Colin Walters 50f9f48cc1 Add ability for external templates to graft content into boot.iso ()
I originally added --add-template to support doing something similar
to pungi, which injects content into the system to be used by default.
However, this causes the content to be part of the squashfs, which
means PXE installations have to download significantly more data that
they may not need (if they actually want to pull the tree data from
the network, which is not an unusual case).

What I actually need is to be able to modify *both* the runtime image
and the arch-specific content.  For the runtime, I need to change
/usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks to point to the new
content.  (Although, potentially we could patch Anaconda itself to
auto-detect an ostree repository configured in disk image, similar to
what it does for yum repositories)

For the arch-specfic image, I want to drop my content into the ISO

So this patch adds --add-arch-template and --add-arch-template-var
in order to do the latter, while preserving the --add-template
to affect the runtime image.

Further, the templates will automatically graft in a directory named
"iso-graft/" from the working directory (if it exists).

(I suggest that external templates create a subdirectory named
 "content" to avoid clashes with any future lorax work)

Thus, this will be used by the Atomic Host lorax templates to inject
content/repo, but could be used by e.g. pungi to add content/rpms as

I tried to avoid code deduplication by creating a new template for the
product.img bits and this, but that broke because the parent boot.iso
code needs access to the `${imggraft}` variable.  I think a real fix
here would involve turning the product.img, content/, *and* boot.iso
into a new template.

Resolves: rhbz#1202278
2015-06-25 09:18:25 +02:00

124 lines
4.4 KiB

<%page args="kernels, runtime_img, runtime_base, basearch, outroot, arch"/>
# different platforms use different kernel load addresses.
# include a 'baseline' kernel for no 'flavor'.
kernelAddress = { 'baseline' : '0x00008000',
'lpae' : '0x00008000',
'tegra' : '0x00008000',
# keep a comma-delimited list of platforms installed to add to .treeinfo
platforms = ""
delimiter = ''
mkdir ${LIVEDIR}
install ${runtime_img} ${LIVEDIR}/squashfs.img
treeinfo stage2 mainimage ${LIVEDIR}/squashfs.img
## install kernels
mkdir ${KERNELDIR}
%for kernel in kernels:
%if kernel.flavor:
installkernel images-${kernel.flavor}-${basearch} ${kernel.path} ${KERNELDIR}/vmlinuz-${kernel.flavor}
installinitrd images-${kernel.flavor}-${basearch} ${kernel.initrd.path} ${KERNELDIR}/initrd-${kernel.flavor}.img
platforms = platforms + delimiter + kernel.flavor
delimiter = ','
%if doupgrade:
## install upgrade image
installupgradeinitrd images-${kernel.flavor}-${basearch} ${kernel.upgrade.path} ${KERNELDIR}/upgrade-${kernel.flavor}.img
runcmd mkimage \
-A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C none \
-a 0 -e 0 \
-n "${product.name} ${product.version} ${kernel.flavor} ${kernel.arch}" \
-d ${outroot}/${KERNELDIR}/upgrade-${kernel.flavor}.img \
treeinfo images-${kernel.flavor}-${basearch} uupgrade ${KERNELDIR}/uUpgrade-${kernel.flavor}
## create U-Boot wrapped images
runcmd mkimage \
-A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C none \
-a 0 -e 0 \
-n "${product.name} ${product.version} ${kernel.flavor} ${kernel.arch}" \
-d ${outroot}/${KERNELDIR}/initrd-${kernel.flavor}.img \
runcmd mkimage \
-A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none \
-a ${kernelAddress[kernel.flavor]} -e ${kernelAddress[kernel.flavor]} \
-n "${product.name} ${product.version} ${kernel.flavor} ${kernel.arch}" \
-d ${outroot}/${KERNELDIR}/vmlinuz-${kernel.flavor} \
treeinfo images-${kernel.flavor}-${basearch} uimage ${KERNELDIR}/uImage-${kernel.flavor}
treeinfo images-${kernel.flavor}-${basearch} uinitrd ${KERNELDIR}/uInitrd-${kernel.flavor}
installkernel images-${basearch} ${kernel.path} ${KERNELDIR}/vmlinuz
installinitrd images-${basearch} ${kernel.initrd.path} ${KERNELDIR}/initrd.img
%if doupgrade:
## install upgrade image
installupgradeinitrd images-${basearch} ${kernel.upgrade.path} ${KERNELDIR}/upgrade.img
runcmd mkimage \
-A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C none \
-a 0 -e 0 \
-n "${product.name} ${product.version} ${kernel.flavor} ${kernel.arch}" \
-d ${outroot}/${KERNELDIR}/upgrade.img \
treeinfo images-${basearch} uupgrade ${KERNELDIR}/uUpgrade
## create U-Boot wrapped images
runcmd mkimage \
-A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C none \
-a 0 -e 0 \
-n "${product.name} ${product.version} ${kernel.arch}" \
-d ${outroot}/${KERNELDIR}/initrd.img \
runcmd mkimage \
-A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none \
-a ${kernelAddress['baseline']} -e ${kernelAddress['baseline']} \
-n "${product.name} ${product.version} ${kernel.arch}" \
-d ${outroot}/${KERNELDIR}/vmlinuz \
treeinfo images-${basearch} uimage ${KERNELDIR}/uImage
treeinfo images-${basearch} uinitrd ${KERNELDIR}/uInitrd
# add platform to treeinfo for Beaker support
treeinfo ${basearch} platforms ${platforms}
# Inherit iso-graft/ if it exists from external templates
import os
if os.path.exists(workdir + "/iso-graft"):
imggraft += " " + workdir + "/iso-graft"
## FIXME: ARM may need some extra boot config