354 lines
17 KiB
354 lines
17 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import mock
from pytoml import TomlError
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest
import pylorax.api.recipes as recipes
from pylorax.sysutils import joinpaths
class BasicRecipeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(self):
# Input toml is in .toml and python dict string is in .dict
input_recipes = [("full-recipe.toml", "full-recipe.dict"),
("minimal.toml", "minimal.dict"),
("modules-only.toml", "modules-only.dict"),
("packages-only.toml", "packages-only.dict"),
("groups-only.toml", "groups-only.dict"),
("custom-base.toml", "custom-base.dict")]
results_path = "./tests/pylorax/results/"
self.input_toml = []
for (recipe_toml, recipe_dict) in input_recipes:
with open(joinpaths(results_path, recipe_toml)) as f_toml:
with open(joinpaths(results_path, recipe_dict)) as f_dict:
# XXX Warning, can run arbitrary code
result_dict = eval(f_dict.read())
self.input_toml.append((f_toml.read(), result_dict))
self.old_modules = [recipes.RecipeModule("toml", "2.1"),
recipes.RecipeModule("bash", "4.*"),
recipes.RecipeModule("httpd", "3.7.*")]
self.old_packages = [recipes.RecipePackage("python", "2.7.*"),
recipes.RecipePackage("parted", "3.2")]
self.old_groups = [recipes.RecipeGroup("backup-client"),
self.new_modules = [recipes.RecipeModule("toml", "2.1"),
recipes.RecipeModule("httpd", "3.8.*"),
recipes.RecipeModule("openssh", "2.8.1")]
self.new_packages = [recipes.RecipePackage("python", "2.7.*"),
recipes.RecipePackage("parted", "3.2"),
recipes.RecipePackage("git", "2.13.*")]
self.new_groups = [recipes.RecipeGroup("console-internet"),
self.modules_result = [{"new": {"Modules": {"version": "2.8.1", "name": "openssh"}},
"old": None},
{"new": None,
"old": {"Modules": {"name": "bash", "version": "4.*"}}},
{"new": {"Modules": {"version": "3.8.*", "name": "httpd"}},
"old": {"Modules": {"version": "3.7.*", "name": "httpd"}}}]
self.packages_result = [{"new": {"Packages": {"name": "git", "version": "2.13.*"}}, "old": None}]
self.groups_result = [{'new': {'Groups': {'name': 'console-internet'}}, 'old': None},
{'new': None, 'old': {'Groups': {'name': 'backup-client'}}}]
def tearDownClass(self):
def toml_to_recipe_test(self):
"""Test converting the TOML string to a Recipe object"""
for (toml_str, recipe_dict) in self.input_toml:
result = recipes.recipe_from_toml(toml_str)
self.assertEqual(result, recipe_dict)
def toml_to_recipe_fail_test(self):
"""Test trying to convert a non-TOML string to a Recipe"""
with self.assertRaises(TomlError):
recipes.recipe_from_toml("This is not a TOML string\n")
with self.assertRaises(recipes.RecipeError):
recipes.recipe_from_toml('name = "a failed toml string"\n')
def recipe_to_toml_test(self):
"""Test converting a Recipe object to a TOML string"""
# In order to avoid problems from matching strings we convert to TOML and
# then back so compare the Recipes.
for (toml_str, _recipe_dict) in self.input_toml:
# This is tested in toml_to_recipe
recipe_1 = recipes.recipe_from_toml(toml_str)
# Convert the Recipe to TOML and then back to a Recipe
toml_2 = recipe_1.toml()
recipe_2 = recipes.recipe_from_toml(toml_2)
self.assertEqual(recipe_1, recipe_2)
def recipe_bump_version_test(self):
"""Test the Recipe's version bump function"""
# Neither have a version
recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", None, None, None, None)
new_version = recipe.bump_version(None)
self.assertEqual(new_version, "0.0.1")
# Original has a version, new does not
recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", None, None, None, None)
new_version = recipe.bump_version("0.0.1")
self.assertEqual(new_version, "0.0.2")
# Original has no version, new does
recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", "0.1.0", None, None, None)
new_version = recipe.bump_version(None)
self.assertEqual(new_version, "0.1.0")
# New and Original are the same
recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", "0.0.1", None, None, None)
new_version = recipe.bump_version("0.0.1")
self.assertEqual(new_version, "0.0.2")
# New is different from Original
recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", "0.1.1", None, None, None)
new_version = recipe.bump_version("0.0.1")
self.assertEqual(new_version, "0.1.1")
def find_name_test(self):
"""Test the find_name function"""
test_list = [{"name":"dog"}, {"name":"cat"}, {"name":"squirrel"}]
self.assertEqual(recipes.find_name("dog", test_list), {"name":"dog"})
self.assertEqual(recipes.find_name("cat", test_list), {"name":"cat"})
self.assertEqual(recipes.find_name("squirrel", test_list), {"name":"squirrel"})
self.assertIsNone(recipes.find_name("alien", test_list))
def diff_items_test(self):
"""Test the diff_items function"""
self.assertEqual(recipes.diff_items("Modules", self.old_modules, self.new_modules), self.modules_result)
self.assertEqual(recipes.diff_items("Packages", self.old_packages, self.new_packages), self.packages_result)
self.assertEqual(recipes.diff_items("Groups", self.old_groups, self.new_groups), self.groups_result)
def recipe_diff_test(self):
"""Test the recipe_diff function"""
old_recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", "0.1.1", self.old_modules, self.old_packages, [])
new_recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", "0.3.1", self.new_modules, self.new_packages, [])
result = [{'new': {'Version': '0.3.1'}, 'old': {'Version': '0.1.1'}},
{'new': {'Module': {'name': 'openssh', 'version': '2.8.1'}}, 'old': None},
{'new': None, 'old': {'Module': {'name': 'bash', 'version': '4.*'}}},
{'new': {'Module': {'name': 'httpd', 'version': '3.8.*'}},
'old': {'Module': {'name': 'httpd', 'version': '3.7.*'}}},
{'new': {'Package': {'name': 'git', 'version': '2.13.*'}}, 'old': None}]
self.assertEqual(recipes.recipe_diff(old_recipe, new_recipe), result)
class GitRecipesTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(self):
self.repo_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lorax.test.repo.")
self.repo = recipes.open_or_create_repo(self.repo_dir)
self.results_path = "./tests/pylorax/results/"
self.examples_path = "./tests/pylorax/blueprints/"
self.new_recipe = os.path.join(self.examples_path, 'python-testing.toml')
def tearDownClass(self):
if self.repo is not None:
del self.repo
def tearDown(self):
if os.path.exists(self.new_recipe):
def _create_another_recipe(self):
open(self.new_recipe, 'w').write("""name = "python-testing"
description = "A recipe used during testing."
version = "0.0.1"
name = "python"
version = "2.7.*"
def test_01_repo_creation(self):
"""Test that creating the repository succeeded"""
self.assertNotEqual(self.repo, None)
def test_02_commit_recipe(self):
"""Test committing a Recipe object"""
recipe = recipes.Recipe("test-recipe", "A recipe used for testing", None, None, None, None)
oid = recipes.commit_recipe(self.repo, "master", recipe)
self.assertNotEqual(oid, None)
def test_03_list_recipe(self):
"""Test listing recipe commits"""
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "test-recipe.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(commits), 1, "Wrong number of commits.")
self.assertEqual(commits[0].message, "Recipe test-recipe, version 0.0.1 saved.")
self.assertNotEqual(commits[0].timestamp, None, "Timestamp is None")
self.assertEqual(len(commits[0].commit), 40, "Commit hash isn't 40 characters")
self.assertEqual(commits[0].revision, None, "revision is not None")
def test_03_list_commits_commit_time_val_error(self):
"""Test listing recipe commits which raise CommitTimeValError"""
with mock.patch('pylorax.api.recipes.GLib.DateTime.to_timeval', return_value=False):
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "test-recipe.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(commits), 0, "Wrong number of commits.")
def test_04_commit_recipe_file(self):
"""Test committing a TOML file"""
recipe_path = joinpaths(self.results_path, "full-recipe.toml")
oid = recipes.commit_recipe_file(self.repo, "master", recipe_path)
self.assertNotEqual(oid, None)
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "http-server.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(commits), 1, "Wrong number of commits: %s" % commits)
def test_04_commit_recipe_file_handles_internal_ioerror(self):
"""Test committing a TOML raises RecipeFileError on internal IOError"""
recipe_path = joinpaths(self.results_path, "non-existing-file.toml")
with self.assertRaises(recipes.RecipeFileError):
recipes.commit_recipe_file(self.repo, "master", recipe_path)
def test_05_commit_toml_dir(self):
"""Test committing a directory of TOML files"""
# first verify that the newly created file isn't present
old_commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "python-testing.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(old_commits), 0, "Wrong number of commits: %s" % old_commits)
# then create it and commit the entire directory
recipes.commit_recipe_directory(self.repo, "master", self.examples_path)
# verify that the newly created file is already in the repository
new_commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "python-testing.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(new_commits), 1, "Wrong number of commits: %s" % new_commits)
# again make sure new_commits != old_commits
self.assertGreater(len(new_commits), len(old_commits),
"New commits shoud differ from old commits")
def test_05_commit_recipe_directory_handling_internal_exceptions(self):
"""Test committing a directory of TOML files while handling internal exceptions"""
# first verify that the newly created file isn't present
old_commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "python-testing.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(old_commits), 0, "Wrong number of commits: %s" % old_commits)
# then create it and commit the entire directory
# try to commit while raising RecipeFileError
with mock.patch('pylorax.api.recipes.commit_recipe_file', side_effect=recipes.RecipeFileError('TESTING')):
recipes.commit_recipe_directory(self.repo, "master", self.examples_path)
# try to commit while raising TomlError
with mock.patch('pylorax.api.recipes.commit_recipe_file', side_effect=TomlError('TESTING', 0, 0, '__test__')):
recipes.commit_recipe_directory(self.repo, "master", self.examples_path)
# verify again that the newly created file isn't present b/c we raised an exception
new_commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "python-testing.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(new_commits), 0, "Wrong number of commits: %s" % new_commits)
def test_06_read_recipe(self):
"""Test reading a recipe from a commit"""
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "http-server.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(commits), 1, "Wrong number of commits: %s" % commits)
recipe = recipes.read_recipe_commit(self.repo, "master", "http-server")
self.assertNotEqual(recipe, None)
self.assertEqual(recipe["name"], "http-server")
# Read by commit id
recipe = recipes.read_recipe_commit(self.repo, "master", "http-server", commits[0].commit)
self.assertNotEqual(recipe, None)
self.assertEqual(recipe["name"], "http-server")
# Read the recipe and its commit id
(commit_id, recipe) = recipes.read_recipe_and_id(self.repo, "master", "http-server", commits[0].commit)
self.assertEqual(commit_id, commits[0].commit)
def test_07_tag_commit(self):
"""Test tagging the most recent commit of a recipe"""
result = recipes.tag_file_commit(self.repo, "master", "not-a-file")
self.assertEqual(result, None)
result = recipes.tag_recipe_commit(self.repo, "master", "http-server")
self.assertNotEqual(result, None)
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "http-server.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(commits), 1, "Wrong number of commits: %s" % commits)
self.assertEqual(commits[0].revision, 1)
def test_08_delete_recipe(self):
"""Test deleting a file from a branch"""
oid = recipes.delete_recipe(self.repo, "master", "http-server")
self.assertNotEqual(oid, None)
master_files = recipes.list_branch_files(self.repo, "master")
self.assertEqual("http-server.toml" in master_files, False)
def test_09_revert_commit(self):
"""Test reverting a file on a branch"""
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "http-server.toml")
revert_to = commits[0].commit
oid = recipes.revert_recipe(self.repo, "master", "http-server", revert_to)
self.assertNotEqual(oid, None)
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "http-server.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(commits), 2, "Wrong number of commits: %s" % commits)
self.assertEqual(commits[0].message, "http-server.toml reverted to commit %s" % revert_to)
def test_10_tag_new_commit(self):
"""Test tagging a newer commit of a recipe"""
recipe = recipes.read_recipe_commit(self.repo, "master", "http-server")
recipe["description"] = "A modified description"
oid = recipes.commit_recipe(self.repo, "master", recipe)
self.assertNotEqual(oid, None)
# Tag the new commit
result = recipes.tag_recipe_commit(self.repo, "master", "http-server")
self.assertNotEqual(result, None)
commits = recipes.list_commits(self.repo, "master", "http-server.toml")
self.assertEqual(len(commits), 3, "Wrong number of commits: %s" % commits)
self.assertEqual(commits[0].revision, 2)
class ExistingGitRepoRecipesTest(GitRecipesTest):
def setUpClass(self):
# will initialize the git repository in the parent class
super(ExistingGitRepoRecipesTest, self).setUpClass()
# reopen the repository again so that tests are executed
# against the existing repo one more time.
self.repo = recipes.open_or_create_repo(self.repo_dir)
class GetRevisionFromTagTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_01_valid_tag(self):
revision = recipes.get_revision_from_tag('branch/filename/r123')
self.assertEqual(123, revision)
def test_02_invalid_tag_not_a_number(self):
revision = recipes.get_revision_from_tag('branch/filename/rABC')
def test_02_invalid_tag_missing_revision_string(self):
revision = recipes.get_revision_from_tag('branch/filename/mybranch')