# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . import os import re from .. import util PACKAGES_RE = { "rpm": re.compile(r"^RPM(\((?P[^\)]*)\))?: (?P.+)$"), "srpm": re.compile(r"^SRPM(\((?P[^\)]*)\))?: (?P.+)$"), "debuginfo": re.compile(r"^DEBUGINFO(\((?P[^\)]*)\))?: (?P.+)$"), } UNRESOLVED_DEPENDENCY_RE = re.compile(r"^.*Unresolvable dependency (.+) in ([^ ]+).*$") MISSING_COMPS_PACKAGE_RE = re.compile(r"^.*Could not find a match for (.+) in any configured repo") def _write_ks_section(f, section, lines): if lines: f.write("\n%%%s\n" % section) for i in sorted(lines): f.write("%s\n" % i) f.write("%end\n") class PungiWrapper(object): def write_kickstart(self, ks_path, repos, groups, packages, exclude_packages=None, comps_repo=None, lookaside_repos=None, fulltree_excludes=None, multilib_blacklist=None, multilib_whitelist=None, prepopulate=None): groups = groups or [] exclude_packages = exclude_packages or {} lookaside_repos = lookaside_repos or {} # repos = {name: url} fulltree_excludes = fulltree_excludes or set() multilib_blacklist = multilib_blacklist or set() multilib_whitelist = multilib_whitelist or set() ks_path = os.path.abspath(ks_path) ks_dir = os.path.dirname(ks_path) util.makedirs(ks_dir) kickstart = open(ks_path, "w") # repos for repo_name, repo_url in list(repos.items()) + list(lookaside_repos.items()): if "://" not in repo_url: repo_url = "file://" + os.path.abspath(repo_url) repo_str = "repo --name=%s --baseurl=%s" % (repo_name, repo_url) # TODO: make sure pungi works when there are no comps in repodata # XXX: if groups are ignored, langpacks are ignored too if comps_repo and repo_name != comps_repo: repo_str += " --ignoregroups=true" kickstart.write(repo_str + "\n") # %packages kickstart.write("\n") kickstart.write("%packages\n") for group in sorted(groups): kickstart.write("@%s --optional\n" % group) for package in sorted(packages): kickstart.write("%s\n" % package) for package in sorted(exclude_packages): kickstart.write("-%s\n" % package) kickstart.write("%end\n") _write_ks_section(kickstart, "fulltree-excludes", fulltree_excludes) _write_ks_section(kickstart, "multilib-blacklist", multilib_blacklist) _write_ks_section(kickstart, "multilib-whitelist", multilib_whitelist) _write_ks_section(kickstart, "prepopulate", prepopulate) kickstart.close() def get_pungi_cmd(self, config, destdir, name, version=None, flavor=None, selfhosting=False, fulltree=False, greedy=None, nodeps=False, nodownload=True, full_archlist=False, arch=None, cache_dir=None, lookaside_repos=None, multilib_methods=None, profiler=False): cmd = ["pungi"] # Gather stage cmd.append("-G") # path to a kickstart file cmd.append("--config=%s" % config) # destdir is optional in Pungi (defaults to current dir), but want it mandatory here cmd.append("--destdir=%s" % destdir) # name cmd.append("--name=%s" % name) # version; optional, defaults to datestamp if version: cmd.append("--ver=%s" % version) # rhel variant; optional if flavor: cmd.append("--flavor=%s" % flavor) # turn selfhosting on if selfhosting: cmd.append("--selfhosting") # NPLB if fulltree: cmd.append("--fulltree") greedy = greedy or "none" cmd.append("--greedy=%s" % greedy) if nodeps: cmd.append("--nodeps") # don't download packages, just print paths if nodownload: cmd.append("--nodownload") if full_archlist: cmd.append("--full-archlist") if arch: cmd.append("--arch=%s" % arch) if multilib_methods: for i in multilib_methods: cmd.append("--multilib=%s" % i) if cache_dir: cmd.append("--cachedir=%s" % cache_dir) if lookaside_repos: for i in lookaside_repos: cmd.append("--lookaside-repo=%s" % i) return cmd def get_pungi_cmd_dnf(self, config, destdir, name, version=None, flavor=None, selfhosting=False, fulltree=False, greedy=None, nodeps=False, nodownload=True, full_archlist=False, arch=None, cache_dir=None, lookaside_repos=None, multilib_methods=None, profiler=False): cmd = ["pungi-gather"] # path to a kickstart file cmd.append("--config=%s" % config) # turn selfhosting on if selfhosting: cmd.append("--selfhosting") # NPLB if fulltree: cmd.append("--fulltree") greedy = greedy or "none" cmd.append("--greedy=%s" % greedy) if nodeps: cmd.append("--nodeps") if arch: cmd.append("--arch=%s" % arch) if not nodownload: cmd.append("--download-to=%s" % destdir) if multilib_methods: for i in multilib_methods: cmd.append("--multilib=%s" % i) if lookaside_repos: for i in lookaside_repos: cmd.append("--lookaside=%s" % i) if profiler: cmd.append("--profiler") return cmd def parse_log(self, f): packages = dict(((i, []) for i in PACKAGES_RE)) broken_deps = {} missing_comps = set() for line in f: for file_type, pattern in PACKAGES_RE.items(): match = pattern.match(line) if match: item = {} item["path"] = match.groupdict()["path"].strip() if item["path"].startswith("file://"): item["path"] = item["path"][7:] flags = match.groupdict()["flags"] or "" flags = sorted([i.strip() for i in flags.split(",") if i.strip()]) item["flags"] = flags packages[file_type].append(item) break match = MISSING_COMPS_PACKAGE_RE.match(line) if match: missing_comps.add(match.group(1)) match = UNRESOLVED_DEPENDENCY_RE.match(line) if match: broken_deps.setdefault(match.group(2), set()).add(match.group(1)) return packages, broken_deps, missing_comps def run_pungi(self, ks_file, destdir, name, selfhosting=False, fulltree=False, greedy='', cache_dir=None, arch='', multilib_methods=[], nodeps=False, lookaside_repos=[]): """ This is a replacement for get_pungi_cmd that runs it in-process. Not all arguments are supported. """ from .. import ks, gather, config ksparser = ks.get_ksparser(ks_path=ks_file) cfg = config.Config() cfg.set('pungi', 'destdir', destdir) cfg.set('pungi', 'family', name) cfg.set('pungi', 'iso_basename', name) cfg.set('pungi', 'fulltree', str(fulltree)) cfg.set('pungi', 'selfhosting', str(selfhosting)) cfg.set('pungi', 'cachedir', cache_dir) cfg.set('pungi', 'full_archlist', "True") cfg.set('pungi', 'workdirbase', "%s/work" % destdir) cfg.set('pungi', 'greedy', greedy) cfg.set('pungi', 'nosource', 'False') cfg.set('pungi', 'nodebuginfo', 'False') cfg.set('pungi', 'force', 'False') cfg.set('pungi', 'resolve_deps', str(not nodeps)) if arch: cfg.set('pungi', 'arch', arch) if multilib_methods: cfg.set('pungi', 'multilib', " ".join(multilib_methods)) if lookaside_repos: cfg.set('pungi', 'lookaside_repos', " ".join(lookaside_repos)) mypungi = gather.Pungi(cfg, ksparser) with open(os.path.join(destdir, 'out'), 'w') as f: with mypungi.yumlock: mypungi._inityum() mypungi.gather() for line in mypungi.list_packages(): flags_str = ",".join(line["flags"]) if flags_str: flags_str = "(%s)" % flags_str f.write("RPM%s: %s\n" % (flags_str, line["path"])) mypungi.makeCompsFile() mypungi.getDebuginfoList() for line in mypungi.list_debuginfo(): flags_str = ",".join(line["flags"]) if flags_str: flags_str = "(%s)" % flags_str f.write("DEBUGINFO%s: %s\n" % (flags_str, line["path"])) for line in mypungi.list_srpms(): flags_str = ",".join(line["flags"]) if flags_str: flags_str = "(%s)" % flags_str f.write("SRPM%s: %s\n" % (flags_str, line["path"]))