{% set full_version = distribution_major_version + "." + distribution_minor_version %} {% set branch = "a" + full_version + beta_suffix if beta_suffix is defined and beta_suffix else "a" + full_version %} from include_exclude import * from multilib import * {% if extra_options %} from extra_options import * {% endif %} # PRODUCT INFO release_name = "{{ product_name }}" release_short = "{{ product_name }}" release_version = "{{ full_version }}" treeinfo_version = "{{ distribution_major_version }}" # GENERAL SETTINGS comps_file = { "scm": "git", "repo": "https://git.almalinux.org/almalinux/pungi-almalinux.git", "branch": "{{ branch }}", "file": "{{ arch }}/comps.xml", } link_type = 'hardlink' module_defaults_dir = { "scm": "git", "repo": "https://git.almalinux.org/almalinux/pungi-almalinux.git", "branch": "{{ branch }}", "dir": "{{ arch }}/modules_defaults/module_defaults", } variants_file = { "scm": "git", "repo": "https://git.almalinux.org/almalinux/pungi-almalinux.git", "branch": "{{ branch }}", "file": "{{ arch }}/variants.xml", } hashed_directories = False {% if arch == 'x86_64' %} tree_arches = ['{{ arch }}', 'i686'] {% else %} tree_arches = ['{{ arch }}'] {% endif %} # PKGSET pkgset_source = "kojimock" koji_profile = "{{ product_name.lower() }}_{{ distribution_major_version }}" # PKGSET - KOJI pkgset_koji_tag = "dist-c8-compose" pkgset_koji_inherit = False pkgset_koji_module_tag = "dist-c8-module-compose" pkgset_allow_reuse = False {% if sigkeys_fingerprints %} sigkeys = [{{ sigkeys_fingerprints | join(', ') }}] {% endif %} filter_system_release_packages = False # GATHER gather_prepopulate = { "scm": "git", "repo": "https://git.almalinux.org/almalinux/pungi-almalinux.git", "branch": "{{ branch }}", "file": "{{ arch }}/packages.json", } gather_method = { {% for variant, options in variants.items() %} {% if options['gather_methods'] is string %} "^{{ variant }}$": "{{ options['gather_methods'] }}", {% else %} "^{{ variant }}$": { {% for source_name, gather_method in options['gather_methods'].items() %} "{{ source_name }}": "{{ gather_method }}", {% endfor %} }, {% endif %} {% endfor %} } gather_backend = "dnf" check_deps = True greedy_method = "none" repoclosure_backend = "dnf" # CREATEREPO createrepo_deltas = False createrepo_database = True createrepo_c = True createrepo_checksum = "sha256" createrepo_use_xz = True createrepo_num_threads = 8 createrepo_num_workers = 4 createrepo_extra_args = [ '--distro=cpe:/o:{{ product_name.lower() }}:{{ product_name.lower() }}:{{ distribution_major_version }},{{ product_name }} {{ distribution_major_version }}', '--revision={{ full_version }}', ] # CHECKSUMS media_checksums = ['sha256'] media_checksum_one_file = True create_jigdo = False # BUILDINSTALL bootable = True buildinstall_method = "lorax" lorax_options = [ ("^.*$", { "*": { "noupgrade": False, "rootfs_size": 3, "version": "{{ full_version }}", # "isfinal": {% if beta_suffix is defined and beta_suffix %}False{% else %}True{% endif %}, } }) ] buildinstall_skip = [ {% for variant, options in variants.items() %} {% if options['buildinstall_skip'] is not boolean %} ("^{{ variant }}$", {{ options['buildinstall_skip'] }}), {% elif options['buildinstall_skip'] | default(false) %} ("^{{ variant }}$", { "*": True, }), {% endif %} {% endfor %} ] image_name_format = { {% for variant, options in variants.items() %} {% if options['image_name_format'] | default(false) %} "^{{ variant }}$": "{{ options['image_name_format'] }}", {% endif %} {% endfor %} ".*": "{release_short}-{{ full_version }}{{ beta_suffix }}{{ image_name_beta_suffix }}-{arch}-{disc_type}{suffix}", } image_volid_formats = [ '{release_short}-{{ full_version }}{{ beta_suffix }}{{ volume_id_beta_suffix }}-{arch}-{disc_type}', ] # CREATEISO create_optional_isos = False createiso_skip = [ {% for variant, options in variants.items() %} {% if options['createiso_skip'] | default(false) %} ("^{{ variant }}$", { "*": True, "src": True, }), {% endif %} {% endfor %} ] extra_isos = { {% for variant, options in variants.items() %} {% if options['extra_isos'] | default(false) %} "{{ variant }}": {{ options['extra_isos'] }}, {% endif %} {% endfor %} } restricted_volid = True # LOOKASIDE variant_as_lookaside = [ {% for variant, options in variants.items() %} {% if options['variant_as_lookaside'] | default(false) %} {% for lookaside_variant in options['variant_as_lookaside'] %} ('{{ variant }}', '{{ lookaside_variant }}'), {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} ] extra_files = [ ('^.*$', { '*': [ { "scm": "git", "repo": "https://git.almalinux.org/rpms/almalinux-release.git", "branch": "a{{ distribution_major_version }}", "file": [ 'GPL', 'EULA', 'RPM-GPG-KEY-AlmaLinux', ], "target": "", } ], }), ] productimg = False