# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . import os from six.moves import cPickle as pickle import json import re from itertools import groupby import threading from kobo.shortcuts import force_list, relative_path from kobo.rpmlib import make_nvra import pungi.wrappers.kojiwrapper from pungi.wrappers.comps import CompsWrapper import pungi.phases.pkgset.pkgsets from pungi.arch import get_valid_arches from pungi.util import is_arch_multilib, retry, find_old_compose from pungi import Modulemd from pungi.phases.pkgset.common import (create_arch_repos, populate_arch_pkgsets, get_create_global_repo_cmd, run_create_global_repo) from pungi.phases.gather import get_packages_to_gather import pungi.phases.pkgset.source def variant_dict_from_str(compose, module_str): """ Method which parses module NVR string, defined in a variants file and returns a module info dictionary instead. For more information about format of module_str, read: https://pagure.io/modularity/blob/master/f/source/development/ building-modules/naming-policy.rst Pungi supports N:S, N:S:V and N:S:V:C. Attributes: compose: compose for which the variant_dict is generated module_str: string, the NV(R) of module defined in a variants file. """ # The new format can be distinguished by colon in module_str, because # there is not module in Fedora with colon in a name or stream and it is # now disallowed to create one. So if colon is there, it must be new # naming policy format. if module_str.find(":") != -1: module_info = {} nsv = module_str.split(":") if len(nsv) > 4: raise ValueError( "Module string \"%s\" is not recognized. " "Only NAME:STREAM[:VERSION[:CONTEXT]] is allowed.") if len(nsv) > 3: module_info["context"] = nsv[3] if len(nsv) > 2: module_info["version"] = nsv[2] if len(nsv) > 1: module_info["stream"] = nsv[1] module_info["name"] = nsv[0] return module_info else: # Fallback to previous old format with '-' delimiter. compose.log_warning( "Variant file uses old format of module definition with '-'" "delimiter, please switch to official format defined by " "Modules Naming Policy.") module_info = {} # The regex is matching a string which should represent the release number # of a module. The release number is in format: "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" release_regex = re.compile("^(\d){14}$") section_start = module_str.rfind('-') module_str_first_part = module_str[section_start+1:] if release_regex.match(module_str_first_part): module_info['version'] = module_str_first_part module_str = module_str[:section_start] section_start = module_str.rfind('-') module_info['stream'] = module_str[section_start+1:] else: module_info['stream'] = module_str_first_part module_info['name'] = module_str[:section_start] return module_info @retry(wait_on=IOError) def get_koji_modules(compose, koji_wrapper, event, module_info_str): """ :param koji_wrapper: koji wrapper instance :param event: event at which to perform the query :param module_info_str: str, mmd or module dict :return final list of module_info which pass repoclosure """ koji_proxy = koji_wrapper.koji_proxy module_info = variant_dict_from_str(compose, module_info_str) # We need to format the query string to koji reguirements. The # transformation to NVR for use in Koji has to match what MBS is doing when # importing the build. query_str = "%s-%s-%s.%s" % ( module_info["name"], module_info["stream"].replace("-", "_"), module_info.get("version", "*"), module_info.get("context", "*"), ) query_str = query_str.replace('*.*', '*') koji_builds = koji_proxy.search(query_str, "build", "glob") modules = [] for build in koji_builds: md = koji_proxy.getBuild(build["id"]) if md["completion_ts"] > event["ts"]: # The build finished after the event at which we are limited to, # ignore it. compose.log_debug( "Module build %s is too new, ignoring it." % build["name"] ) continue if not md["extra"]: continue try: md["modulemd"] = md["extra"]["typeinfo"]["module"]["modulemd_str"] md["tag"] = md["extra"]["typeinfo"]["module"]["content_koji_tag"] # Get the NSVC from module metadata, because the original Koji build # has '-' replaced with "_". md["name"] = md["extra"]["typeinfo"]["module"]["name"] md["stream"] = md["extra"]["typeinfo"]["module"]["stream"] md["version"] = md["extra"]["typeinfo"]["module"]["version"] md["context"] = md["extra"]["typeinfo"]["module"]["context"] except KeyError: continue archives = koji_proxy.listArchives(md["id"]) if not archives: continue archive = [a for a in archives if a["btype"] == "module" and a["filename"] == "modulemd.txt"] if not archive: continue image_id = archive[0]["id"] rpms = koji_proxy.listRPMs(imageID=image_id) md["rpms"] = [make_nvra(rpm, add_epoch=True, force_epoch=True, add_rpm=False) for rpm in rpms] modules.append(md) if not modules: raise ValueError( "No module build found for %r (queried for %r)" % (module_info_str, query_str) ) # If there is version provided, then all modules with that version will go # in. In case version is missing, we will find the latest version and # include all modules with that version. if not module_info.get('version'): # select all found modules with latest version sorted_modules = sorted(modules, key=lambda item: int(item['version']), reverse=True) latest_version = int(sorted_modules[0]['version']) modules = [module for module in modules if latest_version == int(module['version'])] return modules class PkgsetSourceKoji(pungi.phases.pkgset.source.PkgsetSourceBase): enabled = True def __call__(self): compose = self.compose koji_profile = compose.conf["koji_profile"] self.koji_wrapper = pungi.wrappers.kojiwrapper.KojiWrapper(koji_profile) # path prefix must contain trailing '/' path_prefix = self.koji_wrapper.koji_module.config.topdir.rstrip("/") + "/" package_sets = get_pkgset_from_koji(self.compose, self.koji_wrapper, path_prefix) return (package_sets, path_prefix) def get_pkgset_from_koji(compose, koji_wrapper, path_prefix): event_info = get_koji_event_info(compose, koji_wrapper) pkgset_global = populate_global_pkgset(compose, koji_wrapper, path_prefix, event_info) cmd = get_create_global_repo_cmd(compose, path_prefix) t = threading.Thread(target=run_create_global_repo, args=(compose, cmd)) t.start() package_sets = populate_arch_pkgsets(compose, path_prefix, pkgset_global) package_sets["global"] = pkgset_global t.join() for arch in compose.get_arches(): # TODO: threads? runroot? create_arch_repos(compose, arch, path_prefix) return package_sets def _add_module_to_variant(variant, mmd, rpms, add_to_variant_modules=False): """ Adds module defined by Modulemd.Module `mmd` to variant. :param Variant variant: Variant to add the module to. :param Modulemd.Module: Modulemd instance defining the module. :param list rpms: List of NEVRAs to add to variant along with a module. :param bool add_to_variant_modules: Adds the modules also to variant.modules. """ # Get the NSVC of module and handle the case where for some reason the # name/strea/version is not set. if not mmd.get_name() or not mmd.get_stream() or not mmd.get_version(): raise ValueError( "Input module %s does not name or stream or version set." % mmd.dumps()) nsvc_list = [mmd.get_name(), mmd.get_stream(), str(mmd.get_version())] if mmd.get_context(): nsvc_list.append(mmd.get_context()) nsvc = ":".join(nsvc_list) # Catch the issue when build system does not contain RPMs, but # the module definition says there should be some. if not rpms and mmd.get_rpm_components(): raise ValueError( "Module %s does not have any rpms in 'rpms' in build system," "but according to modulemd, there should be some." % nsvc) variant.mmds.append(mmd) if add_to_variant_modules: variant.modules.append(nsvc) def _log_modulemd(compose, variant, mmd): """Dump module metadata to a log file for easy inspection.""" mmd.dump(compose.paths.log.log_file('global', 'modulemd-%s-%s' % (variant.uid, mmd.dup_nsvc()))) def _get_modules_from_koji( compose, koji_wrapper, event, variant, variant_tags, module_tag_rpm_filter ): """ Loads modules for given `variant` from koji `session`, adds them to the `variant` and also to `variant_tags` dict. :param Compose compose: Compose for which the modules are found. :param koji_wrapper: We will obtain koji session from the wrapper. :param Variant variant: Variant with modules to find. :param dict variant_tags: Dict populated by this method. Key is `variant` and value is list of Koji tags to get the RPMs from. """ # Find out all modules in every variant and add their Koji tags # to variant and variant_tags list. for module in variant.get_modules(): koji_modules = get_koji_modules(compose, koji_wrapper, event, module["name"]) for koji_module in koji_modules: mmd = Modulemd.Module.new_from_string(koji_module["modulemd"]) mmd.upgrade() _add_module_to_variant(variant, mmd, koji_module["rpms"]) _log_modulemd(compose, variant, mmd) tag = koji_module["tag"] uid = ':'.join([koji_module['name'], koji_module['stream'], koji_module['version'], koji_module['context']]) variant_tags[variant].append(tag) # Store mapping module-uid --> koji_tag into variant. # This is needed in createrepo phase where metadata is exposed by producmd variant.module_uid_to_koji_tag[uid] = tag module_tag_rpm_filter[tag] = set(mmd.get_rpm_filter().get()) module_msg = ( "Module '{uid}' in variant '{variant}' will use Koji tag '{tag}' " "(as a result of querying module '{module}')" ).format(uid=uid, variant=variant, tag=tag, module=module["name"]) compose.log_info("%s" % module_msg) def filter_inherited(koji_proxy, event, module_builds, top_tag): """Look at the tag inheritance and keep builds only from the topmost tag. Using latest=True for listTagged() call would automatically do this, but it does not understand streams, so we have to reimplement it here. """ inheritance = [ tag["name"] for tag in koji_proxy.getFullInheritance(top_tag, event=event["id"]) ] def keyfunc(mb): return (mb["name"], mb["version"]) result = [] # Group modules by Name-Stream for _, builds in groupby(sorted(module_builds, key=keyfunc), keyfunc): builds = list(builds) # For each N-S combination find out which tags it's in available_in = set(build["tag_name"] for build in builds) # And find out which is the topmost tag for tag in [top_tag] + inheritance: if tag in available_in: break # And keep only builds from that topmost tag result.extend(build for build in builds if build["tag_name"] == tag) return result def filter_by_whitelist(compose, module_builds, input_modules): """ Exclude modules from the list that do not match any pattern specified in input_modules. Order may not be preserved. """ specs = set() nvr_prefixes = set() for spec in input_modules: # Do not do any filtering in case variant wants all the modules. if spec["name"] == "*": return module_builds info = variant_dict_from_str(compose, spec["name"]) prefix = ("%s-%s-%s.%s" % ( info["name"], info["stream"].replace("-", "_"), info.get("version", ""), info.get("context", ""), )).rstrip("-.") nvr_prefixes.add((prefix, spec["name"])) specs.add(spec["name"]) modules_to_keep = [] used = set() for mb in module_builds: for (prefix, spec) in nvr_prefixes: if mb["nvr"].startswith(prefix): modules_to_keep.append(mb) used.add(spec) break if used != specs: raise RuntimeError( "Configuration specified patterns (%s) that don't match any modules in the configured tags." % ", ".join(specs - used) ) return modules_to_keep def _get_modules_from_koji_tags( compose, koji_wrapper, event_id, variant, variant_tags, module_tag_rpm_filter): """ Loads modules for given `variant` from Koji, adds them to the `variant` and also to `variant_tags` dict. :param Compose compose: Compose for which the modules are found. :param KojiWrapper koji_wrapper: Koji wrapper. :param dict event_id: Koji event ID. :param Variant variant: Variant with modules to find. :param dict variant_tags: Dict populated by this method. Key is `variant` and value is list of Koji tags to get the RPMs from. """ # Compose tags from configuration compose_tags = [ {"name": tag} for tag in force_list(compose.conf["pkgset_koji_module_tag"]) ] # Find out all modules in every variant and add their Koji tags # to variant and variant_tags list. koji_proxy = koji_wrapper.koji_proxy for modular_koji_tag in variant.get_modular_koji_tags() + compose_tags: tag = modular_koji_tag["name"] # List all the modular builds in the modular Koji tag. # We cannot use latest=True here, because we need to get all the # available streams of all modules. The stream is represented as # "release" in Koji build and with latest=True, Koji would return # only builds with highest release. module_builds = koji_proxy.listTagged( tag, event=event_id["id"], inherit=True, type="module") # Filter out builds inherited from non-top tag module_builds = filter_inherited(koji_proxy, event_id, module_builds, tag) # Apply whitelist of modules if specified. variant_modules = variant.get_modules() if variant_modules: module_builds = filter_by_whitelist(compose, module_builds, variant_modules) # Find the latest builds of all modules. This does following: # - Sorts the module_builds descending by Koji NVR (which maps to NSV # for modules). # - Groups the sorted module_builds by NV (NS in modular world). # In each resulting `ns_group`, the first item is actually build # with the latest version (because the list is still sorted by NVR). # - Groups the `ns_group` again by "release" ("version" in modular # world) to just get all the "contexts" of the given NSV. This is # stored in `nsv_builds`. # - The `nsv_builds` contains the builds representing all the contexts # of the latest version for give name-stream, so add them to # `latest_builds`. latest_builds = [] module_builds = sorted( module_builds, key=lambda build: build['nvr'], reverse=True) for ns, ns_builds in groupby( module_builds, key=lambda x: ":".join([x["name"], x["version"]])): for nsv, nsv_builds in groupby( ns_builds, key=lambda x: x["release"].split(".")[0]): latest_builds += list(nsv_builds) break # For each latest modular Koji build, add it to variant and # variant_tags. for build in latest_builds: # Get the Build from Koji to get modulemd and module_tag. build = koji_proxy.getBuild(build["build_id"]) module_tag = build.get("extra", {}).get("typeinfo", {}).get( "module", {}).get("content_koji_tag", "") modulemd = build.get("extra", {}).get("typeinfo", {}).get( "module", {}).get("modulemd_str", "") if not module_tag or not modulemd: continue variant_tags[variant].append(module_tag) # Get the list of all RPMs which are tagged in the modular # Koji tag for this NSVC and add them to variant. tagged_rpms = koji_proxy.listTaggedRPMS( module_tag, event=event_id["id"], inherit=True, latest=True)[0] rpms = [make_nvra(rpm, add_epoch=True, force_epoch=True) for rpm in tagged_rpms] mmd = Modulemd.Module.new_from_string(modulemd) mmd.upgrade() _add_module_to_variant(variant, mmd, rpms, True) _log_modulemd(compose, variant, mmd) # Store mapping module-uid --> koji_tag into variant. # This is needed in createrepo phase where metadata is exposed by producmd module_data = build.get("extra", {}).get("typeinfo", {}).get("module", {}) try: uid = "{name}:{stream}".format(**module_data) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError("Unable to create uid in format name:stream %s" % e) if module_data.get("version"): uid += ":{version}".format(**module_data) if module_data.get("context"): uid += ":{context}".format(**module_data) variant.module_uid_to_koji_tag[uid] = module_tag module_tag_rpm_filter[module_tag] = set(mmd.get_rpm_filter().get()) module_msg = "Module {module} in variant {variant} will use Koji tag {tag}.".format( variant=variant, tag=module_tag, module=build["nvr"]) compose.log_info("%s" % module_msg) def _find_old_file_cache_path(compose): """ Finds the old compose with "pkgset_file_cache.pickled" and returns the path to it. If no compose is found, returns None. """ old_compose_path = find_old_compose( compose.old_composes, compose.ci_base.release.short, compose.ci_base.release.version, compose.ci_base.release.type_suffix, compose.ci_base.base_product.short if compose.ci_base.release.is_layered else None, compose.ci_base.base_product.version if compose.ci_base.release.is_layered else None, ) if not old_compose_path: return None old_file_cache_dir = compose.paths.work.pkgset_file_cache() rel_dir = relative_path(old_file_cache_dir, compose.topdir.rstrip('/') + '/') old_file_cache_path = os.path.join(old_compose_path, rel_dir) if not os.path.exists(old_file_cache_path): return None return old_file_cache_path def populate_global_pkgset(compose, koji_wrapper, path_prefix, event): all_arches = set(["src"]) for arch in compose.get_arches(): is_multilib = is_arch_multilib(compose.conf, arch) arches = get_valid_arches(arch, is_multilib) all_arches.update(arches) # List of compose tags from which we create this compose compose_tags = [] # List of compose_tags per variant variant_tags = {} # In case we use "nodeps" gather_method, we might know the final list of # packages which will end up in the compose even now, so instead of reading # all the packages from Koji tag, we can just cherry-pick the ones which # are really needed to do the compose and safe lot of time and resources # here. This only works if we are not creating bootable images. Those could # include packages that are not in the compose. packages_to_gather, groups = get_packages_to_gather( compose, include_arch=False, include_prepopulated=True) if groups: comps = CompsWrapper(compose.paths.work.comps()) for group in groups: packages_to_gather += comps.get_packages(group) if compose.conf["gather_method"] == "nodeps" and not compose.conf.get('bootable'): populate_only_packages_to_gather = True else: populate_only_packages_to_gather = False # In case we use "deps" gather_method, there might be some packages in # the Koji tag which are not signed with proper sigkey. However, these # packages might never end up in a compose depending on which packages # from the Koji tag are requested how the deps are resolved in the end. # In this case, we allow even packages with invalid sigkeys to be returned # by PKGSET phase and later, the gather phase checks its results and if # there are some packages with invalid sigkeys, it raises an exception. allow_invalid_sigkeys = compose.conf["gather_method"] == "deps" # Mapping from koji tags to sets of package names that should be filtered # out. This is basically a workaround for tagging working on build level, # not rpm level. A module tag may build a package but not want it included. # This should exclude it from the package set to avoid pulling it in as a # dependency. module_tag_rpm_filter = {} for variant in compose.all_variants.values(): # pkgset storing the packages belonging to this particular variant. variant.pkgset = pungi.phases.pkgset.pkgsets.KojiPackageSet( koji_wrapper, compose.conf["sigkeys"], logger=compose._logger, arches=all_arches) variant_tags[variant] = [] # Get the modules from Koji tag or from PDC, depending on # configuration. modular_koji_tags = variant.get_modular_koji_tags() if (variant.modules or modular_koji_tags) and not Modulemd: raise ValueError( "pygobject module or libmodulemd library is not installed, " "support for modules is disabled, but compose contains " "modules.") if modular_koji_tags or (compose.conf["pkgset_koji_module_tag"] and variant.modules): included_modules_file = os.path.join( compose.paths.work.topdir(arch="global"), "koji-tag-module-%s.yaml" % variant.uid) _get_modules_from_koji_tags( compose, koji_wrapper, event, variant, variant_tags, module_tag_rpm_filter, ) elif variant.modules: included_modules_file = os.path.join( compose.paths.work.topdir(arch="global"), "koji-module-%s.yaml" % variant.uid) _get_modules_from_koji( compose, koji_wrapper, event, variant, variant_tags, module_tag_rpm_filter, ) # Ensure that every tag added to `variant_tags` is added also to # `compose_tags`. for variant_tag in variant_tags[variant]: if variant_tag not in compose_tags: compose_tags.append(variant_tag) if variant.mmds: Modulemd.Module.dump_all(variant.mmds, included_modules_file) if not variant_tags[variant] and variant.modules is None: variant_tags[variant].extend(force_list(compose.conf["pkgset_koji_tag"])) # Add global tag(s) if supplied. if 'pkgset_koji_tag' in compose.conf: if compose.conf["pkgset_koji_tag"] == "not-used": # The magic value is used for modular composes to avoid errors # about missing option. It should be removed in next version. compose.log_warning('pkgset_koji_tag is set to "not-used", but the ' 'option is no longer required. Remove it from ' 'the configuration.') else: compose_tags.extend(force_list(compose.conf["pkgset_koji_tag"])) inherit = compose.conf["pkgset_koji_inherit"] inherit_modules = compose.conf["pkgset_koji_inherit_modules"] global_pkgset_path = os.path.join( compose.paths.work.topdir(arch="global"), "pkgset_global.pickle") if compose.DEBUG and os.path.isfile(global_pkgset_path): msg = "Populating the global package set from tag '%s'" % compose_tags compose.log_warning("[SKIP ] %s" % msg) with open(global_pkgset_path, "rb") as f: global_pkgset = pickle.load(f) else: global_pkgset = pungi.phases.pkgset.pkgsets.KojiPackageSet( koji_wrapper, compose.conf["sigkeys"], logger=compose._logger, arches=all_arches) old_file_cache_path = _find_old_file_cache_path(compose) if old_file_cache_path: compose.log_info("Reusing old PKGSET file cache from %s" % old_file_cache_path) global_pkgset.load_old_file_cache(old_file_cache_path) # Get package set for each compose tag and merge it to global package # list. Also prepare per-variant pkgset, because we do not have list # of binary RPMs in module definition - there is just list of SRPMs. for compose_tag in compose_tags: compose.log_info("Populating the global package set from tag " "'%s'" % compose_tag) pkgset = pungi.phases.pkgset.pkgsets.KojiPackageSet( koji_wrapper, compose.conf["sigkeys"], logger=compose._logger, arches=all_arches, packages=packages_to_gather, allow_invalid_sigkeys=allow_invalid_sigkeys, populate_only_packages=populate_only_packages_to_gather, cache_region=compose.cache_region, extra_builds=force_list(compose.conf.get("pkgset_koji_builds", []))) if old_file_cache_path: pkgset.load_old_file_cache(old_file_cache_path) # Create a filename for log with package-to-tag mapping. The tag # name is included in filename, so any slashes in it are replaced # with underscores just to be safe. logfile = compose.paths.log.log_file( None, 'packages_from_%s' % compose_tag.replace('/', '_')) is_traditional = compose_tag in compose.conf.get('pkgset_koji_tag', []) should_inherit = inherit if is_traditional else inherit_modules pkgset.populate( compose_tag, event, inherit=should_inherit, logfile=logfile, exclude_packages=module_tag_rpm_filter.get(compose_tag) if not compose.conf["include_devel_modules"] else None, ) for variant in compose.all_variants.values(): if compose_tag in variant_tags[variant]: # If it's a modular tag, store the package set for the module. for nsvc, koji_tag in variant.module_uid_to_koji_tag.items(): if compose_tag == koji_tag: variant.nsvc_to_pkgset[nsvc] = pkgset # Optimization for case where we have just single compose # tag - we do not have to merge in this case... if len(variant_tags[variant]) == 1: variant.pkgset = pkgset else: variant.pkgset.fast_merge(pkgset) # Optimization for case where we have just single compose # tag - we do not have to merge in this case... if len(compose_tags) == 1: global_pkgset = pkgset else: global_pkgset.fast_merge(pkgset) with open(global_pkgset_path, 'wb') as f: data = pickle.dumps(global_pkgset) f.write(data) # write global package list global_pkgset.save_file_list( compose.paths.work.package_list(arch="global"), remove_path_prefix=path_prefix) global_pkgset.save_file_cache(compose.paths.work.pkgset_file_cache()) return global_pkgset def get_koji_event_info(compose, koji_wrapper): event_file = os.path.join(compose.paths.work.topdir(arch="global"), "koji-event") msg = "Getting koji event" if compose.DEBUG and os.path.exists(event_file): compose.log_warning("[SKIP ] %s" % msg) result = json.load(open(event_file, "r")) else: result = get_koji_event_raw(koji_wrapper, compose.koji_event, event_file) if compose.koji_event: compose.log_info("Setting koji event to a custom value: %s" % compose.koji_event) else: compose.log_info(msg) compose.log_info("Koji event: %s" % result["id"]) return result def get_koji_event_raw(koji_wrapper, event_id, event_file): if event_id: koji_event = koji_wrapper.koji_proxy.getEvent(event_id) else: koji_event = koji_wrapper.koji_proxy.getLastEvent() with open(event_file, "w") as f: json.dump(koji_event, f) return koji_event