#!/usr/bin/python -tt # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import yum import os import re import shutil import sys import gzip import pypungi.util import logging import urlgrabber.progress import subprocess import createrepo import ConfigParser import pylorax from fnmatch import fnmatch import arch as arch_module import multilib def is_debug(po): if "debuginfo" in po.name: return True return False def is_source(po): if po.arch in ("src", "nosrc"): return True return False def is_noarch(po): if po.arch == "noarch": return True return False def is_package(po): if is_debug(po): return False if is_source(po): return False return True class MyConfigParser(ConfigParser.ConfigParser): """A subclass of ConfigParser which does not lowercase options""" def optionxform(self, optionstr): return optionstr class PungiBase(object): """The base Pungi class. Set up config items and logging here""" def __init__(self, config): self.config = config # ARCH setup self.tree_arch = self.config.get('pungi', 'arch') self.yum_arch = arch_module.tree_arch_to_yum_arch(self.tree_arch) full_archlist = self.config.getboolean('pungi', 'full_archlist') self.valid_arches = arch_module.get_valid_arches(self.tree_arch, multilib=full_archlist) self.valid_arches.append("src") # throw source in there, filter it later self.valid_native_arches = arch_module.get_valid_arches(self.tree_arch, multilib=False) self.valid_multilib_arches = arch_module.get_valid_multilib_arches(self.tree_arch) # arch: compatible arches self.compatible_arches = {} for i in self.valid_arches: self.compatible_arches[i] = arch_module.get_compatible_arches(i) self.doLoggerSetup() self.workdir = os.path.join(self.config.get('pungi', 'destdir'), 'work', self.config.get('pungi', 'flavor'), self.tree_arch) def doLoggerSetup(self): """Setup our logger""" logdir = os.path.join(self.config.get('pungi', 'destdir'), 'logs') pypungi.util._ensuredir(logdir, None, force=True) # Always allow logs to be written out if self.config.get('pungi', 'flavor'): logfile = os.path.join(logdir, '%s.%s.log' % (self.config.get('pungi', 'flavor'), self.tree_arch)) else: logfile = os.path.join(logdir, '%s.log' % (self.tree_arch)) # Create the root logger, that will log to our file logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(name)s.%(levelname)s: %(message)s', filename=logfile) class CallBack(urlgrabber.progress.TextMeter): """A call back function used with yum.""" def progressbar(self, current, total, name=None): return class PungiYum(yum.YumBase): """Subclass of Yum""" def __init__(self, config): self.pungiconfig = config yum.YumBase.__init__(self) def doLoggingSetup(self, debuglevel, errorlevel, syslog_ident=None, syslog_facility=None): """Setup the logging facility.""" logdir = os.path.join(self.pungiconfig.get('pungi', 'destdir'), 'logs') if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir) if self.pungiconfig.get('pungi', 'flavor'): logfile = os.path.join(logdir, '%s.%s.log' % (self.pungiconfig.get('pungi', 'flavor'), self.pungiconfig.get('pungi', 'arch'))) else: logfile = os.path.join(logdir, '%s.log' % (self.pungiconfig.get('pungi', 'arch'))) yum.logging.basicConfig(level=yum.logging.DEBUG, filename=logfile) def doFileLogSetup(self, uid, logfile): # This function overrides a yum function, allowing pungi to control # the logging. pass def _compare_providers(self, *args, **kwargs): # HACK: always prefer 64bit over 32bit packages result = yum.YumBase._compare_providers(self, *args, **kwargs) if len(result) >= 2: pkg1 = result[0][0] pkg2 = result[1][0] if pkg1.name == pkg2.name: best_arch = self.arch.get_best_arch_from_list([pkg1.arch, pkg2.arch], self.arch.canonarch) if best_arch != "noarch" and best_arch != pkg1.arch: result[0:1] = result[0:1:-1] return result class Pungi(pypungi.PungiBase): def __init__(self, config, ksparser): pypungi.PungiBase.__init__(self, config) # Set our own logging name space self.logger = logging.getLogger('Pungi') # Create the stdout/err streams and only send INFO+ stuff there formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s') console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setFormatter(formatter) console.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.logger.addHandler(console) self.destdir = self.config.get('pungi', 'destdir') self.archdir = os.path.join(self.destdir, self.config.get('pungi', 'version'), self.config.get('pungi', 'flavor'), self.tree_arch) self.topdir = os.path.join(self.archdir, 'os') self.isodir = os.path.join(self.archdir, self.config.get('pungi','isodir')) pypungi.util._ensuredir(self.workdir, self.logger, force=True) self.common_files = [] self.infofile = os.path.join(self.config.get('pungi', 'destdir'), self.config.get('pungi', 'version'), '.composeinfo') self.ksparser = ksparser self.resolved_deps = {} # list the deps we've already resolved, short circuit. self.excluded_pkgs = {} # list the packages we've already excluded. self.seen_pkgs = {} # list the packages we've already seen so we can check all deps only once self.multilib_methods = self.config.get('pungi', 'multilib').split(" ") self.lookaside_repos = self.config.get('pungi', 'lookaside_repos').split(" ") self.sourcerpm_arch_map = {} # {sourcerpm: set[arches]} - used for gathering debuginfo # package object lists self.po_list = set() self.srpm_po_list = set() self.debuginfo_po_list = set() # get_srpm_po() cache self.sourcerpm_srpmpo_map = {} # already processed packages self.completed_add_srpms = set() # srpms self.completed_debuginfo = set() # rpms self.completed_depsolve = set() # rpms self.completed_langpacks = set() # rpms self.completed_multilib = set() # rpms self.completed_fulltree = set() # srpms self.completed_selfhosting = set() # srpms self.is_fulltree = self.config.getboolean("pungi", "fulltree") self.is_selfhosting = self.config.getboolean("pungi", "selfhosting") self.is_sources = not self.config.getboolean("pungi", "nosource") self.is_debuginfo = not self.config.getboolean("pungi", "nodebuginfo") self.is_greedy = self.config.getboolean("pungi", "alldeps") self.is_resolve_deps = True # TODO: implement --nodepsolve def _add_yum_repo(self, name, url, mirrorlist=False, groups=True, cost=1000, includepkgs=None, excludepkgs=None, proxy=None): """This function adds a repo to the yum object. name: Name of the repo url: Full url to the repo mirrorlist: Bool for whether or not url is a mirrorlist groups: Bool for whether or not to use groupdata from this repo cost: an optional int representing the cost of a repo includepkgs: An optional list of includes to use excludepkgs: An optional list of excludes to use proxy: An optional proxy to use """ includepkgs = includepkgs or [] excludepkgs = excludepkgs or [] self.logger.info('Adding repo %s' % name) thisrepo = yum.yumRepo.YumRepository(name) thisrepo.name = name # add excludes and such here when pykickstart gets them if mirrorlist: thisrepo.mirrorlist = yum.parser.varReplace(url, self.ayum.conf.yumvar) self.mirrorlists.append(thisrepo.mirrorlist) self.logger.info('Mirrorlist for repo %s is %s' % (thisrepo.name, thisrepo.mirrorlist)) else: thisrepo.baseurl = yum.parser.varReplace(url, self.ayum.conf.yumvar) self.repos.extend(thisrepo.baseurl) self.logger.info('URL for repo %s is %s' % (thisrepo.name, thisrepo.baseurl)) thisrepo.basecachedir = self.ayum.conf.cachedir thisrepo.enablegroups = groups # This is until yum uses this failover by default thisrepo.failovermethod = 'priority' thisrepo.exclude = excludepkgs thisrepo.includepkgs = includepkgs thisrepo.cost = cost # Yum doesn't like proxy being None if proxy: thisrepo.proxy = proxy self.ayum.repos.add(thisrepo) self.ayum.repos.enableRepo(thisrepo.id) self.ayum._getRepos(thisrepo=thisrepo.id, doSetup=True) # Set the repo callback. self.ayum.repos.setProgressBar(CallBack()) self.ayum.repos.callback = CallBack() thisrepo.metadata_expire = 0 thisrepo.mirrorlist_expire = 0 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(thisrepo.cachedir, 'repomd.xml')): os.remove(os.path.join(thisrepo.cachedir, 'repomd.xml')) def _inityum(self): """Initialize the yum object. Only needed for certain actions.""" # Create a yum object to use self.repos = [] self.mirrorlists = [] self.ayum = PungiYum(self.config) self.ayum.doLoggingSetup(6, 6) yumconf = yum.config.YumConf() yumconf.debuglevel = 6 yumconf.errorlevel = 6 yumconf.cachedir = self.config.get('pungi', 'cachedir') yumconf.persistdir = "/var/lib/yum" # keep at default, gets appended to installroot yumconf.installroot = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'yumroot') yumconf.uid = os.geteuid() yumconf.cache = 0 yumconf.failovermethod = 'priority' yumconf.deltarpm = 0 yumvars = yum.config._getEnvVar() yumvars['releasever'] = self.config.get('pungi', 'version') yumvars['basearch'] = yum.rpmUtils.arch.getBaseArch(myarch=self.tree_arch) yumconf.yumvar = yumvars self.ayum._conf = yumconf # I have no idea why this fixes a traceback, but James says it does. del self.ayum.prerepoconf self.ayum.repos.setCacheDir(self.ayum.conf.cachedir) self.ayum.arch.setup_arch(self.yum_arch) # deal with our repos try: self.ksparser.handler.repo.methodToRepo() except: pass for repo in self.ksparser.handler.repo.repoList: if repo.mirrorlist: # The not bool() thing is because pykickstart is yes/no on # whether to ignore groups, but yum is a yes/no on whether to # include groups. Awkward. self._add_yum_repo(repo.name, repo.mirrorlist, mirrorlist=True, groups=not bool(repo.ignoregroups), cost=repo.cost, includepkgs=repo.includepkgs, excludepkgs=repo.excludepkgs, proxy=repo.proxy) else: self._add_yum_repo(repo.name, repo.baseurl, mirrorlist=False, groups=not bool(repo.ignoregroups), cost=repo.cost, includepkgs=repo.includepkgs, excludepkgs=repo.excludepkgs, proxy=repo.proxy) self.logger.info('Getting sacks for arches %s' % self.valid_arches) self.ayum._getSacks(archlist=self.valid_arches) def _filtersrcdebug(self, po): """Filter out package objects that are of 'src' arch.""" if po.arch == 'src' or 'debuginfo' in po.name: return False return True def add_package(self, po, msg=None): if not is_package(po): raise ValueError("Not a binary package: %s" % po) if msg: self.logger.info(msg) if po not in self.po_list: self.po_list.add(po) self.ayum.install(po) self.sourcerpm_arch_map.setdefault(po.sourcerpm, set()).add(po.arch) def add_debuginfo(self, po, msg=None): if not is_debug(po): raise ValueError("Not a debuginfog package: %s" % po) if msg: self.logger.info(msg) if po not in self.debuginfo_po_list: self.debuginfo_po_list.add(po) def add_source(self, po, msg=None): if not is_source(po): raise ValueError("Not a source package: %s" % po) if msg: self.logger.info(msg) if po not in self.srpm_po_list: self.srpm_po_list.add(po) def verifyCachePkg(self, po, path): # Stolen from yum """check the package checksum vs the cache return True if pkg is good, False if not""" (csum_type, csum) = po.returnIdSum() try: filesum = yum.misc.checksum(csum_type, path) except yum.Errors.MiscError: return False if filesum != csum: return False return True def excludePackages(self, pkg_sack): """exclude packages according to config file""" if not pkg_sack: return pkg_sack excludes = [] # list of (name, arch, pattern) for i in self.ksparser.handler.packages.excludedList: pattern = i multilib = False if i.endswith(".+"): multilib = True i = i[:-2] name, arch = arch_module.split_name_arch(i) excludes.append((name, arch, pattern, multilib)) for pkg in pkg_sack[:]: for name, arch, exclude_pattern, multilib in excludes: if fnmatch(pkg.name, name): if not arch or fnmatch(pkg.arch, arch): if multilib and pkg.arch not in self.valid_multilib_arches: continue if pkg.nvra not in self.excluded_pkgs: self.logger.info("Excluding %s.%s (pattern: %s)" % (pkg.name, pkg.arch, exclude_pattern)) self.excluded_pkgs[pkg.nvra] = pkg pkg_sack.remove(pkg) break return pkg_sack def get_package_deps(self, po): """Add the dependencies for a given package to the transaction info""" added = set() if po in self.completed_depsolve: return added self.completed_depsolve.add(po) self.logger.info('Checking deps of %s.%s' % (po.name, po.arch)) reqs = po.requires provs = po.provides for req in reqs: if req in self.resolved_deps: continue r, f, v = req if r.startswith('rpmlib(') or r.startswith('config('): continue if req in provs: continue try: deps = self.ayum.whatProvides(r, f, v).returnPackages() deps = self.excludePackages(deps) if not deps: self.logger.warn("Unresolvable dependency %s in %s.%s" % (r, po.name, po.arch)) continue if self.is_greedy: deps = yum.packageSack.ListPackageSack(deps).returnNewestByNameArch() else: found = False for dep in deps: if dep in self.po_list: found = True break if found: deps = [] else: deps = [self.ayum._bestPackageFromList(deps)] for dep in deps: if dep not in added: msg = 'Added %s.%s for %s.%s' % (dep.name, dep.arch, po.name, po.arch) self.add_package(dep, msg) added.add(dep) except (yum.Errors.InstallError, yum.Errors.YumBaseError), ex: self.logger.warn("Unresolvable dependency %s in %s.%s" % (r, po.name, po.arch)) continue self.resolved_deps[req] = None for add in added: self.get_package_deps(add) return added def add_langpacks(self, po_list=None): po_list = po_list or self.po_list added = set() for po in sorted(po_list): if po in self.completed_langpacks: continue # get all langpacks matching the package name langpacks = [ i for i in self.langpacks if i["name"] == po.name ] if not langpacks: continue self.completed_langpacks.add(po) for langpack in langpacks: pattern = langpack["install"] % "*" # replace '%s' with '*' exactmatched, matched, unmatched = yum.packages.parsePackages(self.all_pkgs, [pattern], casematch=1, pkgdict=self.pkg_refs.copy()) matches = filter(self._filtersrcdebug, exactmatched + matched) matches = [ i for i in matches if not i.name.endswith("-devel") and not i.name.endswith("-static") and i.name != "man-pages-overrides" ] matches = [ i for i in matches if fnmatch(i.name, pattern) ] packages_by_name = {} for i in matches: packages_by_name.setdefault(i.name, []).append(i) for i, pkg_sack in packages_by_name.iteritems(): pkg_sack = self.excludePackages(pkg_sack) match = self.ayum._bestPackageFromList(pkg_sack) msg = 'Added langpack %s.%s for package %s (pattern: %s)' % (match.name, match.arch, po.name, pattern) self.add_package(match, msg) self.completed_langpacks.add(match) # assuming langpack doesn't have langpacks added.add(match) return added def add_multilib(self, po_list=None): po_list = po_list or self.po_list added = set() if not self.multilib_methods: return added for po in sorted(po_list): if po in self.completed_multilib: continue if po.arch in ("noarch", "src", "nosrc"): continue if po.arch in self.valid_multilib_arches: continue self.completed_multilib.add(po) matches = self.ayum.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=po.name, ver=po.version, rel=po.release) matches = [i for i in matches if i.arch in self.valid_multilib_arches] if not matches: continue matches = self.excludePackages(matches) match = self.ayum._bestPackageFromList(matches) if not match: continue method = multilib.po_is_multilib(po, self.multilib_methods) if not method: continue msg = "Added multilib package %s.%s for package %s.%s (method: %s)" % (match.name, match.arch, po.name, po.arch, method) self.add_package(match, msg) self.completed_multilib.add(match) added.add(match) return added def getPackagesFromGroup(self, group): """Get a list of package names from a ksparser group object Returns a list of package names""" packages = [] # Check if we have the group if not self.ayum.comps.has_group(group.name): self.logger.error("Group %s not found in comps!" % group) return packages # Get the group object to work with groupobj = self.ayum.comps.return_group(group.name) # Add the mandatory packages packages.extend(groupobj.mandatory_packages.keys()) # Add the default packages unless we don't want them if group.include == 1: packages.extend(groupobj.default_packages.keys()) # Add the optional packages if we want them if group.include == 2: packages.extend(groupobj.default_packages.keys()) packages.extend(groupobj.optional_packages.keys()) # Deal with conditional packages # Populate a dict with the name of the required package and value # of the package objects it would bring in. To be used later if # we match the conditional. for condreq, cond in groupobj.conditional_packages.iteritems(): matches = self.ayum.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=condreq) if matches: if not self.is_greedy: matches = [self.ayum._bestPackageFromList(matches)] self.ayum.tsInfo.conditionals.setdefault(cond, []).extend(matches) return packages def _addDefaultGroups(self, excludeGroups=None): """Cycle through the groups and return at list of the ones that ara default.""" excludeGroups = excludeGroups or [] # This is mostly stolen from anaconda. groups = map(lambda x: x.groupid, filter(lambda x: x.default, self.ayum.comps.groups)) groups = [x for x in groups if x not in excludeGroups] self.logger.debug('Add default groups %s' % groups) return groups def get_langpacks(self): try: self.langpacks = list(self.ayum.comps.langpacks) except AttributeError: # old yum self.logger.warning("Could not get langpacks via yum.comps. You may need to update yum.") self.langpacks = [] except yum.Errors.GroupsError: # no groups or no comps at all self.logger.warning("Could not get langpacks due to missing comps in repodata or --ignoregroups=true option.") self.langpacks = [] def getPackageObjects(self): """Cycle through the list of packages and get package object matches.""" searchlist = [] # The list of package names/globs to search for matchdict = {} # A dict of objects to names excludeGroups = [] # A list of groups for removal defined in the ks file # precompute pkgs and pkg_refs to speed things up self.all_pkgs = self.ayum.pkgSack.returnPackages() self.pkg_refs = yum.packages.buildPkgRefDict(self.all_pkgs, casematch=True) self.get_langpacks() # First remove the excludes self.ayum.excludePackages() # Get the groups set for removal for group in self.ksparser.handler.packages.excludedGroupList: excludeGroups.append(str(group)[1:]) if "core" in [ i.groupid for i in self.ayum.comps.groups ]: if "core" not in [ i.name for i in self.ksparser.handler.packages.groupList ]: self.logger.warning("The @core group is no longer added by default; Please add @core to the kickstart if you want it in.") if "base" in [ i.groupid for i in self.ayum.comps.groups ]: if "base" not in [ i.name for i in self.ksparser.handler.packages.groupList ]: if self.ksparser.handler.packages.addBase: self.logger.warning("The --nobase kickstart option is no longer supported; Please add @base to the kickstart if you want it in.") # Check to see if we want all the defaults if self.ksparser.handler.packages.default: for group in self._addDefaultGroups(excludeGroups): self.ksparser.handler.packages.add(['@%s' % group]) # Get a list of packages from groups for group in self.ksparser.handler.packages.groupList: searchlist.extend(self.getPackagesFromGroup(group)) # Add the adds searchlist.extend(self.ksparser.handler.packages.packageList) # Make the search list unique searchlist = yum.misc.unique(searchlist) for name in searchlist: pattern = name multilib = False if name.endswith(".+"): name = name[:-2] multilib = True if self.is_greedy and name == "system-release": # HACK: handles a special case, when system-release virtual provide is specified in the greedy mode matches = self.ayum.whatProvides(name, None, None).returnPackages() else: exactmatched, matched, unmatched = yum.packages.parsePackages(self.all_pkgs, [name], casematch=1, pkgdict=self.pkg_refs.copy()) matches = exactmatched + matched matches = filter(self._filtersrcdebug, matches) if multilib and not self.is_greedy: matches = [ po for po in matches if po.arch in self.valid_multilib_arches ] if not matches: self.logger.warn('Could not find a match for %s in any configured repo' % pattern) continue packages_by_name = {} for po in matches: packages_by_name.setdefault(po.name, []).append(po) for name, packages in packages_by_name.iteritems(): packages = self.excludePackages(packages) if self.is_greedy: packages = yum.packageSack.ListPackageSack(packages).returnNewestByNameArch() else: packages = [self.ayum._bestPackageFromList(packages)] for po in packages: msg = 'Found %s.%s' % (po.name, po.arch) self.add_package(po, msg) if not self.po_list: raise RuntimeError("No packages found") self.logger.info('Finished gathering package objects.') def gather(self): # get package objects according to the input list self.getPackageObjects() self.createSourceHashes() pass_num = 0 added = set() while 1: if pass_num > 0 and not added: break added = set() pass_num += 1 self.logger.info("Pass #%s" % pass_num) for txmbr in self.ayum.tsInfo: if not txmbr.po in self.po_list: self.add_package(txmbr.po) # resolve deps if self.is_resolve_deps: for po in sorted(self.po_list): added.update(self.get_package_deps(po)) added_srpms = self.add_srpms() added.update(added_srpms) if self.is_selfhosting: for srpm_po in sorted(added_srpms): added.update(self.get_package_deps(srpm_po)) if self.is_fulltree: added.update(self.add_fulltree()) if added: continue # add langpacks added.update(self.add_langpacks(self.po_list)) if added: continue # add multilib packages added.update(self.add_multilib(self.po_list)) if added: continue def get_srpm_po(self, po): """Given a package object, get a package object for the corresponding source rpm.""" # return srpm_po from cache if available srpm_po = self.sourcerpm_srpmpo_map.get(po.sourcerpm, None) if srpm_po is not None: return srpm_po # arch can be "src" or "nosrc" nvr, arch, _ = po.sourcerpm.rsplit(".", 2) name, ver, rel = nvr.rsplit('-', 2) # ... but even "nosrc" packages are stored as "src" in repodata srpm_po_list = self.ayum.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=name, ver=ver, rel=rel, arch="src") if not srpm_po_list: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find a source rpm for %s" % po.sourcerpm) srpm_po = srpm_po_list[0] self.sourcerpm_srpmpo_map[po.sourcerpm] = srpm_po return srpm_po def createSourceHashes(self): """Create two dicts - one that maps binary POs to source POs, and one that maps a single source PO to all binary POs it produces. Requires yum still configured.""" self.src_by_bin = {} self.bin_by_src = {} self.logger.info("Generating source <-> binary package mappings") #(dummy1, everything, dummy2) = yum.packages.parsePackages(self.all_pkgs, ['*'], pkgdict=self.pkg_refs.copy()) for po in self.all_pkgs: if is_source(po): continue srpmpo = self.get_srpm_po(po) self.src_by_bin[po] = srpmpo if self.bin_by_src.has_key(srpmpo): self.bin_by_src[srpmpo].append(po) else: self.bin_by_src[srpmpo] = [po] def add_srpms(self, po_list=None): """Cycle through the list of package objects and find the sourcerpm for them. Requires yum still configured and a list of package objects""" srpms = set() po_list = po_list or self.po_list for po in sorted(po_list): srpm_po = self.sourcerpm_srpmpo_map[po.sourcerpm] if srpm_po in self.completed_add_srpms: continue msg = "Adding source package %s.%s" % (srpm_po.name, srpm_po.arch) self.add_source(srpm_po, msg) self.completed_add_srpms.add(srpm_po) srpms.add(srpm_po) return srpms def add_fulltree(self, srpm_po_list=None): """Cycle through all package objects, and add any that correspond to a source rpm that we are including. Requires yum still configured and a list of package objects.""" self.logger.info("Completing package set") srpm_po_list = srpm_po_list or self.srpm_po_list srpms = [] for srpm_po in srpm_po_list: if srpm_po in self.completed_fulltree: continue srpms.append(srpm_po) self.completed_fulltree.add(srpm_po) added = set() for srpm_po in srpms: include_native = False include_multilib = False has_native = False has_multilib = False for po in self.excludePackages(self.bin_by_src[srpm_po]): if not is_package(po): continue if po.arch == "noarch": continue if po not in self.po_list: # process only already included packages if po.arch in self.valid_multilib_arches: has_multilib = True elif po.arch in self.valid_native_arches: has_native = True continue if po.arch in self.valid_multilib_arches: include_multilib = True elif po.arch in self.valid_native_arches: include_native = True # XXX: this is very fragile! # Do not make any changes unless you really know what you're doing! if not include_native: # if there's no native package already pulled in... if has_native and not include_multilib: # include all native packages, but only if we're not pulling multilib already # SCENARIO: a noarch package was already pulled in and there are x86_64 and i686 packages -> we want x86_64 in to complete the package set include_native = True elif has_multilib: # SCENARIO: a noarch package was already pulled in and there are no x86_64 packages; we want i686 in to complete the package set include_multilib = True for po in self.excludePackages(self.bin_by_src[srpm_po]): if not is_package(po): continue if po in self.po_list: continue if po.arch != "noarch": if po.arch in self.valid_multilib_arches: if not include_multilib: continue if po.arch in self.valid_native_arches: if not include_native: continue msg = "Adding %s.%s to complete package set" % (po.name, po.arch) self.add_package(po, msg) return added def getDebuginfoList(self): """Cycle through the list of package objects and find debuginfo rpms for them. Requires yum still configured and a list of package objects""" added = set() for po in self.all_pkgs: if not is_debug(po): continue if po.sourcerpm not in self.sourcerpm_arch_map: # TODO: print a warning / throw an error continue if not (set(self.compatible_arches[po.arch]) & set(self.sourcerpm_arch_map[po.sourcerpm]) - set(["noarch"])): # skip all incompatible arches # this pulls i386 debuginfo for a i686 package for example continue msg = 'Added debuginfo %s.%s' % (po.name, po.arch) self.add_debuginfo(po, msg) added.add(po) return added def _downloadPackageList(self, polist, relpkgdir): """Cycle through the list of package objects and download them from their respective repos.""" downloads = [] for pkg in polist: downloads.append('%s.%s' % (pkg.name, pkg.arch)) downloads.sort() self.logger.info("Download list: %s" % downloads) pkgdir = os.path.join(self.config.get('pungi', 'destdir'), self.config.get('pungi', 'version'), self.config.get('pungi', 'flavor'), relpkgdir) # Ensure the pkgdir exists, force if requested, and make sure we clean it out if relpkgdir.endswith('SRPMS'): # Since we share source dirs with other arches don't clean, but do allow us to use it pypungi.util._ensuredir(pkgdir, self.logger, force=True, clean=False) else: pypungi.util._ensuredir(pkgdir, self.logger, force=self.config.getboolean('pungi', 'force'), clean=True) probs = self.ayum.downloadPkgs(polist) if len(probs.keys()) > 0: self.logger.error("Errors were encountered while downloading packages.") for key in probs.keys(): errors = yum.misc.unique(probs[key]) for error in errors: self.logger.error("%s: %s" % (key, error)) sys.exit(1) for po in polist: basename = os.path.basename(po.relativepath) local = po.localPkg() if self.config.getboolean('pungi', 'nohash'): target = os.path.join(pkgdir, basename) else: target = os.path.join(pkgdir, po.name[0].lower(), basename) # Make sure we have the hashed dir available to link into we only want dirs there to corrospond to packages # that we are including so we can not just do A-Z 0-9 pypungi.util._ensuredir(os.path.join(pkgdir, po.name[0].lower()), self.logger, force=True, clean=False) # Link downloaded package in (or link package from file repo) try: pypungi.util._link(local, target, self.logger, force=True) continue except: self.logger.error("Unable to link %s from the yum cache." % po.name) sys.exit(1) self.logger.info('Finished downloading packages.') def downloadPackages(self): """Download the package objects obtained in getPackageObjects().""" self._downloadPackageList(self.po_list, os.path.join(self.tree_arch, self.config.get('pungi', 'osdir'), self.config.get('pungi', 'product_path'))) def makeCompsFile(self): """Gather any comps files we can from repos and merge them into one.""" ourcompspath = os.path.join(self.workdir, '%s-%s-comps.xml' % (self.config.get('pungi', 'name'), self.config.get('pungi', 'version'))) # Filter out things we don't include ourgroups = [] for item in self.ksparser.handler.packages.groupList: g = self.ayum.comps.return_group(item.name) if g: ourgroups.append(g.groupid) allgroups = [g.groupid for g in self.ayum.comps.get_groups()] for group in allgroups: if group not in ourgroups and not self.ayum.comps.return_group(group).langonly: self.logger.info('Removing extra group %s from comps file' % (group,)) del self.ayum.comps._groups[group] groups = [g.groupid for g in self.ayum.comps.get_groups()] envs = self.ayum.comps.get_environments() for env in envs: for group in env.groups: if group not in groups: self.logger.info('Removing incomplete environment %s from comps file' % (env,)) del self.ayum.comps._environments[env.environmentid] break ourcomps = open(ourcompspath, 'w') ourcomps.write(self.ayum.comps.xml()) ourcomps.close() # Disable this until https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=442097 is fixed. # Run the xslt filter over our comps file #compsfilter = ['/usr/bin/xsltproc', '--novalid'] #compsfilter.append('-o') #compsfilter.append(ourcompspath) #compsfilter.append('/usr/share/pungi/comps-cleanup.xsl') #compsfilter.append(ourcompspath) #pypungi.util._doRunCommand(compsfilter, self.logger) def downloadSRPMs(self): """Cycle through the list of srpms and find the package objects for them, Then download them.""" # do the downloads self._downloadPackageList(self.srpm_po_list, os.path.join('source', 'SRPMS')) def downloadDebuginfo(self): """Cycle through the list of debuginfo rpms and download them.""" # do the downloads self._downloadPackageList(self.debuginfo_po_list, os.path.join(self.tree_arch, 'debug')) def _list_packages(self, po_list): """Cycle through the list of packages and return their paths.""" result = [ os.path.join(po.basepath or "", po.relativepath) for po in po_list if po.repoid not in self.lookaside_repos ] result.sort() return result def list_packages(self): """Cycle through the list of RPMs and return their paths.""" return self._list_packages(self.po_list) def list_srpms(self): """Cycle through the list of SRPMs and return their paths.""" return self._list_packages(self.srpm_po_list) def list_debuginfo(self): """Cycle through the list of DEBUGINFO RPMs and return their paths.""" return self._list_packages(self.debuginfo_po_list) def _size_packages(self, po_list): return sum([ po.size for po in po_list if po.repoid not in self.lookaside_repos ]) def size_packages(self): return self._size_packages(self.po_list) def size_srpms(self): return self._size_packages(self.srpm_po_list) def size_debuginfo(self): return self._size_packages(self.debuginfo_po_list) def writeinfo(self, line): """Append a line to the infofile in self.infofile""" f=open(self.infofile, "a+") f.write(line.strip() + "\n") f.close() def mkrelative(self, subfile): """Return the relative path for 'subfile' underneath the version dir.""" basedir = os.path.join(self.destdir, self.config.get('pungi', 'version')) if subfile.startswith(basedir): return subfile.replace(basedir + os.path.sep, '') def _makeMetadata(self, path, cachedir, comps=False, repoview=False, repoviewtitle=False, baseurl=False, output=False, basedir=False, update=True): """Create repodata and repoview.""" conf = createrepo.MetaDataConfig() conf.cachedir = os.path.join(cachedir, 'createrepocache') conf.update = update conf.unique_md_filenames = True if output: conf.outputdir = output else: conf.outputdir = path conf.directory = path conf.database = True if comps: conf.groupfile = comps if basedir: conf.basedir = basedir if baseurl: conf.baseurl = baseurl repomatic = createrepo.MetaDataGenerator(conf) self.logger.info('Making repodata') repomatic.doPkgMetadata() repomatic.doRepoMetadata() repomatic.doFinalMove() if repoview: # setup the repoview call repoview = ['/usr/bin/repoview'] repoview.append('--quiet') repoview.append('--state-dir') repoview.append(os.path.join(cachedir, 'repoviewcache')) if repoviewtitle: repoview.append('--title') repoview.append(repoviewtitle) repoview.append(path) # run the command pypungi.util._doRunCommand(repoview, self.logger) def doCreaterepo(self, comps=True): """Run createrepo to generate repodata in the tree.""" compsfile = None if comps: compsfile = os.path.join(self.workdir, '%s-%s-comps.xml' % (self.config.get('pungi', 'name'), self.config.get('pungi', 'version'))) # setup the cache dirs for target in ['createrepocache', 'repoviewcache']: pypungi.util._ensuredir(os.path.join(self.config.get('pungi', 'cachedir'), target), self.logger, force=True) repoviewtitle = '%s %s - %s' % (self.config.get('pungi', 'name'), self.config.get('pungi', 'version'), self.tree_arch) cachedir = self.config.get('pungi', 'cachedir') # setup the createrepo call self._makeMetadata(self.topdir, cachedir, compsfile, repoview=True, repoviewtitle=repoviewtitle) # create repodata for debuginfo if self.config.getboolean('pungi', 'debuginfo'): path = os.path.join(self.archdir, 'debug') if not os.path.isdir(path): self.logger.debug("No debuginfo for %s" % self.tree_arch) return self._makeMetadata(path, cachedir, repoview=False) def doBuildinstall(self): """Run lorax on the tree.""" # the old ayum object has transaction data that confuse lorax, reinit. self._inityum() # Add the repo in the destdir to our yum object self._add_yum_repo('ourtree', 'file://%s' % self.topdir, cost=10) product = self.config.get('pungi', 'name') version = self.config.get('pungi', 'version') release = '%s %s' % (self.config.get('pungi', 'name'), self.config.get('pungi', 'version')) variant = self.config.get('pungi', 'flavor') bugurl = self.config.get('pungi', 'bugurl') isfinal = self.config.get('pungi', 'isfinal') workdir = self.workdir outputdir = self.topdir # on ppc64 we need to tell lorax to only use ppc64 packages so that the media will run on all 64 bit ppc boxes if self.config.get('pungi', 'arch') == 'ppc64': self.ayum.arch.setup_arch('ppc64') self.ayum.compatarch = 'ppc64' # Only supported mac hardware is x86 make sure we only enable mac support on arches that need it if self.config.get('pungi', 'arch') in ['i386', 'i686', 'x86_64']: domacboot = True else: domacboot = False # run the command lorax = pylorax.Lorax() lorax.configure() lorax.run(self.ayum, product=product, version=version, release=release, variant=variant, bugurl=bugurl, isfinal=isfinal, domacboot=domacboot, workdir=workdir, outputdir=outputdir) # write out the tree data for snake self.writeinfo('tree: %s' % self.mkrelative(self.topdir)) # Write out checksums for verifytree # First open the treeinfo file so that we can config parse it treeinfofile = os.path.join(self.topdir, '.treeinfo') try: treefile = open(treeinfofile, 'r') except IOError: self.logger.error("Could not read .treeinfo file: %s" % treefile) sys.exit(1) # Create a ConfigParser object out of the contents so that we can # write it back out later and not worry about formatting treeinfo = MyConfigParser() treeinfo.readfp(treefile) treefile.close() treeinfo.add_section('checksums') # Create a function to use with os.path.walk to sum the files # basepath is used to make the sum output relative sums = [] def getsum(basepath, dir, files): for file in files: path = os.path.join(dir, file) # don't bother summing directories. Won't work. if os.path.isdir(path): continue sum = pypungi.util._doCheckSum(path, 'sha256', self.logger) outpath = path.replace(basepath, '') sums.append((outpath, sum)) # Walk the os/images path to get sums of all the files os.path.walk(os.path.join(self.topdir, 'images'), getsum, self.topdir + '/') # Capture PPC images if self.tree_arch in ['ppc', 'ppc64']: os.path.walk(os.path.join(self.topdir, 'ppc'), getsum, self.topdir + '/') # Get a checksum of repomd.xml since it has within it sums for other files repomd = os.path.join(self.topdir, 'repodata', 'repomd.xml') sum = pypungi.util._doCheckSum(repomd, 'sha256', self.logger) sums.append((os.path.join('repodata', 'repomd.xml'), sum)) # Now add the sums, and write the config out try: treefile = open(treeinfofile, 'w') except IOError: self.logger.error("Could not open .treeinfo for writing: %s" % treefile) sys.exit(1) for path, sum in sums: treeinfo.set('checksums', path, sum) treeinfo.write(treefile) treefile.close() def doGetRelnotes(self): """Get extra files from packages in the tree to put in the topdir of the tree.""" docsdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'docs') relnoterpms = self.config.get('pungi', 'relnotepkgs').split() fileres = [] for pattern in self.config.get('pungi', 'relnotefilere').split(): fileres.append(re.compile(pattern)) dirres = [] for pattern in self.config.get('pungi', 'relnotedirre').split(): dirres.append(re.compile(pattern)) pypungi.util._ensuredir(docsdir, self.logger, force=self.config.getboolean('pungi', 'force'), clean=True) # Expload the packages we list as relnote packages pkgs = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.topdir, self.config.get('pungi', 'product_path'))) rpm2cpio = ['/usr/bin/rpm2cpio'] cpio = ['cpio', '-imud'] for pkg in pkgs: pkgname = pkg.rsplit('-', 2)[0] for relnoterpm in relnoterpms: if pkgname == relnoterpm: extraargs = [os.path.join(self.topdir, self.config.get('pungi', 'product_path'), pkg)] try: p1 = subprocess.Popen(rpm2cpio + extraargs, cwd=docsdir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) (out, err) = subprocess.Popen(cpio, cwd=docsdir, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True).communicate() except: self.logger.error("Got an error from rpm2cpio") self.logger.error(err) raise if out: self.logger.debug(out) # Walk the tree for our files for dirpath, dirname, filelist in os.walk(docsdir): for filename in filelist: for regex in fileres: if regex.match(filename) and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.topdir, filename)): self.logger.info("Linking release note file %s" % filename) pypungi.util._link(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), os.path.join(self.topdir, filename), self.logger, force=self.config.getboolean('pungi', 'force')) self.common_files.append(filename) # Walk the tree for our dirs for dirpath, dirname, filelist in os.walk(docsdir): for directory in dirname: for regex in dirres: if regex.match(directory) and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.topdir, directory)): self.logger.info("Copying release note dir %s" % directory) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(dirpath, directory), os.path.join(self.topdir, directory)) def _doIsoChecksum(self, path, csumfile): """Simple function to wrap creating checksums of iso files.""" try: checkfile = open(csumfile, 'a') except IOError: self.logger.error("Could not open checksum file: %s" % csumfile) self.logger.info("Generating checksum of %s" % path) checksum = pypungi.util._doCheckSum(path, 'sha256', self.logger) if checksum: checkfile.write("%s *%s\n" % (checksum.replace('sha256:', ''), os.path.basename(path))) else: self.logger.error('Failed to generate checksum for %s' % checkfile) sys.exit(1) checkfile.close() def doCreateIsos(self): """Create iso of the tree.""" if self.config.get('pungi', 'arch').startswith('arm'): self.logger.info("ARCH: arm, not doing doCreateIsos().") return isolist = [] ppcbootinfo = '/usr/share/lorax/config_files/ppc' pypungi.util._ensuredir(self.isodir, self.logger, force=self.config.getboolean('pungi', 'force'), clean=True) # This is risky... # setup the base command mkisofs = ['/usr/bin/mkisofs'] mkisofs.extend(['-v', '-U', '-J', '-R', '-T', '-m', 'repoview', '-m', 'boot.iso']) # common mkisofs flags x86bootargs = ['-b', 'isolinux/isolinux.bin', '-c', 'isolinux/boot.cat', '-no-emul-boot', '-boot-load-size', '4', '-boot-info-table'] efibootargs = ['-eltorito-alt-boot', '-e', 'images/efiboot.img', '-no-emul-boot'] macbootargs = ['-eltorito-alt-boot', '-e', 'images/macboot.img', '-no-emul-boot'] ia64bootargs = ['-b', 'images/boot.img', '-no-emul-boot'] ppcbootargs = ['-part', '-hfs', '-r', '-l', '-sysid', 'PPC', '-no-desktop', '-allow-multidot', '-chrp-boot'] ppcbootargs.append('-map') ppcbootargs.append(os.path.join(ppcbootinfo, 'mapping')) ppcbootargs.append('-magic') ppcbootargs.append(os.path.join(ppcbootinfo, 'magic')) ppcbootargs.append('-hfs-bless') # must be last isohybrid = ['/usr/bin/isohybrid'] # Check the size of the tree # This size checking method may be bunk, accepting patches... if not self.tree_arch == 'source': treesize = int(subprocess.Popen(mkisofs + ['-print-size', '-quiet', self.topdir], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]) else: srcdir = os.path.join(self.config.get('pungi', 'destdir'), self.config.get('pungi', 'version'), self.config.get('pungi', 'flavor'), 'source', 'SRPMS') treesize = int(subprocess.Popen(mkisofs + ['-print-size', '-quiet', srcdir], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]) # Size returned is 2KiB clusters or some such. This translates that to MiB. treesize = treesize * 2048 / 1024 / 1024 if treesize > 700: # we're larger than a 700meg CD isoname = '%s-%s-%s-DVD.iso' % (self.config.get('pungi', 'iso_basename'), self.config.get('pungi', 'version'), self.tree_arch) else: isoname = '%s-%s-%s.iso' % (self.config.get('pungi', 'iso_basename'), self.config.get('pungi', 'version'), self.tree_arch) isofile = os.path.join(self.isodir, isoname) # setup the extra mkisofs args extraargs = [] if self.tree_arch == 'i386' or self.tree_arch == 'x86_64': extraargs.extend(x86bootargs) if self.tree_arch == 'x86_64': extraargs.extend(efibootargs) isohybrid.append('-u') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.topdir, 'images', 'macboot.img')): extraargs.extend(macbootargs) isohybrid.append('-m') elif self.tree_arch == 'ia64': extraargs.extend(ia64bootargs) elif self.tree_arch.startswith('ppc'): extraargs.extend(ppcbootargs) extraargs.append(os.path.join(self.topdir, "ppc/mac")) # NOTE: if this doesn't match what's in the bootloader config, the # image won't be bootable! extraargs.append('-V') extraargs.append('%s %s %s' % (self.config.get('pungi', 'name'), self.config.get('pungi', 'version'), self.tree_arch)) extraargs.extend(['-o', isofile]) isohybrid.append(isofile) if not self.tree_arch == 'source': extraargs.append(self.topdir) else: extraargs.append(os.path.join(self.archdir, 'SRPMS')) # run the command pypungi.util._doRunCommand(mkisofs + extraargs, self.logger) # Run isohybrid on the iso as long as its not the source iso if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/isohybrid") and not self.tree_arch == 'source': pypungi.util._doRunCommand(isohybrid, self.logger) # implant md5 for mediacheck on all but source arches if not self.tree_arch == 'source': pypungi.util._doRunCommand(['/usr/bin/implantisomd5', isofile], self.logger) # shove the checksum into a file csumfile = os.path.join(self.isodir, '%s-%s-%s-CHECKSUM' % ( self.config.get('pungi', 'iso_basename'), self.config.get('pungi', 'version'), self.tree_arch)) # Write a line about what checksums are used. # sha256sum is magic... file = open(csumfile, 'w') file.write('# The image checksum(s) are generated with sha256sum.\n') file.close() self._doIsoChecksum(isofile, csumfile) # Write out a line describing the media self.writeinfo('media: %s' % self.mkrelative(isofile)) # Now link the boot iso if not self.tree_arch == 'source' and \ os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.topdir, 'images', 'boot.iso')): isoname = '%s-%s-%s-netinst.iso' % (self.config.get('pungi', 'iso_basename'), self.config.get('pungi', 'version'), self.tree_arch) isofile = os.path.join(self.isodir, isoname) # link the boot iso to the iso dir pypungi.util._link(os.path.join(self.topdir, 'images', 'boot.iso'), isofile, self.logger) # shove the checksum into a file self._doIsoChecksum(isofile, csumfile) self.logger.info("CreateIsos is done.")