#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import copy import lxml.etree # HACK: define cmp in python3 if sys.version_info[0] == 3: def cmp(a, b): return (a > b) - (a < b) VARIANTS_DTD = "/usr/share/pungi/variants.dtd" if not os.path.isfile(VARIANTS_DTD): DEVEL_VARIANTS_DTD = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "share", "variants.dtd"))) msg = "Variants DTD not found: %s" % VARIANTS_DTD if os.path.isfile(DEVEL_VARIANTS_DTD): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg) sys.stderr.write("Using alternative DTD: %s\n" % DEVEL_VARIANTS_DTD) VARIANTS_DTD = DEVEL_VARIANTS_DTD else: raise RuntimeError(msg) class VariantsXmlParser(object): def __init__(self, file_obj, tree_arches=None): self.tree = lxml.etree.parse(file_obj) self.dtd = lxml.etree.DTD(open(VARIANTS_DTD, "r")) self.addons = {} self.layered_products = {} self.tree_arches = tree_arches self.validate() def _is_true(self, value): if value == "true": return True if value == "false": return False raise ValueError("Invalid boolean value in variants XML: %s" % value) def validate(self): if not self.dtd.validate(self.tree): errors = [str(i) for i in self.dtd.error_log.filter_from_errors()] raise ValueError("Variants XML doesn't validate:\n%s" % "\n".join(errors)) def parse_variant_node(self, variant_node): variant_dict = { "id": str(variant_node.attrib["id"]), "name": str(variant_node.attrib["name"]), "type": str(variant_node.attrib["type"]), "arches": [str(i) for i in variant_node.xpath("arches/arch/text()")], "groups": [], "environments": [], "buildinstallpackages": [], } if self.tree_arches: variant_dict["arches"] = [i for i in variant_dict["arches"] if i in self.tree_arches] for grouplist_node in variant_node.xpath("groups"): for group_node in grouplist_node.xpath("group"): group = { "name": str(group_node.text), "glob": self._is_true(group_node.attrib.get("glob", "false")), "default": None, "uservisible": None, } default = group_node.attrib.get("default") if default is not None: group["default"] = self._is_true(default) uservisible = group_node.attrib.get("uservisible") if uservisible is not None: group["uservisible"] = self._is_true(uservisible) variant_dict["groups"].append(group) for environments_node in variant_node.xpath("environments"): for environment_node in environments_node.xpath("environment"): environment = { "name": str(environment_node.text), "display_order": None, } display_order = environment_node.attrib.get("display_order") if display_order is not None: environment["display_order"] = int(display_order) variant_dict["environments"].append(environment) for buildinstallpackages_node in variant_node.xpath("buildinstallpackages"): for package_node in buildinstallpackages_node.xpath("package"): variant_dict["buildinstallpackages"].append(package_node.text) variant = Variant(**variant_dict) if variant.type == "layered-product": release_node = variant_node.xpath("release")[0] variant.release_name = str(release_node.attrib["name"]) variant.release_version = str(release_node.attrib["version"]) variant.release_short = str(release_node.attrib["short"]) contains_optional = False for child_node in variant_node.xpath("variants/variant"): child_variant = self.parse_variant_node(child_node) variant.add_variant(child_variant) if child_variant.type == "optional": contains_optional = True has_optional = self._is_true(variant_node.attrib.get("has_optional", "false")) if has_optional and not contains_optional: optional = Variant(id="optional", name="optional", type="optional", arches=variant.arches, groups=[]) variant.add_variant(optional) for ref in variant_node.xpath("variants/ref/@id"): child_variant = self.parse_variant_node(self.addons[ref]) variant.add_variant(child_variant) # XXX: top-level optional # for ref in variant_node.xpath("variants/ref/@id"): # variant["variants"].append(copy.deepcopy(addons[ref])) return variant def parse(self): # we allow top-level addon definitions which can be referenced in variants for variant_node in self.tree.xpath("/variants/variant[@type='addon']"): variant_id = str(variant_node.attrib["id"]) self.addons[variant_id] = variant_node for variant_node in self.tree.xpath("/variants/variant[@type='layered-product']"): variant_id = str(variant_node.attrib["id"]) self.addons[variant_id] = variant_node result = {} for variant_node in self.tree.xpath("/variants/variant[@type='variant']"): variant = self.parse_variant_node(variant_node) result[variant.id] = variant for variant_node in self.tree.xpath("/variants/variant[not(@type='variant' or @type='addon' or @type='layered-product')]"): raise RuntimeError("Invalid variant type at the top-level: %s" % variant_node.attrib["type"]) return result class Variant(object): def __init__(self, id, name, type, arches, groups, environments=None, buildinstallpackages=None): if not id.isalnum(): raise ValueError("Variant ID must contain only alphanumeric characters: %s" % id) environments = environments or [] buildinstallpackages = buildinstallpackages or [] self.id = id self.name = name self.type = type self.arches = sorted(copy.deepcopy(arches)) self.groups = sorted(copy.deepcopy(groups), lambda x, y: cmp(x["name"], y["name"])) self.environments = sorted(copy.deepcopy(environments), lambda x, y: cmp(x["name"], y["name"])) self.buildinstallpackages = sorted(buildinstallpackages) self.variants = {} self.parent = None def __getitem__(self, name): return self.variants[name] def __str__(self): return self.uid def __cmp__(self, other): # variant < addon, layered-product < optional if self.type == other.type: return cmp(self.uid, other.uid) if self.type == "variant": return -1 if other.type == "variant": return 1 if self.type == "optional": return 1 if other.type == "optional": return -1 return cmp(self.uid, other.uid) @property def uid(self): if self.parent: return "%s-%s" % (self.parent, self.id) return self.id def add_variant(self, variant): """Add a variant object to the child variant list.""" if variant.id in self.variants: return if self.type != "variant": raise RuntimeError("Only 'variant' can contain another variants.") if variant.id == self.id: # due to os/ path -- addon id would conflict with parent variant id raise RuntimeError("Child variant id must be different than parent variant id: %s" % variant.id) # sometimes an addon or layered product can be part of multiple variants with different set of arches arches = sorted(set(self.arches).intersection(set(variant.arches))) if self.arches and not arches: raise RuntimeError("%s: arch list %s does not intersect with parent arch list: %s" % (variant, variant.arches, self.arches)) variant.arches = arches self.variants[variant.id] = variant variant.parent = self def get_groups(self, arch=None, types=None, recursive=False): """Return list of groups, default types is ["self"]""" types = types or ["self"] result = copy.deepcopy(self.groups) for variant in self.get_variants(arch=arch, types=types, recursive=recursive): if variant == self: # XXX continue for group in variant.get_groups(arch=arch, types=types, recursive=recursive): if group not in result: result.append(group) return result def get_variants(self, arch=None, types=None, recursive=False): """ Return all variants of given arch and types. Supported variant types: self - include the top-level ("self") variant as well addon variant optional """ types = types or [] result = [] if arch and arch not in self.arches + ["src"]: return result if "self" in types: result.append(self) for variant in self.variants.values(): if types and variant.type not in types: continue if arch and arch not in variant.arches + ["src"]: continue result.append(variant) if recursive: result.extend(variant.get_variants(types=[i for i in types if i != "self"], recursive=True)) return result def get_addons(self, arch=None): """Return all 'addon' child variants. No recursion.""" return self.get_variants(arch=arch, types=["addon"], recursive=False) def get_layered_products(self, arch=None): """Return all 'layered-product' child variants. No recursion.""" return self.get_variants(arch=arch, types=["layered-product"], recursive=False) def get_optional(self, arch=None): """Return all 'optional' child variants. No recursion.""" return self.get_variants(arch=arch, types=["optional"], recursive=False) def main(argv): import optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser("%prog ") opts, args = parser.parse_args(argv) if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Please provide a file.") file_path = args[0] try: file_obj = open(file_path, "r") except Exception as ex: print(str(ex), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) for top_level_variant in list(VariantsXmlParser(file_obj).parse().values()): for i in top_level_variant.get_variants(types=["self", "variant", "addon", "layered-product", "optional"], recursive=True): print("ID: %-30s NAME: %-40s TYPE: %-12s UID: %s" % (i.id, i.name, i.type, i)) print(" ARCHES: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(i.arches))) for group in i.groups: print(" GROUP: %(name)-40s GLOB: %(glob)-5s DEFAULT: %(default)-5s USERVISIBLE: %(uservisible)-5s" % group) for env in i.environments: print(" ENV: %(name)-40s DISPLAY_ORDER: %(display_order)s" % env) print() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])