append(conf_data) return result def get_buildroot_rpms(compose, task_id): """Get build root RPMs - either from runroot or local""" result = [] if task_id: # runroot import koji koji_url = compose.conf["pkgset_koji_url"] koji_proxy = koji.ClientSession(koji_url) buildroot_infos = koji_proxy.listBuildroots(taskID=task_id) buildroot_info = buildroot_infos[-1] data = koji_proxy.listRPMs(componentBuildrootID=buildroot_info["id"]) for rpm_info in data: fmt = "%(nvr)s.%(arch)s" result.append(fmt % rpm_info) else: # local retcode, output = run("rpm -qa --qf='%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n'") for i in output.splitlines(): if not i: continue result.append(i) result.sort() return result def _apply_substitutions(compose, volid): for k, v in compose.conf.get('volume_id_substitutions', {}).iteritems(): volid = volid.replace(k, v) return volid def get_volid(compose, arch, variant=None, escape_spaces=False, disc_type=False): """Get ISO volume ID for arch and variant""" if variant and variant.type == "addon": # addons are part of parent variant media return None if variant and variant.type == "layered-product": release_short = variant.release_short release_version = variant.release_version release_is_layered = True base_product_short = compose.conf["release_short"] base_product_version = get_major_version(compose.conf["release_version"]) variant_uid = variant.parent.uid else: release_short = compose.conf["release_short"] release_version = compose.conf["release_version"] release_is_layered = compose.conf["release_is_layered"] base_product_short = compose.conf.get("base_product_short", "") base_product_version = compose.conf.get("base_product_version", "") variant_uid = variant and variant.uid or None products = [ "%(release_short)s-%(version)s %(variant)s.%(arch)s", "%(release_short)s-%(version)s %(arch)s", ] products = compose.conf.get('image_volid_formats', products) layered_products = [ "%(release_short)s-%(version)s %(base_product_short)s-%(base_product_version)s %(variant)s.%(arch)s", "%(release_short)s-%(version)s %(base_product_short)s-%(base_product_version)s %(arch)s", ] layered_products = compose.conf.get('image_volid_layered_product_formats', layered_products) volid = None if release_is_layered: all_products = layered_products + products else: all_products = products for i in all_products: if not variant_uid and "%(variant)s" in i: continue try: volid = i % get_format_substs(compose, variant=variant_uid, release_short=release_short, version=release_version, arch=arch, disc_type=disc_type or '', base_product_short=base_product_short, base_product_version=base_product_version) except KeyError as err: raise RuntimeError('Failed to create volume id: unknown format element: %s' % err.message) volid = _apply_substitutions(compose, volid) if len(volid) <= 32: break # from wrappers.iso import IsoWrapper # iso = IsoWrapper(logger=compose._logger) # volid = iso._truncate_volid(volid) if volid and len(volid) > 32: raise ValueError("Could not create volume ID <= 32 characters") if volid and escape_spaces: volid = volid.replace(" ", r"\x20") return volid def get_mtime(path): return int(os.stat(path).st_mtime) def get_file_size(path): return os.path.getsize(path) def find_old_compose(old_compose_dirs, release_short, release_version, base_product_short=None, base_product_version=None): composes = [] for compose_dir in force_list(old_compose_dirs): if not os.path.isdir(compose_dir): continue # get all finished composes for i in os.listdir(compose_dir): # TODO: read .composeinfo pattern = "%s-%s" % (release_short, release_version) if base_product_short: pattern += "-%s" % base_product_short if base_product_version: pattern += "-%s" % base_product_version if not i.startswith(pattern): continue path = os.path.join(compose_dir, i) if not os.path.isdir(path): continue if os.path.islink(path): continue status_path = os.path.join(path, "STATUS") if not os.path.isfile(status_path): continue try: with open(status_path, 'r') as f: if f.read().strip() in ("FINISHED", "FINISHED_INCOMPLETE", "DOOMED"): composes.append((i, os.path.abspath(path))) except: continue if not composes: return None return sorted(composes)[-1][1] def process_args(fmt, args): """Given a list of arguments, format each value with the format string. >>> process_args('--opt={}', ['foo', 'bar']) ['--opt=foo', '--opt=bar'] """ return [fmt.format(val) for val in force_list(args or [])] @contextlib.contextmanager def failable(compose, variant, arch, deliverable, msg=None): """If a deliverable can fail, log a message and go on as if it succeeded.""" msg = msg or deliverable.capitalize() try: yield except Exception as exc: if not compose.can_fail(variant, arch, deliverable): raise else: compose.log_info('[FAIL] %s (variant %s, arch %s) failed, but going on anyway.' % (msg, variant.uid if variant else 'None', arch)) compose.log_info(str(exc)) tb = traceback.format_exc() compose.log_debug(tb) def get_format_substs(compose, **kwargs): """Return a dict of basic format substitutions. Any kwargs will be added as well. """ substs = { 'compose_id': compose.compose_id, 'release_short': compose.ci_base.release.short, 'version': compose.ci_base.release.version, 'date': compose.compose_date, 'respin': compose.compose_respin, 'type': compose.compose_type, 'type_suffix': compose.compose_type_suffix, 'label': compose.compose_label, 'label_major_version': compose.compose_label_major_version, } substs.update(kwargs) return substs