Brian C. Lane f112a0cbc7 tests: Fix diff test BACKEND check
The environmental variable we are using is 'BACKEND' not

Related: rhbz#1825190
2020-08-10 11:15:04 -07:00

287 lines
17 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import unittest
from ..lib import captured_output
from composer.cli.blueprints import pretty_diff_entry, blueprints_list, blueprints_show, blueprints_changes
from composer.cli.blueprints import blueprints_diff, blueprints_save, blueprints_delete, blueprints_depsolve
from composer.cli.blueprints import blueprints_push, blueprints_freeze, blueprints_undo, blueprints_tag
from composer.cli.blueprints import pretty_dict, dict_names
diff_entries = [{'new': {'Description': 'Shiny new description'}, 'old': {'Description': 'Old reliable description'}},
{'new': {'Version': '0.3.1'}, 'old': {'Version': '0.1.1'}},
{'new': {'Module': {'name': 'openssh', 'version': '2.8.1'}}, 'old': None},
{'new': None, 'old': {'Module': {'name': 'bash', 'version': '4.*'}}},
{'new': {'Module': {'name': 'httpd', 'version': '3.8.*'}},
'old': {'Module': {'name': 'httpd', 'version': '3.7.*'}}},
{'new': {'Package': {'name': 'git', 'version': '2.13.*'}}, 'old': None},
# New items
{"new": {"Group": {"name": "core"}}, "old": None},
{"new": {"Customizations.firewall": {"ports": ["8888:tcp", "22:tcp", "dns:udp", "9090:tcp"], "services": ["smtp"]}}, "old": None},
{"new": {"Customizations.hostname": "foobar"}, "old": None},
{"new": {"Customizations.locale": {"keyboard": "US"}}, "old": None},
{"new": {"Customizations.sshkey": [{"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1... norm@localhost.localdomain", "user": "norm" }]}, "old": None},
{"new": {"Customizations.timezone": {"ntpservers": ["ntp.nowhere.com" ], "timezone": "PST8PDT"}}, "old": None},
{"new": {"Customizations.user": [{"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1... root@localhost.localdomain", "name": "root", "password": "fobarfobar"}]}, "old": None},
{"new": {"Repos.git": {"destination": "/opt/server-1/", "ref": "v1.0", "repo": "PATH OF GIT REPO TO CLONE", "rpmname": "server-config", "rpmrelease": "2", "rpmversion": "1.0", "summary": "Setup files for server deployment"}}, "old": None},
# Removed items (just reversed old/old from above block)
{"old": {"Group": {"name": "core"}}, "new": None},
{"old": {"Customizations.firewall": {"ports": ["8888:tcp", "22:tcp", "dns:udp", "9090:tcp"], "services": ["smtp"]}}, "new": None},
{"old": {"Customizations.hostname": "foobar"}, "new": None},
{"old": {"Customizations.locale": {"keyboard": "US"}}, "new": None},
{"old": {"Customizations.sshkey": [{"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1... norm@localhost.localdomain", "user": "norm" }]}, "new": None},
{"old": {"Customizations.timezone": {"ntpservers": ["ntp.nowhere.com" ], "timezone": "PST8PDT"}}, "new": None},
{"old": {"Customizations.user": [{"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1... root@localhost.localdomain", "name": "root", "password": "fobarfobar"}]}, "new": None},
{"old": {"Repos.git": {"destination": "/opt/server-1/", "ref": "v1.0", "repo": "PATH OF GIT REPO TO CLONE", "rpmname": "server-config", "rpmrelease": "2", "rpmversion": "1.0", "summary": "Setup files for server deployment"}}, "new": None},
# Changed items
{"old": {"Customizations.firewall": {"ports": ["8888:tcp", "22:tcp", "dns:udp", "9090:tcp"], "services": ["smtp"]}}, "new": {"Customizations.firewall": {"ports": ["8888:tcp", "22:tcp", "25:tcp"]}}},
{"old": {"Customizations.hostname": "foobar"}, "new": {"Customizations.hostname": "grues"}},
{"old": {"Customizations.locale": {"keyboard": "US"}}, "new": {"Customizations.locale": {"keyboard": "US", "languages": ["en_US.UTF-8"]}}},
{"old": {"Customizations.sshkey": [{"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1... norm@localhost.localdomain", "user": "norm" }]}, "new": {"Customizations.sshkey": [{"key": "ssh-rsa ABCDEF01234... norm@localhost.localdomain", "user": "norm" }]}},
{"old": {"Customizations.timezone": {"ntpservers": ["ntp.nowhere.com" ], "timezone": "PST8PDT"}}, "new": {"Customizations.timezone": {"timezone": "Antarctica/Palmer"}}},
{"old": {"Customizations.user": [{"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1... root@localhost.localdomain", "name": "root", "password": "fobarfobar"}]}, "new": {"Customizations.user": [{"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1... root@localhost.localdomain", "name": "root", "password": "qweqweqwe"}]}},
{"old": {"Repos.git": {"destination": "/opt/server-1/", "ref": "v1.0", "repo": "PATH OF GIT REPO TO CLONE", "rpmname": "server-config", "rpmrelease": "2", "rpmversion": "1.0", "summary": "Setup files for server deployment"}}, "new": {"Repos.git": {"destination": "/opt/server-1/", "ref": "v1.0", "repo": "PATH OF GIT REPO TO CLONE", "rpmname": "server-config", "rpmrelease": "1", "rpmversion": "1.1", "summary": "Setup files for server deployment"}}}
diff_result = [
'Changed Description "Old reliable description" -> "Shiny new description"',
'Changed Version 0.1.1 -> 0.3.1',
'Added Module openssh 2.8.1',
'Removed Module bash 4.*',
'Changed Module httpd 3.7.* -> 3.8.*',
'Added Package git 2.13.*',
'Added Group core',
'Added Customizations.firewall ports="8888:tcp, 22:tcp, dns:udp, 9090:tcp" services="smtp"',
'Added Customizations.hostname foobar',
'Added Customizations.locale keyboard="US"',
'Added Customizations.sshkey norm',
'Added Customizations.timezone ntpservers="ntp.nowhere.com" timezone="PST8PDT"',
'Added Customizations.user root',
'Added Repos.git destination="/opt/server-1/" ref="v1.0" repo="PATH OF GIT REPO TO CLONE" rpmname="server-config" rpmrelease="2" rpmversion="1.0" summary="Setup files for server deployment"',
'Removed Group core',
'Removed Customizations.firewall ports="8888:tcp, 22:tcp, dns:udp, 9090:tcp" services="smtp"',
'Removed Customizations.hostname foobar',
'Removed Customizations.locale keyboard="US"',
'Removed Customizations.sshkey norm',
'Removed Customizations.timezone ntpservers="ntp.nowhere.com" timezone="PST8PDT"',
'Removed Customizations.user root',
'Removed Repos.git destination="/opt/server-1/" ref="v1.0" repo="PATH OF GIT REPO TO CLONE" rpmname="server-config" rpmrelease="2" rpmversion="1.0" summary="Setup files for server deployment"',
'Changed Customizations.firewall ports="8888:tcp, 22:tcp, dns:udp, 9090:tcp" services="smtp" -> ports="8888:tcp, 22:tcp, 25:tcp"',
'Changed Customizations.hostname foobar -> grues',
'Changed Customizations.locale keyboard="US" -> keyboard="US" languages="en_US.UTF-8"',
'Changed Customizations.sshkey norm -> norm',
'Changed Customizations.timezone ntpservers="ntp.nowhere.com" timezone="PST8PDT" -> timezone="Antarctica/Palmer"',
'Changed Customizations.user root -> root',
'Changed Repos.git destination="/opt/server-1/" ref="v1.0" repo="PATH OF GIT REPO TO CLONE" rpmname="server-config" rpmrelease="2" rpmversion="1.0" summary="Setup files for server deployment" -> destination="/opt/server-1/" ref="v1.0" repo="PATH OF GIT REPO TO CLONE" rpmname="server-config" rpmrelease="1" rpmversion="1.1" summary="Setup files for server deployment"',
dict_entries = [{"ports": ["8888:tcp", "22:tcp", "dns:udp", "9090:tcp"]},
{"ports": ["8888:tcp", "22:tcp", "dns:udp", "9090:tcp"], "services": ["smtp"]},
{ "destination": "/opt/server-1/", "ref": "v1.0", "repo": "PATH OF GIT REPO TO CLONE", "rpmname": "server-config", "rpmrelease": "1", "rpmversion": "1.0", "summary": "Setup files for server deployment" },
{"foo": ["one", "two"], "bar": {"baz": "three"}}]
dict_results = ['ports="8888:tcp, 22:tcp, dns:udp, 9090:tcp"',
'ports="8888:tcp, 22:tcp, dns:udp, 9090:tcp" services="smtp"',
'destination="/opt/server-1/" ref="v1.0" repo="PATH OF GIT REPO TO CLONE" rpmname="server-config" rpmrelease="1" rpmversion="1.0" summary="Setup files for server deployment"',
'foo="one, two"']
dict_name_entry1 = [{"name": "bart", "home": "Springfield"},
{"name": "lisa", "instrument": "Saxaphone"},
{"name": "homer", "kids": ["bart", "maggie", "lisa"]}]
dict_name_results1 = "bart, lisa, homer"
dict_name_entry2 = [{"user": "root", "password": "qweqweqwe"},
{"user": "norm", "password": "b33r"},
{"user": "cliff", "password": "POSTMASTER"}]
dict_name_results2 = "root, norm, cliff"
dict_name_entry3 = [{"home": "/root", "key": "skeleton"},
{"home": "/home/norm", "key": "SSH KEY"},
{"home": "/home/cliff", "key": "lost"}]
dict_name_results3 = "/root, /home/norm, /home/cliff"
class BlueprintsTest(unittest.TestCase):
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Setup requires a running API server")
def setUpClass(cls):
Make sure that example blueprints are pushed to the server!
rc = blueprints_push("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0,
["example-http-server.toml", "example-development.toml"], show_json=False)
assert rc == 0
def test_pretty_diff_entry(self):
"""Return a nice representation of a diff entry"""
self.assertEqual([pretty_diff_entry(entry) for entry in diff_entries], diff_result)
def test_pretty_dict(self):
"""Return a human readable single line"""
self.assertEqual([pretty_dict(entry) for entry in dict_entries], dict_results)
def test_dict_names_users(self):
"""Return a list of the name field of the list of dicts"""
self.assertEqual(dict_names(dict_name_entry1), dict_name_results1)
def test_dict_names_sshkey(self):
"""Return a list of the user field of the list of dicts"""
self.assertEqual(dict_names(dict_name_entry2), dict_name_results2)
def test_dict_names_other(self):
"""Return a list of the unknown field of the list of dicts"""
self.assertEqual(dict_names(dict_name_entry3), dict_name_results3)
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Test requires a running API server")
def test_list(self):
"""blueprints list"""
with captured_output() as (out, _):
rc = blueprints_list("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, [], show_json=False)
output = out.getvalue().strip()
self.assertTrue(rc == 0)
self.assertTrue("example-http-server" in output)
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Test requires a running API server")
def test_show(self):
"""blueprints show"""
with captured_output() as (out, _):
blueprints_show("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["example-http-server"], show_json=False)
output = out.getvalue().strip()
self.assertTrue("example-http-server" in output)
self.assertTrue("[[packages]]" in output)
self.assertTrue("[[modules]]" in output)
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Test requires a running API server")
def test_changes(self):
"""blueprints changes"""
with captured_output() as (out, _):
rc = blueprints_changes("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["example-http-server"], show_json=False)
output = out.getvalue().strip()
self.assertTrue(rc == 0)
self.assertTrue("example-http-server" in output)
self.assertTrue("Recipe example-http-server, version 0.0.1 saved." in output)
# NOTE: Order of these 3 is important, delete needs to come after save, before push and these 3
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Test requires a running API server")
def test_save_0(self):
"""blueprints save example-development"""
blueprints_save("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["example-development"], show_json=False)
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Test requires a running API server")
def test_save_1(self):
"""blueprints delete example-development"""
rc = blueprints_delete("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["example-development"], show_json=False)
self.assertTrue(rc == 0)
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Test requires a running API server")
def test_save_2(self):
"""blueprints push example-development"""
rc = blueprints_push("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["example-development.toml"], show_json=False)
self.assertTrue(rc == 0)
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Test requires a running API server")
def test_depsolve(self):
"""blueprints depsolve"""
with captured_output() as (out, _):
rc = blueprints_depsolve("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["example-http-server"], show_json=False)
output = out.getvalue().strip()
self.assertTrue(rc == 0)
self.assertTrue("blueprint: example-http-server v" in output)
self.assertTrue("httpd" in output)
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Test requires a running API server")
def test_freeze_show(self):
"""blueprints freeze show"""
with captured_output() as (out, _):
rc = blueprints_freeze("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["show", "example-http-server"], show_json=False)
output = out.getvalue().strip()
self.assertTrue(rc == 0)
self.assertTrue("version" in output)
self.assertTrue("example-http-server" in output)
self.assertTrue("x86_64" in output)
self.assertTrue("[[packages]]" in output)
self.assertTrue("[[modules]]" in output)
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Test requires a running API server")
def test_freeze_save(self):
"""blueprints freeze save"""
rc = blueprints_freeze("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["save", "example-http-server"], show_json=False)
self.assertTrue(rc == 0)
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Test requires a running API server")
def test_freeze(self):
"""blueprints freeze"""
with captured_output() as (out, _):
rc = blueprints_freeze("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["example-http-server"], show_json=False)
output = out.getvalue().strip()
self.assertTrue(rc == 0)
self.assertTrue("blueprint: example-http-server v" in output)
self.assertTrue("httpd" in output)
self.assertTrue("x86_64" in output)
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Test requires a running API server")
def test_tag(self):
"""blueprints tag"""
rc = blueprints_tag("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["example-development"], show_json=False)
self.assertTrue(rc == 0)
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Test requires a running API server")
def test_undo(self):
"""blueprints undo"""
# Get the oldest commit, it should be 2nd to last line
with captured_output() as (out, _):
rc = blueprints_changes("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["example-http-server"], show_json=False)
output = out.getvalue().strip().splitlines()
first_commit = output[-2].split()[1]
with captured_output() as (out, _):
rc = blueprints_undo("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["example-http-server", first_commit, "HEAD"], show_json=False)
output = out.getvalue().strip()
self.assertTrue(rc == 0)
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Test requires a running API server")
def test_workspace(self):
"""blueprints workspace"""
rc = blueprints_push("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["example-development.toml"], show_json=False)
self.assertTrue(rc == 0)
# XXX which is what _z_ ensures
@unittest.skipIf(os.getenv("BACKEND") == "osbuild-composer",
"Skipped for osbuild-composer, see https://github.com/osbuild/osbuild-composer/issues/903")
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/run/weldr/api.socket"), "Test requires a running API server")
def test_z_diff(self):
"""blueprints diff"""
# Get the oldest commit, it should be 2nd to last line
with captured_output() as (out, _):
rc = blueprints_changes("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["example-development"], show_json=False)
output = out.getvalue().strip().splitlines()
first_commit = output[-2].split()[1]
with captured_output() as (out, _):
rc = blueprints_diff("/run/weldr/api.socket", 0, ["example-development", first_commit, "HEAD"], show_json=False)
output = out.getvalue().strip()
self.assertTrue(rc == 0)
self.assertTrue("Changed Version" in output)