If yaboot so much as catches a whiff of a backslash in yaboot.conf, it will reject the entire file. No bootloader config means no booting. So as long as we're still using yaboot on PPC, we need to use ISO volume labels it can handle. So: filter the isolabel, replacing any non-ASCII characters with underscores.
113 lines
4.3 KiB
113 lines
4.3 KiB
<%page args="kernels, runtime_img, basearch, libdir, inroot, outroot, product, isolabel"/>
bitsizes = set()
prepboot = ""
## NOTE: yaboot freaks out and stops parsing its config if it sees a '\',
## so we can't use the udev escape sequences in the root arg.
## Instead we'll just replace any non-ASCII characters in the isolabel
## with '_', which means we won't need any udev escapes.
isolabel = ''.join(ch if ch.isalnum() else '_' for ch in isolabel)
rootarg = "root=live:CDLABEL=%s" % isolabel
mkdir ${LIVEDIR}
install ${runtime_img} ${LIVEDIR}/squashfs.img
## install bootloaders.
## NOTE: there's two different bootloader setups here:
## ppc/chrp: for normal PPC systems. needs 'addnote' run on yaboot.
## uses /etc/yaboot.conf, as is the default.
## ppc/mac: for PowerMacs. no 'addnote' (it breaks some Macs!)
## ofboot.b picks one of /ppc/ppc{32,64}/yaboot.conf for yaboot,
## thus automatically booting the correct kernel for the machine.
mkdir ${BOOTDIR}
## boot stuff for normal (CHRP/PREP) PPC systems
install ${configdir}/bootinfo.txt ${BOOTDIR}
install boot/efika.forth ${BOOTDIR}
mkdir ${BOOTDIR}/chrp
install usr/lib/yaboot/yaboot ${BOOTDIR}/chrp
runcmd ${inroot}/usr/lib/yaboot/addnote ${outroot}/${BOOTDIR}/chrp/yaboot
## special boot dir for PowerMacs
mkdir ${MACDIR}
install usr/lib/yaboot/yaboot ${MACDIR}
install ${configdir}/ofboot.b ${MACDIR}
## NOTE: PPC is kind of funky. There's three possible "arch" setups here:
## ppc, ppc64, and 'hybrid' (ppc userspace, both ppc & ppc64 kernels).
## Install kernel and bootloader config (in separate places for each arch)
%for kernel in kernels:
bits = 64 if kernel.arch == "ppc64" else 32
## separate dirs/images for each arch
KERNELDIR=BOOTDIR+"/ppc%s" % bits
NETIMG=NETBOOTDIR+"/ppc%s.img" % bits
## install kernel
installkernel images-${kernel.arch} ${kernel.path} ${KERNELDIR}/vmlinuz
installinitrd images-${kernel.arch} ${kernel.initrd.path} ${KERNELDIR}/initrd.img
## install arch-specific bootloader config
install ${configdir}/yaboot.conf.in ${KERNELDIR}/yaboot.conf
replace @BITS@ ${bits} ${KERNELDIR}/yaboot.conf
replace @PRODUCT@ ${product.name} ${KERNELDIR}/yaboot.conf
replace @VERSION@ ${product.version} ${KERNELDIR}/yaboot.conf
replace @ROOT@ "${rootarg}" ${KERNELDIR}/yaboot.conf
## kernel-wrapper magic that makes the netboot combined ppc{32,64}.img
runcmd ${inroot}/${WRAPPER} -p of \
-D ${inroot}/${WRAPPER_DATA} \
-i ${outroot}/${KERNELDIR}/initrd.img \
${outroot}/${KERNELDIR}/vmlinuz \
-o ${outroot}/${NETIMG}
treeinfo images-${kernel.arch} zimage ${NETIMG}
## PReP is 32-bit only
%if bits == 32:
## Yes, this is supposed to be a relative path
<% prepboot="-prep-boot " + NETIMG %>
## choose correct yaboot.conf
mkdir etc
%if len(bitsizes) == 2:
## both kernels means hybrid - use the magic hybrid config
install ${configdir}/yaboot.conf.3264 etc/yaboot.conf
replace @PRODUCT@ ${product.name} etc/yaboot.conf
replace @VERSION@ ${product.version} etc/yaboot.conf
replace @ROOT@ "${rootarg}" etc/yaboot.conf
## single arch - use the arch-specific yaboot.conf from above
copy ${KERNELDIR}/yaboot.conf etc/yaboot.conf
## make boot.iso
runcmd mkisofs -o ${outroot}/images/boot.iso -chrp-boot -U \
${prepboot} -part -hfs -T -r -l -J \
-A "${product.name} ${product.version}" -sysid PPC -V '${isolabel}' \
-volset "${product.version}" -volset-size 1 -volset-seqno 1 \
-hfs-volid ${product.version} -hfs-bless ${outroot}/${MACDIR} \
-map ${inroot}/${configdir}/mapping \
-no-desktop -allow-multidot -graft-points \
etc=${outroot}/etc \
${BOOTDIR}=${outroot}/${BOOTDIR} \
${NETBOOTDIR}=${outroot}/${NETBOOTDIR} \
%for kernel in kernels:
treeinfo images-${kernel.arch} boot.iso images/boot.iso