Working with Kickstart * Remove config options for: osdir sourcedir debugdir isodir iso_basename cachedir arch relnotefilere relnotedirre relnotepkgs DONE ^^ * Move to CLI only: name version destdir flavor (optional) bugurl (optional) discs (optional) nosource (optional/debug) DONE ^^ * Make the following transitions product_name -> name *DONE* product path == 'Packages/" *DONE* cachedir == /var/cache/pungi *DONE* DONE ^^ * Get comps data from repos Use ayum.comps.<whatever> to get comps information *DONE* Snag each available comps file, cat them together, use xslt to make clean *DONE* Use this mutant comps for creating repodata in the destdirs. *DONE* DONE ^^ * From pykickstart manifest -> %packages *DONE* yum-repos -> repo *DONE* isosize -> part iso size <size> (optional) *DONE* DONE ^^ * Release notes stuff Drop all stuff but GPL, README, GPG keys, potentially README-BURNING-ISOS ? * From livecd-creator Steal root check Use same cli syntax if possible (conf -> config, etc..) * Figure out how to allow use of $releasever and $basearch * Profit!