Brian C. Lane ea77b0da20 Increase example kickstart root partitions to at least 4000MB
Anaconda needs enough space to download the rpms and install the packages
when running livemedia-creator with virt mode so the / partition needs
to be larger.

Resolves: rhbz#1973407
2021-07-06 16:34:22 -07:00

46 lines
1.0 KiB

# Minimal install for containers
# NOTE: This example is for creating a tar, eg.
# livemedia-creator --project RHEL --releasever 8 --make-tar --ks=rhel-container.ks --no-virt
# Use network installation
url --url="http://URL-TO-BASEOS/"
repo --name=appstream --baseurl="http://URL-TO-APPSTREAM/"
# Network information
network --bootproto=dhcp --device=link --activate
# Root password
rootpw --plaintext removethispw
# System keyboard
keyboard --xlayouts=us --vckeymap=us
# System language
lang en_US.UTF-8
# SELinux configuration
selinux --enforcing
# Installation logging level
logging --level=info
# Shutdown after installation
# System timezone
timezone US/Eastern
# System bootloader configuration
bootloader --disabled
# Partition clearing information
clearpart --all --initlabel
# Disk partitioning information
part / --fstype="ext4" --size=4000
# Remove random-seed
rm /var/lib/systemd/random-seed
# Clear /etc/machine-id
rm /etc/machine-id
touch /etc/machine-id
%packages --nocore --instLangs en