Allow setting <kojitag/> in <modules/> in variants.xml to get the modules from this Koji tag.

Signed-off-by: Jan Kaluza <>
This commit is contained in:
Jan Kaluza 2018-03-20 10:37:43 +01:00
parent 1574f306c7
commit 9be2d6a920
5 changed files with 241 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ import os
from six.moves import cPickle as pickle
import json
import re
from itertools import groupby
from kobo.shortcuts import force_list
from kobo.rpmlib import make_nvra
import pungi.wrappers.kojiwrapper
from pungi.wrappers.comps import CompsWrapper
@ -185,6 +187,159 @@ def get_pkgset_from_koji(compose, koji_wrapper, path_prefix):
return package_sets
def _add_module_to_variant(variant, mmd, rpms, add_to_variant_modules=False):
Adds module defined by Modulemd.Module `mmd` to variant.
:param Variant variant: Variant to add the module to.
:param Modulemd.Module: Modulemd instance defining the module.
:param list rpms: List of NEVRAs to add to variant along with a module.
:param bool add_to_variant_modules: Adds the modules also to
# Get the NSVC of module and handle the case where for some reason the
# name/strea/version is not set.
if not mmd.get_name() or not mmd.get_stream() or not mmd.get_version():
raise ValueError(
"Input module %s does not name or stream or version set."
% mmd.dumps())
nsvc_list = [mmd.get_name(), mmd.get_stream(), str(mmd.get_version())]
if mmd.get_context():
nsvc = ":".join(nsvc_list)
# Catch the issue when build system does not contain RPMs, but
# the module definition says there should be some.
if not rpms and mmd.get_rpm_components():
raise ValueError(
"Module %s does not have any rpms in 'rpms' in build system,"
"but according to modulemd, there should be some."
% nsvc)
# Add RPMs from build systemto modulemd, so we can track
# what RPM is in which module later in gather phase.
rpm_artifacts = mmd.get_rpm_artifacts()
for rpm_nevra in rpms:
if rpm_nevra.endswith(".rpm"):
rpm_nevra = rpm_nevra[:-len(".rpm")]
if add_to_variant_modules:
def _get_modules_from_pdc(compose, session, variant, variant_tags):
Loads modules for given `variant` from PDC `session`, adds them to
the `variant` and also to `variant_tags` dict.
:param Compose compose: Compose for which the modules are found.
:param PDCClient session: PDC session.
:param Variant variant: Variant with modules to find.
:param dict variant_tags: Dict populated by this method. Key is `variant`
and value is list of Koji tags to get the RPMs from.
if not session:
# Find out all modules in every variant and add their Koji tags
# to variant and variant_tags list.
for module in variant.get_modules():
pdc_module = get_module(compose, session, module["name"])
mmd = Modulemd.Module.new_from_string(pdc_module["modulemd"])
_add_module_to_variant(variant, mmd, pdc_module["rpms"])
tag = pdc_module["koji_tag"]
module_msg = "Module {module} in variant {variant} will use Koji tag {tag}.".format(
variant=variant, tag=tag, module=module["name"])
compose.log_info("%s" % module_msg)
def _get_modules_from_koji_tags(
compose, koji_wrapper, event_id, variant, variant_tags):
Loads modules for given `variant` from Koji, adds them to
the `variant` and also to `variant_tags` dict.
:param Compose compose: Compose for which the modules are found.
:param KojiWrapper koji_wrapper: Koji wrapper.
:param dict event_id: Koji event ID.
:param Variant variant: Variant with modules to find.
:param dict variant_tags: Dict populated by this method. Key is `variant`
and value is list of Koji tags to get the RPMs from.
# Find out all modules in every variant and add their Koji tags
# to variant and variant_tags list.
koji_proxy = koji_wrapper.koji_proxy
for modular_koji_tag in variant.get_modular_koji_tags():
tag = modular_koji_tag["name"]
# List all the modular builds in the modular Koji tag.
# We cannot use latest=True here, because we need to get all the
# available streams of all modules. The stream is represented as
# "release" in Koji build and with latest=True, Koji would return
# only builds with highest release.
module_builds = koji_proxy.listTagged(
tag, event=event_id["id"], inherit=True, type="module")
# Find the latest builds of all modules. This does following:
# - Sorts the module_builds descending by Koji NVR (which maps to NSV
# for modules).
# - Groups the sorted module_builds by NV (NS in modular world).
# In each resulting `ns_group`, the first item is actually build
# with the latest version (because the list is still sorted by NVR).
# - Groups the `ns_group` again by "release" ("version" in modular
# world) to just get all the "contexts" of the given NSV. This is
# stored in `nsv_builds`.
# - The `nsv_builds` contains the builds representing all the contexts
# of the latest version for give name-stream, so add them to
# `latest_builds`.
latest_builds = []
module_builds = sorted(
module_builds, key=lambda build: build['nvr'], reverse=True)
for ns, ns_builds in groupby(
module_builds, key=lambda x: ":".join([x["name"], x["version"]])):
for nsv, nsv_builds in groupby(
ns_builds, key=lambda x: x["release"].split(".")[0]):
latest_builds += list(nsv_builds)
# For each latest modular Koji build, add it to variant and
# variant_tags.
for build in latest_builds:
# Get the Build from Koji to get modulemd and module_tag.
build = koji_proxy.getBuild(build["build_id"])
module_tag = build.get("extra", {}).get("typeinfo", {}).get(
"module", {}).get("content_koji_tag", "")
modulemd = build.get("extra", {}).get("typeinfo", {}).get(
"module", {}).get("modulemd_str", "")
if not module_tag or not modulemd:
# Get the list of all RPMs which are tagged in the modular
# Koji tag for this NSVC and add them to variant.
tagged_rpms = koji_proxy.listTaggedRPMS(
module_tag, event=event_id["id"], inherit=True, latest=True)[0]
rpms = [make_nvra(rpm, add_epoch=True, force_epoch=True) for rpm in
mmd = Modulemd.Module.new_from_string(modulemd)
_add_module_to_variant(variant, mmd, rpms, True)
module_msg = "Module {module} in variant {variant} will use Koji tag {tag}.".format(
variant=variant, tag=module_tag, module=build["nvr"])
compose.log_info("%s" % module_msg)
def populate_global_pkgset(compose, koji_wrapper, path_prefix, event_id):
all_arches = set(["src"])
for arch in compose.get_arches():
@ -226,58 +381,41 @@ def populate_global_pkgset(compose, koji_wrapper, path_prefix, event_id):
session = get_pdc_client_session(compose)
for variant in compose.all_variants.values():
# pkgset storing the packages belonging to this particular variant.
variant.pkgset = pungi.phases.pkgset.pkgsets.KojiPackageSet(
koji_wrapper, compose.conf["sigkeys"], logger=compose._logger,
variant_tags[variant] = []
pdc_module_file = os.path.join("global"),
"pdc-module-%s.json" % variant.uid)
pdc_modules = []
# Find out all modules in every variant and add their compose tags
# to compose_tags list.
if session:
for module in variant.get_modules():
if not Modulemd:
# Get the modules from Koji tag or from PDC, depending on
# configuration.
modular_koji_tags = variant.get_modular_koji_tags()
if (variant.modules or modular_koji_tags) and not Modulemd:
raise ValueError(
"pygobject module or libmodulemd library is not installed, "
"support for modules is disabled, but compose contains "
pdc_module = get_module(compose, session, module["name"])
mmd = Modulemd.Module.new_from_string(pdc_module["modulemd"])
if modular_koji_tags:
included_modules_file = os.path.join("global"),
"koji-tag-module-%s.yaml" % variant.uid)
compose, koji_wrapper, event_id, variant, variant_tags)
elif variant.modules:
included_modules_file = os.path.join("global"),
"pdc-module-%s.yaml" % variant.uid)
_get_modules_from_pdc(compose, session, variant, variant_tags)
# Catch the issue when PDC does not contain RPMs, but
# the module definition says there should be some.
if not pdc_module["rpms"] and mmd.get_rpm_components():
raise ValueError(
"Module %s does not have any rpms in 'rpms' PDC field,"
"but according to modulemd, there should be some."
% pdc_module["variant_uid"])
# Ensure that every tag added to `variant_tags` is added also to
# `compose_tags`.
for variant_tag in variant_tags[variant]:
if not variant_tag in compose_tags:
# Add RPMs from PDC response to modulemd, so we can track
# what RPM is in which module later in gather phase.
rpm_artifacts = mmd.get_rpm_artifacts()
for rpm_nevra in pdc_module["rpms"]:
if rpm_nevra.endswith(".rpm"):
rpm_nevra = rpm_nevra[:-len(".rpm")]
tag = pdc_module["koji_tag"]
if tag not in compose_tags:
module_msg = "Module {module} in variant {variant} will use Koji tag {tag}.".format(
variant=variant, tag=tag, module=module["name"])
compose.log_info("%s" % module_msg)
if pdc_modules:
with open(pdc_module_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump(pdc_modules, f)
if variant.mmds:
Modulemd.Module.dump_all(variant.mmds, included_modules_file)
if not variant_tags[variant] and variant.modules is None:

View File

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ class VariantsXmlParser(object):
"arches": [str(i) for i in variant_node.xpath("arches/arch/text()")],
"groups": [],
"modules": None,
"modular_koji_tags": None,
"environments": [],
"buildinstallpackages": [],
"is_empty": bool(variant_node.attrib.get("is_empty", False)),
@ -113,6 +114,14 @@ class VariantsXmlParser(object):
for kojitag_node in modulelist_node.xpath("kojitag"):
kojitag = {
"name": str(kojitag_node.text),
variant_dict["modular_koji_tags"] = variant_dict["modular_koji_tags"] or []
for environments_node in variant_node.xpath("environments"):
for environment_node in environments_node.xpath("environment"):
environment = {
@ -202,7 +211,7 @@ class VariantsXmlParser(object):
class Variant(object):
def __init__(self, id, name, type, arches, groups, environments=None,
buildinstallpackages=None, is_empty=False, parent=None,
modules=None, modular_koji_tags=None):
environments = environments or []
buildinstallpackages = buildinstallpackages or []
@ -216,6 +225,9 @@ class Variant(object):
self.modules = copy.deepcopy(modules)
if self.modules:
self.modules = sorted(self.modules, key=lambda x: x["name"])
self.modular_koji_tags = copy.deepcopy(modular_koji_tags)
if self.modular_koji_tags:
self.modular_koji_tags = sorted(self.modular_koji_tags, key=lambda x: x["name"])
self.buildinstallpackages = sorted(buildinstallpackages)
self.variants = {}
self.parent = parent
@ -275,9 +287,9 @@ class Variant(object):
types = types or ["self"]
result = copy.deepcopy(self.groups)
for variant in self.get_variants(arch=arch, types=types, recursive=recursive):
for variant in self.get_variants(arch=arch, types=types,
if variant == self:
for group in variant.get_groups(arch=arch, types=types, recursive=recursive):
if group not in result:
@ -295,7 +307,6 @@ class Variant(object):
for variant in self.get_variants(arch=arch, types=types,
if variant == self:
for module in variant.get_modules(arch=arch, types=types,
@ -303,6 +314,24 @@ class Variant(object):
return result
def get_modular_koji_tags(self, arch=None, types=None, recursive=False):
"""Return list of modular koji tags, default types is ["self"]"""
if self.modular_koji_tags is None:
return []
types = types or ["self"]
result = copy.deepcopy(self.modular_koji_tags)
for variant in self.get_variants(arch=arch, types=types,
if variant == self:
for koji_tag in variant.get_modular_koji_tags(
arch=arch, types=types, recursive=recursive):
if koji_tag not in result:
return result
def get_variants(self, arch=None, types=None, recursive=False):
Return all variants of given arch and types.

View File

@ -27,9 +27,10 @@
uservisible (true|false) #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT modules (module)*>
<!ELEMENT modules (module*, kojitag*)>
<!ELEMENT module (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT kojitag (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST module
glob (true|false) #IMPLIED

View File

@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ class MockVariant(mock.Mock):
def get_modules(self, arch=None, types=None):
return []
def get_modular_koji_tags(self, arch=None, types=None):
return []
def add_fake_module(self, nsvc, rpm_nvrs=None):
if not Modulemd:
# No support for modules

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@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class TestPopulateGlobalPkgset(helpers.PungiTestCase):
self.compose.DEBUG = False
self.koji_wrapper = mock.Mock()
self.pkgset_path = os.path.join(self.topdir, 'work', 'global', 'pkgset_global.pickle')
self.pdc_module_path = os.path.join(self.topdir, 'work', 'global', 'pdc-module-Server.json')
self.pdc_module_path = os.path.join(self.topdir, 'work', 'global', 'pdc-module-Server.yaml')
@ -124,22 +124,35 @@ class TestPopulateGlobalPkgset(helpers.PungiTestCase):
def test_pdc_log(self, modulemd, get_pdc_client_session, get_module, KojiPackageSet, pickle_dumps):
def test_pdc_log(self, get_pdc_client_session, get_module, KojiPackageSet, pickle_dumps):
pickle_dumps.return_value = b'DATA'
get_module.return_value = {'abc': 'def', 'modulemd': 'sth', 'rpms': ['dummy'], 'koji_tag': 'taggg'}
modulemd = """
document: modulemd
version: 2
name: foo
stream: bar
version: 1
summary: foo
description: foo
get_module.return_value = {'abc': 'def', 'modulemd': modulemd, 'rpms': [], 'koji_tag': 'taggg'}
for name, variant in self.compose.variants.items():
variant.get_modules = mock.MagicMock()
if name == 'Server':
variant.get_modules.return_value = [{'name': 'a'}]
variant.modules = [{'name': 'a'}]
variant.get_modules.return_value = variant.modules
self.compose, self.koji_wrapper, '/prefix', 123456)
with open(self.pdc_module_path, 'r') as pdc_f:
[{"rpms": ["dummy"], "abc": "def", "koji_tag": "taggg", "modulemd": "sth"}])
mmds = Modulemd.Module.new_all_from_file(self.pdc_module_path)
self.assertEqual(mmds[0].get_name(), "foo")