Generate proper modular metadata when there are different versions of the same package in the variant

Merges: #629
Signed-off-by: Jan Kaluza <>
This commit is contained in:
Jan Kaluza 2017-05-30 13:05:49 +02:00 committed by Lubomír Sedlář
parent 58a6affd65
commit 118444a311
2 changed files with 31 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -38,26 +38,43 @@ class GatherSourceModule(pungi.phases.gather.source.GatherSourceBase):
if variant is not None and variant.modules:
variant.arch_mmds.setdefault(arch, {})
# Contains per-module RPMs added to variant.
added_rpms = {}
rpms = sum([
variant.pkgset.rpms_by_arch.get(a, [])
for a in compatible_arches
], [])
for rpm_obj in rpms:
for mmd in variant.mmds:
mmd_id = "%s-%s" % (,
# Generate architecture specific modulemd metadata
# with list of artifacts only for this architecture.
if not in variant.arch_mmds[arch]:
if mmd_id not in variant.arch_mmds[arch]:
arch_mmd = yaml.safe_load(mmd.dumps())
arch_mmd["data"]["artifacts"] = {"rpms": []}
variant.arch_mmds[arch][] = arch_mmd
variant.arch_mmds[arch][mmd_id] = arch_mmd
arch_mmd = variant.arch_mmds[arch][]
arch_mmd = variant.arch_mmds[arch][mmd_id]
srpm = kobo.rpmlib.parse_nvr(rpm_obj.sourcerpm)["name"]
if (srpm in mmd.components.rpms.keys() and not in mmd.filter.rpms):
packages.add((, None))
added_rpms.setdefault(mmd_id, [])
# GatherSource returns all the packages in variant and does not
# care which package is in which module, but for modular metadata
# in the resulting compose repository, we have to know which RPM
# is part of which module.
# We therefore iterate over all the added packages grouped by
# particular module and use them to filter out the packages which
# have not been added to variant from the `arch_mmd`. This package
# list is later used in createrepo phase to generated modules.yaml.
for mmd_id, rpm_nevras in added_rpms.items():
arch_mmd = variant.arch_mmds[arch][mmd_id]
arch_mmd["data"]["artifacts"]["rpms"] = [
rpm_nevra for rpm_nevra in rpm_nevras
if rpm_nevra in arch_mmd["data"]["artifacts"]["rpms"]]
return packages, groups

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@ -162,6 +162,14 @@ def populate_global_pkgset(compose, koji_wrapper, path_prefix, event_id):
pdc_module = get_module(session, module["name"])
mmd = modulemd.ModuleMetadata()
# Add RPMs from PDC response to modulemd, so we can track
# what RPM is in which module later in gather phase.
for rpm_nevra in pdc_module["rpms"]:
if rpm_nevra.endswith(".rpm"):
rpm_nevra = rpm_nevra[:-len(".rpm")]
tag = pdc_module["koji_tag"]