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Lorax is a tool for building bootable/installable Fedora images. Its primary
focus is Fedora installation images but it should be able to create other
types of images too.
Some design precepts:
* It should be easy to make small changes to images.
- Image configs should be extendable/inheritable
- Configs should be self-contained and portable - everything in one dir
- kickstart, templates, config files, image-specific data files
(bootloader templates, keymaps, service files, etc).
* Templates should be brief but expressive.
- Don't make the user maintain huge lists of files/packages
(do filename globbing and brace expansion, resolve package deps, etc.)
- Provide commands that allow blacklists/exceptions
(e.g.: removefrom PKG --allbut FILE FILE...)
* The template language should make common actions easy and obvious.
- Avoid 'runcmd' - add new builtins instead!
- Corollary: It should be easy to extend the template runner
* Image configs should allow custom commands/scripts
- If you already have a bunch of kickstarts/Ruby/whatever for setting up
images, you should be able to use that too
* Lorax should be usable as a script or a (python) library