Radek Vykydal a19c509430 Add --make-pxe-live and --make-ostree-live (for Atomic) targets.
--make-pxe-live target generate live squashfs and initrd for pxe boot.
Also generates pxe config template.

--make-ostree-live is used for installations of Atomic Host. Additionally to
--make-pxe-live it ensures using deployment root instead of physical root of
installed disk image where needed. Atomic installation needs to be virt
installation with /boot on separate partition (the only way supported by
Anaconda currently). Content of boot partition is added to live root fs so that
ostree can find deployment by boot configuration.
2015-01-13 12:45:06 +01:00

313 lines
13 KiB

# treebuilder.py - handle arch-specific tree building stuff using templates
# Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Author(s): Will Woods <wwoods@redhat.com>
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("pylorax.treebuilder")
import os, re
from os.path import basename
from shutil import copytree, copy2
from pylorax.sysutils import joinpaths, remove
from pylorax.base import DataHolder
from pylorax.ltmpl import LoraxTemplateRunner
import pylorax.imgutils as imgutils
from pylorax.executils import runcmd, runcmd_output
templatemap = {
'i386': 'x86.tmpl',
'x86_64': 'x86.tmpl',
'ppc': 'ppc.tmpl',
'ppc64': 'ppc.tmpl',
'ppc64le': 'ppc64le.tmpl',
's390': 's390.tmpl',
's390x': 's390.tmpl',
'aarch64': 'aarch64.tmpl',
'arm': 'arm.tmpl',
'armhfp': 'arm.tmpl',
def generate_module_info(moddir, outfile=None):
def module_desc(mod):
output = runcmd_output(["modinfo", "-F", "description", mod])
return output.strip()
def read_module_set(name):
return set(l.strip() for l in open(joinpaths(moddir,name)) if ".ko" in l)
modsets = {'scsi':read_module_set("modules.block"),
modinfo = list()
for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(moddir):
for modtype, modset in modsets.items():
for mod in modset.intersection(files): # modules in this dir
(name, _ext) = os.path.splitext(mod) # foo.ko -> (foo, .ko)
desc = module_desc(joinpaths(root,mod)) or "%s driver" % name
modinfo.append(dict(name=name, type=modtype, desc=desc))
out = open(outfile or joinpaths(moddir,"module-info"), "w")
out.write("Version 0\n")
for mod in sorted(modinfo, key=lambda m: m.get('name')):
class RuntimeBuilder(object):
'''Builds the anaconda runtime image.'''
def __init__(self, product, arch, yum, templatedir=None,
root = yum.conf.installroot
# use a copy of product so we can modify it locally
product = product.copy()
product.name = product.name.lower()
self.vars = DataHolder(arch=arch, product=product, yum=yum, root=root,
basearch=arch.basearch, libdir=arch.libdir)
self.yum = yum
self._runner = LoraxTemplateRunner(inroot=root, outroot=root,
yum=yum, templatedir=templatedir)
self.add_templates = add_templates or []
self.add_template_vars = add_template_vars or {}
self._installpkgs = installpkgs or []
self._runner.defaults = self.vars
def _install_branding(self):
release = None
for pkg in self.yum.whatProvides('/etc/system-release', None, None):
if pkg.name.startswith('generic'):
release = pkg.name
if not release:
logger.error('could not get the release')
# release
logger.info('got release: %s', release)
# logos
release, _suffix = release.split('-', 1)
self._runner.installpkg('%s-logos' % release)
def install(self):
'''Install packages and do initial setup with runtime-install.tmpl'''
if len(self._installpkgs) > 0:
for tmpl in self.add_templates:
self._runner.run(tmpl, **self.add_template_vars)
def writepkglists(self, pkglistdir):
'''debugging data: write out lists of package contents'''
if not os.path.isdir(pkglistdir):
for pkgobj in self.yum.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='installed').installed:
with open(joinpaths(pkglistdir, pkgobj.name), "w") as fobj:
for fname in pkgobj.filelist + pkgobj.dirlist:
def postinstall(self):
'''Do some post-install setup work with runtime-postinstall.tmpl'''
# copy configdir into runtime root beforehand
configdir = joinpaths(self._runner.templatedir,"config_files")
configdir_path = "tmp/config_files"
fullpath = joinpaths(self.vars.root, configdir_path)
if os.path.exists(fullpath):
copytree(configdir, fullpath)
self._runner.run("runtime-postinstall.tmpl", configdir=configdir_path)
def cleanup(self):
'''Remove unneeded packages and files with runtime-cleanup.tmpl'''
def writepkgsizes(self, pkgsizefile):
'''debugging data: write a big list of pkg sizes'''
fobj = open(pkgsizefile, "w")
getsize = lambda f: os.lstat(f).st_size if os.path.exists(f) else 0
for p in sorted(self.yum.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='installed').installed):
pkgsize = sum(getsize(joinpaths(self.vars.root,f)) for f in p.filelist)
fobj.write("{0.name}.{0.arch}: {1}\n".format(p, pkgsize))
def generate_module_data(self):
root = self.vars.root
moddir = joinpaths(root, "lib/modules/")
for kver in os.listdir(moddir):
ksyms = joinpaths(root, "boot/System.map-%s" % kver)
logger.info("doing depmod and module-info for %s", kver)
runcmd(["depmod", "-a", "-F", ksyms, "-b", root, kver])
generate_module_info(moddir+kver, outfile=moddir+"module-info")
def create_runtime(self, outfile="/var/tmp/squashfs.img", compression="xz", compressargs=None, size=2):
# make live rootfs image - must be named "LiveOS/rootfs.img" for dracut
compressargs = compressargs or []
workdir = joinpaths(os.path.dirname(outfile), "runtime-workdir")
os.makedirs(joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS"))
imgutils.mkrootfsimg(self.vars.root, joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS/rootfs.img"),
"Anaconda", size=size)
# squash the live rootfs and clean up workdir
imgutils.mksquashfs(workdir, outfile, compression, compressargs)
class TreeBuilder(object):
'''Builds the arch-specific boot images.
inroot should be the installtree root (the newly-built runtime dir)'''
def __init__(self, product, arch, inroot, outroot, runtime, isolabel, domacboot=True, doupgrade=True, templatedir=None):
# NOTE: if you pass an arg named "runtime" to a mako template it'll
# clobber some mako internal variables - hence "runtime_img".
self.vars = DataHolder(arch=arch, product=product, runtime_img=runtime,
inroot=inroot, outroot=outroot,
basearch=arch.basearch, libdir=arch.libdir,
isolabel=isolabel, udev=udev_escape, domacboot=domacboot, doupgrade=doupgrade)
self._runner = LoraxTemplateRunner(inroot, outroot, templatedir=templatedir)
self._runner.defaults = self.vars
self.templatedir = templatedir
self.treeinfo_data = None
def kernels(self):
return findkernels(root=self.vars.inroot)
def rebuild_initrds(self, add_args=None, backup="", prefix=""):
'''Rebuild all the initrds in the tree. If backup is specified, each
initrd will be renamed with backup as a suffix before rebuilding.
If backup is empty, the existing initrd files will be overwritten.
If suffix is specified, the existing initrd is untouched and a new
image is built with the filename "${prefix}-${kernel.version}.img"
add_args = add_args or []
dracut = ["dracut", "--nomdadmconf", "--nolvmconf"] + add_args
if not backup:
kernels = [kernel for kernel in self.kernels if hasattr(kernel, "initrd")]
if not kernels:
raise Exception("No initrds found, cannot rebuild_initrds")
# Hush some dracut warnings. TODO: bind-mount proc in place?
for kernel in kernels:
if prefix:
idir = os.path.dirname(kernel.initrd.path)
outfile = joinpaths(idir, prefix+'-'+kernel.version+'.img')
outfile = kernel.initrd.path
logger.info("rebuilding %s", outfile)
if backup:
initrd = joinpaths(self.vars.inroot, outfile)
os.rename(initrd, initrd + backup)
cmd = dracut + [outfile, kernel.version]
runcmd(cmd, root=self.vars.inroot)
# ppc64 cannot boot images > 32MiB, check size and warn
if self.vars.arch.basearch in ("ppc64", "ppc64le") and os.path.exists(outfile):
st = os.stat(outfile)
if st.st_size > 32 * 1024 * 1024:
logging.warning("ppc64 initrd %s is > 32MiB", outfile)
def build(self):
templatefile = templatemap[self.vars.arch.basearch]
self._runner.run(templatefile, kernels=self.kernels)
self.treeinfo_data = self._runner.results.treeinfo
def implantisomd5(self):
for _section, data in self.treeinfo_data.items():
if 'boot.iso' in data:
iso = joinpaths(self.vars.outroot, data['boot.iso'])
runcmd(["implantisomd5", iso])
def dracut_hooks_path(self):
""" Return the path to the lorax dracut hooks scripts
Use the configured share dir if it is setup,
otherwise default to /usr/share/lorax/dracut_hooks
if self.templatedir:
return joinpaths(self.templatedir, "dracut_hooks")
return "/usr/share/lorax/dracut_hooks"
def copy_dracut_hooks(self, hooks):
""" Copy the hook scripts in hooks into the installroot's /tmp/
and return a list of commands to pass to dracut when creating the
hooks is a list of tuples with the name of the hook script and the
target dracut hook directory
(eg. [("99anaconda-copy-ks.sh", "/lib/dracut/hooks/pre-pivot")])
dracut_commands = []
for hook_script, dracut_path in hooks:
src = joinpaths(self.dracut_hooks_path, hook_script)
if not os.path.exists(src):
logger.error("Missing lorax dracut hook script %s", (src))
dst = joinpaths(self.vars.inroot, "/tmp/", hook_script)
copy2(src, dst)
dracut_commands += ["--include", joinpaths("/tmp/", hook_script),
return dracut_commands
#### TreeBuilder helper functions
def findkernels(root="/", kdir="boot"):
# To find possible flavors, awk '/BuildKernel/ { print $4 }' kernel.spec
flavors = ('debug', 'PAE', 'PAEdebug', 'smp', 'xen', 'lpae')
kre = re.compile(r"vmlinuz-(?P<version>.+?\.(?P<arch>[a-z0-9_]+)"
kernels = []
bootfiles = os.listdir(joinpaths(root, kdir))
for f in bootfiles:
match = kre.match(f)
if match:
kernel = DataHolder(path=joinpaths(kdir, f))
kernel.update(match.groupdict()) # sets version, arch, flavor
# look for associated initrd/initramfs/etc.
for kernel in kernels:
for f in bootfiles:
if f.endswith('-'+kernel.version+'.img'):
imgtype, _rest = f.split('-',1)
# special backwards-compat case
if imgtype == 'initramfs':
imgtype = 'initrd'
kernel[imgtype] = DataHolder(path=joinpaths(kdir, f))
logger.debug("kernels=%s", kernels)
return kernels
# udev whitelist: 'a-zA-Z0-9#+.:=@_-' (see is_whitelisted in libudev-util.c)
udev_blacklist=' !"$%&\'()*,/;<>?[\\]^`{|}~' # ASCII printable, minus whitelist
udev_blacklist += ''.join(chr(i) for i in range(32)) # ASCII non-printable
def udev_escape(label):
out = u''
for ch in label.decode('utf8'):
out += ch if ch not in udev_blacklist else u'\\x%02x' % ord(ch)
return out.encode('utf8')