# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Pungi adds several new sections to kickstarts. FULLTREE EXCLUDES ----------------- Fulltree excludes allow us to define SRPM names we don't want to be part of fulltree processing. Syntax: %fulltree-excludes ... %end MULTILIB BLACKLIST ------------------ List of RPMs which are prevented from becoming multilib. Syntax: %multilib-blacklist ... %end MULTILIB WHITELIST ------------------ List of RPMs which will become multilib (but only if native package is pulled in). Syntax: %multilib-whitelist ... %end PREPOPULATE ----------- To make sure no package is left behind between 2 composes, we can explicitly add . records to the %prepopulate section. These will be added to the input list and marked with 'prepopulate' flag. Syntax: %prepopulate . . ... %end """ import pykickstart.parser import pykickstart.sections class FulltreeExcludesSection(pykickstart.sections.Section): sectionOpen = "%fulltree-excludes" def handleLine(self, line): if not self.handler: return (h, s, t) = line.partition('#') line = h.rstrip() self.handler.fulltree_excludes.add(line) class MultilibBlacklistSection(pykickstart.sections.Section): sectionOpen = "%multilib-blacklist" def handleLine(self, line): if not self.handler: return (h, s, t) = line.partition('#') line = h.rstrip() self.handler.multilib_blacklist.add(line) class MultilibWhitelistSection(pykickstart.sections.Section): sectionOpen = "%multilib-whitelist" def handleLine(self, line): if not self.handler: return (h, s, t) = line.partition('#') line = h.rstrip() self.handler.multilib_whitelist.add(line) class PrepopulateSection(pykickstart.sections.Section): sectionOpen = "%prepopulate" def handleLine(self, line): if not self.handler: return (h, s, t) = line.partition('#') line = h.rstrip() self.handler.prepopulate.add(line) class KickstartParser(pykickstart.parser.KickstartParser): def setupSections(self): pykickstart.parser.KickstartParser.setupSections(self) self.registerSection(FulltreeExcludesSection(self.handler)) self.registerSection(MultilibBlacklistSection(self.handler)) self.registerSection(MultilibWhitelistSection(self.handler)) self.registerSection(PrepopulateSection(self.handler)) HandlerClass = pykickstart.version.returnClassForVersion() class PungiHandler(HandlerClass): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): HandlerClass.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.fulltree_excludes = set() self.multilib_blacklist = set() self.multilib_whitelist = set() self.prepopulate = set() def get_ksparser(ks_path=None): """ Return a kickstart parser instance. Read kickstart if ks_path provided. """ ksparser = KickstartParser(PungiHandler()) if ks_path: ksparser.readKickstart(ks_path) return ksparser