#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys import optparse import logging import locale import datetime import getpass import socket import json import pipes here = sys.path[0] if here != '/usr/bin': # Git checkout sys.path[0] = os.path.dirname(here) from pungi import __version__ # force C locales locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "C") COMPOSE = None def main(): global COMPOSE parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( "--target-dir", metavar="PATH", help="a compose is created under this directory", ) parser.add_option( "--label", help="specify compose label (example: Snapshot-1.0); required for production composes" ) parser.add_option( "--no-label", action="store_true", default=False, help="make a production compose without label" ) parser.add_option( "--supported", action="store_true", default=False, help="set supported flag on media (automatically on for 'RC-x.y' labels)" ) parser.add_option( "--old-composes", metavar="PATH", dest="old_composes", default=[], action="append", help="Path to directory with old composes. Reuse an existing repodata from the most recent compose.", ) parser.add_option( "--compose-dir", metavar="PATH", help="reuse an existing compose directory (DANGEROUS!)", ) parser.add_option( "--debug-mode", action="store_true", default=False, help="run pungi in DEBUG mode (DANGEROUS!)", ) parser.add_option( "--config", help="Config file" ) parser.add_option( "--skip-phase", metavar="PHASE", action="append", default=[], help="skip a compose phase", ) parser.add_option( "--just-phase", metavar="PHASE", action="append", default=[], help="run only a specified compose phase", ) parser.add_option( "--nightly", action="store_const", const="nightly", dest="compose_type", help="make a nightly compose", ) parser.add_option( "--test", action="store_const", const="test", dest="compose_type", help="make a test compose", ) parser.add_option( "--koji-event", metavar="ID", type="int", help="specify a koji event for populating package set", ) parser.add_option( "--version", action="store_true", help="output version information and exit", ) opts, args = parser.parse_args() if opts.version: print("pungi %s" % __version__) sys.exit(0) if opts.target_dir and opts.compose_dir: parser.error("cannot specify --target-dir and --compose-dir at once") if not opts.target_dir and not opts.compose_dir: parser.error("please specify a target directory") if opts.target_dir and not opts.compose_dir: opts.target_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.target_dir) if not os.path.isdir(opts.target_dir): parser.error("The target directory does not exist or is not a directory: %s" % opts.target_dir) else: opts.compose_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.compose_dir) if not os.path.isdir(opts.compose_dir): parser.error("The compose directory does not exist or is not a directory: %s" % opts.compose_dir) compose_type = opts.compose_type or "production" if compose_type == "production" and not opts.label and not opts.no_label: parser.error("must specify label for a production compose") if not opts.config: parser.error("please specify a config") opts.config = os.path.abspath(opts.config) # check if all requirements are met import pungi.checks if not pungi.checks.check(): sys.exit(1) import kobo.conf import kobo.log import productmd.composeinfo if opts.label: try: productmd.composeinfo.verify_label(opts.label) except ValueError as ex: parser.error(str(ex)) from pungi.compose import Compose logger = logging.Logger("Pungi") kobo.log.add_stderr_logger(logger) conf = kobo.conf.PyConfigParser() conf.load_from_file(opts.config) if opts.target_dir: compose_dir = Compose.get_compose_dir(opts.target_dir, conf, compose_type=compose_type, compose_label=opts.label) else: compose_dir = opts.compose_dir compose = Compose(conf, topdir=compose_dir, debug=opts.debug_mode, skip_phases=opts.skip_phase, just_phases=opts.just_phase, old_composes=opts.old_composes, koji_event=opts.koji_event, supported=opts.supported, logger=logger) kobo.log.add_file_logger(logger, compose.paths.log.log_file("global", "pungi.log")) COMPOSE = compose try: run_compose(compose) except Exception, ex: compose.log_error("Compose run failed: %s" % ex) raise def run_compose(compose): import pungi.phases import pungi.metadata compose.write_status("STARTED") compose.log_info("Host: %s" % socket.gethostname()) compose.log_info("User name: %s" % getpass.getuser()) compose.log_info("Working directory: %s" % os.getcwd()) compose.log_info("Command line: %s" % " ".join([pipes.quote(arg) for arg in sys.argv])) compose.log_info("Compose top directory: %s" % compose.topdir) compose.read_variants() # dump the config file date_str = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), "%F_%X").replace(":", "-") config_dump = compose.paths.log.log_file("global", "config-dump_%s" % date_str) open(config_dump, "w").write(json.dumps(compose.conf, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) # initialize all phases init_phase = pungi.phases.InitPhase(compose) pkgset_phase = pungi.phases.PkgsetPhase(compose) buildinstall_phase = pungi.phases.BuildinstallPhase(compose) gather_phase = pungi.phases.GatherPhase(compose, pkgset_phase) extrafiles_phase = pungi.phases.ExtraFilesPhase(compose, pkgset_phase) createrepo_phase = pungi.phases.CreaterepoPhase(compose) productimg_phase = pungi.phases.ProductimgPhase(compose, pkgset_phase) createiso_phase = pungi.phases.CreateisoPhase(compose) liveimages_phase = pungi.phases.LiveImagesPhase(compose) image_build_phase = pungi.phases.ImageBuildPhase(compose) image_checksum_phase = pungi.phases.ImageChecksumPhase(compose) test_phase = pungi.phases.TestPhase(compose) # check if all config options are set errors = [] for phase in (init_phase, pkgset_phase, createrepo_phase, buildinstall_phase, productimg_phase, gather_phase, extrafiles_phase, createiso_phase, liveimages_phase, image_build_phase, image_checksum_phase, test_phase): if phase.skip(): continue try: phase.validate() except ValueError as ex: for i in str(ex).splitlines(): errors.append("%s: %s" % (phase.name.upper(), i)) if errors: for i in errors: compose.log_error(i) print(i) sys.exit(1) # INIT phase init_phase.start() init_phase.stop() # PKGSET phase pkgset_phase.start() pkgset_phase.stop() # BUILDINSTALL phase - start buildinstall_phase.start() # GATHER phase gather_phase.start() gather_phase.stop() # EXTRA_FILES phase extrafiles_phase.start() extrafiles_phase.stop() # CREATEREPO phase createrepo_phase.start() createrepo_phase.stop() # BUILDINSTALL phase # must finish before PRODUCTIMG # must finish before CREATEISO buildinstall_phase.stop() if not buildinstall_phase.skip(): buildinstall_phase.copy_files() # PRODUCTIMG phase productimg_phase.start() productimg_phase.stop() # write treeinfo before ISOs are created for variant in compose.get_variants(): for arch in variant.arches + ["src"]: pungi.metadata.write_tree_info(compose, arch, variant) # write .discinfo and media.repo before ISOs are created for variant in compose.get_variants(recursive=True): if variant.type == "addon": continue for arch in variant.arches + ["src"]: timestamp = pungi.metadata.write_discinfo(compose, arch, variant) pungi.metadata.write_media_repo(compose, arch, variant, timestamp) # CREATEISO and LIVEIMAGES phases createiso_phase.start() liveimages_phase.start() image_build_phase.start() createiso_phase.stop() liveimages_phase.stop() image_build_phase.stop() image_checksum_phase.start() image_checksum_phase.stop() pungi.metadata.write_compose_info(compose) compose.im.dump(compose.paths.compose.metadata("images.json")) # TEST phase test_phase.start() test_phase.stop() # create a latest symlink compose_dir = os.path.basename(compose.topdir) symlink_name = "latest-%s-%s" % (compose.conf["release_short"], ".".join(compose.conf["release_version"].split(".")[:-1])) if compose.conf["release_is_layered"]: symlink_name += "-%s-%s" % (compose.conf["base_product_short"], compose.conf["base_product_version"]) symlink = os.path.join(compose.topdir, "..", symlink_name) try: os.unlink(symlink) except OSError as ex: if ex.errno != 2: raise try: os.symlink(compose_dir, symlink) except Exception as ex: compose.log_error("Couldn't create latest symlink: %s" % ex) compose.log_info("Compose finished: %s" % compose.topdir) compose.write_status("FINISHED") if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as ex: if COMPOSE: tb_path = COMPOSE.paths.log.log_file("global", "traceback") COMPOSE.log_error("Exception: %s" % ex) COMPOSE.log_error("Extended traceback in: %s" % tb_path) COMPOSE.log_critical("Compose failed: %s" % COMPOSE.topdir) COMPOSE.write_status("DOOMED") import kobo.tback open(tb_path, "w").write(kobo.tback.Traceback().get_traceback()) else: print("Exception: %s" % ex) raise sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(1)