FIST Fedora Install Spin Tool (Name could change at any moment) This project is aimed at making a public / free tool to spin installation trees/isos of Fedora. It will be written in python (for many obvious reasons). Code style I hope will be of a simple "master" process that can call any number of subprocesses depending on a configuration set. Thoughtspace: We'll need to do five basic tasks: 1) Gather packages from repos into a directory tree 2) Run anaconda tools (buildinstall) on said directory tree 3) Split tree into CD iso size chunks 4) Create isos of the chunks 5) Sanity check the tree Gathering Packages Using yumdownloader / reposync like code in combination with a comps file makes sense here. We can define what we want at the top level and let yum depsolve the rest. The tricky bits here are figuring out multilib stuff and the uglyness that is noarch packages with ExcludeArch/ExclusiveArch crack. We could skip over this by assuming that repos will exist that are pre- populated with multilib/noarch safe packages and we just pull whats there. There is some code in the Extras push scripts. See also yum/ for dealing with comps. Running Anaconda Tools These should be ran on the release it is releasing. This means using mock in some way, either make mock a req of the tool and the tool calls mock or allowing the tool to run in userspace but suggest the tool get ran in a mock call. Some cooperation will need to happen with the anaconda folks to make sure we're moving in the same direction they are wrt the tools we would use. Split Tree Into CD Size Chunks This will be a fun task. Really, I mean it. Anaconda folks have made some noise about making buildinstall take a flag to make CDs and do all the splitting itself. That would be handy, but it may not happen by the time we need to do this. Perhaps work on this part last, focus on the installable tree stuff. Create Isos of the Chunks This is a pretty straightforward call to mkisofs. There are some fun things to consider when making isos for ppc(64) and possibly other arches that may come to play. Code here will need to be somewhat modular to allow for different mkisofs calls per arch. Sanity Check the Tree This could/should be an ever growing set of post-tree build sanity checks. Hopefully it'll cut down on brown paperbag trees sneaking out. Organization Each task set will be its own module. Work on each module can be done independantly and hopefully once functional it should be easy to tie them all together (one ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them) Making it all happen There really is space for two tools, or something inbetween. There is the task of creating a repo of packages multilibbed up. Think rawhide. The second tool takes packages from said repos and makes the install and CD set. Working on the second tool first makes sense, as it can be used today with existing Core and Extras repos. Later, tool #1 can grow from #2.