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<h1>Introduction to Lorax<a class="headerlink" href="#introduction-to-lorax" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
<p>I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees [and images].</p>
<p>Lorax is used to build the Anaconda Installer boot.iso, it consists of a
library, pylorax, a set of templates, and the lorax script. Its operation
is driven by a customized set of Mako templates that lists the packages
to be installed, steps to execute to remove unneeded files, and creation
of the iso for all of the supported architectures.</p>
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<h1>Before Lorax<a class="headerlink" href="#before-lorax" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
<p>Tree building tools such as pungi and revisor rely on &#8216;buildinstall&#8217; in
anaconda/scripts/ to produce the boot images and other such control files
in the final tree. The existing buildinstall scripts written in a mix of
bash and Python are unmaintainable. Lorax is an attempt to replace them
with something more flexible.</p>
<p>pungi and other tools call scripts/buildinstall, which in turn call other
scripts to do the image building and data generation. Here&#8217;s how it
currently looks:</p>
<div><dl class="docutils">
<dt>-&gt; buildinstall</dt>
<dd><ul class="first simple">
<li>process command line options</li>
<li>write temporary yum.conf to point to correct repo</li>
<li>find anaconda release RPM</li>
<li>unpack RPM, pull in those versions of upd-instroot, mk-images,
maketreeinfo.py, makestamp.py, and buildinstall</li>
<p>-&gt; call upd-instroot</p>
<p>-&gt; call maketreeinfo.py</p>
<p>-&gt; call mk-images (which figures out which mk-images.ARCH to call)</p>
<p>-&gt; call makestamp.py</p>
<ul class="last simple">
<li>clean up</li>
<p>The existing workflow presents some problems with maintaining the scripts.
First, almost all knowledge of what goes in to the stage 1 and stage 2
images lives in upd-instroot. The mk-images* scripts copy things from the
root created by upd-instroot in order to build the stage 1 image, though
it&#8217;s not completely clear from reading the scripts.</p>
<p>NEW IDEAS:</p>
<p>Create a new central driver with all information living in Python modules.
Configuration files will provide the knowledge previously contained in the
upd-instroot and mk-images* scripts.</p>
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