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2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <https://gnu.org/licenses/>.
2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
import os
import json
import re
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from itertools import groupby
from kobo.rpmlib import parse_nvra
from kobo.shortcuts import force_list, relative_path
2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
import pungi.wrappers.kojiwrapper
from pungi.wrappers.comps import CompsWrapper
2015-03-12 21:12:38 +00:00
import pungi.phases.pkgset.pkgsets
from pungi.arch import getBaseArch
from pungi.util import retry, find_old_compose, get_arch_variant_data
from pungi.module_util import Modulemd
2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
from pungi.phases.pkgset.common import MaterializedPackageSet, get_all_arches
from pungi.phases.gather import get_packages_to_gather
2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
2015-03-12 21:12:38 +00:00
import pungi.phases.pkgset.source
2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
def variant_dict_from_str(compose, module_str):
Method which parses module NVR string, defined in a variants file and returns
a module info dictionary instead.
For more information about format of module_str, read:
Pungi supports N:S, N:S:V and N:S:V:C.
compose: compose for which the variant_dict is generated
module_str: string, the NV(R) of module defined in a variants file.
# The new format can be distinguished by colon in module_str, because
# there is not module in Fedora with colon in a name or stream and it is
# now disallowed to create one. So if colon is there, it must be new
# naming policy format.
if module_str.find(":") != -1:
module_info = {}
nsv = module_str.split(":")
if len(nsv) > 4:
raise ValueError(
"Module string \"%s\" is not recognized. "
"Only NAME:STREAM[:VERSION[:CONTEXT]] is allowed.")
if len(nsv) > 3:
module_info["context"] = nsv[3]
if len(nsv) > 2:
module_info["version"] = nsv[2]
if len(nsv) > 1:
module_info["stream"] = nsv[1]
module_info["name"] = nsv[0]
return module_info
# Fallback to previous old format with '-' delimiter.
"Variant file uses old format of module definition with '-'"
"delimiter, please switch to official format defined by "
"Modules Naming Policy.")
module_info = {}
# The regex is matching a string which should represent the release number
# of a module. The release number is in format: "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
release_regex = re.compile(r"^(\d){14}$")
section_start = module_str.rfind('-')
module_str_first_part = module_str[section_start+1:]
if release_regex.match(module_str_first_part):
module_info['version'] = module_str_first_part
module_str = module_str[:section_start]
section_start = module_str.rfind('-')
module_info['stream'] = module_str[section_start+1:]
module_info['stream'] = module_str_first_part
module_info['name'] = module_str[:section_start]
return module_info
def get_koji_modules(compose, koji_wrapper, event, module_info_str):
:param koji_wrapper: koji wrapper instance
:param event: event at which to perform the query
:param module_info_str: str, mmd or module dict
:return final list of module_info which pass repoclosure
koji_proxy = koji_wrapper.koji_proxy
module_info = variant_dict_from_str(compose, module_info_str)
# We need to format the query string to koji reguirements. The
# transformation to NVR for use in Koji has to match what MBS is doing when
# importing the build.
query_str = "%s-%s-%s.%s" % (
module_info["stream"].replace("-", "_"),
module_info.get("version", "*"),
module_info.get("context", "*"),
query_str = query_str.replace('*.*', '*')
koji_builds = koji_proxy.search(query_str, "build", "glob")
modules = []
for build in koji_builds:
md = koji_proxy.getBuild(build["id"])
if md["completion_ts"] > event["ts"]:
# The build finished after the event at which we are limited to,
# ignore it.
"Module build %s is too new, ignoring it." % build["name"]
if not md["extra"]:
md["tag"] = md["extra"]["typeinfo"]["module"]["content_koji_tag"]
# Store module versioning information into the dict, but make sure
# not to overwrite any existing keys.
md["module_stream"] = md["extra"]["typeinfo"]["module"]["stream"]
md["module_version"] = int(md["extra"]["typeinfo"]["module"]["version"])
md["module_context"] = md["extra"]["typeinfo"]["module"]["context"]
except KeyError:
if not modules:
raise ValueError(
"No module build found for %r (queried for %r)"
% (module_info_str, query_str)
# If there is version provided, then all modules with that version will go
# in. In case version is missing, we will find the latest version and
# include all modules with that version.
if not module_info.get('version'):
# select all found modules with latest version
sorted_modules = sorted(
modules, key=lambda item: item["module_version"], reverse=True
latest_version = sorted_modules[0]["module_version"]
modules = [
module for module in modules if latest_version == module["module_version"]
return modules
2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
2015-03-12 21:12:38 +00:00
class PkgsetSourceKoji(pungi.phases.pkgset.source.PkgsetSourceBase):
2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
enabled = True
def __call__(self):
compose = self.compose
koji_profile = compose.conf["koji_profile"]
self.koji_wrapper = pungi.wrappers.kojiwrapper.KojiWrapper(koji_profile)
# path prefix must contain trailing '/'
path_prefix = self.koji_wrapper.koji_module.config.topdir.rstrip("/") + "/"
package_sets = get_pkgset_from_koji(self.compose, self.koji_wrapper, path_prefix)
2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
return (package_sets, path_prefix)
def get_pkgset_from_koji(compose, koji_wrapper, path_prefix):
event_info = get_koji_event_info(compose, koji_wrapper)
return populate_global_pkgset(compose, koji_wrapper, path_prefix, event_info)
2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
def _add_module_to_variant(
koji_wrapper, variant, build, add_to_variant_modules=False, compose=None
Adds module defined by Koji build info to variant.
:param Variant variant: Variant to add the module to.
:param int: build id
:param bool add_to_variant_modules: Adds the modules also to
:param compose: Compose object to get filters from
mmds = {}
archives = koji_wrapper.koji_proxy.listArchives(build["id"])
for archive in archives:
if archive["btype"] != "module":
# Skip non module archives
typedir = koji_wrapper.koji_module.pathinfo.typedir(build, archive["btype"])
filename = archive["filename"]
file_path = os.path.join(typedir, filename)
# If there are two dots, the arch is in the middle. MBS uploads
# files with actual architecture in the filename, but Pungi deals
# in basearch. This assumes that each arch in the build maps to a
# unique basearch.
_, arch, _ = filename.split(".")
filename = "modulemd.%s.txt" % getBaseArch(arch)
except ValueError:
mmds[filename] = file_path
if len(mmds) <= 1:
# There was only one modulemd file. This means the build is rather old
# and final modulemd files were not uploaded. Such modules are no
# longer supported and should be rebuilt. Let's skip it.
info = build["extra"]["typeinfo"]["module"]
nsvc = "%(name)s:%(stream)s:%(version)s:%(context)s" % info
added = False
for arch in variant.arches:
if _is_filtered_out(compose, variant, arch, info["name"], info["stream"]):
compose.log_debug("Module %s is filtered from %s.%s", nsvc, variant, arch)
mmd = Modulemd.ModuleStream.read_file(
mmds["modulemd.%s.txt" % arch], strict=True
variant.arch_mmds.setdefault(arch, {})[nsvc] = mmd
added = True
except KeyError:
# There is no modulemd for this arch. This could mean an arch was
# added to the compose after the module was built. We don't want to
# process this, let's skip this module.
if not added:
# The module is filtered on all arches of this variant.
return None
if add_to_variant_modules:
variant.modules.append({"name": nsvc, "glob": False})
return nsvc
def _is_filtered_out(compose, variant, arch, module_name, module_stream):
"""Check if module with given name and stream is filter out from this stream.
if not compose:
return False
for filter in get_arch_variant_data(compose.conf, "filter_modules", arch, variant):
if ":" not in filter:
name_filter = filter
stream_filter = "*"
name_filter, stream_filter = filter.split(":", 1)
if fnmatch(module_name, name_filter) and fnmatch(module_stream, stream_filter):
return True
return False
def _get_modules_from_koji(
compose, koji_wrapper, event, variant, variant_tags, tag_to_mmd
Loads modules for given `variant` from koji `session`, adds them to
the `variant` and also to `variant_tags` dict.
:param Compose compose: Compose for which the modules are found.
:param koji_wrapper: We will obtain koji session from the wrapper.
:param Variant variant: Variant with modules to find.
:param dict variant_tags: Dict populated by this method. Key is `variant`
and value is list of Koji tags to get the RPMs from.
# Find out all modules in every variant and add their Koji tags
# to variant and variant_tags list.
for module in variant.get_modules():
koji_modules = get_koji_modules(compose, koji_wrapper, event, module["name"])
for koji_module in koji_modules:
nsvc = _add_module_to_variant(
koji_wrapper, variant, koji_module, compose=compose
if not nsvc:
tag = koji_module["tag"]
tag_to_mmd.setdefault(tag, {})
for arch in variant.arch_mmds:
mmd = variant.arch_mmds[arch][nsvc]
except KeyError:
# Module was filtered from here
tag_to_mmd[tag].setdefault(arch, set()).add(mmd)
if tag_to_mmd[tag]:
"Module '%s' in variant '%s' will use Koji tag '%s' "
"(as a result of querying module '%s')",
nsvc, variant, tag, module["name"]
# Store mapping NSVC --> koji_tag into variant. This is needed
# in createrepo phase where metadata is exposed by producmd
variant.module_uid_to_koji_tag[nsvc] = tag
def filter_inherited(koji_proxy, event, module_builds, top_tag):
"""Look at the tag inheritance and keep builds only from the topmost tag.
Using latest=True for listTagged() call would automatically do this, but it
does not understand streams, so we have to reimplement it here.
inheritance = [
tag["name"] for tag in koji_proxy.getFullInheritance(top_tag, event=event["id"])
def keyfunc(mb):
return (mb["name"], mb["version"])
result = []
# Group modules by Name-Stream
for _, builds in groupby(sorted(module_builds, key=keyfunc), keyfunc):
builds = list(builds)
# For each N-S combination find out which tags it's in
available_in = set(build["tag_name"] for build in builds)
# And find out which is the topmost tag
for tag in [top_tag] + inheritance:
if tag in available_in:
# And keep only builds from that topmost tag
result.extend(build for build in builds if build["tag_name"] == tag)
return result
def filter_by_whitelist(compose, module_builds, input_modules, expected_modules):
Exclude modules from the list that do not match any pattern specified in
input_modules. Order may not be preserved. The last argument is a set of
module patterns that are expected across module tags. When a matching
module is found, the corresponding pattern is removed from the set.
nvr_patterns = set()
for spec in input_modules:
# Do not do any filtering in case variant wants all the modules. Also
# empty the set of remaining expected modules, as the check does not
# really make much sense here.
if spec["name"] == "*":
return module_builds
info = variant_dict_from_str(compose, spec["name"])
pattern = (
info["stream"].replace("-", "_"),
nvr_patterns.add((pattern, spec["name"]))
modules_to_keep = []
for mb in module_builds:
# Split release from the build into version and context
ver, ctx = mb["release"].split(".")
# Values in `mb` are from Koji build. There's nvr and name, version and
# release. The input pattern specifies modular name, stream, version
# and context.
for (n, s, v, c), spec in nvr_patterns:
if (
# We always have a name and stream...
mb["name"] == n
and mb["version"] == s
# ...but version and context can be missing, in which case we
# don't want to check them.
and (not v or ver == v)
and (not c or ctx == c)
return modules_to_keep
def _get_modules_from_koji_tags(
compose, koji_wrapper, event_id, variant, variant_tags, tag_to_mmd
Loads modules for given `variant` from Koji, adds them to
the `variant` and also to `variant_tags` dict.
:param Compose compose: Compose for which the modules are found.
:param KojiWrapper koji_wrapper: Koji wrapper.
:param dict event_id: Koji event ID.
:param Variant variant: Variant with modules to find.
:param dict variant_tags: Dict populated by this method. Key is `variant`
and value is list of Koji tags to get the RPMs from.
# Compose tags from configuration
compose_tags = [
{"name": tag} for tag in force_list(compose.conf["pkgset_koji_module_tag"])
# Get set of configured module names for this variant. If nothing is
# configured, the set is empty.
expected_modules = set(spec["name"] for spec in variant.get_modules())
# Find out all modules in every variant and add their Koji tags
# to variant and variant_tags list.
koji_proxy = koji_wrapper.koji_proxy
for modular_koji_tag in variant.get_modular_koji_tags() + compose_tags:
tag = modular_koji_tag["name"]
# List all the modular builds in the modular Koji tag.
# We cannot use latest=True here, because we need to get all the
# available streams of all modules. The stream is represented as
# "release" in Koji build and with latest=True, Koji would return
# only builds with highest release.
module_builds = koji_proxy.listTagged(
tag, event=event_id["id"], inherit=True, type="module")
# Filter out builds inherited from non-top tag
module_builds = filter_inherited(koji_proxy, event_id, module_builds, tag)
# Apply whitelist of modules if specified.
variant_modules = variant.get_modules()
if variant_modules:
module_builds = filter_by_whitelist(
compose, module_builds, variant_modules, expected_modules
# Find the latest builds of all modules. This does following:
# - Sorts the module_builds descending by Koji NVR (which maps to NSV
# for modules). Split release into modular version and context, and
# treat version as numeric.
# - Groups the sorted module_builds by NV (NS in modular world).
# In each resulting `ns_group`, the first item is actually build
# with the latest version (because the list is still sorted by NVR).
# - Groups the `ns_group` again by "release" ("version" in modular
# world) to just get all the "contexts" of the given NSV. This is
# stored in `nsv_builds`.
# - The `nsv_builds` contains the builds representing all the contexts
# of the latest version for give name-stream, so add them to
# `latest_builds`.
def _key(build):
ver, ctx = build["release"].split(".", 1)
return build["name"], build["version"], int(ver), ctx
latest_builds = []
module_builds = sorted(module_builds, key=_key, reverse=True)
for ns, ns_builds in groupby(
module_builds, key=lambda x: ":".join([x["name"], x["version"]])):
for nsv, nsv_builds in groupby(
ns_builds, key=lambda x: x["release"].split(".")[0]):
latest_builds += list(nsv_builds)
# For each latest modular Koji build, add it to variant and
# variant_tags.
for build in latest_builds:
# Get the Build from Koji to get modulemd and module_tag.
build = koji_proxy.getBuild(build["build_id"])
module_tag = build.get("extra", {}).get("typeinfo", {}).get(
"module", {}).get("content_koji_tag", "")
nsvc = _add_module_to_variant(
koji_wrapper, variant, build, True, compose=compose
if not nsvc:
tag_to_mmd.setdefault(module_tag, {})
for arch in variant.arch_mmds:
mmd = variant.arch_mmds[arch][nsvc]
except KeyError:
# Module was filtered from here
tag_to_mmd[module_tag].setdefault(arch, set()).add(mmd)
if tag_to_mmd[module_tag]:
"Module %s in variant %s will use Koji tag %s.",
nsvc, variant, module_tag
# Store mapping module-uid --> koji_tag into variant. This is
# needed in createrepo phase where metadata is exposed by
# productmd
variant.module_uid_to_koji_tag[nsvc] = module_tag
if expected_modules:
# There are some module names that were listed in configuration and not
# found in any tag...
raise RuntimeError(
"Configuration specified patterns (%s) that don't match any modules in the configured tags."
% ", ".join(expected_modules)
def _find_old_file_cache_path(compose, tag_name):
Finds the old compose with "pkgset_file_cache.pickled" and returns
the path to it. If no compose is found, returns None.
old_compose_path = find_old_compose(
compose.ci_base.base_product.short if compose.ci_base.release.is_layered else None,
compose.ci_base.base_product.version if compose.ci_base.release.is_layered else None,
if not old_compose_path:
return None
old_file_cache_dir = compose.paths.work.pkgset_file_cache(tag_name)
rel_dir = relative_path(old_file_cache_dir, compose.topdir.rstrip('/') + '/')
old_file_cache_path = os.path.join(old_compose_path, rel_dir)
if not os.path.exists(old_file_cache_path):
return None
return old_file_cache_path
def populate_global_pkgset(compose, koji_wrapper, path_prefix, event):
all_arches = get_all_arches(compose)
2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
# List of compose tags from which we create this compose
compose_tags = []
# List of compose_tags per variant
variant_tags = {}
# In case we use "nodeps" gather_method, we might know the final list of
# packages which will end up in the compose even now, so instead of reading
# all the packages from Koji tag, we can just cherry-pick the ones which
# are really needed to do the compose and safe lot of time and resources
# here. This only works if we are not creating bootable images. Those could
# include packages that are not in the compose.
packages_to_gather, groups = get_packages_to_gather(
compose, include_arch=False, include_prepopulated=True)
if groups:
comps = CompsWrapper(compose.paths.work.comps())
for group in groups:
packages_to_gather += comps.get_packages(group)
if compose.conf["gather_method"] == "nodeps" and not compose.conf.get('buildinstall_method'):
populate_only_packages_to_gather = True
populate_only_packages_to_gather = False
# In case we use "deps" gather_method, there might be some packages in
# the Koji tag which are not signed with proper sigkey. However, these
# packages might never end up in a compose depending on which packages
# from the Koji tag are requested how the deps are resolved in the end.
# In this case, we allow even packages with invalid sigkeys to be returned
# by PKGSET phase and later, the gather phase checks its results and if
# there are some packages with invalid sigkeys, it raises an exception.
allow_invalid_sigkeys = compose.conf["gather_method"] == "deps"
tag_to_mmd = {}
pkgset_koji_tags = force_list(compose.conf.get("pkgset_koji_tag", []))
for variant in compose.all_variants.values():
variant_tags[variant] = []
# Get the modules from Koji tag
modular_koji_tags = variant.get_modular_koji_tags()
if (variant.modules or modular_koji_tags) and not Modulemd:
raise ValueError(
"pygobject module or libmodulemd library is not installed, "
"support for modules is disabled, but compose contains "
if modular_koji_tags or (compose.conf["pkgset_koji_module_tag"] and variant.modules):
# List modules tagged in particular tags.
compose, koji_wrapper, event, variant, variant_tags, tag_to_mmd
elif variant.modules:
# Search each module in Koji separately. Tagging does not come into
# play here.
compose, koji_wrapper, event, variant, variant_tags, tag_to_mmd
# Ensure that every tag added to `variant_tags` is added also to
# `compose_tags`.
for variant_tag in variant_tags[variant]:
if variant_tag not in compose_tags:
# Add global tag(s) if supplied.
inherit = compose.conf["pkgset_koji_inherit"]
inherit_modules = compose.conf["pkgset_koji_inherit_modules"]
pkgsets = []
# Get package set for each compose tag and merge it to global package
# list. Also prepare per-variant pkgset, because we do not have list
# of binary RPMs in module definition - there is just list of SRPMs.
for compose_tag in compose_tags:
compose.log_info("Loading package set for tag %s", compose_tag)
if compose_tag in pkgset_koji_tags:
extra_builds = force_list(compose.conf.get("pkgset_koji_builds", []))
extra_builds = []
pkgset = pungi.phases.pkgset.pkgsets.KojiPackageSet(
koji_wrapper, compose.conf["sigkeys"], logger=compose._logger,
arches=all_arches, packages=packages_to_gather,
# Check if we have cache for this tag from previous compose. If so, use
# it.
old_cache_path = _find_old_file_cache_path(compose, compose_tag)
if old_cache_path:
is_traditional = compose_tag in compose.conf.get("pkgset_koji_tag", [])
should_inherit = inherit if is_traditional else inherit_modules
# If we're processing a modular tag, we have an exact list of
# packages that will be used. This is basically a workaround for
# tagging working on build level, not rpm level. A module tag may
# build a package but not want it included. This should include
# only packages that are actually in modules. It's possible two
# module builds will use the same tag, particularly a -devel module
# is sharing a tag with its regular version.
# The ultimate goal of the mapping is to avoid a package built in modular
# tag to be used as a dependency of some non-modular package.
modular_packages = set()
for variant in compose.all_variants.values():
for nsvc, modular_tag in variant.module_uid_to_koji_tag.items():
if modular_tag != compose_tag:
# Not current tag, skip it
for arch_modules in variant.arch_mmds.values():
module = arch_modules[nsvc]
except KeyError:
# The module was filtered out
for rpm_nevra in module.get_rpm_artifacts():
nevra = parse_nvra(rpm_nevra)
modular_packages.add((nevra["name"], nevra["arch"]))
for variant in compose.all_variants.values():
if compose_tag in variant_tags[variant]:
# If it's a modular tag, store the package set for the module.
for nsvc, koji_tag in variant.module_uid_to_koji_tag.items():
if compose_tag == koji_tag:
# TODO check if this is still needed
# It should not be needed, we can get package sets by name.
variant.nsvc_to_pkgset[nsvc] = pkgset
# Optimization for case where we have just single compose
# tag - we do not have to merge in this case...
compose, pkgset, path_prefix, mmd=tag_to_mmd.get(pkgset.name)
return pkgsets
2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
def get_koji_event_info(compose, koji_wrapper):
2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
event_file = os.path.join(compose.paths.work.topdir(arch="global"), "koji-event")
compose.log_info("Getting koji event")
result = get_koji_event_raw(koji_wrapper, compose.koji_event, event_file)
if compose.koji_event:
compose.log_info("Setting koji event to a custom value: %s" % compose.koji_event)
2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
compose.log_info("Koji event: %s" % result["id"])
2015-02-10 13:19:34 +00:00
return result
def get_koji_event_raw(koji_wrapper, event_id, event_file):
if event_id:
koji_event = koji_wrapper.koji_proxy.getEvent(event_id)
koji_event = koji_wrapper.koji_proxy.getLastEvent()
with open(event_file, "w") as f:
json.dump(koji_event, f)
return koji_event