# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import copy import hashlib import json import os import shutil import time from kobo import shortcuts from pungi.util import makedirs, get_mtime, get_file_size, failable, log_failed_task from pungi.util import as_local_file, translate_path, get_repo_urls, version_generator from pungi.phases import base from pungi.linker import Linker from pungi.wrappers.kojiwrapper import KojiWrapper from kobo.threads import ThreadPool, WorkerThread from kobo.shortcuts import force_list from productmd.images import Image from productmd.rpms import Rpms # This is a mapping from formats to file extensions. The format is what koji # image-build command expects as argument, and the extension is what the file # name will be ending with. The extensions are used to filter out which task # results will be pulled into the compose. EXTENSIONS = { "docker": ["tar.gz", "tar.xz"], "liveimg-squashfs": ["liveimg.squashfs"], "qcow": ["qcow"], "qcow2": ["qcow2"], "raw": ["raw"], "raw-xz": ["raw.xz"], "rhevm-ova": ["rhevm.ova"], "tar-gz": ["tar.gz"], "vagrant-hyperv": ["vagrant-hyperv.box"], "vagrant-libvirt": ["vagrant-libvirt.box"], "vagrant-virtualbox": ["vagrant-virtualbox.box"], "vagrant-vmware-fusion": ["vagrant-vmware-fusion.box"], "vdi": ["vdi"], "vmdk": ["vmdk"], "vpc": ["vhd"], "vhd-compressed": ["vhd.xz"], "vsphere-ova": ["vsphere.ova"], } class ImageBuildPhase( base.PhaseLoggerMixin, base.ImageConfigMixin, base.ConfigGuardedPhase ): """class for wrapping up koji image-build""" name = "image_build" def __init__(self, compose, buildinstall_phase=None): super(ImageBuildPhase, self).__init__(compose) self.pool = ThreadPool(logger=self.logger) self.buildinstall_phase = buildinstall_phase def _get_install_tree(self, image_conf, variant): """ Get a path to os tree for a variant specified in `install_tree_from` or current variant. If the config is set, it will be removed from the dict. """ if variant.type != "variant": # Buildinstall only runs for top-level variants. Nested variants # need to re-use install tree from parent. variant = variant.parent install_tree_from = image_conf.pop("install_tree_from", variant.uid) if "://" in install_tree_from: # It's a URL, return it unchanged return install_tree_from if install_tree_from.startswith("/"): # It's a path on local filesystem. return translate_path(self.compose, install_tree_from) install_tree_source = self.compose.all_variants.get(install_tree_from) if not install_tree_source: raise RuntimeError( "There is no variant %s to get install tree from " "when building image for %s." % (install_tree_from, variant.uid) ) return translate_path( self.compose, self.compose.paths.compose.os_tree( "$arch", install_tree_source, create_dir=False ), ) def _get_repo(self, image_conf, variant): """ Get a comma separated list of repos. First included are those explicitly listed in config, followed by by repo for current variant if it's not included in the list already. """ repos = shortcuts.force_list(image_conf.get("repo", [])) if not variant.is_empty and variant.uid not in repos: repos.append(variant.uid) return ",".join(get_repo_urls(self.compose, repos, arch="$arch")) def _get_arches(self, image_conf, arches): if "arches" in image_conf["image-build"]: arches = set(image_conf["image-build"].get("arches", [])) & arches return sorted(arches) def _set_release(self, image_conf): """If release is set explicitly to None, replace it with date and respin.""" if "release" in image_conf: image_conf["release"] = ( version_generator(self.compose, image_conf["release"]) or self.compose.image_release ) def run(self): for variant in self.compose.get_variants(): arches = set([x for x in variant.arches if x != "src"]) for image_conf in self.get_config_block(variant): # We will modify the data, so we need to make a copy to # prevent problems in next iteration where the original # value is needed. image_conf = copy.deepcopy(image_conf) original_image_conf = copy.deepcopy(image_conf) # image_conf is passed to get_image_build_cmd as dict image_conf["image-build"]["arches"] = self._get_arches( image_conf, arches ) if not image_conf["image-build"]["arches"]: continue # Replace possible ambiguous ref name with explicit hash. ksurl = self.get_ksurl(image_conf["image-build"]) if ksurl: image_conf["image-build"]["ksurl"] = ksurl image_conf["image-build"]["variant"] = variant image_conf["image-build"]["install_tree"] = self._get_install_tree( image_conf["image-build"], variant ) release = self.get_release(image_conf["image-build"]) if release: image_conf["image-build"]["release"] = release image_conf["image-build"]["version"] = self.get_version( image_conf["image-build"] ) image_conf["image-build"]["target"] = self.get_config( image_conf["image-build"], "target" ) # Pungi config can either contain old [(format, suffix)], or # just list of formats, or a single format. formats = [] for format in force_list(image_conf["image-build"]["format"]): formats.append( format[0] if isinstance(format, (tuple, list)) else format ) image_conf["image-build"]["format"] = formats image_conf["image-build"]["repo"] = self._get_repo( image_conf["image-build"], variant ) can_fail = image_conf["image-build"].pop("failable", []) if can_fail == ["*"]: can_fail = image_conf["image-build"]["arches"] if can_fail: image_conf["image-build"]["can_fail"] = sorted(can_fail) cmd = { "original_image_conf": original_image_conf, "image_conf": image_conf, "conf_file": self.compose.paths.work.image_build_conf( image_conf["image-build"]["variant"], image_name=image_conf["image-build"]["name"], image_type="-".join(formats), arches=image_conf["image-build"]["arches"], ), "image_dir": self.compose.paths.compose.image_dir(variant), "relative_image_dir": self.compose.paths.compose.image_dir( variant, relative=True ), "link_type": self.compose.conf["link_type"], "scratch": image_conf["image-build"].pop("scratch", False), } self.pool.add(CreateImageBuildThread(self.pool)) self.pool.queue_put((self.compose, cmd, self.buildinstall_phase)) self.pool.start() class CreateImageBuildThread(WorkerThread): def fail(self, compose, cmd): self.pool.log_error("CreateImageBuild failed.") def process(self, item, num): compose, cmd, buildinstall_phase = item variant = cmd["image_conf"]["image-build"]["variant"] subvariant = cmd["image_conf"]["image-build"].get("subvariant", variant.uid) self.failable_arches = cmd["image_conf"]["image-build"].get("can_fail", "") self.can_fail = ( self.failable_arches == cmd["image_conf"]["image-build"]["arches"] ) with failable( compose, self.can_fail, variant, "*", "image-build", subvariant, logger=self.pool._logger, ): self.worker(num, compose, variant, subvariant, cmd, buildinstall_phase) def worker(self, num, compose, variant, subvariant, cmd, buildinstall_phase): arches = cmd["image_conf"]["image-build"]["arches"] formats = "-".join(cmd["image_conf"]["image-build"]["format"]) dash_arches = "-".join(arches) log_file = compose.paths.log.log_file( dash_arches, "imagebuild-%s-%s-%s" % (variant.uid, subvariant, formats) ) metadata_file = log_file[:-4] + ".reuse.json" external_repo_checksum = {} try: for repo in cmd["original_image_conf"]["image-build"]["repo"]: if repo in compose.all_variants: continue with as_local_file( os.path.join(repo, "repodata/repomd.xml") ) as filename: with open(filename, "rb") as f: external_repo_checksum[repo] = hashlib.sha256( f.read() ).hexdigest() except Exception as e: external_repo_checksum = None self.pool.log_info( "Can't calculate checksum of repomd.xml of external repo - %s" % str(e) ) if self._try_to_reuse( compose, variant, subvariant, metadata_file, log_file, cmd, external_repo_checksum, buildinstall_phase, ): return msg = ( "Creating image (formats: %s, arches: %s, variant: %s, subvariant: %s)" % (formats, dash_arches, variant, subvariant) ) self.pool.log_info("[BEGIN] %s" % msg) koji_wrapper = KojiWrapper(compose) # writes conf file for koji image-build self.pool.log_info( "Writing image-build config for %s.%s into %s" % (variant, dash_arches, cmd["conf_file"]) ) koji_cmd = koji_wrapper.get_image_build_cmd( cmd["image_conf"], conf_file_dest=cmd["conf_file"], scratch=cmd["scratch"] ) # avoid race conditions? # Kerberos authentication failed: # Permission denied in replay cache code (-1765328215) # [workaround] Increased time delay from 3 to 10 sec until the issue in # koji gets fixed https://pagure.io/koji/issue/2138 time.sleep(num * 10) output = koji_wrapper.run_blocking_cmd(koji_cmd, log_file=log_file) self.pool.log_debug("build-image outputs: %s" % (output)) if output["retcode"] != 0: self.fail(compose, cmd) raise RuntimeError( "ImageBuild task failed: %s. See %s for more details." % (output["task_id"], log_file) ) # copy image to images/ image_infos = [] paths = koji_wrapper.get_image_paths( output["task_id"], callback=lambda arch: log_failed_task( compose, variant, arch, "image-build", subvariant ), ) for arch, paths in paths.items(): for path in paths: for format in cmd["image_conf"]["image-build"]["format"]: for suffix in EXTENSIONS[format]: if path.endswith(suffix): image_infos.append( { "path": path, "suffix": suffix, "type": format, "arch": arch, } ) break self._link_images(compose, variant, subvariant, cmd, image_infos) self._write_reuse_metadata( compose, metadata_file, cmd, image_infos, external_repo_checksum ) self.pool.log_info("[DONE ] %s (task id: %s)" % (msg, output["task_id"])) def _link_images(self, compose, variant, subvariant, cmd, image_infos): """Link images to compose and update image manifest. :param Compose compose: Current compose. :param Variant variant: Current variant. :param str subvariant: :param dict cmd: Dict of params for image-build. :param dict image_infos: Dict contains image info. """ # The usecase here is that you can run koji image-build with multiple --format # It's ok to do it serialized since we're talking about max 2 images per single # image_build record linker = Linker(logger=self.pool._logger) for image_info in image_infos: image_dir = cmd["image_dir"] % {"arch": image_info["arch"]} makedirs(image_dir) relative_image_dir = cmd["relative_image_dir"] % { "arch": image_info["arch"] } # let's not change filename of koji outputs image_dest = os.path.join(image_dir, os.path.basename(image_info["path"])) src_file = os.path.realpath(image_info["path"]) linker.link(src_file, image_dest, link_type=cmd["link_type"]) # Update image manifest img = Image(compose.im) img.type = image_info["type"] img.format = image_info["suffix"] img.path = os.path.join(relative_image_dir, os.path.basename(image_dest)) img.mtime = get_mtime(image_dest) img.size = get_file_size(image_dest) img.arch = image_info["arch"] img.disc_number = 1 # We don't expect multiple disks img.disc_count = 1 img.bootable = False img.subvariant = subvariant setattr(img, "can_fail", self.can_fail) setattr(img, "deliverable", "image-build") compose.im.add(variant=variant.uid, arch=image_info["arch"], image=img) def _try_to_reuse( self, compose, variant, subvariant, metadata_file, log_file, cmd, external_repo_checksum, buildinstall_phase, ): """Try to reuse images from old compose. :param Compose compose: Current compose. :param Variant variant: Current variant. :param str subvariant: :param str metadata_file: Path to reuse metadata file. :param str log_file: Path to log file. :param dict cmd: Dict of params for image-build. :param dict external_repo_checksum: Dict contains checksum of repomd.xml or None if can't get checksum. :param BuildinstallPhase buildinstall_phase: buildinstall phase of current compose. """ log_msg = "Cannot reuse old image_build phase results - %s" if not compose.conf["image_build_allow_reuse"]: self.pool.log_info( log_msg % "reuse of old image_build results is disabled." ) return False if external_repo_checksum is None: self.pool.log_info( log_msg % "Can't ensure that external repo is not changed." ) return False old_metadata_file = compose.paths.old_compose_path(metadata_file) if not old_metadata_file: self.pool.log_info(log_msg % "Can't find old reuse metadata file") return False try: old_metadata = self._load_reuse_metadata(old_metadata_file) except Exception as e: self.pool.log_info( log_msg % "Can't load old reuse metadata file: %s" % str(e) ) return False if old_metadata["cmd"]["original_image_conf"] != cmd["original_image_conf"]: self.pool.log_info(log_msg % "image_build config changed") return False # Make sure external repo does not change if ( old_metadata["external_repo_checksum"] is None or old_metadata["external_repo_checksum"] != external_repo_checksum ): self.pool.log_info(log_msg % "External repo may be changed") return False # Make sure buildinstall phase is reused for arch in cmd["image_conf"]["image-build"]["arches"]: if buildinstall_phase and not buildinstall_phase.reused(variant, arch): self.pool.log_info(log_msg % "buildinstall phase changed") return False # Make sure packages in variant not change rpm_manifest_file = compose.paths.compose.metadata("rpms.json") rpm_manifest = Rpms() rpm_manifest.load(rpm_manifest_file) old_rpm_manifest_file = compose.paths.old_compose_path(rpm_manifest_file) old_rpm_manifest = Rpms() old_rpm_manifest.load(old_rpm_manifest_file) for repo in cmd["original_image_conf"]["image-build"]["repo"]: if repo not in compose.all_variants: # External repos are checked using other logic. continue for arch in cmd["image_conf"]["image-build"]["arches"]: if ( rpm_manifest.rpms[variant.uid][arch] != old_rpm_manifest.rpms[variant.uid][arch] ): self.pool.log_info( log_msg % "Packages in %s.%s changed." % (variant.uid, arch) ) return False self.pool.log_info( "Reusing images from old compose for variant %s" % variant.uid ) try: self._link_images( compose, variant, subvariant, cmd, old_metadata["image_infos"] ) except Exception as e: self.pool.log_info(log_msg % "Can't link images %s" % str(e)) return False old_log_file = compose.paths.old_compose_path(log_file) try: shutil.copy2(old_log_file, log_file) except Exception as e: self.pool.log_info( log_msg % "Can't copy old log_file: %s %s" % (old_log_file, str(e)) ) return False self._write_reuse_metadata( compose, metadata_file, cmd, old_metadata["image_infos"], external_repo_checksum, ) return True def _write_reuse_metadata( self, compose, metadata_file, cmd, image_infos, external_repo_checksum ): """Write metadata file. :param Compose compose: Current compose. :param str metadata_file: Path to reuse metadata file. :param dict cmd: Dict of params for image-build. :param dict image_infos: Dict contains image info. :param dict external_repo_checksum: Dict contains checksum of repomd.xml or None if can't get checksum. """ msg = "Writing reuse metadata file: %s" % metadata_file self.pool.log_info(msg) cmd_copy = copy.deepcopy(cmd) del cmd_copy["image_conf"]["image-build"]["variant"] data = { "cmd": cmd_copy, "image_infos": image_infos, "external_repo_checksum": external_repo_checksum, } try: with open(metadata_file, "w") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) except Exception as e: self.pool.log_info("%s Failed: %s" % (msg, str(e))) def _load_reuse_metadata(self, metadata_file): """Load metadata file. :param str metadata_file: Path to reuse metadata file. """ with open(metadata_file, "r") as f: return json.load(f)