#!/bin/bash # Note: execute this file from the project root directory set -e . /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh . $(dirname $0)/lib/lib.sh CLI="${CLI:-./src/bin/composer-cli}" rlJournalStart rlPhaseStartSetup # as opposed to RHEL-8, the system repos aren't copied over to lorax-composes repos.d, # directory, so handling of those files was removed in RHEL-7 test (see rhbz#1830897) composer_stop rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest "Run lorax-composer with --no-system-repos option and empty repos.d" composer_start --no-system-repos # check that there are no composer repos available rlRun -t -c "$CLI sources list | grep -v '^$' | wc -l | grep '^0$'" present_repos=$(ls /var/lib/lorax/composer/repos.d) if [ -z "$present_repos" ]; then rlPass "No repos found in repos.d" else rlFail "The following repos were found in repos.d: $present_repos" fi # starting a compose without available repos should fail due to a depsolving error rlRun -t -c "tmp_output='$($CLI compose start example-http-server partitioned-disk 2>&1)'" rlRun -t -c "echo '$tmp_output' | grep -q 'Problem depsolving example-http-server:'" MANUAL=1 composer_stop rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest "Run lorax-composer with --no-system-repos and manually created content in repos.d" RHEL_VERSION=$(. /etc/os-release; echo $VERSION_ID) if grep -qE "https?://.*/nightly/" /etc/yum.repos.d/*; then RELEASE_TYPE="nightly" # there are only -latest symlinks with major version for nightlies RHEL_VERSION=7 else RELEASE_TYPE="rel-eng" fi echo "[server] name=Server baseurl=http://download.devel.redhat.com/rhel-7/$RELEASE_TYPE/RHEL-7/latest-RHEL-$RHEL_VERSION/compose/Server/\$basearch/os/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 [server-optional] name=Server-optional baseurl=http://download.devel.redhat.com/rhel-7/$RELEASE_TYPE/RHEL-7/latest-RHEL-$RHEL_VERSION/compose/Server-optional/\$basearch/os/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 " > /var/lib/lorax/composer/repos.d/test.repo composer_start --no-system-repos present_repos=$(ls /var/lib/lorax/composer/repos.d/) rlAssertEquals "Only test.repo found in repos.d" "$present_repos" "test.repo" UUID=$(composer-cli compose start example-http-server partitioned-disk) rlAssertEquals "exit code should be zero" $? 0 UUID=$(echo $UUID | cut -f 2 -d' ') wait_for_compose $UUID rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartCleanup $CLI compose delete $UUID MANUAL=1 composer_stop rlRun -t -c "rm -rf /var/lib/lorax/composer/repos.d/*" composer_start rlPhaseEnd rlJournalEnd rlJournalPrintText