Update from upstream #11

soksanichenko wants to merge 158 commits from a8_updated into a8
Showing only changes of commit edb091b7b1 - Show all commits

View File

@ -564,6 +564,19 @@ class KojiWrapper(object):
def watch_task(self, task_id, log_file=None, max_retries=None):
"""Watch and wait for a task to finish.
:param int task_id: ID of koji task.
:param str log_file: Path to log file.
:param int max_retries: Max times to retry when error occurs,
no limits by default.
if log_file:
task_url = os.path.join(
self.koji_module.config.weburl, "taskinfo?taskID=%d" % task_id
with open(log_file, "a") as f:
f.write("Task URL: %s\n" % task_url)
retcode, _ = self._wait_for_task(
task_id, logfile=log_file, max_retries=max_retries