# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . import re import fnmatch import pungi.pathmatch import pungi.gather LINE_PATTERN_RE = re.compile(r"^\s*(?P[^#]+)(:?\s+(?P#.*))?$") RUNTIME_PATTERN_SPLIT_RE = re.compile(r"^\s*(?P[^\s]+)\s+(?P[^\s]+)(:?\s+(?P#.*))?$") SONAME_PATTERN_RE = re.compile(r"^(.+\.so\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+).*$") def read_lines(lines): result = [] for i in lines: i = i.strip() if not i: continue # skip comments if i.startswith("#"): continue match = LINE_PATTERN_RE.match(i) if match is None: raise ValueError("Couldn't parse line: %s" % i) gd = match.groupdict() result.append(gd["line"]) return result def read_lines_from_file(path): lines = open(path, "r").readlines() lines = read_lines(lines) return lines def read_runtime_patterns(lines): result = [] for i in read_lines(lines): match = RUNTIME_PATTERN_SPLIT_RE.match(i) if match is None: raise ValueError("Couldn't parse pattern: %s" % i) gd = match.groupdict() result.append((gd["path"], gd["pattern"])) return result def read_runtime_patterns_from_file(path): lines = open(path, "r").readlines() return read_runtime_patterns(lines) def expand_runtime_patterns(patterns): pm = pungi.pathmatch.PathMatch() result = [] for path, pattern in patterns: for root in ("", "/opt/*/*/root"): # include Software Collections: /opt///root/... if "$LIBDIR" in path: for lib_dir in ("/lib", "/lib64", "/usr/lib", "/usr/lib64"): path_pattern = path.replace("$LIBDIR", lib_dir) path_pattern = "%s/%s" % (root, path_pattern.lstrip("/")) pm[path_pattern] = (path_pattern, pattern) else: path_pattern = "%s/%s" % (root, path.lstrip("/")) pm[path_pattern] = (path_pattern, pattern) return pm class MultilibMethodBase(object): """a base class for multilib methods""" name = "base" def __init__(self, config_path): self.config_path = config_path def select(self, po): raise NotImplementedError def skip(self, po): if pungi.gather.is_noarch(po) or pungi.gather.is_source(po) or pungi.gather.is_debug(po): return True return False def is_kernel(self, po): for p_name, p_flag, (p_e, p_v, p_r) in po.provides: if p_name == "kernel": return True return False def is_kernel_devel(self, po): for p_name, p_flag, (p_e, p_v, p_r) in po.provides: if p_name == "kernel-devel": return True return False def is_kernel_or_kernel_devel(self, po): for p_name, p_flag, (p_e, p_v, p_r) in po.provides: if p_name in ("kernel", "kernel-devel"): return True return False class NoneMultilibMethod(MultilibMethodBase): """multilib disabled""" name = "none" def select(self, po): return False class AllMultilibMethod(MultilibMethodBase): """all packages are multilib""" name = "all" def select(self, po): if self.skip(po): return False return True class RuntimeMultilibMethod(MultilibMethodBase): """pre-defined paths to libs""" name = "runtime" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RuntimeMultilibMethod, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.blacklist = read_lines_from_file(self.config_path+"runtime-blacklist.conf") self.whitelist = read_lines_from_file(self.config_path+"runtime-whitelist.conf") self.patterns = expand_runtime_patterns(read_runtime_patterns_from_file(self.config_path+"runtime-patterns.conf")) def select(self, po): if self.skip(po): return False if po.name in self.blacklist: return False if po.name in self.whitelist: return True if self.is_kernel(po): return False # gather all *.so.* provides from the RPM header provides = set() for i in po.provides: match = SONAME_PATTERN_RE.match(i[0]) if match is not None: provides.add(match.group(1)) for path in po.returnFileEntries() + po.returnFileEntries("ghost"): dirname, filename = path.rsplit("/", 1) dirname = dirname.rstrip("/") patterns = self.patterns[dirname] if not patterns: continue for dir_pattern, file_pattern in patterns: if file_pattern == "-": return True if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, file_pattern): if ".so.*" in file_pattern: if filename in provides: # return only if the lib is provided in RPM header # (some libs may be private, hence not exposed in Provides) return True else: return True return False class KernelMultilibMethod(MultilibMethodBase): """kernel and kernel-devel""" name = "kernel" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(KernelMultilibMethod, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def select(self, po): if self.is_kernel_or_kernel_devel(po): return True return False class YabootMultilibMethod(MultilibMethodBase): """yaboot on ppc""" name = "yaboot" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(YabootMultilibMethod, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def select(self, po): if po.arch in ["ppc"]: if po.name.startswith("yaboot"): return True return False class DevelMultilibMethod(MultilibMethodBase): """all -devel and -static packages""" name = "devel" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DevelMultilibMethod, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.blacklist = read_lines_from_file(self.config_path+"devel-blacklist.conf") self.whitelist = read_lines_from_file(self.config_path+"devel-whitelist.conf") def select(self, po): if self.skip(po): return False if po.name in self.blacklist: return False if po.name in self.whitelist: return True if self.is_kernel_devel(po): return False # HACK: exclude ghc* if po.name.startswith("ghc-"): return False if po.name.endswith("-devel"): return True if po.name.endswith("-static"): return True for p_name, p_flag, (p_e, p_v, p_r) in po.provides: if p_name.endswith("-devel"): return True if p_name.endswith("-static"): return True return False DEFAULT_METHODS = ["devel", "runtime"] METHOD_MAP = {} def init(config_path="/usr/share/pungi/multilib/"): global METHOD_MAP if not config_path.endswith("/"): config_path += "/" for cls in (AllMultilibMethod, DevelMultilibMethod, KernelMultilibMethod, NoneMultilibMethod, RuntimeMultilibMethod, YabootMultilibMethod): method = cls(config_path) METHOD_MAP[method.name] = method def po_is_multilib(po, methods): for method_name in methods: if not method_name: continue method = METHOD_MAP[method_name] if method.select(po): return method_name return None def do_multilib(yum_arch, methods, repos, tmpdir, logfile): import os import yum import rpm import logging archlist = yum.rpmUtils.arch.getArchList(yum_arch) yumbase = yum.YumBase() yumbase.preconf.init_plugins = False yumbase.preconf.root = tmpdir # order matters! # must run doConfigSetup() before touching yumbase.conf yumbase.doConfigSetup(fn="/dev/null") yumbase.conf.cache = False yumbase.conf.cachedir = tmpdir yumbase.conf.exactarch = True yumbase.conf.gpgcheck = False yumbase.conf.logfile = logfile yumbase.conf.plugins = False yumbase.conf.reposdir = [] yumbase.verbose_logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) yumbase.doRepoSetup() yumbase.doTsSetup() yumbase.doRpmDBSetup() yumbase.ts.pushVSFlags((rpm._RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES|rpm._RPMVSF_NODIGESTS)) for repo in yumbase.repos.findRepos("*"): repo.disable() for i, baseurl in enumerate(repos): repo_id = "multilib-%s" % i if "://" not in baseurl: baseurl = "file://" + os.path.abspath(baseurl) yumbase.add_enable_repo(repo_id, baseurls=[baseurl]) yumbase.doSackSetup(archlist=archlist) yumbase.doSackFilelistPopulate() method_kwargs = {} result = [] for po in sorted(yumbase.pkgSack): method = po_is_multilib(po, methods) if method: nvra = "%s-%s-%s.%s.rpm" % (po.name, po.version, po.release, po.arch) result.append((nvra, method)) return result def main(): import optparse import shutil import tempfile class MyOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): def print_help(self, *args, **kwargs): optparse.OptionParser.print_help(self, *args, **kwargs) print print "Available multilib methods:" for key, value in sorted(METHOD_MAP.items()): default = (key in DEFAULT_METHODS) and " (default)" or "" print " %-10s %s%s" % (key, value.__doc__ or "", default) parser = MyOptionParser("usage: %prog [options]") parser.add_option( "--arch", ) parser.add_option( "--method", action="append", default=DEFAULT_METHODS, help="multilib method", ) parser.add_option( "--repo", dest="repos", action="append", help="path or url to yum repo; can be specified multiple times", ) parser.add_option("--tmpdir") parser.add_option("--logfile", action="store") opts, args = parser.parse_args() if args: parser.error("no arguments expected") if not opts.repos: parser.error("provide at least one repo") for method_name in opts.method: if method_name not in METHOD_MAP: parser.error("unknown method: %s" % method_name) print opts.method tmpdir = opts.tmpdir if not opts.tmpdir: tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="multilib_") init() nvra_list = do_multilib(opts.arch, opts.method, opts.repos, tmpdir, opts.logfile) for nvra, method in nvra_list: print "MULTILIB(%s): %s" % (method, nvra) if not opts.tmpdir: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) if __name__ == "__main__": main()