.. _phases: Phases ====== Each invocation of ``punji-koji`` consists of a set of phases. .. image:: _static/phases.png :alt: phase diagram Most of the phases run sequentially (left-to-right in the diagram), but there are use cases where multiple phases run in parallel. This happens for phases whose main point is to wait for a Koji task to finish. Init ---- The first phase to ever run. Can not be skipped. It prepares the comps files for variants (by filtering out groups and packages that should not be there). Pkgset ------ This phase loads a set of packages that should be composed. It has two separate results: it prepares repos with packages in ``work/`` directory (one per arch) for further processing, and it returns a data structure with mapping of packages to architectures. Buildinstall ------------ Spawns a bunch of threads, each of which runs either ``lorax`` or ``buildinstall`` command (the latter coming from ``anaconda`` package). The commands create ``boot.iso`` and other boot configuration files. The image is finally linked into the ``compose/`` directory as netinstall media. The created images are also needed for creating live media or other images in later phases. With ``lorax`` this phase runs one task per variant.arch combination. For ``buildinstall`` command there is only one task per architecture and ``product.img`` should be used to customize the results. Gather ------ This phase uses data collected by ``pkgset`` phase and figures out what packages should be in each variant. The basic mapping can come from comps file, a JSON mapping or ``additional_packages`` config option. This inputs can then be enriched by adding all dependencies. See :doc:`gathering` for details. Once the mapping is finalized, the packages are linked to appropriate places and the ``rpms.json`` manifest is created. ExtraFiles ---------- This phase collects extra files from the configuration and copies them to the compose directory. The files are described by a JSON file in the compose subtree where the files are copied. This metadata is meant to be distributed with the data (on ISO images). Createrepo ---------- This phase creates RPM repositories for each variant.arch tree. It is actually reading the ``rpms.json`` manifest to figure out which packages should be included. OSTree ------ Updates an ostree repository with a new commit with packages from the compose. The repository lives outside of the compose and is updated immediately. If the compose fails in a later stage, the commit will not be reverted. Implementation wise, this phase runs ``rpm-ostree`` command in Koji runroot (to allow running on different arches). Productimg ---------- Creates ``product.img`` files for customizing the bootable media created in ``buildinstall`` phase. Createiso --------- Generates ISO files and accumulates enough metadata to be able to create ``image.json`` manifest. The file is however not created in this phase, instead it is dumped in the ``pungi-koji`` script itself. The files include a repository with all RPMs from the variant. There will be multiple images if the packages do not fit on a single image. The image will be bootable if ``buildinstall`` phase is enabled and the packages fit on a single image. There can also be images with source repositories. These are never bootable. LiveImages, LiveMedia --------------------- Creates media in Koji with ``koji spin-livecd``, ``koji spin-appliance`` or ``koji spin-livemedia`` command. When the media are finished, the images are copied into the ``compose/`` directory and metadata for images is updated. ImageBuild ---------- This phase wraps up ``koji image-build``. It also updates the metadata ultimately responsible for ``images.json`` manifest. OSBS ---- This phase builds docker base images in `OSBS <http://osbs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html>`_. The finished images are available in registry provided by OSBS, but not downloaded directly into the compose. The is metadata about the created image in ``compose/metadata/osbs.json``. OSTreeInstaller --------------- Creates bootable media that carry an ostree repository as a payload. These images are created by running ``lorax`` with special templates. Again it runs in Koji runroot. ImageChecksum ------------- Responsible for generating checksums for the images. The checksums are stored in image manifest as well as files on disk. The list of images to be processed is obtained from the image manifest. This way all images will get the same checksums irrespective of the phase that created them. Test ---- This phase is supposed to run some sanity checks on the finished compose. The first test is to run ``repoclosure`` on each repository. By default errors are only reported in the log, the compose will still be considered a success. The actual error has to be looked up in the compose logs directory. Configuration allows customizing this. The other test is to check all images listed the metadata and verify that they look sane. For ISO files headers are checked to verify the format is correct, and for bootable media a check is run to verify they have properties that allow booting.