Brian C. Lane fe6c769349 Return the commit id for the recipe being read
This adds returning the commit id from read_commit, and a new function
read_recipe_and_id() that returns the commit id and the recipe in a

If the commit is passed in, it is used as is. If no commit is passed in
it finds the most recent commit for the file on the selected branch and
returns that.

Missing recipes now raise a RecipeError with an informative message.
eg. "No commits for missing-recipe.toml on the master branch."
2018-02-06 16:55:14 -08:00

255 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from pytoml import TomlError
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest
import pylorax.api.recipes as recipes
from pylorax.sysutils import joinpaths
class BasicRecipeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(self):
# Input toml is in .toml and python dict string is in .dict
input_recipes = [("full-recipe.toml", "full-recipe.dict"),
("minimal.toml", "minimal.dict"),
("modules-only.toml", "modules-only.dict"),
("packages-only.toml", "packages-only.dict")]
results_path = "./tests/pylorax/results/"
self.input_toml = []
for (recipe_toml, recipe_dict) in input_recipes:
with open(joinpaths(results_path, recipe_toml)) as f_toml:
with open(joinpaths(results_path, recipe_dict)) as f_dict:
# XXX Warning, can run arbitrary code
result_dict = eval(f_dict.read())
self.input_toml.append((f_toml.read(), result_dict))
self.old_modules = [recipes.RecipeModule("toml", "2.1"),
recipes.RecipeModule("bash", "4.*"),
recipes.RecipeModule("httpd", "3.7.*")]
self.old_packages = [recipes.RecipePackage("python", "2.7.*"),
recipes.RecipePackage("parted", "3.2")]
self.new_modules = [recipes.RecipeModule("toml", "2.1"),
recipes.RecipeModule("httpd", "3.8.*"),
recipes.RecipeModule("openssh", "2.8.1")]
self.new_packages = [recipes.RecipePackage("python", "2.7.*"),
recipes.RecipePackage("parted", "3.2"),
recipes.RecipePackage("git", "2.13.*")]
self.modules_result = [{"new": {"Modules": {"version": "2.8.1", "name": "openssh"}},
"old": None},
{"new": None,
"old": {"Modules": {"name": "bash", "version": "4.*"}}},
{"new": {"Modules": {"version": "3.8.*", "name": "httpd"}},
"old": {"Modules": {"version": "3.7.*", "name": "httpd"}}}]
self.packages_result = [{"new": {"Packages": {"name": "git", "version": "2.13.*"}}, "old": None}]
def tearDownClass(self):
def toml_to_recipe_test(self):
"""Test converting the TOML string to a Recipe object"""
for (toml_str, recipe_dict) in self.input_toml:
result = recipes.recipe_from_toml(toml_str)
self.assertEqual(result, recipe_dict)
def toml_to_recipe_fail_test(self):
"""Test trying to convert a non-TOML string to a Recipe"""
with self.assertRaises(TomlError):
recipes.recipe_from_toml("This is not a TOML string\n")
with self.assertRaises(recipes.RecipeError):
recipes.recipe_from_toml('name = "a failed toml string"\n')
def recipe_to_toml_test(self):
"""Test converting a Recipe object to a TOML string"""
# In order to avoid problems from matching strings we convert to TOML and
# then back so compare the Recipes.
for (toml_str, _recipe_dict) in self.input_toml:
# This is tested in toml_to_recipe
recipe_1 = recipes.recipe_from_toml(toml_str)
# Convert the Recipe to TOML and then back to a Recipe
toml_2 = recipe_1.toml()
recipe_2 = recipes.recipe_from_toml(toml_2)
self.assertEqual(recipe_1, recipe_2)
def recipe_bump_version_test(self):
"""Test the Recipe's version bump function"""
# Neither have a version
recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", None, None, None)
new_version = recipe.bump_version(None)
self.assertEqual(new_version, "0.0.1")
# Original has a version, new does not
recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", None, None, None)
new_version = recipe.bump_version("0.0.1")
self.assertEqual(new_version, "0.0.2")
# Original has no version, new does
recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", "0.1.0", None, None)
new_version = recipe.bump_version(None)
self.assertEqual(new_version, "0.1.0")
# New and Original are the same
recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", "0.0.1", None, None)
new_version = recipe.bump_version("0.0.1")
self.assertEqual(new_version, "0.0.2")
# New is different from Original
recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", "0.1.1", None, None)
new_version = recipe.bump_version("0.0.1")
self.assertEqual(new_version, "0.1.1")
def find_name_test(self):
"""Test the find_name function"""
test_list = [{"name":"dog"}, {"name":"cat"}, {"name":"squirrel"}]
self.assertEqual(recipes.find_name("dog", test_list), {"name":"dog"})
self.assertEqual(recipes.find_name("cat", test_list), {"name":"cat"})
self.assertEqual(recipes.find_name("squirrel", test_list), {"name":"squirrel"})
def diff_items_test(self):
"""Test the diff_items function"""
self.assertEqual(recipes.diff_items("Modules", self.old_modules, self.new_modules), self.modules_result)
self.assertEqual(recipes.diff_items("Packages", self.old_packages, self.new_packages), self.packages_result)
def recipe_diff_test(self):
"""Test the recipe_diff function"""
old_recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", "0.1.1", self.old_modules, self.old_packages)
new_recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", "0.3.1", self.new_modules, self.new_packages)
result = [{'new': {'Version': '0.3.1'}, 'old': {'Version': '0.1.1'}},
{'new': {'Module': {'name': 'openssh', 'version': '2.8.1'}}, 'old': None},
{'new': None, 'old': {'Module': {'name': 'bash', 'version': '4.*'}}},
{'new': {'Module': {'name': 'httpd', 'version': '3.8.*'}},
'old': {'Module': {'name': 'httpd', 'version': '3.7.*'}}},
{'new': {'Package': {'name': 'git', 'version': '2.13.*'}}, 'old': None}]
self.assertEqual(recipes.recipe_diff(old_recipe, new_recipe), result)
class GitRecipesTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(self):
self.repo_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lorax.test.repo.")
self.repo = recipes.open_or_create_repo(self.repo_dir)
self.results_path = "./tests/pylorax/results/"
self.examples_path = "./tests/pylorax/recipes/"
def tearDownClass(self):
if self.repo is not None:
del self.repo
def test_01_repo_creation(self):
"""Test that creating the repository succeeded"""
self.assertNotEqual(self.repo, None)
def test_02_commit_recipe(self):
"""Test committing a Recipe object"""
recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", None, None, None)
oid = recipes.commit_recipe(self.repo, "master", recipe)
self.assertNotEqual(oid, None)
def test_03_list_recipe(self):
"""Test listing recipe commits"""
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "test-recipe.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(commits), 1, "Wrong number of commits.")
self.assertEqual(commits[0].message, "Recipe test-recipe, version 0.0.1 saved.")
self.assertNotEqual(commits[0].timestamp, None, "Timestamp is None")
self.assertEqual(len(commits[0].commit), 40, "Commit hash isn't 40 characters")
self.assertEqual(commits[0].revision, None, "revision is not None")
def test_04_commit_toml_file(self):
"""Test committing a TOML file"""
recipe_path = joinpaths(self.results_path, "full-recipe.toml")
oid = recipes.commit_recipe_file(self.repo, "master", recipe_path)
self.assertNotEqual(oid, None)
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "http-server.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(commits), 1, "Wrong number of commits: %s" % commits)
def test_05_commit_toml_dir(self):
"""Test committing a directory of TOML files"""
# It worked if it doesn't raise errors
recipes.commit_recipe_directory(self.repo, "master", self.examples_path)
def test_06_read_recipe(self):
"""Test reading a recipe from a commit"""
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "http-server.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(commits), 1, "Wrong number of commits: %s" % commits)
recipe = recipes.read_recipe_commit(self.repo, "master", "http-server")
self.assertNotEqual(recipe, None)
self.assertEqual(recipe["name"], "http-server")
# Read by commit id
recipe = recipes.read_recipe_commit(self.repo, "master", "http-server", commits[0].commit)
self.assertNotEqual(recipe, None)
self.assertEqual(recipe["name"], "http-server")
# Read the recipe and its commit id
(commit_id, recipe) = recipes.read_recipe_and_id(self.repo, "master", "http-server", commits[0].commit)
self.assertEqual(commit_id, commits[0].commit)
def test_07_tag_commit(self):
"""Test tagging the most recent commit of a recipe"""
result = recipes.tag_file_commit(self.repo, "master", "not-a-file")
self.assertEqual(result, None)
result = recipes.tag_recipe_commit(self.repo, "master", "http-server")
self.assertNotEqual(result, None)
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "http-server.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(commits), 1, "Wrong number of commits: %s" % commits)
self.assertEqual(commits[0].revision, 1)
def test_08_delete_recipe(self):
"""Test deleting a file from a branch"""
oid = recipes.delete_recipe(self.repo, "master", "http-server")
self.assertNotEqual(oid, None)
master_files = recipes.list_branch_files(self.repo, "master")
self.assertEqual("http-server.toml" in master_files, False)
def test_09_revert_commit(self):
"""Test reverting a file on a branch"""
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "http-server.toml")
revert_to = commits[0].commit
oid = recipes.revert_recipe(self.repo, "master", "http-server", revert_to)
self.assertNotEqual(oid, None)
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "http-server.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(commits), 2, "Wrong number of commits: %s" % commits)
self.assertEqual(commits[0].message, "Recipe http-server.toml reverted to commit %s" % revert_to)
def test_10_tag_new_commit(self):
"""Test tagging a newer commit of a recipe"""
recipe = recipes.read_recipe_commit(self.repo, "master", "http-server")
recipe["description"] = "A modified description"
oid = recipes.commit_recipe(self.repo, "master", recipe)
self.assertNotEqual(oid, None)
# Tag the new commit
result = recipes.tag_recipe_commit(self.repo, "master", "http-server")
self.assertNotEqual(result, None)
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "http-server.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(commits), 3, "Wrong number of commits: %s" % commits)
self.assertEqual(commits[0].revision, 2)