# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import subprocess import os import shutil import sys import hashlib import errno import pipes import re from kobo.shortcuts import run from productmd import get_major_version def _doRunCommand(command, logger, rundir='/tmp', output=subprocess.PIPE, error=subprocess.PIPE, env=None): """Run a command and log the output. Error out if we get something on stderr""" logger.info("Running %s" % subprocess.list2cmdline(command)) p1 = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=rundir, stdout=output, stderr=error, universal_newlines=True, env=env, close_fds=True) (out, err) = p1.communicate() if out: logger.debug(out) if p1.returncode != 0: logger.error("Got an error from %s" % command[0]) logger.error(err) raise OSError, "Got an error from %s: %s" % (command[0], err) def _link(local, target, logger, force=False): """Simple function to link or copy a package, removing target optionally.""" if os.path.exists(target) and force: os.remove(target) #check for broken links if force and os.path.islink(target): if not os.path.exists(os.readlink(target)): os.remove(target) try: os.link(local, target) except OSError, e: if e.errno != 18: # EXDEV logger.error('Got an error linking from cache: %s' % e) raise OSError, e # Can't hardlink cross file systems shutil.copy2(local, target) def _ensuredir(target, logger, force=False, clean=False): """Ensure that a directory exists, if it already exists, only continue if force is set.""" # We have to check existance of a logger, as setting the logger could # itself cause an issue. def whoops(func, path, exc_info): message = 'Could not remove %s' % path if logger: logger.error(message) else: sys.stderr(message) sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(target) and not os.path.isdir(target): message = '%s exists but is not a directory.' % target if logger: logger.error(message) else: sys.stderr(message) sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isdir(target): os.makedirs(target) elif force and clean: shutil.rmtree(target, onerror=whoops) os.makedirs(target) elif force: return else: message = 'Directory %s already exists. Use --force to overwrite.' % target if logger: logger.error(message) else: sys.stderr(message) sys.exit(1) def _doCheckSum(path, hash, logger): """Generate a checksum hash from a provided path. Return a string of type:hash""" # Try to figure out what hash we want to do try: sum = hashlib.new(hash) except ValueError: logger.error("Invalid hash type: %s" % hash) return False # Try to open the file, using binary flag. try: myfile = open(path, 'rb') except IOError, e: logger.error("Could not open file %s: %s" % (path, e)) return False # Loop through the file reading chunks at a time as to not # put the entire file in memory. That would suck for DVDs while True: chunk = myfile.read(8192) # magic number! Taking suggestions for better blocksize if not chunk: break # we're done with the file sum.update(chunk) myfile.close() return '%s:%s' % (hash, sum.hexdigest()) def makedirs(path, mode=0o775): mask = os.umask(0) try: os.makedirs(path, mode=mode) except OSError as ex: if ex.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise os.umask(mask) def rmtree(path, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None): """shutil.rmtree ENOENT (ignoring no such file or directory) errors""" try: shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors, onerror) except OSError as ex: if ex.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def explode_rpm_package(pkg_path, target_dir): """Explode a rpm package into target_dir.""" pkg_path = os.path.abspath(pkg_path) makedirs(target_dir) run("rpm2cpio %s | cpio -iuvmd && chmod -R a+rX ." % pipes.quote(pkg_path), workdir=target_dir) def pkg_is_rpm(pkg_obj): if pkg_is_srpm(pkg_obj): return False if pkg_is_debug(pkg_obj): return False return True def pkg_is_srpm(pkg_obj): if isinstance(pkg_obj, str): # string, probably N.A, N-V-R.A, N-V-R.A.rpm for i in (".src", ".nosrc", ".src.rpm", ".nosrc.rpm"): if pkg_obj.endswith(i): return True else: # package object if pkg_obj.arch in ("src", "nosrc"): return True return False def pkg_is_debug(pkg_obj): if pkg_is_srpm(pkg_obj): return False if isinstance(pkg_obj, str): # string if "-debuginfo" in pkg_obj: return True else: # package object if "-debuginfo" in pkg_obj.name: return True return False # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [data]})] def get_arch_variant_data(conf, var_name, arch, variant): result = [] for conf_variant, conf_data in conf.get(var_name, []): if variant is not None and not re.match(conf_variant, variant.uid): continue for conf_arch in conf_data: if conf_arch != "*" and conf_arch != arch: continue if conf_arch == "*" and arch == "src": # src is excluded from '*' and needs to be explicitly added to the mapping continue if isinstance(conf_data[conf_arch], list): result.extend(conf_data[conf_arch]) else: result.append(conf_data[conf_arch]) return result # fomat: {arch|*: [data]} def get_arch_data(conf, var_name, arch): result = [] for conf_arch, conf_data in conf.get(var_name, {}).items(): if conf_arch != "*" and conf_arch != arch: continue if conf_arch == "*" and arch == "src": # src is excluded from '*' and needs to be explicitly added to the mapping continue if isinstance(conf_data, list): result.extend(conf_data) else: result.append(conf_data) return result def get_buildroot_rpms(compose, task_id): """Get build root RPMs - either from runroot or local""" result = [] if task_id: # runroot import koji koji_url = compose.conf["pkgset_koji_url"] koji_proxy = koji.ClientSession(koji_url) buildroot_infos = koji_proxy.listBuildroots(taskID=task_id) buildroot_info = buildroot_infos[-1] data = koji_proxy.listRPMs(componentBuildrootID=buildroot_info["id"]) for rpm_info in data: fmt = "%(nvr)s.%(arch)s" result.append(fmt % rpm_info) else: # local retcode, output = run("rpm -qa --qf='%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n'") for i in output.splitlines(): if not i: continue result.append(i) result.sort() return result def get_volid(compose, arch, variant=None, escape_spaces=False): """Get ISO volume ID for arch and variant""" if variant and variant.type == "addon": # addons are part of parent variant media return None if variant and variant.type == "layered-product": product_short = variant.product_short product_version = variant.product_version product_is_layered = True base_product_short = compose.conf["product_short"] base_product_version = get_major_version(compose.conf["product_version"]) variant_uid = variant.parent.uid else: product_short = compose.conf["product_short"] product_version = compose.conf["product_version"] product_is_layered = compose.conf["product_is_layered"] base_product_short = compose.conf.get("base_product_short", "") base_product_version = compose.conf.get("base_product_version", "") variant_uid = variant and variant.uid or None products = [ "%(product_short)s-%(product_version)s %(variant_uid)s.%(arch)s", "%(product_short)s-%(product_version)s %(arch)s", ] layered_products = [ "%(product_short)s-%(product_version)s %(base_product_short)s-%(base_product_version)s %(variant_uid)s.%(arch)s", "%(product_short)s-%(product_version)s %(base_product_short)s-%(base_product_version)s %(arch)s", ] volid = None if product_is_layered: all_products = layered_products + products else: all_products = products for i in all_products: if not variant_uid and "%(variant_uid)s" in i: continue volid = i % locals() if len(volid) <= 32: break # from wrappers.iso import IsoWrapper # iso = IsoWrapper(logger=compose._logger) # volid = iso._truncate_volid(volid) if len(volid) > 32: raise ValueError("Could not create volume ID <= 32 characters") if escape_spaces: volid = volid.replace(" ", r"\x20") return volid